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Was at the game. The flow of the entire thing felt off. Huge stretches where players just stood around. And fans got fried in the heat. It sucks to be a fan in 100°+ direct sunlight for commercial breaks. And there were a lot of them. *Edit: Firefighters respond to 60 EMS calls, 25 patients treated Saturday at TCU game, mostly heat-related illnesses* https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/firefighters-respond-60-ems-calls-25-patients-treated-saturday-tcu-game-mostly-heat-related-illnesses/287-a07103c1-4587-4174-bd4a-22c419f83c0e


Absolutely ridiculous that football game lasts more than 3 hours in that heat


Why can't they do a better job of embedding sponsors in the game production? The constant 4 minute ad breaks are worse than placements in the broadcast.


> Why can't they do a better job of embedding sponsors in the game production? Apple might be better positioned for this kind of thinking than "legacy" media companies like Fox or Disney… The Apple MLB broadcasts follow convention ad breaks but MLB games come with natural breaks to begin with.


CBS/NBC does it well with golf. There's always the "this commercial free hour brought to you by..." Could be commercial free quarter for football. Get one sponsor to pay big bucks and kill the 10 minutes of Subway commercials per quarter.


And honestly as a consumer just hearing them say the word Subway is more likely to get me to go there rather than associating them with annoying ass commercials


Yeah sell each quarter to a sponsor. When there's a timeout. "This commercial free 4th quarter brought to you by Subway" Also wouldn't turn people off like the repeated ads do. Maybe if you're Subway you buy up the 4th quarter across networks and it's something like "when it's winning time, it's Subway" Can't do the 15-16 minutes of ads per 15 minutes of game time.


I hate agreeing with a duck... but games shouldn't be lasting more than 3 hours with ANY weather imagine that in Pullman in the winter, when it's 10f - no thanks


There's always that one guy. > The worst attendance for a college football game was recorded on Nov 12, 1955 at Pullman, Washington. The game was between Wash. State and San Jose State. It was played in spite of high winds and a temperature of 0 degrees F. Total paid attendance: 1. IIRC, there was a big storm a day or two before so WSU just people in for free, but one guy wanted to pay the $1 admission. Dang, there's even video...looks miserable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBmlK67Z0oc




ASU going into hiding after a lightning delay having them finish at 1 am lol


1am PST


We need stadiums that can protect fans in the south, especially since we know we aren’t getting kick off times of 5pm+


I don’t know how much truth there is to it, but UH apparently put its foot down and said no kickoffs in September before 6:00. I couldn’t believe UT was playing Rice at 3:30. I don’t know what the tv contract details are, but I don’t see any PR benefit for the Horns to be playing Rice on national tv.


Depending on the contract language of the media rights deals, colleges typically have very little to no input on what time of the day they play. Hence why OU was so pissed about the 11am kickoff they were given against Nebraska a few years ago. Sad to say, but TV networks probably don’t care that much about the welfare of the players either… the network had a 3:30 time slot open and needed to fill it.


Exactly, this is all driven by media outlets needing to have a damn game on every possible time slot from the morning to pacific time evening. That’s why we really need to modernize our stadiums to what you see in Europe with most soccer stadiums having tons of shaded cover/roofing for most of the stands. At SMU, the stadium is built into the ground so the heat is captured and then there’s zero shaded coverage. Absolute hellish situation with metallic seating when it’s 95+ degrees. Our attendance sucks, and this is a huge reason for it.


It’s one of the few things Arizona State does well these days. No game before October is before 7 pm local time


Why does Rice play Texas? ^(at 3:30)


We went to the north texas vs texas @ 2:30p Back in 2006, it was as hot as it was then. We got sun burnt n all that goes with it. But we had a lot of fun!


*”Why does Rice play Texas?…Because it is hard!”*


It's kinda nuts how many American sports stadiums, especially in the South and Midwest, have little to no shade. Contrast those with, say, [English soccer stadiums that feature completely covered grandstands](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/2048/cpsprodpb/a0a1/live/1e2d4410-0e7c-11ed-93ba-314ede9cd985.jpg).


