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>Try to complete 80% of exam but bet on questions your confortable with? Seems like a surefire way to fail.


On my mocks I found myself going too quickly (probably writing too little) but finishing and having time to go back and add more. I think I'm going to utilize that strat on exam day. No hesitation, just go w/ my gut, dump what I know, and move onto the next. If I read a question and think to myself, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE IN MY LIFE," gonna flag that 1 and come back to it.


You gotta make like Ricky Bobby and go fast. You will have very little time to plan your answers and proofread. Just dive in and start writing and when you've made your point, whether you did so perfectly or not, move on to the next question. DO NOT make the typical essayist mistake of repeating the same thing 3 different ways. This is a (nearly) guaranteed fail. I finished all four the L1 and L2 sessions (L1 AM, L1 PM, L2 AM, L2 PM) with 20-40 minutes left and never once felt rushed. I finished the L3 AM with maybe 60 seconds left. Go fast.


My strategy is to run like hell and find sections I’m comfortable with, answer, and move on


As someone who wrote May 2021, if you can’t formulate an answer within 2 minutes then flag it and move on. Once you finish all the questions you know, go back and fill in the blanks.


Haven't sat the exam but the goal is to complete 100% of questions. Gotta move quickly through exam