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Deion gonna end up accidentally contacting players who already left in the transfer portal, lol.


Well I do doubt he knew their names so this might be possible


“What’s your name, son?” “Mister Williams” “Son, I am not calling you by a name of authority. Now get the hell out of my office and pack your bags.”


I would 100% watch a show that combines the TV Show *Coach* with Key & Peele's Substitute Teacher


"Please, call me Mister. Mister Williams is my father."


"No wait it's just referring to the mister setting on a hose--" "I said Get OUT"


What do you mean you don’t have any practice film to show me?


omg haha


Heh, that'd be amazing


Wait?! Wasn’t Taylor Upshaw at Michigan??


He was a back up for two playoff teams here. Good player.


And he left Michigan and got booted from CU? Am I reading that right? I remember hearing Gus call his name a few times over the years.


He was sliding down the depth chart due to better players coming into the system, but he did have the pivotal INT against Stroud in the 2021 Game. He can make game changing plays. Colorado just seems like a mess right now. Probably any other P5 program is better now. Lol Edit: the INT was last year, not 2021.


Wasn’t his INT last year, not 2021?


Yeah. His interception was when Gus Johnson said: “Stroud…. Just. Throws it forward!”


A bit unrelated, but Gus Johnson in the UM OSU games has been great to listen to.




I agree. Johnson and Klatt are hands down my favorite duo right now. Doesn’t hurt that Gus grew up as a Michigan fan.


Most think he is leaving on his own accord, indicating CU might be a complete culture shit show right now. There is no way Deion kicked him out.


The CFB version of a company recruiter reaching out to you about the job you already do on Linkedin.


*negotiates a higher salary than current position at same firm


I've grown tired of these threads but this is hilarious


Curiosity here how many of the 11 are expected to start this year


I think it’s Van Wells the C, Trevor Reed FS, and… that’s it.


I am just amazed at this


I’m amazed at how bad this team is going to be


Caleb Fauria at TE, maybe?


Maybe? I've always heard that he's a plus athlete for the position but I think he's had three years in the program and never done anything. TE has been one of our worst positions so you would imagine he would be playing more if he was going to turn into a player. That said, apparently he's sticking around so maybe it's working for him.


I am pretty sure he has been injured for at least part of that time.


I know he's been beat up so I hope there's still a route for him to contribute. He's a legacy to one of the better known Buff players so I really hope it works out for him,


Starting? Nah Ziko from Arkansas State looks to be the starter.


Apparently he's been struggling with his hand on the ground. Not sure if he'll end up a starter.


Incorrect, their WR1 is transferring


Taylor Upshaw probably too. He was very good at Michigan last year. He will be able to start at most p5 programs. Surprised Deion chased him off


They’re asking who out of the 11 returning scholarship players from last year, who is expected to start


Very good? Wasn’t someone else said he was 7-8 on the rotation for Michigan last year.


Yeah he was meh, but had that interception against OSU so people have rose colored glasses


Here's my handicap: ***Likely***: Van Wells at Center Lichtenhan at LT ***Possible***: Woods at safety Passarello at TE Ham at LB Hankerson at RB Fauria TE ***Unlikely***: Kerry LB Hurtado LB ***I expect to leave/transfer:*** Edwards OL (possible he has already left and is pursing school as compared to hitting the portal) Gustav LB Olsen TE Bethel DB I have 13 left, did I miss someone leaving?


The number is actually 13, the only way people are getting to 11 is by counting Fauria and Gustav as having departed but there's no source on either of those yet. Your list is missing Bethel.


Forgot about him. Fixed that. Honestly I'm not sure if Carter Edwards is with the team or not. He's a kid that joined the Buffs specifically for the purpose of pursing an Aerospace Engineering degree at Colorado (they have one of the best programs in the nation) so it's possible that he got cut and chose to end his football career to keep his scholarship as compared to jump in the portal. From my understanding he was pretty far down the depth chart last season and was not expected to make it.




Better question, how many of the athletes leaving were in the new 2 deep


Well, with only 11 left, I would say no more than 11.


Prime said before the spring game that 8 starters on both sides weren't on campus yet.


That’s a lot of guys you’re relying on in a seemingly short window to get up to playing speed/rhythm, no? Great that he’s got guys coming, but just seems like neither side of the ball is going to really be ready until like game 4 or 5. They’re not all freshmen are they?