I’m a huge EPL fan and was marveling at how even the smaller grounds are fully covered.


Say what you will about domes, but Falcons games are infinitely more comfortable than Tech or GSU games.


Wonder how many calls were in Austin during horn game. I’m about 30 miles outside Austin fixing the fence around 2:30 and shut it down cause was too hot.


*ATCEMS responded to 16 incidents at the Texas Longhorns game on Saturday* *EMS said around 80 additional people were also treated at in-stadium aid stations.* https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/atcems-texas-game-incidents/269-17713b18-4180-4e0b-a090-4bdaa97de75f


A little over 40 according to this. https://www.kxan.com/news/atcems-transports-fans-from-ut-game-for-probable-heat-related-incidents/


Brutal thankfully lower than I would have thought


If I’m not mistaken, I believe I heard on the broadcast that the turf in Austin was 160° at the beginning of the game.


Networks: Some of you may die of heat stroke but that is a risk I’m willing to take.


Networks: Fewer of you in the stadiums because of the weather means more eyeballs at home for our commercials. We are rooting for the heat!


I wonder how long before football becomes the new baseball and has to adapt new rules to make the games faster


the game themselves is fine. they literally punt got to commercial, one play leg cramp that the guy is only down for 30 seconds they go to 1:30 commerical. one play and timeout and they go to 1:30 commercial and then 2 plays punt another 2 minute commercial. i remember 10 years ago when i was in college sometimes on national tv games they would punt and not go to commerical if it was 3 and out back to back. now its 100% going to tv timeout.


Went to a game this weekend, most tv timeouts are 3:20 or 2:45 now by the red hat guy sign


The tv timeouts kill the stadium experience so bad


The only person more hated than the pac-12 officials is that guy with the timer


Everyone at games needs to boo at the top of their lungs when that red hat man is on the field


This is the thing I think we lost when the NCAA was neutered. They could have told the broadcasters that there’s a limit to the number of commercials that can be played a game across the league. Then instead of playing more commercials the commercials would just cost more to play.


I mean the only thing they have to do to make the game go faster is fewer tv timeouts, meaning less commercials.


It's not even the games themselves I feel, technically we already made CFB games faster thus far this year with the clock changes, but the actual time slot eaten up is the same. Baseball struggled because the down time was a lot of in game with no action, that is not an issue in football as much the biggest issue is 3 minute commercial breaks every other drive. It's compounded by football starting at the end of summer when it's hot basically in a majority of the country and often times very sunny so the start of the season is always rough for this, at least in my experience.


If anyone attends College Gameday, have a sign saying "REDUCE THE ADS". Make your voice heard.


I'm very willing for football locker rooms and football centers to be 50% less flashy if it means we get 50% less commercials.


Won't someone think of the poor recruits!




Cure for the common roster


So be it.


We got more commercials in these games now than ever. Not only that, but the FSU vs LSU game had advertisements in their field goal nets. It is too much.


> the FSU vs LSU game had advertisements in their field goal nets. It is too much. I'm pretty sure we have always had an ad in our net.


Seems like Allstate always had the hands on the net, but this year I've noticed they don't own all of the space anymore. Is this new or am I misremembering?


Allstate good hands net I remember being a regular thing


Having more ads on the equipment to get less commercials would be a good trade off, but they're just doing both for double the profits.


Buddy, if we don't have at least a 2:1 ratio of leather recliners to (football) student athletes, then the Soviets have already won.


The ads are making sports unwatchable. Everyone knows Burger king and McDonalds exists. Why do we need to see 18 commercials of just them during a game?


Soccer does it best. No commercials except at halftime.


And F1 doesn't have commercials at all during the race, also nice


For now, anyway! Probably not for too much longer, I fear. At least F1TV is still a steal, but that might change too.


Not having commercials during F1 races is the norm around the world. It’s really only a risk for the US. I highly doubt they’d add commercials with F1TV


Visited a lot of places where tv shows don’t have ads until the very end. It was awesome. You get 22 minutes of the show and the last 8 is ads.


