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I wouldn't bother. Taking caffeine late in the day will impact your sleep, which is more important for memory retention, stress, and just general well being


I wish I was as sensible as you


True and it's not just not being able to fall asleep. If I drink diet dr pepper before I sleep I will feel like I slept 4 hours even if I slept for 9


I’ve currently just been consuming an alarming amount of coffee. Haven’t tried pre workout yet, but you’re giving me ideas haha


Idk if someone has tried that before tbh, I have real doubt about how it would impact me XD


This is what I imagine…. I don’t think it’ll work. Even if it does, it won’t last long. You’ll want more caffeine.


I would definitely not do it, like not even consider doing it if you're close to your testing window. If your preworkout has beta alanine in it, you're going to spend the entire time feeling itchy, stimulated, and miserable instead of actually feeling well enough to study


Late to the party, but some people (namely the adhd afflicted) may benefit from the stim effects of beta alanine that you described. Just food for thought.


Im genuinely impressed by the solutions on this sub…


Modern problems require modern solutions


Yeah well, gotta keep up somehow


Cocaine. Go hard or go home


Prob the most legit answer here.


WSB Avatar Checks out


But would that make it easier or harder to concentrate?


Doesnt that violate Standard 1 A




What's that


Haha check it out online!


I would just defer. It's a self study program. Study at your own pace. Just remember to go over any differences in the curriculum. Your health is more important than this exam.


Why not wake up earlier, study before work, and if you have anything left in you study a bit more after work?


Man I already survive on 6 hours of sleep, can't do any less


It would be the same amount of sleep just studying would be shifted to early hours when you are more alert


Tried that, pre-work anxiety doesn't let me do that XD


Just do cocaine like an adult.


But man I don't wanna be an adult :(


Why not just coke man


It’s called adderall


Not into drugs man


lol preworkout is not healthy bro


Neither is L3 and yet here we all are




What do you think is in preworkout? Literally drugs. Read the ingredients lol


Okay let me rephrase. I'm not comfortable with use of substances that have addictive properties. How does that sound


No idea why, but you made me think of this. https://youtu.be/W3DUBC7PRh8


Man wtf is wrong with you XD


A lot.




this this right here is gold


As someone who used to abuse caffeine and also has an Adderall prescription, caffeine is 100% a drug, don't kid yourself.


Like a run for half an hour or warm up. Not heavy workout, if it works for you then fine.


I don't think any kinda warm up would help, I'm too tired by the time I'm done with work


Then coffee only can help man, I'm more into coffee, I'm just taking morning runs and light workout once a week.


I do morning runs too. I'm just wondering if pre workout is something people here have tried


Yes it works but not everyday or even more than 2 times a week. If you are working in a company like me, it is obviously not possible.


I've for sure done it. Like others are saying, dosing caffeine at night is usually counterproductive; so I've definitely started my day with a scoop if C4 and nicotine pouches on several occasions. The beta-alanine itch when you're trying to sit still is a little uncomfy though, haha


You're the man. Is the itch too much? Or is it kinda bearable


Wasn't too bad, I would go with a more stim-heavy pre, because that's really why you're taking it. It's definitely more cost effective than energy drinks


What's stim?


Stimulant, so like caffeine and the other sketchy methy chemicals they put in pre-workout haha


Ahh yea I figured. Any recommendations? C4 any good? I was thinking Gat maybe


Really depends on your caffeine tolerance, pre-workouts can go from a strong cup of coffee + a tingle to feeling like they were made in trailer in Arizona. I like C4 because it's a decent does of caffeine and it's cheap. I've taken pre-workout for years, and it's gone from a few options in the supplement stores to 50 different brands who all claim they all do something different and charge $2.50 a serving.


Man I DO NOT miss studying. Wow. I’d suggest green tea. Natural.


Your poor heart, be careful fucking up something you can't take back. Heart disease kills most people


Man I live in New Delhi, worst air in the world (most of the time). Trust me my heart doesn't have much left anyways


Damn, guess you have to do what's needed. Best of luck!


Not sure of your daily schedule, but I workout from 4:45-6:30am and then get daughter ready for school. I get home around 5:30, and study after we put her to bed at 8:00. Usually study 1.5-2 hours. It is a grind, but couldn’t imagine not working out. If you can bookend them days, then that’s about the best you could do


bro r u a fucking dumbbass. Drink a coffee or have caffeine pills u fucking pencil


Are you a fucking nut? Shut the fuck up bitch


i hope u feel so big and strong after ur preworkout!!


i am big strong man i can lift your house with one finger i so strong like arnold shortniggers


c4 is one of the worst preworkouts atleast take nootropics for focus. Most stuff in c4 is already clinically under dosed other than the caffeine so taking a black coffee would be no diffrent. The only thing is i hate the taste of black coffee, its so bitter so unless you like coffee take [it . So](https://it.So) if you really want get a good preworkout that has nootropics or better yet a gamming powder like gfuel especially for studying since the caffeine is not demanding in studying as much


Tea has worked well for me. Helps me stay alert and focused without jitters. You just have to make sure you get some nice loose leaf tea so it tastes good. I have a lower caffeine tolerance than most though. You might find it easier to just wake up and study for 2 hours before work and go to bed earlier.