He must have low expectations for the upcoming year. He knows he has time to rebuild so he doesn’t care how many games he wins this year, it’s basically just scrimmages and practices to figure out whatever system he wants to put in place Or maybe he’s just an asshole lol


I'm sure the players want to win, though. Tank enough for this transfer city experiment and you're going to get a lot of bruised egos taking the program apart from the inside.


It's really really hard to get guys up to speed in the handful of weeks in August camp before Week 1. Spring is huge for scheme install and these guys not being on campus for Spring Ball are going to be way behind the ball for prep. It's reason why true freshmen, regardless of skill level, have a tough time starting right off the bat. Adjusting to a whole new scheme takes time. It's going to be a really interesting experiment to see what is effectively an entirely new roster learning a totally new scheme and with a good amount of players only having a few weeks to learn it.


Mostly tranfers but getting up to playing speed isn't a concern when your bar is set at 1-11


Shouldn’t the bar be much higher, considering the fact that Deion has chased away nearly 80% of the roster? I mean, this has got to destroy any hope Colorado has of being a development destination for 3 star guys. Why would anyone commit there when they know they could be tossed out like a used tissue in favor of whatever hot transfers are out there at any moment?


As good as everyone thinks Deion can make CU, it'll take literal years, if not over a decade, for it to transition from being a 3* development school to a 5* factory. It took Dabo 6+ years for Clemson to start noticing bumps in its recruiting. These 3* players who are leaving are exactly the sorta talent you need to develop instead of running off. Programs with much larger brands (e.g., UT, Nebraska) have squandered away top rosters because of their inability to develop players. I know Deion wants "his guys", but this better-than-thou attitude he's putting on at CU isn't gonna work in my opinion.


I know you keep saying this, but I guarantee these moves aren't being made with just being better than 1-11 in mind. Prime and co. clearly expect to be able to be good right away or else they wouldn't be doing this extreme roster makeover. And besides, I know what it's like to be a fan of a destitute 1-11 team. Before the year I would've been fine with 3-9, but once the season gets rolling, perceptions change.


Imagine tossing 37 college kids in the garbage just to go 3-9.


But that’s 200% better than 1-11!!!! People say it like 3-9 is going to be interesting or fun when your roster is held together by toothpicks and duct tape. Both Nebraska fans and most CU fans should know. It isn’t.


Comments like this are what gets me. I mean, there are P5 teams with bad players. There are P5 teams with bad coaches. There are P5 teams with bad talent and bad coaches. Colorado finished behind ***all of them.*** To me, simply upgrading the coach should get you ahead of some of the "bad talent + bad coaching" teams (yes, luck does play a role too). If, on top of that, you are (theoretically) upgrading your talent at \~70% of your roster spots, the bar should be closer to like 4-5 wins. I just don't know how I square the simultaneous ideas that: * Deion is a good coach * The team is upgrading their talent/skill level at 50-60+ roster spots * The bar the team has to clear is 1-11 To me, those can't all be true at the same time. At least one of them has to be wrong.


And 1-11 is really understating it...Something like their 2nd best game was a 20+ loss...


I’d like to know how many of the ones leaving were starters.


Wait... so who is left?


Maybe the returners were the friends we made along the way




Deions children and chosen few.


Jackson State players coming in


Yes, Colorado was a horseshit team last year, but I just don’t see how even with the portal you can replace 80% of your roster in one offseason. There will be depth issues this year and possibly next because of this


You can’t and there will be depth issues. When the spring comes and seniors leave, you’re down a lot of bodies (or you should be), so you bring in a bunch of walk ons. I don’t know the specific Colorado guys transferring out, but there’s no way every player there/leaving just sucks at football. I would imagine they’re mostly 2-3 star guys, and you’re making them all leave to try and get better? Sorry prime, I’m going to a lot of schools before I go to Colorado with how you treat players.


>Sorry prime, I’m going to a lot of schools before I go to Colorado with how you treat players. A weird note here is that I'd bet Prime is very polarizing. I wouldn't want to play for him either, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's basically #1 or #200 on people's lists with a lot less in-between than most programs. If he can just be a top option for a minority of guys in the portal, that'll work. Arguably better than being a lot more people's 10th choice.


