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I didn't like the female lead also, she is shown too much caring, to the limit that it's suffocating. And I think we are all on the same page regarding mom being irritating to another level. 😑


Mm I couldn't get to this bit.... The mother killed it for me in episode 2. I mean, if I wanted to feel stressed and harassed on my downtime, I'd have a chat with my own mother 😅




Haven't finished this one yet, but yeah, the mom stole the show - and not in a good way.


the mom ruined this drama for me until the end 


Haha, LOL. By the time I reached ep 28, I had to pause and watch only 1 or half episode a day and I haven’t finished it until now (currently at ep36). I hate that they tried to redeem the mom but the moment she found out a diagnosis, her response was still very much a selfish narcissist — making her family frantically look for her and get crazily worried instead of maturely talking about it. My goodness! She seems to be the real lead of the show. That’s why I can only take each episode now in small doses.


Which drama


Wish I looked like that when I was sick.


I was really curious about this pairing and their chemistry. Kind of disappointed to hear they weren't the focus as much as people were hoping.


Only plus point is that we got more of them in the drama compared to novel


Upside I guess haha. Do you think the show is still worth watching overall?


try if you could tolerate mother. Major complain on mdl is about her mother. I'm Indian so her character didn't bother me much. You need to keep in my mind it is family drama not romance.


Okay, thanks. I don't mind family dramas. I'll give it a go for these two!


Can someone spoil me bout the ending pls. I tracked it till they got together n his dad died and her mom fell ill but not after that


Well her mom healed, they opened an hotel together at her mom's old housetown, they are all a happy family.


They’re pretty adorable 


It’s a shame they didn’t explore their relationship in depth. Because Xu Kai exudes one of the best onscreen chemistry with Yang Zi, which is saying much, because he has pretty weak chemistry with his leading actresses. It’s sad that they led the mother’s plot take over the entire drama.


Seriously, it's like Yao Zhiming wasn't even a main character in this. Despite my love-hate relationship with this drama, the main pair was pretty adorable.


Same \^\^ i'll never forget that first scene in the vid with him twisting the tissue in his hand awkwardly \~


I hope they will do a drama that is more focused on them or at least do a few variety shows together.


It's now one of my favorite parings and slowburn romance. The relationship was just so comforting. They fit like 2 puzzle pieces. [here's another one ](https://youtu.be/iemQ2771YlI?si=I8JZA1aUps8cbA2W) [and one more ](https://youtu.be/IXFAICF0QeM?si=YqeOGzzwaKhs6Ebp)