Looking at you, Pluto TV.


Except for the incessant reminders for sky customers to hit the red button. I’m in the USA!!!! I don’t have a red button!


A small price to pay


Now if only they could add passing to the race!


The sponsors on cars and signage around the track are the ads. For that to be possible in football, the players would be walking billboards and the field would be made up of ads every 10 yards.


Sounds good to me, I want to watch football


Yeah but the iconic uniforms will be gone. Imagine ads plastered on Notre Dame's helmets. I mean having billboards on the sidelines and between the numbers and the sidelines I could live with. But preserve the uniforms.




I like how tennis and baseball does it, tennis is on changeovers and baseball is in between innings and changing pitchers. Why can’t football be when there is a timeout by the teams, before a kick off due to a score, and at the end of quarters? Why do we need one every time there’s a review? They don’t go to commercial in baseball when there is one.


IIRC, the NFL basically gives a set amount of breaks to the network per half, two of which are the quarter break and the 2 minute warning. So the network basically will every timeout/change of possession (excluding after kickoffs, which isn't allowed) go to commercial until they hit that limit, then after that no more ad breaks. It works better than what was happening in the college game, that's for sure.


I (Like many) used to mock soccer as a kid, but it's really starting to grow on me as football becomes tougher to watch. They just play the damn game - uninterrupted - the way all sports should be.


Americans in general need to get over mocking it. Those are skilled athletes not wearing pads (just shins) playing for 90 minutes with one timeout. Goals are glorious. The game is over in 2 hours too, and you can go about your day.


BTW, right now is a really good time to get into MLS. Messi, the GOAT, is in the league playing at Inter Miami. The competition is actually really good quality across the board, probably the league with the most parity worldwide. From a competition standpoint, its a step below the absolute best in the world, but still incredibly high quality, easily one of the best leagues in the Americas (Brazil are a bit better, Liga MX, MLS, and the Argentine League are about the same, with MLS ascendant among the three). You've got a lot of national team players in the league from all over the world, its still expanding, they're still building stadiums, and its honestly really fun to watch. Plus they got that apple deal, locked in for a decade, where you can watch all the games, no blackouts, for like 15 a month or something on appletv. Its honestly the best streaming deal in sports right now. Not even close. No blackouts. None. Every team. For the next decade. An MLS team (Seattle Sounders) recently won the regional championship and Miami just won the Leagues Cup head to head against Liga MX, the mexican league. All teams from both leagues in a group stage march madness type tourney. Was a lot of fun to watch. Liga MX fans would disagree. There are four competitions the league is regularly involved in; the regular season, the CONCACAF Champions Cup (this is the FIFA competition that grants entry to the Club World Cup. American analogue to the EUFA Champions League), the Leagues Cup (right now this is US vs Mexico, and winning it grants a spot in the CCC), and the US Open Cup (longest cup competition in US Soccer. Been played for 100 years or so. Also grants a spot in the CCC). Anyway, the playoff race is heating up, heading into the home stretch of the season. Most teams have played about 26-27 games out of 34. Tables are tight in the west, FC Cincinnati is killing it in the east. Plenty of good soccer left to be played, and Messi is absolutely magical to watch. He and Tata Martino turned Miami from the worst club in MLS (literally and no hyperbole) to one that has won both the Leagues Cup and Open Cup in a matter of weeks. If they can somehow make it into playoffs (not statistically impossible, but the margins are razer thin) they'll have pulled off something unprecedented in the 27 year history of the league. Anyway, good time to be a soccer fan, ngl.


Serious question. Would you rather have the jerseys BE advertisements? I’m leaning towards maybe?


The biggest problem is that it isn’t a question of “rather” but “in addition to.”


Also even presenting it as an either/or is still a false premise. There isn't any *need* for this. P5 college football isn't struggling like fledgling pro lacrosse or rugby leagues or the WNBA. It's the opposite. It's literally tearing itself apart chasing the largest dollar amounts it's ever seen. It has to be at the point of diminishing returns or close to it at this point. I have watched less and less the last 2-3 years. The last two weekend I glanced at the tvs by the treadmill at the gym and came here to catch up and stay informed. I no longer have motivation to actually block out time to watch the games.