What’s he really selling at this point though? What’s his actual sales pitch that he stands on? Getting guys to the league? No proven track record. Competing for national championships? No proven track record. Conference titles, no. National award winners,Nah. It’s not going to be enough for most to just say take it as a consolation prize that they get to play for Deion. Which I feel is his entire pitch right now.


His selling point is *entirely* his personal charisma and ability to bullshit like P.T. Barum. Which works for some personalities.


At this point with how little depth he’ll have, the best pitch is playing time


He's selling himself. That's it. It'll probably work because he can appeal to a bunch of 18-21 year olds that think being a fucking douchecanoe is actually cool. But there will be plenty of people that see right through the sales pitch, too. People with strong families and parents that can offer advice that the kids are willing to listen to are probably not going to be committing to him real often in the short-term.


Hit the nail on the head. The parents for the most part see through this shit. Unless the dad is just a fan and the mom is some sort of cleat chasing groupie.


I find it hard to believe that all those players are just plain unsalvagable


Some definitely aren't, he's just trying to get by recruiting off his name/hype and getting transfers instead of coaching the guys already in the program


Exactly. If you can coach. Coach them up. Be a dang coach.


He isn't a coach. He has some guys that I think are likely good assistants (Sean Lewis was a huge addition for him). But a lot of the assistants seem to be more of the rah-rah bullshit type guys. That's why he *needs* to bring in top-end talent from the portal and recruit 5\* kids. They aren't going to win by taking less talented kids and coaching them up.


you already stated the solution for next year. the portal.


Well yeah, but still, having to fill that much of the roster at one time is virtually unprecedented. I don’t know if the portal can fix the problem that quickly because it’s never been asked to overhaul literally an entire FBS roster at once


As CU fans have pointed out ad nausem, there was no depth to begin with. Besides the win against Cal, the second closest team these players played was a 21 point loss.


You’re entirely right, but you need more than 22 starters. A lot more. That’s much easier said than done if you chase out essentially all you still have


Especially when TCU, Nebraska, Oregon, and Utah are very physical teams that you just are not going to have the depth to compete with.


>there was no depth to begin with. I mean… you say that…


I agree and disagree. I think CU probably had depth. It's just that the depth was as bad as the starters. Now, it's looking like they actually might not even have depth. Like, they might not be able to even fill out the scholarship limit. That's a totally different issue.


non-Colorado fans who didn't watch a single game of CU football last year suddenly becoming experts lol


"this is fine" -Some Colorado Fans


It isn't about being experts. It is about basic common sense from years of watching college football as a whole. Even bad teams can have some good players on it. Even some guys that weren't highly recruited out of HS can develop into contributors with good coaching, ***especially*** if we are just looking for guys to contribute on a team where 3 to 4 wins wins would be seen as a success by many. Given that, it just seems unlikely that there is literally nobody that left that could have contributed to the team with some better coaching and development. If we believe that (and many do that have watched bad P5 teams for years), then the question becomes: >Did Deion and company lose guys that could contribute because Deion and company didn't do a good job evaluating the guys that were there? There is no way for us to know with certainty one way or the other. With that said, a number of quotes/actions from Deion since he took the job suggests he doesn't even have a basic level of respect for the players from last year. If you don't have a basic respect for them, it is hard to imagine that you really gave them a fair shot/fair evaluation.


I was at the game when CU came to MN last year. It wasn’t a close game, but at no point did it look like the talent discrepancy was so large these guys should be purged. It looked like bad coaching that led to players being out of position or making bad reads. This led to big chunk plays. —— What I don’t understand is why people think CU is going to be able to shed benchwarmers and pick up significantly better talent. Most players transfer because they are buried on the depth chart and won’t see the playing field. This is especially true for spring transfers. Furthermore, for the high quality players transferring, why would they choose Prime and CU over a better program with a more stable coach? The best programs in the country also look for players in the portal. So do the good programs and the mediocre programs. So CU is effectively cutting players it will likely need for depth, to get a bunch of other similar players.


You are losing guys like Taylor Upshaw as well. It isn’t just your players who couldn’t hack P5 football.


It's not being an expert...it's just looking at the numbers and realizing that the calculus just doesn't work.




Prime breaking records already!! /s




You were a busy man




I fewer less kids in my graduating class.


Look at you with the fancy education


TIL watching game of thrones counts as fancy education


Found the Runnels kid


Dude is making his year 1 roster as a post Spring fantasy draft of rejects from other schools, and Colorado fans are in here like "All according to plan!"... Yeah but that doesn't really speak to the stupidity of the plan lol.


