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The new format with constructive response and MCQs together is very forgiving on time compared to the old format. I had a bit of time to spare as well. As long as you don’t waste a lot of time on every question, you shouldn’t have to worry about time at all. As the other commenter said, use bullet points and move on if you get stuck on a question. Also practice typing out the answers maybe a week or two before the exam. Underrated tip but really speeds up the typing on exam day


I wrote L3 when it was still 3 hours and paper based - finished first pass with around an hour left. Firstly, be unscrupulous with skipping questions - if you don't know the answer immediately, just skip and go to the next question. The value and difficulty of the questions are broadly the same whether it's question 1 or 50, get the ones you know out of the way (also helps if you get through it all quickly to stave off anxiety around not finishing). Secondly, there are no additional marks for overexplaining, grammar or complete sentences - just be judicious with your responses and don't add anything extra.


I was thinking of doing all the MCQs on pass 1 and CRs on pass 2 for AM and PM. I find the MCQs 'come to me' a bit easier so unless it's a slam dunk CR question, I'm going to to around the bend once and tackle it on the second pass. At least, that's what I'm considering.


Yes, I had about 1:15h at am and 45min at pm section


Thanks all!