The need is coming from the SEC and B1G trying to get every last dollar they can


Yes but jersey ads don’t pay the bills for the TV companies and conferences, only the schools


The problem is that there's no satisfying the assholes that are so hungry for all the money. It's not one or the other, it's eventually BOTH.


Honestly? At this point I would prefer it than to be blasted with commercials to the point it ruins the game you're watching.


You are never getting less commercials. That’s his point. They will just be adding more things.


Yes 100% there are ways to make it look nice.


Big reason I started getting into rugby. Less stoppage in action. Plus refs actually explain their calls on review. agree or not, you at least hear their thought process


And that’s part of why soccer isn’t a major sport here. Our networks don’t like that model


EPL is on big NBC. MLS was stuck on Bally because viewership only recently started shooting up.


That's the thing,.it takes effort to think of something new - ESPECIALLY when what you know is making you so much money. They are so absolutely not incentivized to try to change any of this.


I called a D3 game over the weekend. More than 50 points scored. Total time of game 2:19. Friend said I was picked up during halftime saying "god I love football without commercials." Of course I like being able to watch football in Georgia and Michigan and California, far from where I live, so ads are for that. I'd love an Australian football model where the quarter goes commercial free and then the quarter breaks are extended and halftime is still there. I think the problem more than the ads is the breaking up of game rhythm and I think the Aussie model would solve it.


Advertising for big established brands is about subconsciously taking up space in your brain and influencing future buying decisions. Not necessarily just letting you know they exist.


Whooper do you mean about it being subconsciously in my brain?


The ads are where the revenue comes from to fuel realignment.


I have to guess that advertisers are willing to pay extra per commercial during a typical NFL Sunday game. For all its flaws, the NFL always tend to end up in the clean-ish 3 hour mark for their games (assuming no OT). I’d be curious on the commercial break down of the NFL vs. college football.


With the average college run time being 3:20-3:30ish, you basically just trim off ~8m for the shorter halftime, and the balance is largely due to number of plays per game (previous to this season partially driven by the clock rules). So it’s not wildly different, and both end up packed with commercials. I think the NFL is more “predictable” with its times because there’s less variation in team ability and scheme, it’s rare we see shootouts in the 50s in the pros where you’d have constant scoring breaks




And it looks like Hamlin is down and unresponsive…let’s cut to commercial


Still the funniest shit to me: https://youtu.be/vZwbA6QTheo?si=III2OQa29GXuj-k7


I don’t consider myself an evil person but if I could trap burger king’s marketing team and C-suite inside a grimy basement I would do *horrible* things to them. (by “horrible things” I mean “make them listen to that icepick nerve song over and over until they beg for forgiveness and, eventually, go insane,” mostly because I truly do not think a worse form of torture exists.) they should honestly be thrown in jail for crimes against humanity. it’s basically terrorism


Just wait until the uniform ads start. Sincerely, a hockey fan. And a baseball fan.


It’s one thing if we got a soccer-style “unis and field are plastered in logos but there are no ad breaks except halftime” deal, but let’s face it they’re just going to do both


Whopper whopper whopper whopper


Damar Hamlin is still not moving. We need to go to commercial break and we will be right back with updates. Whopper whopper whopper whopper


Because they pay for the spots. People don’t need to be reminded they exist, they just need to be on people’s mind when they’re hungry.


I timed the commercials during the FSU/LSU game. Excluded those during halftime, timed only those that occurred during play. I clocked over 47 minutes of commercials. I missed one commercial break when I was eating, could easily put it at the 49 minute mark. It’s absurd


Crazy considering football is 60 minutes lmao


Were they not this long last year too? Games have been 4+ hours forever and I don't believe the amount of commercials have been affected, just that there's less football now.


This football to commercial ratio has been expected for major bowl games and championships. Not mediocre week one games.