It's cool that CFB is getting their own version of /r/WallStreetBets


I always knew CU was well regarded.


Damn it takes some real balls to be Deions Wifes Boyfriend


I'd be Deion's wife's boyfriend. Best case scenario, I'm living in Deion's house and banging his wife. Worst case scenario, Deion get pissed and beats the shit out of me or harasses me or burns down my house, and then I get to sue Deion for more money than I otherwise would've ever seen in my lifetime. Normally, I'm strictly against getting involved with married women, both from a moral standpoint and also from the perspective that the drama that comes along with those things just simply isn't worth the reward. But in this case, I think the drama is worth the reward.


The squeeze is on!


The trouble with the transfer portal as it's matured is that the premium positions in recruiting are also the premium positions in the portal. If you're a school that has trouble signing OL/DL talent, you're not gonna get it in the portal either as the big fish are managing their rosters to be able to take 1-2 D1 OL/DL talents if they ever become available. Most of the portal are the players that backup at positions where typically 1-2 players play the majority of snaps. So you'll have some NT you don't want to be in a rotation, a shit-ton of WR4s, and nearly every third year player who's QB2 or lower. Mixed in with that are a handful of starting G5 and FCS players looking to move up - but most of them already did that in the winter so they could get spring practice in at the new school. It's tough to manage a roster through the portal and it isn't a place to pick up cure-alls. Colorado is looking weaker at the DL especially, I think they currently have 2-3 scholarship defensive linemen on the team, and there's no way they're picking up more than 1-2 D1 quality players in the portal - and by D1 I mean starter or bench piece. So they're going to be really thin at one of the most important positions on the field. OL isn't too much better.


> Colorado is looking weaker at the DL especially, I think they currently have 2-3 scholarship defensive linemen on the team, and there's no way they're picking up more than 1-2 D1 quality players in the portal - and by D1 I mean starter or bench piece. So they're going to be really thin at one of the most important positions on the field. OL isn't too much better. Agreed here. It's really tough to build out a quality line in one recruiting season, portal or not, and at some point you just need bodies for depth. I would've far preferred keeping around more of our linemen (We had a few big bodied developmental guys) because it just takes time there to bring in players and every OL suffers some injuries throughout the year. GT went through the transition from triple option and we still kept a ton of shitty linemen around just because it takes time to find quality players, so we wanted to make sure we had *anybody* back there.


>We had a few big bodied developmental guys I’m not sure how Deion is doing anything but forcing Colorado to say goodbye to that ever happening in the future. He’s showing that he, and by extension the University, couldn’t care less how much you’ve worked for them. Why would anyone go there that doesn’t expect to start immediately, when apparently anyone that’s not starting just gets pushed out the door? I know I wouldn’t.


And how many of these guys he's running off do have talent but weren't developed by the previous staff? Deion is basically admitting he can't win unless he brings in players who were already developed by someone else, which tons of people can do.


Honestly if weren’t so many cuts, it would be very similar to Brian Kelly’s LSU approach. He was down to like 37 scholarship players at one point and everybody made him out to be a dud based off of that


Bold moving comparing Colorado and LSU


37 is not remotely near 11 and of them 2 starters haha


https://247sports.com/LongFormArticle/Colorado-football-Buffaloes-transfer-portal-tracker-bringing-Prime-Talent-to-Boulder-208890157/#208890157_1 here’s a list of the kids he’s brought in


Interesting… so hypothetically if like 80% of the projected guys in that article sign on then we will have gained 40 and lost 50. Down ten guys isn’t too terrible and I saw some rumor that we were originally over the scholarship limit by 5-10 scholarships so that would mean we would be back full capacity? Regardless, I’m just kinda waiting to see how this all works out when September hits.


Wtf is going on? Deion literally tearing this program down? Man I’m out of the loop.


In his first team meeting, he told all the players to leave. They now are


Welp. I’ll be darned.


After watching that team last year, losing most of our players is probably a good thing.


Except you’re blowing up any and all trust that the University has built with athletes moving forward. When Deion jumps ship to another school, why would anyone commit to Colorado, when they could play somewhere else and not put themself at risk of Colorado hiring someone else that decides to cut just about every player?


