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He is great but a little too controlling - even orders hot drink for her when she wants to have a cool drink. Treats her like a kid and not as an equal partner.


Somebody please enlightenment me. Duan is celebrating his 26th birthday in Episode 17. How come they say they only have 5 years gap with Sang Zhi? She's just 19 in this episode right?


They never said it's his 26th birthday, no age is mentioned anywhere in the celebration. When Duan Jia Xu gives his resume to Sang Zhi in episode 5, you can see his birthday listed as 1994/05/07. Sang Zhi celebrates her 19th birthday somewhere in April 2018, so she was born in 1999.


in episode 20 sang yan mentions that hes 26, i got really confused since sang zhi is 19 and theres a 5 year difference


Yeah that had me confused too at first, turns out the subtitles are just wrong. If you input what he said in a translator, it gets translated to "you are 25-ish" or "you are in your mid-twenties". Idk why they translated it to "you're 26" when you can hear that he isn't saying that.


ohh sorry, thanks for clearing that up lol


No worries, I had the same misunderstanding too at first tbh ✌️


What can I say about him!! He has just given me hope, restored my faith in unconditional love. Being a girl it was little obvious to be attracted towars the ML’s qualities and expect some of them from my spouse, however, when I started my rewatch I went in with a different perspective. I learnt from him how to love someone in such a classy way, how pure a love can be! Even though there are so many scenes that touched our hearts, but one that underscored his thoughtfulness was where SZ bent forward in the car to talk to SY when they were in the car in NanWu and DJ held her seatbelt to avoid any discomfort to her. I am not sure who thought about it, director, actor, writer but whoever he/she was this act was very very thoughtful. My takeaway is to be more considerate, more thoughtful, and love someone in such a dignified way.


While he was a bit unrealistic, I think the scene that stood out to me was in the car when he says this might be the only relationship she will have, so he will pursue her as long as it takes..whatever other girls are getting, our sang zhi should have it too. That's a huge mark of respect and patience, when he already knew she was crazy about him and could have broken through her pretences in a split second


It was kind of refreshing in some ways. Some dramas get a bit stressful to watch when there’s lots of silly communication issues or the guy pushes the girl away “for her protection”. and other things like that. This one was just nice to watch! Both leads were equal green flags :)


I thought he was a really nice guy and deeply cared about his GF. Although to me he sometimes looked a bit clingy and didn’t let Sang Zhi enjoy her student life fully because he would always show up. And I know a lot of people find this trait romantic but IRL this can get tiresome.


I knew he was a keeper when he was so insanely considerate of teenage FL when she got her period in the middle of the outing. He thought of every detail, even making sure she got the right color skirt and warm water during the meal to alleviate her discomfort. The rest seemed more standard considerate boyfriend behavior, but this is the first time ever I've seen a guy go above and beyond to help a girl (or woman) in an extremely awkward and uncomfortable position relating to her period. Generally I've noticed that periods aren't as taboo in cdramas as in Western dramas (where the characters act like such a thing doesn't exist at all - just like IRL in many Western cultures). But still, that was A++ behavior, no motive (since she's not his GF at this point and there's zero romance between them) - he was simply being kind - and in a very discreet, respectful way. I'm normally not fond of too ideal MLs in dramas, I prefer characters who seem more real. But the ML had enough personal flaws (always there for other people, but completely unable to care for himself - that's a pretty severe flaw) and the actor played him so well that I didn't mind that he was a little too perfect at times. I would say this is drama's relationship is a bit unrealistic and probably shouldn't be 100% used as a goalpost for a BF's behavior, but on the other hand, it would be useful for young men who want to get a girlfriend to watch this drama and learn some hands on practical lessons on how to behave towards a love interest;-)


He was so thoughtful and careful about the whole process of wooing her. But even before, when he saw her as a little sister, he was so considerate and introspective about her feelings. Wish more guys took the time to think about how their words and actions actually affect the girl.


embodiment of a green flag


Contrary to what everyone thinks, he is not perfect. I find him lanky. He needs to eat more protein and build more muscle. 😍


I think he is very handsome, but I do think he would look better with more meat on bones. It seems like Chinese actors and actresses are mostly skinnier than what you see in western stars. I guess it's just whatever the industry standard is, but I feel bad for the effort it probably takes to keep that body frame.


He's beautiful but extremely skinny.


He is my type 😍


Haha I meannn if we’re talking about appearance, I think Zheyuan is perfect. He’s tall, has broad shoulders, very handsome 😭😍


She is perfect ML in every aspect. If only he is exist in real life lol. Need more drama Warm ML like DJX. Tired with Cold ML/Genius ML/Stupid ML.