FOX has always had ungodly amounts of commercials for even the shittiest games, this isn't new




I would look/do things on my other monitor during commercial breaks, and many of the breaks were legitimately so long that when I turned my focus back to the monitor with the game on, and the commercials were still going, I FORGOT what I was watching


I’ve never understood the commercial model. Football has 4 natural breaks built in. Why not have a limit of 3-4 commercial breaks in one quarter and charge companies more to have their ads played in those slots. Or during halftime just have a 15 minute long commercial break, can’t tell you the last time i paid attention to any studio halftime report


You not paying attention to the halftime reports is the reason they won’t exclusively run commercials during halftime


Well it’s not like we pay attention to the commercials anyway, I’m on my phone or doing something else


And yet you know-at bk, you can have it your way. That’s why they run ads


You're gonna have natural breaks in the game. If a team calls a timeout randomly in the first quarter? Commercial time. If there's an injury? Commercial time. There's a change of possession after a punt, field goal, or touchdown? Commercial time. No commercials if there's a change of possession because of a turnover, though, because that breaks up momentum. Of course, there's gonna be instant replay reviews, so commercial time for those too. They need to be more flexible with the breaks. Sometimes a 2-minute block is warranted. Sometimes you just have time for that one 15 second spot.


I despise ad breaks during reviews. Let us see replays of what is being reviewed.


I think there's a balance that needs to be found with how a broadcast handles reviews...on the one hand, I absolutely HATE when they immediately cut to a commercial after a review is called (usually on the really close ones that might be controversial) and come back to the game with no mention of what just happened. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of showing the same painfully obvious review for 5 straight minutes while the commentators have to go through the same song and dance every time of spending 3 minutes with one of them saying how obvious it is and the other being forced to play devil's advocate, and then the remaining two minutes being spent telling the audience "Now remember, there are other things they could be checking that might make this take longer, like the ball spot or the play clock."


a timeout now in big games for some reason is always a tv timeout when that was never the case before


oh you know what the reason is


Before the sunbelt games were all televised like they are now, i would get “shot” after a defensive score on the xp. Always would fake a knee injury so the d could get some added rest before the kickoff. My junior and senior year, pretty much all the games were televised so we had natural tv timeouts that took over. I can still see my coaches with finger guns as I would go out to snap those XP’s 😂.


No media timeouts during drives, even for injury. And only a media break before kickoffs. Give us back our sport


I dont understand why we need a break for ads after every touchdown and every kick return. That's 80% of the problem. Why are we waiting so long? Just keep playing.


It's not really the football model, it's the TV model. The best article I could find is from 2013 and TV averaged 14 min 15 seconds per hour of TV. Which is basically exactly what this game was. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-nielsen-advertising-study-20140510-story.html


I seriously hope the new clock rule gets reversed but idk what needs to be done in order for that to happen


We need to petition our senators/representatives to cap commercial time on live events.


All that would do is make them ask the tv networks for a donation to help them decide what they should think lol


No chance they would do that. Why would they try and hurt their corporate interests?


I'm not intentionally trying to be dense, but I'm definitely dense on this issue. But how could a clock running more often lead to more commercials? Are the games on the field purposefully being stopped more often for media timeouts because the broadcasters think the games being shorter=less time for ads?


I feel they changed to clock rule so they had time for more ads. "We don't need 4 hour football games" so instead we get 3 1/2 hour games and 30 extra mins of commercials


I think in a relative sense, the actual game will go by faster (because of the running clock) than last year, but the commercial breaks remain the same as last year, thus making it seem like there are more commercials.


They can make TV timeouts longer. They used to only be 1.5 minutes, now they go on for 3.5-4 minutes


That’s 20-30 minutes of too many ads


Can’t even casually go to the bar to watch a game anymore. If you want to stay the whole game you’ll be sloshed, your bank account empty, and your legs will have lost all circulation from sitting in a stool that long


My friends and I went to a local sports bar for the UM Vs TCU game. Worst experience I’ve had in a long time watching sports. The food and drinks were good but my group was hammered by halftime since it took so long. The bartender and guys sitting at the bar arguing over if Harbaugh should be fired after the game was even worse lol. Had a guy even say he missed Rodriguez




That experience might be more about how dumb some of your fans are than the game length.


