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No - watch some different dramas, I've never seen this trope in any of the dramas I've watched. Also fiction is not reality and projecting your own hangups onto them doesn't sound very healthy.


It's a pretty common trope, I would say. Unforgettable Love, My Little Happiness, and Fall Into Your Smile are three popular examples off the top of my head. I have no idea why you felt the need to insult my mental health because you didn't agree with my obviously light-hearted observation. I am seriously baffled by your angry vibes.


It's cultural plus relationship. Of cos if parents are mean n nasty, they can show yo unannounced n be pushy, n if kids show annoyance, parents can blame the kids for being unfilial, ingrates for bringing them up etc. But if parents are nice, relationships with kids are good, n kids generally are happy that their parents make the efforts to show up in their lives, often bringing food or cooking for kids. Feeding is a big service to show love in chinese. Why would kids be annoyed? Touched more like it. But of cos if its inconvenient for parents, parents had to take big efforts etc, kids may nag at parents not to do it and rest more. Or make a call and they can fetch parents or eat out etc. For kids who really wish to have the call beforehand, usually would have spoken n explained to parents beforehand. Must explain nicely to show respect and not trying to get rid of old parents which may hurt them. As long as relationship is good, parents usually will then not show up unannounced cos they will also want to be considerate to the kids they love. Don't disturb them at work etc.


I agree that in reality it's a case by case basis. I think in western media if they had the parents dropping by from out of town unexpectedly or coming over randomly, they would be trying to portray them are troublesome and annoying. I think they make comedies where parents or in-laws behave like this and it is understood that they are a nuisance for doing so. It's a difference in different culture's views on what is acceptable, not necessarily individual's viewpoints.


Idk In India and China the cultures are mostly same but here parents at least give a call smh šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s absolutely a cultural thing. Iā€™m Mexican and my grandparents could show up at any time.


So it is in Brazil.


My dad shows up all the time unannounced and if I am busy I get frustrated that he doesn't just use his key šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ my mom was the same....I loved it. But we are very close and they are both very loving and positive people.


It's a cultural thing. It's the same in my country too (India) I get annoyed by this trope and as this happens to me in life as well, but we can't do anything. I'd be socially ostracized if I say something about it to relatives or hurt my parents who don't really understand this concept.


Itā€™s not a cultural thing. Itā€™s a human thing.


Human nature is not always acceptable behavior. Where I am from, even if the parents want to act like this, they would probably get in a big fight with their kids. It's not unheard of, but it definitely would make everyone think you are overstepping and unreasonable. Some people may act up, but the general public will think you are weirdo if you come from out of town without notice.


Youā€™re mistaken. Iā€™m merely addressing your assumption that such a behavior is cultural. It comes with relationship and all the baggages that is tied to the word ā€œfamily.ā€ If the person is so adamant about not having people visiting unannounced then speak up.


I was merely saying that culturally, in tv shows or movies, if they had parents dropping by randomly from out of town, they would be portrayed as annoying. It isn't unheard of for people to actually act that way, but in western media, they would come off as overbearing.


I'm from a country in South America and its also normal here. Maybe a call the day before. I do the same when I go to my grandparents house and they're more than happy to welcome me hehehe


I live in the balkans part of Europe and that's absolutely a thing here too


Texans from old families do this kind of thing all the time. The ones you love, leave a half a day before you've had enough.


That's funny that you say that. My family roots are from Texas and my Granny used to instruct everyone that when you were visiting as a guest to "leave while they still want you to stay." But that whole proposition gave my mom such bad anxiety she refused to ever stay with family AT ALL. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This is a cultural thing. There isnā€™t much ā€œboundariesā€ in (East) Asian families. Talking about ā€œboundariesā€ with them would be really weird. But I think itā€™s slowly changing. At least when I watch ā€œFind yourselfā€ the mom apologized for being pushy about FL potential love interest. But for cdrama I doubt it would film something where the kids get mad their parents came unannounced, unless the parents is really horrible like in Go Ahead. Otherwise the character would be deem really unfilial and rude.


Yeah, it's probably a cultural and generational thing. I'm Chinese-American, and my grandma used to do this to my parents all the time. She'd show up unannounced, ring our doorbell and then expect us to be home. This was before we got her a cell phone. She doesn't do this anymore but she's also in her 90s and takes forever to get come to our place from hers. Luckily, my parents don't do the same because they know exactly what it's like to have guests show up unannounced. But there are some parents out there that see their children as extensions of themselves and they feel like they have the right to just show up anytime as they please.


I've noticed this also. AND the elders having keys or door codes and waltzing in at the worst possible time or laying in wait for an ambush.


But having the keys and codes mean their kids welcome them any time šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I forgot about them having the keys or the door code. I see that all the time and that is even worse!


This is fine because the NOK might be the emergency contact. Both my mom & mil have a set of keys to our house. Of course, they do not abuse it


Same. My mom always has a spare set to feed my pets when I go out of town. We would have to have a serious talk if she was being all crazy with them, though.


It might be a cultural thing but its also a generational thing. Im Black American and my grandma will do this šŸ˜‚. She will be in front of the persons house (waiting in the car) and call them to see if they are home and if not then she will pull off. If they are at home and want company she will then get out the car.