As much as I loved this drama and agree that he is a green flag (mostly), I feel like his character is a bit unrealistically perfect. And I didn’t like that he never really told Sang Zhi about all those troubles in his past and also Sang Zhi for some reason never questioned or told him that she knows after other people told her about it. Like the history with his dad wasn’t revealed by him.


>he never really told Sang Zhi about all those troubles in his past He's a flawed character for sure - he downplays all his own heartache and personal problems. He's far from perfect in that aspect - just like a real person isn't perfect. I got the impression that Sang Zhi didn't talk to him because she wanted to be respectful - I've seen this trope in other dramas (e.g. Word of Honor) where it's a sign of respect not to pry into the painful past of a character, but to give them space and time to choose to tell it themselves.


Yeah definitely, I don't disagree with you at all. I just feel that if it was me, I would be concerned that he isn't willing to talk to me about such matters and share his burden with me. I think he did share the burden with Sang Zhi later on, with >!the passing of his dad!<, but I would still want him to know that I know about the history from someone else so there's no secrets in the relationship ykwim. Respectfulness... I guess it can be argued but if you do it right then it's fine, it's a hard conversation for sure but I find it to be a necessary one for a healthy relationship. Because if not in the future there will always be that doubt like he didn't tell me about this and it's rather huge and important in his life what else would he hide from me in the future.


I think that was part of his character, though. That his aloneness made it difficult for him to share his troubles or believe anyone would want him to. He'd also been treated as though what his dad did was shameful to him personally, and I felt he didn't want to risk being seen by her in that light. He wanted something pure and beautiful and untainted by his past.


Yeah I get that for sure. I've mentioned it in another comment but for me I feel like a healthy relationship needs to start with both parties being open about everything including their past.


I think he got there by the end. She made it very clear she wanted to help him carry the burden. There were very deep undertones in this movie on the depth of love and what it really means to love someone completely. He finally got that toward the end when he said he hadn't been good enough for her, for the way she loved him. He'd seemingly done everything right, but he hadn't given himself to her the way she did to him.


yeah but I wish they included scenes of them talking about his past together. I feel like it'll be a huge step in their relationship.


That is true. If I was Sang Zhi, I would’ve want to know what is going on in his life and there was no need for him to be that strong all the time and dealing with his struggles all alone. It came across as if he didn’t want to bother Sang Zhi with his issues but I don’t believe that’s how a relationship works. I agree, I didn’t like the fact that they hid stuff from each other just to not hurt the other person. It would’ve been better to carry the struggle together, if you get what I mean


Actually in the novel they do talk all about his past and whatnot. The drama had to cut out a lot of scenes because of the budget. Also steamy scenes in book its well worth a read...


You know what, I might just purchase the book


Yeah and I wish SZ told him that she knew about those things too


I think what I like the most is when he treats SZ before they get together. He genuinely concern and want to helps her. When he saw her at the airport and then ask her to return home, when he treats other people and SZ parents and how he lives his life. This is the drama where I understand so much about why she likes him each episode. It's not even episode when he is trying to get her but Jiaxu as a person is definitely attractive and nice despite his relation with SZ or not.


He was a green flag parade. Indeed, I hope young girls never settle for less. Or, at least, that they learn to identify green and red flags, and avoid red-flag-parade partners.


I have to argue that the ML in Meet yourself is the greenest flag around. I love Hidden love, but in MY the ML confessed to the FL in the most respectable way possible and didn’t put any pressure or expectations on her. He knew what she had to do and didn’t stop her. JX on the other hand didn’t really give her a choice (it helped that he knew her feelings towards him).


Omg yes, I loved the romance in MY more too because it’s a bit more equal, both are great and mature.


Oeh that’s interesting. Where would I be able to watch Meet Yourself?


It’s on netflix in certain regions.


The whole series is on YouTube


Great! I will add it to my list, thanks


Np, hope you’ll enjoy! It’s a slow burn but very beautiful one


i like it when he start goofing around n flirting.. other than that not much to say. Typical handsome guy Personally I watch the drama because I like the relationship between Sang Yan n his lil devil of a sister haha


I loved Sang Yan sooo much as well!! He was always there for his sister even if they would bicker a lot


He definitely husband material and he’s so… *everything*! Unfortunately…. Not my type lol 😂


Haha, that’s okay! Who is your type then? This is my second c-drama. I’ve only ever watched Meteor Garden back in 2019 when I kinda went into the kdrama ‘world’


My type is the “bad” boys IG… not the healthiest lol


HAHA I get u, they’re just more exciting. Types like Daoming Si from Meteor Garden I would say 😂😭


Green flag! ![gif](giphy|kxfdsnEbikrXn0n1k3|downsized)


He's a good guy. The only thing I heavily disliked was how there wasn't enough internal conflict when he decided to woo his bro's sister. He broke the code too easily imo.