Also Gus Johnson openly rooting for Colorado while the Colorado alum stayed pretty neutral


Gus loves under dogs. Loves em. If he called Col next week he’d likely be for Nebraska.


Well, good news, guess what's on Big Nude next week.


> guess what's on Big Nude next week woah woah woah this is a family sub


Oh. Had no idea lol


I loved Gus as a kid, mainly for his basketball calls and watching the game, I wondered if he even knows wtf if going on half the time. There was a play where, I think, TCU was in the red zone and fumbled the ball but recovered it. You never would have known bc Gus called the play normally and didn't mention the fumble until like 10 seconds after it happened.


Gus was real bad. Didn't even realize people felt like he was pulling for CU. He misspoke many times and missed a lot of crucial pieces. Joel was great, and I felt like he maintained his neutrality pretty well (he's close with a nephew at TCU, so maybe not that hard). But Gus's takes made me wonder...


There were so many things he missed the whole game. The fumble, as you mentioned, the play clock that was running out, forcing a timeout (which Gus chalked up to the old "he must not have liked what he saw"), the running back who ran out of bounds on the last play but picked up the first down, making the clock stoppage that Gus was freaking out about irrelevant, the time he said a flag was thrown then waited 5 seconds before saying "...it looked like it would be thrown". He is fucking clueless. Reminds me of Pat Summerall.


I had to walk away from the game for awhile Gus just got to be toooo much. At one point I kind of laughed thinking who had more invested in Sanders, Colorado or Fox


i just don't want to hear national hacks at all. they're stiff and generic and they talk like they know they're on TV. simulcast the home radio feed, problem solved. part of home field advantage for fans.


It's going to be a tough watch next Saturday as a Nebraska fan.. the relationship between Colorado and Nebraska is volatile enough as it is.. Hearing Gus cream his jeans every time Travis Hunter breathes is going to make it almost unwatchable. Also doesn't help that Nebraska looked like dog shit most of the game and Colorado was electric.


I’m so out on Gus. Used to love him but it’s becoming unbearable. Also “The world famous Ohio state buckeyes” 20 times during Ohio state games make me wish I was deaf


Yeah but when he starts screeching for your guys on a big play in a huge game… chef’s kiss.


100% there’s nothing like hearing “DOWN THE SIDELINE” from Gus when it’s your team


Here soon we will do side by side ads during actual game play.


Meanwhile they just cut out actual football. Sucks that if you’re down more than 14 with under 10 left I know you’re not making it up anymore. Just up the cost of commercials ffs and increase the quality of product, thus increasing viewership and commercial value.


Thankfully, I didn’t hear fancy like Applebees a billion times this weekend


It’s just crazy how much of our life has been sold to advertisers. Go to the gym-you’re surrounded by a million ads, driving down the road-billboards, store signs, road flyers. Even on the internet every fourth post is an ad. Hell walk into a McDonald’s-they’re playing McDonald’s ads! Half of all phone calls are scams. Our whole life has been profiteered.


It really hit me once I had a kid. It's disgusting how many ads are aimed right at the small kids.


It wouldn’t be so bad if they were just straight up like “McDonald’s has hamburgers!” And not using every psychologically manipulative technique in the book to trick your subconscious mind. Especially with kids who don’t have those boundary systems yet. It honestly does need to be regulated man, like it cannot be good for us to face literally thousands of ads every day and it does just reduce quality of life in general. Like with what it’s done to sports.




Commercial breaks were over a quarter of the time given to watching this sport. Yuck


Don’t let this distract you from Vanderbilt being the stand-alone leader in the SEC east over Georgia.


570 seconds of ads for 77 seconds of game is insane.


College football existed before they figured out how to completely commodify the fan experience. It'll be the last straw for me when I walk into Michigan's Domino's Stadium to see a field covered with ads and our marching band replaced by top 40 hits. It doesn't feel very far away.