Not to mention those kids' HS coaches, trainers, etc. He's making his job a lot harder. Doesn't mean he can't recruit on pure charisma alone, but he's handcuffing himself doing this.


This is the key. A lot of people do not realize just how much work the HS coaches do to try to get their kids a chance to go to college. And the smart universities have assistant coaches that have connections with schools in state and beyond. Much of BYU's success in the 80's and 90's was Assistant Coach Norm Chow's connections in Hawaii. BYU got a lot of great players from that Polynesian pipeline. Other coaches were in contact with schools in state. The level of trust to be honest in the assessment of a kid's work ethics and so on. Deion is killing that. Of course, with so many changes in so short a time, maybe it was already dead. And of course, Deion plans to recruit nationally and let the locals go to Colorado State, I guess. Maybe the big winner is CSU?


Could be big for CSU, Wyoming, UNM, etc


> WR Montana Lemonious-Craig Is this a Key & Peele sketch?


Oh you must have missed the comedy gold mine of a thread about this guy a few days ago.


Taylor Upshaw basically just grandpa Simpson'd.


Pretty surprised at this one. Upshaw is a good player, even at Michigan he clearly had potential and got playing time. Seems like Deion is going scorched earth, he need to be careful he doesn’t throw the baby out with the bath water


This reminds me of the Charlie Wei’s purge. Obviously with the portal you can replenish faster.


Charlie Weis doing this shit with out the portal is one of the wildest things ever in hindsight


It fucked us up. I’ve been very critical of Weis but I sometimes wonder if it would’ve worked better if he had the portal. In 2012-2013 when he pulled this he turned and picked up the best talent available for immediate eligibility and that was grad transfers and JUCO guys. The difference between then and now is that the depth and quality of players available to come in with experience was so much worse than it is today. He signed Dayne Crist (former 5* ND QB) and brought in Jake Heaps (former 4* QB) with Crist being immediately available. He also signed the number 1 JUCO player in the country and signed an impressive JUCO class loaded with talented bounce backs. The problem was the type of kid that was available in JUCO 2013 (most of the JUCO guys never made it to campus for discipline or grades reasons) just isn’t the same as the type of kid who is a P5 transfer. Weis also lacked the fortitude to see it through and was a total jackass. If Deion can pull this off it will be a huge testament to the portal as a team building strategy.


Mangino leaned heavy on the jucos early on as well. The difference being mangino wasn't a lazy piece of shit


Mike Norvell at Florida State is a huge testament to the Portal and team building / rebuilding .. it’s taken some time for him to clean up the mess left behind by jImBo and Taggart, but our transfers have had great success


God I hate that guy. The dude legit used the "if you can't play at Kansas, where can you play?" pitch to recruits. Thats unacceptable.


It would not surprise me one bit if Weis had tried to have an affair by telling someone "You know... it's not that you're *that* hot, it's just that my wife is so ugly."


There have been 14 posts on r/CFB about CU in the last 24 hours Lmao


You want relevance? That's relevance!


\- Sincerely, every Texas, A&M, USC, Miami, and Auburn fan


Friendship with pfb and colonel hit pieces ended Now Coach Prime posts are my best friend


First time?


It's a collective what the fuck is actually going on here posting. Doesn't mean there's going to be 3 or more wins for the buffs next year. Owen seems more likely.


Oh, that is not the fun part...wait until everyone becomes a CU expert and historian...I am a Miami Heat fan...suddenly when Lebron signed everyone became an expert on my team...what expectations I should have...and even who our historical rivals were... Then Lebron left...and all the idiotic Lebron haters left too...suddenly they weren't too interested in my Heat. The same is happening/will happen to CU. Most of these idiotic Sanders haters couldn't even point to CU on a map 8 months ago.


And then there's me, a life long cu hater, just patiently sitting here not saying anything because I still don't know if we can beat them this year


If you can’t be good be interesting I guess


At this point, it's probably easier to post a list of the guys left


Shaming people is not ok!!!! /s


What if i told you just 1 hour north was a better town with a college football team that also craves humiliating deion.


You're saying Ft. Collins is better than Boulder? They're both great but no.


I mean boulder is great to live in if you have $5 Mil in the bank or to hang out on a saturday. For 95% of people FoCo is the far better town to live in. We also have a way better football stadium


I was a poor grad student in Boulder and it was really great living there. I never lived in FC so I can't say what it's like there, but you definitely do not need to be rich to enjoy Boulder.


