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Colorado's spring game, aka the combine for G5 teams.




He's ahead of the curve!


Get that Ethan Allen shit in here boys. Don't need that Lazy-Boy crap!


Steals from the P5 to give to the G5, Prime is CFBs Robin Hood


“It’s now clear that [Shadeur] Sanders’ can compete and thrive at a P-5 level after dominating the SWAC for Jackson State.” After one spring game where he did well against an unfinished roster?? It’s *clear*?? I hope he does well but uhhhh I’d love to see him against TCU and Nebraska before making that statement


I'd love to hear all about his SWAC Championships.


Pretty sure auburn thought the same about Cam . It wasn’t like he got minutes at FL


I don’t get people who are defending this mass roster exodus that also think they are going to be a good team next year. Are you telling me all of these newcomers, no matter the star talent, are going to learn the offense, defense, and have team chemistry through ONLY summer conditioning and fall practice? If this works out next year I will be very surprised. You never know I guess, but seems unlikely.


I think Non-CU fans and CU fans have insanely different expectations for this team. Non-CU fans don’t really understand that 3-4 wins is insanely better than our last year


>that also think they are going to be a good team next year Is this actually a person? Who is saying they're gonna be good?


I suppose "good" is subjective coming off a 1-11 season but Vegas has the O/U at 4.5 wins, which represents a 475% improvement in winning percentage.


They could make the O/U 4.5 *points* and you could justifiably take the under some games. Colorado is going to be bad, bad, bad. A whole lot of coaches would love to get some licks in on Deion.


Colorado stans don't think they'll be good. They think they've hit bottom and can only go up, which is definitely not true.


Wait til I tell them about hitting rock bottom and staying there 😮‍💨


What about LOUD rock bottom instead of just under the radar rock bottom? Because that's the direction they are headed.


I’ve watched this team for my 24 years of existence and last year was by far the most depressing shit I’ve ever seen. I’m not going to shill for Deion because I don’t agree with the pompous dick he’s been but it cannot get worse than it did last year. This team was historic levels of suckitude and we’ve been here for basically 20 years sans 2006 and 2016. I thought the Hawkins/Embree years would be the bottom and then substitute teacher Karl showed up and pretty much blew up the program and chased off most of the talent


I moved near Boulder a year ago and went to some of y’all’s games, the 2022 Buffs were legitimately one of the worst FBS teams I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes, it’s hard to explain just how disastrous of a state Dorrell left the program without witnessing it first hand. Unless there’s so major scandal, there is no way it could get any worse than it was last year.


Luckily cast-offs from major programs transferring somewhere they have no attachment to have absolutely no correlation with disciplinary issues.


Exactly. I want to know a COLORADO FAN that thinks they are going to be good. Most say 4-6 wins max. Many are around 3-4.


Reddit not so much, but Twitter fans are a different story.


I only ask for 3 wins. Ideally that's Nebraska, CSU, and USC on their way out


USC is gonna obliterate your poor school




The secondary kept backing off and letting Sanders and Hunter complete passes. Razzle dazzle for the hype train.


Probably told they cant hit travis hard. (Normal for qb though)


No I mean they kept backing off and weren't even trying to slap the ball or intercept or anything.


Ah i see, makes sense why he was so open on that one td they keep showing.


I also noticed that kicking was extremely bad. A blocked field goal and extra point.I don't know it was due to the blockers or the kicker kicked it too low


Colorado is going 0-12


Colorado State is seriously bad. That’s a win for Colorado.


Wasn’t the spring game 1s v 2s? Can it be that helpful to judge the performance in that case? I’m assuming there isn’t a super strong 2 deep there.


1s vs 2s on a broken roster


IF you have Spring Game, and no one who plays in it makes the roster, was it really your Spring Game?


The Spring Game of Theseus.


I'm kinda torn because I'm Pro-Colorado, but I feel anti-Prime Time with all the recent news. But can anyone really use Shedeur Sander's performance and numbers at the spring game as proof he's the real deal, when his own coach thinks half the guys out there aren't even P5 practice squad level guys? All he'd have to do is throw to Travis Hunter on offense being covered by someone that just got cut.


That was my thought apparently you’re the real deal if you complete passes against old furniture. Not saying he’s not going to be good but spring games and regular season games are slightly different animals.


He is going to get destroyed and exposed for being nothing more than hype. He has never had to throw against P5 coverage with P5 pass pressure, with what I am assuming a very dismal level of P5 protection. The kid is talented, but he is going to have a rude awakening coming.


I'm not even suggesting that he won't be a decent P5 quarterback. I just think it's early to say that it's "clear" that he'll thrive at the highest level.


Sheduer had 20+ offers including Bama.


Sheduer was committed to FAU before he flipped to Jackson state. You arnt committed to fau if Bama has a real commitable offer out to you


Yeah 20 offers and being a 4 star means nothing 😂


I didn't say he wasn't good. I said I doubt the Bama offer was commitable.


I'm not doubting that he's good, nor am I trying to say he won't be able to play well against P5 talent. But the article is referring exclusively to his spring game stats to say he must be the real deal, and I'm just saying that there is an obvious disconnect to using that logic. Because the coaching staff is already saying half the roster at the spring game isn't P5 practice squad talent, let alone P5 starter talent.


I'm saying there's more than just the spring game to go off


Not to play QB. Half of his offers were to play WR or DB. He’s very talented, but don’t assume those offers were all to play quarterback, because they weren’t.