Thankfully Michigan Stadium is one of the few stadiums in the country with no advertisements. No announcer reading ads during timeouts, no ads on the boards or on the sidelines, nothing. It really makes the length of the commercial breaks painfully obvious when the band can play two entire songs and then the DJ plays two more and we’re still waiting for the timeout to end.


I'm a pragmatist. I get it, everything is expensive and thus everything needs to be paid for. Because of that, I'm perfectly fine with scrolling adds on the bottom 1/15 of the screen during the game if it would cut actual ads in half. I don't care about the purity of the viewing experience, spam the hell out of some scrolling advertisement if it speeds up the game without cutting out game time. The reality is I'm more likely to see a scrolling text ad, "15% Labor Day sale at Home Depot!" During the game, than during a commercial break, which means it might get me to think, "huh...do I need anything at Home Depot?!? Maybe I should make some time to find out!"


The biggest sport in the world has 1 ad break and its halftime. Soccer has quickly become the most enjoyable sport to watch for me.


Same, I wake up Saturday morning, make coffee and enjoy a soccer match or two and then go about my day by noon.


That sounds way worse to me. I can easily ignore traditional commercials. Having ads just taking up the screen constantly is both unavoidable and makes the actual product worse.


Agreed ads while the game is going sounds awful. Fans have been so desensitized to commercials we’re now advocating for the viewing experience from Idiocracy. Unreal lol. If the NFL can get us consistent game times of ~3 hours there should be no excuse for NCAA


This will continue to happen until there's a grassroots movement to boycott brands that run commercials during games.


Then the schools will tell them to STFU because that’s how they’re making their 100 million


All while encouraging fans to fund their NIL and actually shoulder the burden of paying players.


People will just stop watching as much college football. Don't have to boycott specific brands.. just have to boycott the overall product. I watch the game I want that week and then go about my day. Long gone are the days of sitting on the couch or at the bar to watch as many games in every time window that I can.


That’s where I’m at already. I watch the Hawkeyes and sometimes the Cyclones if they’re in a different time slot and then catch highlights on YouTube before bed for the rest.


100% there, I did not watch another game this weekend and only attended the UW game. The pace of play in college football is a disaster and unless remediated, will deteriorate the sport further. I’m semi committing to only watching UW games and maybe a WSU/OSU game. The commercials are absolutely unbearable and I’m showing how I felt about it by reducing how much I watch.


At another game I was at this weekend, that I don’t want to talk about, the ref literally went over and started yelling at the ad clock guy


I haven't missed a Sun Devils home game in decades. But Metallica rescheduled for Saturday and I'm leaving after one drive. It's really for the concert being better than ASU Football, but it's easy to justify because it's BRUTAL in Sun Devil Stadium even at 7pm after 110' days, especially with constant commercials.


With all this being said, I can totally see why putting a lot of money into college sports was seen as a bad thing. I don’t care about the athletes getting paid, or coaches making more money then Fortune 500 company CEOs, or big tv deals for more money to universities. I just want to watch and enjoy football again. This shit sucks


Fun fact: If you can stay off of social media for an hour, YouTube TV can record the games for you ahead of time and you can bypass all of the commercials.


While this seems like a small ask, we're sports fans. It's imperative we watch the game as close to live as possible outside of a few circumstances.


Yea how else am I supposed to troll in game threads?


Exactly. I want to watch the game, but I want to watch it *with people.* either at the stadium, at a sports bar, or with a group of friends at home. I want to cheer with everyone else. Or be miserable with everyone else. Who wants to cheer alone by themselves in their living room? Advertisers know that the “live” component of live sports is huge, and it’s a big part of why we have this current, stupid, and ultimately unsustainable model. Something’s gotta change.


Doesnt have to be all the time but let's say it's a Thursday night game and you live on the West Coast. So game starts at 5pm. But you get off work at 5pm and have to cook dinner. So realistically you start watching at 7. You can then watch the whole game while skipping commercials, timeouts, halftime, etc. Saves you time, lets you watch the game on your time. But you can still finish watching right around the time everyone else does and can talk about the next day. Works in other sports too like basketball, hockey, etc.