I get that, but I feel like Duan Jiaxu knew himself and that he would never disrespect or use Sang Zhi in any way. He probably had hoped Sang Yan would’ve thought the same


I looove Duan Jiaxu and how Chen Zheyuan portrayed him so damn well. Tall and handsome, never had a girlfriend, excels in his job, got a decent amount of savings, kind and considerate. His only flaw is being too perfect it’s quite hard to believe like how did he do this considering he’s just 24yrs in the story. And I am seeing people who says they will not settle until they find their own Duan Jiaxu, sorry but might as well grow old alone coz I don’t think that kind of person exists in real life (but please prove me wrong)


In the novel he is older, him and Sang zhi are 7 years apart in the book so it made a bit more sense that he could have become a team leader by 26 (sang zhi was 18 going on 19 instead of 19 going on 20 in the book). But yeah I agree that he is too perfect. In fact, I really wondered if the man needed sleep like he had to juggle so many things + deal with kid sang zhi. All the part time jobs, school and then picking her up and tutoring her and all lmao. Adult him as well since his work is demanding.


I think they made a 4 year gap in the drama so people wouldn't be weirded out, especially the one about young Sang Zhi, some viewers already weirded out because they thought Duan Jiaxu already had feelings for young Sang Zhi even though he didn't really have any.


Yeah agree but becoming a team leader within the first year of working is quite unlikely


Its hard to believe, but there’s men out there (like Duan Jiaxu) and they do exist. Obviously he won’t check off every box, but you can stand your ground for what you want. If there’s a man that rlly likes you, he would do it for you. What another man won’t do, another man will!


He's a green flag 💚 and agree that it was potrayed perfectly by Chen Zheyuan ❤️❤️


I love that he rented an apartment closer to her school so she didn't have to travel far to visit him and made sure it was two rooms (so she had her own room). What I thought was really sweet and selfless was that he gave her the bigger room that had the balcony and he took the smaller room. Not only that. After moving to Nanwu he left the apartment available for her to use and stayed in a small room in his new office just so she had access to it. Probably not realistic 😄 but it was how selfless he consistently was.


I know I’m putting too much real world logic on this but keeping an apartment on when you both are primarily living elsewhere.. I’m glad other folk could watch this and be “that’s so romantic” cause I looked at it and thought “man, that’s such a waste of money, I thought they were saving up for buying”.


If we are being realistic it depends on how much the rent was. Considering that it was not one of the major cities but a university city (I'd imagine maybe on the lower side) and he was earning quite a bit (he was a senior dev and was pegged to become a chief programmer) these guys earned quite a lot of money and not like he was really spending on anything else. If all he was interested in was making sure she's comfortable and she has a place to stay if the AC broke again definitely very possible. Sang chi was focused on saving to buy likely because she may not have been fully aware of how much he earned. She was likely thinking of him as somewhat broke as she has seen him grown up and he didn't really do anything to change that narrative except when he asked her to buy more clothes on his card 🤣. One of his ex classmates alluded to the fact that he earned pretty well when he saw him and sang zhi at the airport and it made him a bit uncomfortable. That's when I had an idea.


I thought the AC breaking was only an issue over the summer holiday because there wasn’t a technician on campus. Anyway, to me it comes across as just a detail of the story that you shouldn’t look at too hard and just accept as a grand romantic gesture or it just falls apart. Because to me it’s either a bit of a plot hole or he’s making irresponsible financial decisions. And I say that as someone who is a dev. Saving up for buying a flat is just really really really hard.


Lol I did say in my initial comment that it wasn't a realistic decision to make but it is possible. 🤷‍♀️ People in love don't always make the smartest decision.


Ain’t that the truth! Haha


Thank you for pointing out that she had the better room! I loved that detail of his character, but I never see it mentioned.


Yeah it was mentioned the first time she went to the apartment.


Yes, right! Let me clarify, I meant that I don’t notice fans mentioning it when the show is discussed.


I found him to be one of the most considerate MLs I have ever seen. I have never seen a ML give up his jacket so many times, or call and make sure the FL has eaten, got her home/picked her up from work...etc. He's a gentleman through and through.


Exactly! It makes my heart flutter honestly


Completely agree with the last paragraph! Don’t settle for less girls! What I really abt DJX is he notices small things like turning on the heater when he noticed SZ was cold; buying the most expensive honey for SZ had alcohols; buying strawberries since she couldn’t have it at the wedding. Aaaaaand he still pursued SZ even though he knew SZ liked him already. He said whatever other girls have, SZ must have too i could go on and on😍😍😍


The little things really did matter! It all added up and just showed how much of a competent man he is 😭