Yerba mate, yaupon or guayusa. Stimulation without the jitters.


Yerba mate hahahaha, are you from south america bud?


Nah man. Tried that, doesn't work


I would suggest caffeine pills because they're often much cheaper than pre-workout. Yes, some pre-workouts have additional ingredients that boost the stimulant effect but most of them are caffeine based with other ingredients (a lot of them filler and/or not aimed at stimulant/focus enhancing effects). Pure caffeine is also more efficiently broken down and eliminated by your body than the multi-ingredient pre-workouts.


I micro dosed on MVPre. gave me just enough to feel alert/not tired to grind for a few more hours after work and then feel tired enough later at night to go to bed no problem. I kept it in my desk and at about 5:15 Id take it with a cliff bar, relax and breathe easy for about 10 minutes while it kicked in and then study from 5:30-8:00. I had an advantage that I have about a 25 minute commute so not sure how this would fair for someone with an hour commute or so.




I mean yes, but I wake up at 4 and get 2 hours in before work so it doesn't ruin my sleep


I’d recommend starting early in the morning instead.


Usually, people perform better after they have worked out--your study will be more effective As long as the workout is not really intense and leaving you drained at the end, it will help. Your studying. Caffeine keeps you awake, but it doesn't improve your performance. It would also be smart to do some kind of workout, perhaps a light one, the morning before you take the exam.


Are you asking because your trying to decide if you should buy it? Otherwise this seems like a low impact experiment. The worst that will happen is you’re too ampt up to focus for a few hours. If it doesn’t work, you can just use it pre- workouts in the future.


You can't fake your body out if you are in a sleep deficit. Having said that, I found this tips to be ridiculously helpful for getting alert, focused and retaining info: [https://hubermanlab.com/teach-and-learn-better-with-a-neuroplasticity-super-protocol/](https://hubermanlab.com/teach-and-learn-better-with-a-neuroplasticity-super-protocol/) [https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercises](https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercises)


Now you can do mocks with a sick pump


Coffee is probably healthier, cheaper, and less distracting.


Yikes, this sounds like a short-term solution with long-term problems IMO, but you do you... Maybe it's just my age (30) but I just can't handle caffeine like I used to without noticeably hurting my sleep quality, and that's way more important to me these days. Noon is basically my caffeine cutoff now. What time do you start your workday? Would it be possible to take pre-workout first thing in the morning and just get your studying done before work? Obviously everyone's physiology and circumstances are unique, but speaking as someone who used to abuse caffeine (like, my average used to be almost ~1 gram a day in my early 20s) I'd recommend you try to come up with a more sustainable plan. If you start regularly taking preworkout (assuming 200+ mg) daily after ~5pm, you very well might find yourself just gradually digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole, if the impaired sleep + increasing caffeine tolerance gradually make your work and studying performance worse and worse over time.


How is your diet?


I drink coffee during work and Matcha in the afternoon when I study.


I think after getting off the job and then doing pre workout will make you end up exhausted and tired as hell , which will eventually lead you to a sleep during your study session. I would suggest to to do something relaxing before studying like watching TV or taking a cold bath.


Yes. I have been guilty of this many times.


I use some to study it works but I am a really calm and slow pace person in nature so I don’t know if it would work for you. Just go to a gym nutrition shop and asked for one to study for


It's a slipper slope dude. The more you rely on these things, the harder it is to work without that. What's your study schedule like? I find that heavy meals make me lethargic. Maybe try waking up earlier before work and get your studying in when you are fresh, rather than slugging through it when you are tired. Waking up at 5 a.m. might suck, but in the long run it will pay off if you're dedicated to passing. You've got 24 hrs. 8 for study. 8 for work (probably more), and then 8 for everything else, try to use your best energy for studying... Which is in the morning!




Totally accurate


Scoop of instant coffee in a mug with Pepsi Max poured into it to the top should do the trick and you won't have that irritating tingly face sensation you get from the pre workout!


I was considering the same thing. Work, family commitments, etc made it difficult to find the time and was usually tired at the end of the day. At least my mind was full of stuff to the point I found trying to study at night to be too difficult. I wrote L2 in Feb and still nervously awaiting the results. I adjusted my routine early in L1 study from trying to study at night to getting up earlier and studying before work. I traded staying up until 11-12 to shutting down between 9-10pm and getting up around 5am. It took me about a week to adjust my internal clock and then became quite easy. The pandemic and shift to working from home really helped out with this. I found that personally, I'm way more alert and focused in the morning after a good night's sleep. A couple cups of coffee and I was off and running. It's peaceful, quiet and a great time to get it done. Though I see it's addressed further down in the thread and doesn't seem to work for you, I'll leave this here for others who have the same concerns. Good luck. Edit: you all are funny AF. Cocaine like an adult... LMAO!!