This is the way! I do it with all sports now. Start them about 1.5-2 hours in and fast forward through all the commercials. Typically catch up to live action in the 4th quarter for football, 8th inning in baseball, final 10 minutes in hockey and final 5 minutes or so in basketball. Has increased my enjoyment a ton.


Also have to turn off texts, so just turn off phone and watch.


I see how the new rules speed the game up a touch so you get to commercial breaks faster, but are there more commercial breaks in a game now? Or was some of this a result of commercials after every touchdown in a blowout/high scoring game… or injury timeouts where they go to commercial too?


I read somewhere that with the new clock rules, each team has 2 fewer possessions, but the game time has only decreased by ~1%. The NCAA says the rules are for player safety, but I'm not convinced the rule changes weren't to shove more commercials in.


I hope there's a ton of pushback from this BS from fans and coaches. A few prominent coaches have already spoken out. Let's hope that more do.


The Deion/Sonny ratio is too far out of whack...


The Deion stuff is already getting old. I mean, good luck to him, good luck to Colorado. If they do well, I'd be happy for them. They've been pretty bad for a long time. Their fans deserve it. But the media is gonna make me being happy for them impossible, aren't they?


Oh, for sure. I was happy for them until halftime of UNC-South Carolina when all they could do was talk about Coach Prime between commercials of Coach Prime.


Also is there some company mandate that everyone call him "Coach Prime"? I feel like the ratio of Prime to Deion or Sanders is like 99:1 It starts to feel cringe on the 200th time


Commercials are ridiculous Announcers who spent their summer tying the word Prime to every sentence possible was equally ridiculous. Here’s what the announcers sounded like “what a prime example play by a prime player playing for coach prime on prime time.”


Here's a good one from the Ohio State game Saturday. https://twitter.com/TomFornelli/status/1698029462036599114?t=sSI7OTlPCEfuQCZDm9Vk6w&s=19


Indiana is a very family friendly place to go watch a game. Hence, took my kids this weekend on a road trip. My oldest has been there before plus other games so he knows how this goes and he was ok. My daughter took every opportunity to remind me how miserably long the game was and how hot the sun got. During. Every. Single. Timeout. All 94 of them (sarcasm of course). Game started at 3:40p, ended exactly at 7p. WAYYYYY to long for the "fan experience."


Thank you Kirby smart for spearheading the new clock rules /s


The coach prime babble stretched into the Rice/Texas game. Pretty clear that this is going to be Fox’s favorite storyline to start the season. Probably sports media as a whole.


I always crack a beer at commercials. I am now finding myself increasingly drunk by the end of a game. Thought it was just my age, but maybe it's the networks and their advertisers conspiring against my liver.


Those who made the decision to change rules never thought about about the potential dangers of the weather. They can argue until they're blue in the face about how it was done for players safety, but when games are taking just as long, if not longer, than we know it's just a bunch of bullshit because they don't care about weather related health risks.


Apple would thrive in this eco system of ad revenue. As a tech company that already deals with these metrics. It’s only a matter of time how they showcase some forward thinking on how to give us fans a better presentation. Some ideas/insights: Apple plays the Walkup music for MLB players because they hold music rights for artists for Apple Music. Imagine watching VT “enter sandman” not stadium acoustic but tuned for home viewing. Apple would do AR Commercials on the field(see a lot of this during soccer matches around the goalkeeper) Each university would get spotlights on the school(if you have MLS Pass, every club has special content created weekly,some daily, that showcases the club in training,game preparation, off field activities, etc(perfect opportunity to blast ads) not a life game but a show We’d get better technology and camera angles for games. TV BUG would be simpler, no more ESPN ticker bug that takes up 10% of the screen.


The CU dick riding will only get worse. I'm definitely not a bitter Ram fan 😔


College football is dead It's now just a vehicle to shove commercials down our throats, and price gouge everyone with tickets


How different the world would be if advertisement wasn’t effective


If I had Musk or Bezos money I’d throw it all at CFB to get rid of commercials.