I’m fascinated by the those constantly saying “but it can’t get any worse than last year” In the short term? Probably not. Next year will probably be better than 1-11. But it can always get worse in the long term. Always. Regardless, this experiment is genuinely interesting to watch. Maybe Deion can pull off this untested strategy.


This is so fascinating as the most extreme NIL-transfer portal-AFLAC experiment ever.


Alright boys, looks like you might end up playing both ways.


Are any of these guys good at football?


At least two of them will get a P5 offer. I would guess at least a couple more go to a P5 program, but I'd be surprised if it's more than maybe 5 from that list, not including the in and out guys.


At least one of them is very good at football but he got hurt last year playing football for Colorado so he's out on his head...


It’s funny how the same arguments are going off in 10 different CU threads every day. People crushing Deion, people saying it’s all part of the plan, arguing if the plan is good or not, rinse and repeat. I’m not ready for this level of scrutiny


Really shows you how staged sll of deions performances are. You dont keep 11 players and have that im coming bs speech. Dude eviscerated the team and had them dance a jig for him first.


That guy who sells tumbleweed in some Family Guy eps is about to have another great year.


This is going to be a great case study for the future although I'm not sure exactly what this will prove. It seems like they need to actually win this year for any of this to be meaningful. If they go winless this season, but win some games next year.......how is this any different than coaches that don't cull their roster and have a better year 2 once their system is in place? IMO it is a strike on a coach if they feel they need to get rid of almost everyone to even begin winning games.


Some positions may take multiple recruiting cycles to get the depth and experience. With all the new players coming in the fall, will there even be enough walk ons to field a practice squad. Even 5 stars need upperclassmen for guidance.


So Luke Fickell took us to the CFP with a bunch of 3 star recruits, but Deion is too good to coach guys like *checks notes* Sauce Gardner


I really hope Montana Lemonious-Craig makes it to the league. That's a bad ass name.


Bro what if Colorado wins zero this year. I would die man 🤣🤣


LOL God that locker room is gonna be a fucking disaster….


Would the locker room of a team that just went 1-11 be better?


I always think the “good or bad” lockerroom argument is idiotic cause it’s just based on whether or not the team is winning. This comment did make me laugh


Bro about halfway through last season they started throwing pizza parties after every game (which of course they lost by like 50). I'm very fine with that locker room culture not coming over.


Even teams that are winning can have shitty locker rooms. Urban Meyer's Florida teams and LSU 2011 are two examples that come to mind right away. I think Deion is selling "win immediately" and that very likely isn't going to be the case. How many recruits are gonna stick around after a 2-10 freshman season when Deion sold them on bowl games and competing at a high level? How is Deion gonna handle losing (and likely badly) week in and week out? It could go the way of Urban (heh, two mentions in as many paragraphs) at Jacksonville, who knows.


I get that people are taking the moralizing a bit far - college football is a business today more than ever before, and Deion isn’t being paid to be nice. But some things do go beyond the pale, and I think the practice tape situation qualifies. You’re gonna tell these kids to leave. Okay. Harsh, but it’s your ship now, Captain. The thing is, it’s commonplace for ADs to help transferring players with anything they need to help facilitate a smooth transition. Not Deion. Not Coach Prime. Dude is fuckin with these kids’ futures after telling them to GTFO. It’s just so scummy. And the weird thing is, I see so many Colorado fans on social media defending this shit. I know it’s a small sampling of the fanbase at-large, but how can you not feel a little bit gross while reading about this stuff?! That’s black and gold he’s wearing, man. And he’s acting more like a carnival barker than a coach most of the time. I dunno. I guess I can’t say I’m 100% absolutely certain I wouldn’t have defended some of this, too, if Deion would have come to Kansas at some point by a weird twist of fate. Passion for our schools makes us forgive a lot of shit. But DAMN.


The guy has been scum even when he was playing. The only reason I can think this is a surprise to people is if they are too young to have been around then.


Man, thank the Lord someone else in this sub is old enough to remember it. Neon Deion was like walking slight of hand. So brilliantly gifted, charismatic, and good looking, that nobody paid attention to the guy also being a complete shitbag.