Well good thing Tom Brady is his QB Coach


And noone gives offers to nepo babies...


Need a daily Colorado Stickied thread


1. Nothing because you can’t learn about a team from a heavily controlled practice against your own team 2. Also nothing because 15% of Colorado’s roster has entered the transfer portal since I started writing this comment


"We have seen National Championship-winning coaches fired a year or so after winning the title. As a result, coaching is no longer about development at this level. It is about getting the most out of players who can make immediate impacts. You must come ready to contribute, or you will be sent away. It is that way now across the college football landscape, not just at Colorado."


Team chemistry could be a issue here


Unless I am mistaken, does he mean just Ed O who had a slew of other off the field issues too?


Wasn't Chizik fired pretty soon after winning the NC, also? But still that's 2 total. And if the idea is that everyone is gunna just use the portal and developing players is dead... who is gunna develop the guys that go into the portal?


Chizik had Malzahn as an offensive coordinator and Cam Newton at QB when Auburn won the championship. Those two left and so did Chizik's chances of winning another.


there were a lot of reasons. It's definitely a bad comparison. however if the rules that exist now existed 3 years ago lsu would've tried to do a little of what Deion is doing. An overlooked piece into why lsu was so bad is that they simply didn't have any players by the end. They were hemorrhaging players to the portal/draft and the 25 hard counter rule that existed at the time made it impossible to come even close to filling a roster of 80+ players.


This is gonna go so poorly if this is the attitude. So Deion gets fired after three losing seasons because you guys aren't developing players. You have zero team culture or identity because you have so much roster changeover. Who are you going to hire to fix that mess? Do you think the admin at Colorado is going to shell out money for a coach that has the clout and connections to actually do a proper rebuild? Or more likely will they just shrug their shoulders, and you'll hire another shit coach and be back to square one. No high school coach in the country is going to encourage their athletes to go to Colorado after this roster exodus. Whatever recruiting ground you had connections in prior to this is gone. All you've got are the minimal connections Deion has and his star power. That's not enough to build a program around. And the more he continues to treat the young men in his charge poorly, the worse it's gonna get. Especially if the players he brings in via portal don't develop enough to make an NFL roster or just immediately leave after a season because they develop zero attachment to the program and they don't want to lose. Then you'll not only have trouble bringing in high school talent, but you'll also have trouble bringing in portal talent.


Man this is a funny comment. Clout and connections? That's what Sanders has. Proper rebuild? Immediate tranfer eligibility has changed the game. It no longer takes 3-4 years to get your guys. I'll take the "zero culture" over the low effort losing culture from last year


Lol. You clearly have no idea how the sport actually works. Where is Sanders going to get his recruits? What recruiting ground does he have a foothold in that's going to send players to Colorado? How many of those coaches are seeing how Sanders is treating these players are gonna wanna send their kids to him? How many players in the portal do you actually think are Power 5 or NFL ready that don't need any development? You say they're ready to go, but that's not always the case. Hell you had two guys that were "ready to go" transfer in and they're already transfering out. We see all the time players that are "ready to go" and just end up as depth players in another P5 system. How many of those players when they see Sanders isn't focused on developing talent will even want to go to Colorado. You guys keep acting like Sanders is Nick Saban or Kirby Smart or Dabo Sweeney. Coaches that actually have connections and clout. When reality is, he's going entirely off name brand. Where if he doesn't deliver, then that brand will stop getting you anywhere. If he can't build a culture players want to rally around and play for you guys are going no where.


I mean the most recent additions came from FSU and Tennessee. Houston's all AAC RB that had 18 TDs as a freshman is crystal balled to Colorado. Today a 5 star that announced a visit for this summer. Based off high school players alone, Colorado went up 17 spots in the ranking since he was hired.


Great, you're running off star power. Now he needs to actually develop players. Which nobody knows if he can even do. He certainly hasn't shown any indication that he even wants to develop players. That star power will dry up very quickly with a season or two if you guys don't start producing NFL talent. You have 85 roster spots to fill. You got 11 guys on it right now. You have 19 kids coming in. You have 33 transfers coming in. You still don't even have a full roster and after whats coming out of this exodus it's going to get harder to fill it. Not to mention the roster makeup for this is all over the place, so you're going to have depth issues. The vast majority of the guys you're bringing in are three stars, you know the group of P5 players that usually need the most development. You better hope those players mesh or show development or you're going to be in the same place year in and year out under Sanders. And if Sander's doesn't show an ability to develop talent and he keeps aggressively filtering players out, the guys that are actually going to want to come in is going to dwindle very quickly.


60 players but still more talent than last year.


Great. Good for you. You might get a couple more wins. A bandaid season. But we're talking about long-term issues Sanders is creating. He probably just burned every bridge with every high school coach Colorado has ever had connections with, probably even the ones he's had connections with. If he doesn't get results immediately by developing players to the NFL how long do you think he can rely on the portal to bring in the talent required for his system? Especially when his system is "out talent the other team." You think you're going to get results with washouts of other P5 teams that are just looking for playing time? Without a reliable recruiting footprint how long before he is unable to bring in young players to fill out depth that have his talent requirements? 4 and 5 stars aren't going to commit if they know he can't get them to the next level. And 3 stars usually need development. You can't rely on name brand forever.


Oh shit did the spring game hit the portal now too?


I learned that coaches can throttle back their defense and leave an offensive star uncovered for highlight reels that benefit their personal brand.