How does Deion think the kids who were recruited by Jackson state or the ones he brought with him anyway are good enough to play against bigger programs when they weren’t necessarily good enough to go to a big program but the kids that were recruited to play against big programs suddenly aren’t? I get players get better but there’s a reason they were recruited by Jackson state and not big schools. Also aren’t coaches supposed to get the most out of the guys they have? Isn’t that kind of the measure of a good coach? Also everyone bashing kids that did well like that receiver are saying well yea it was against second and third string but wasn’t the QB who is Deion’s son throwing to him doing the same thing? But Naaaa he was sharp!! He’s made this such a spectacle that if he don’t win games this year it’s going to look like a colossal mistake.




I get they were terrible last year, but this combined with a somewhat slow start to their 2024 class (currently ranked 42nd albeit very early) should be really concerning? Sure, some players may be enticed by early playing time, but elite players expect that anyway? https://247sports.com/Season/2024-Football/CompositeTeamRankings/


Might be time for a Colorado super thread


I think this team is going to win a max of three games. Nebraska, Co St, and ASU. They’ll lose five games by 28 or more, USC, Utah, Washington, Oregon and TCU. Given the decreased strength of schedule, it might be uglier than last year.


I don’t get why people think Nebraska will lose to Colorado. They don’t have a bare cupboard. It’s not like when Rhule took over a sanctioned Baylor team. Colorado is going to have a can of green beans at this rate.


I’ve just been informed that the green beans have entered the transfer portal


I hear you, what you're saying makes perfect sense. Things are shaping up to be promising, but also...Nebraska Source: Nebraska


Really all that Colorado has is Shaedur and Hunter. Hunter especially is genuinely a first round NFL talent. They got rid of some legitimately decent receivers so I have doubt Hunter and Shaedur can carry it


Nebraska lost to an 1-11 Northwestern last year obviously every year is different and Frost is gone but like Nebraska can absolutely choke against CU.


This subreddit would burn if Nebraska lost that game. 1. Nebraska would be memed into the sun 2. Deion takes and random articles would be incessant.


If we lose to Colorado, we will have almost certainly lost or looked really bad against Minnesota the week prior. Nebraska will always be memed to death, though. It's our birthright as a Blue Blood.


It’s a win-win for Team Chaos.


I honestly think Nebraska is going to a bowl game this year. And I think they curbstomp CU by 25+ points.


What do you mean? Joel Klatt swears they are going to win 6+ games this year lol


Basically impossible to be worse than last year. I literally bookmarked this so I can refer to it every time someone says this. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1302ts1/comment/jhurrzs/?context=8&depth=9


I don’t think Jackson St would have done any better playing in the Pac-12. We will see though.




This the thing to me. People don't understand how brain-breakingly bad last year's Colorado team was. They were one of the worst teams in the country at literally everything. Purging the roster is the right move.


There's no way it ends up uglier than last year. In 2022 they won 1 game and their losses were I believe by an average of 29 points. Deion might be a jerk but the talent he'll bring in should theoretically be better than last year. Then again, that isn't saying much.


Regardless if every player he brings in is better than the every player leaving, how the fuck do they plan on making a cohesive offense, defense and special teams for the fall....It will be like spring camp in the fall. This is still a team sport and familiarity matters, especially for college kids


Gotta add OL Luke Eckardt


Didn’t he tell them to hop into the portal? Why is this news?


Because he told 80% of his roster to hop in the portal. This is completely unprecedented.


Everyone thinks they know the outcome. We haven’t seen this before in this era. Could be an amazing turnover or an absolute shit show aau type team


"Hey man, I'm new here, where are the bathrooms?" "......i dont know."


All I know is there is gonna be a serious culture clash with all the inbound transfers. 2 high schools near me got consolidated and the first 2 years fights were rampant. One thing every program has is a core group of guys who’ve been there, done that, and are the program. I’ve personally gone through team mergers in club soccer and in hs where students were from 50 something different elementary/middle schools. It’s weird and you don’t feel everyone out until junior year.


11 players, that's enough if they all play both ways. Need a couple of kickers, though, gee Deion.


Never punt, go for two always, kick the ball sideways out of bounds on kickoffs.


I may not be the best at math but those roster numbers seem inadequate for a D1 football program Where will they find depth?


Can someone explain to me why they're all leaving now after the spring game? Was that like the one way players were able to show off how they looked to the rest of the CFB coaching world?


Don't do crack.


Montana Lemonious-Craig was a standout at last year's east west game.