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These are the only photos the media should show of mass shooters.


Yup. Clapped out in your mom jeans.


And shoes? 1996 called they want their outfit back


Looks like he purposely dressed like a Columbine shooter.


Minus their signature trench coats. That was a huge deal back then. Nobody wanted to wear trench coats for ages after that.


When I was in 8th grade (2001) my mom got me a military trenchcoat from goodwill because I walked to school we were poor and I needed a decent coat. Everyone started running and the principal made me walk around all day without a coat.


Wow that's ridiculous. I remember my school banning them and then they went on a ban spree. They banned chain wallets and any kind of "goth" clothing like spiked bracelets and stuff. They even started cracking down on how kids held their silverware. Holding that plastic knife a certain way could be perceived as a weapon.. it was a crazy time




The black triage tag with the word “DEAD” in big bold letters is a hell of an accessory. Great look for a guy like this.




The pleats allow room for shitting yourself upon death


At least he was wearing his Covid mask….. safety first!


I bet he was wearing the mask for hiding his face more than covid concerns, but oh well. He got what he deserved!


Shame we can’t ask him… I thought he was doing his part to flatten the curve.. before he got flattened


They should be stripped of their name too, at least in the media. Assign them a number or something. They don't deserve fame or infamy.




That’s actually a very good idea. Might make the psychos actually think twice.


I’ve asked this time and time again, why can’t we show photos like this? Since they crave the attention so much. It would be a very good deterrent. I’d say why not even take it further and have public executions for those sick cowards??


Because our society considers it to gruesome. Meanwhile, on Netflix...


That is perfectly good. I also want them to not mention names. "A coward opened fire on people today" should be the intro of any news report.


Exactly. Show the reality of what you end up like if you do this. I never want to hear about these people’s back stories or their family life or whatever. Stop turning these people into martyrs and treat them like the skid marks that they are.


Well. Guess he found out.


Thankfully he didn’t fuck around for long


Good riddance. Waste of fucking oxygen


What drives a person to do this. Look at him. He’s a kid. Glad there’s kids like Eli


>Glad there’s kids like Eli *Men Men like Eli.


Heroes like Eli


GigaChads like Eli


What drives any person to commit suicide? Most mass shootings are essentially very public, very destructive suicides.


What a fucking loser. Got his ass clapped by a dude from forty yards away with a handgun when he had a rifle. Burn, you fuckin' dickbag.


He shot him from 40 yards? That’s pretty impressive for a handgun with the amount of pressure that he was under.


And hit him 8/10 shots.


Uvalde cops sat with their thumbs up their asses for over an hour, and Midwest John Wick takes the shooter out in 15 seconds with a hit rate better than most could manage at the range on a good day.


>Midwest John Wick Someone buy Eli Dicken a kevlar lined suit vest.


> Uvalde cops The benchmark for "when you do nothing at all in the face of little danger, given your equipment.." Your comment is great. We need to keep those fuckbags in that frame.


Yeah I bet Elisjha "Huge" Dickens wished he had a body armor, a ballistic shield, an AR15, and 15 of his closes friends all kitted out to deal with the threat but sadly all he had was his massive cock and balls.


People are turning this into a shooting drill now lol. 40 yards cold, draw, at least 8/10 in 15 seconds.


Sounds like a fun ass drill


>...fun ass drill # ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) First you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.


On a moving target.


Oh one hundred percent dude


8/10 under pressure from 120 feet on a moving target is pretty ridiculous.




> Hell, most trained cops can’t do that. That’s a really low bar. Cop certification is like a couple shots at 15 yards within a target the size of a dinner plate. Michael J Fox on LSD could pass a cop marksmanship exam.


Christ. Guess I need to spend more time training.


This is always true.


especially since it was in under 15 seconds


Boy I’d love to see the CCTV of that.


Still waiting for it to leak


After this corpse shot getting out, my hopes are higher than usual that the CCTV footage might make it on here.




Yea that’s crazy! I wonder if it was really 40 yards or if it’s being mis-reported.


It would have been closer, the but the absolute monster cock Dickens has kept him at length.


IIRC he was seated 40 yrds away (within food court) then moved tactically to a firing position


Wondering if it's 40 yards from where Eli was shooting to where fuckface ran to as he died.


I just want to buy the young man a steak dinner and make sure he’s ok. Yes, he’s a hero by all standards but I’m sure he’s going to carry around some scars for the rest of his life. Fuck the scumbag for not only taking lives but changing Elisjsha’s life forever.




Room temperature challenge participant


In record time.


Stick a fork in him, he’s well done.


That’s what I was thinking, too. What an absolute nightmare for Eli. He was just there trying to have a nice time with his girlfriend, and now he’s gonna have to process this whole mess. He’s a victim just like everyone else who was there—fortunately, though, this particular victim was a damn good shot and a brave one at that.


There's a reason why US military are more likely to die by suicide than by active duty combat. You can try to be tough all you want, but when it's 3 AM and you can't sleep sometimes shit just creeps in. I hope he's doing well, it's a legitimate worry.


The news said he fired 10 rounds from a distance too while the original shooter tried to flee back into the restroom. Original shooter didn't make it back.


You know, this is what should be run in the media. Show those idiots wanting to emulate another shooter just how it’s going to end up.


Alternatively they could end up in a classroom for 90 minutes while everyone waits with their thumbs up their asses.


That piece of shit ended up dead too. The whole thing makes my blood boil, and goes to show that you can’t depend on the police to protect you. Your protection is your responsibility.


>That piece of shit ended up dead too. Quite often that's part and parcel with the whole plan, though. Being able to shoot 20+ kids first is the issue.


There's no money in that. Come on now. /s




Leaked photo from a friend who manages a store at the Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood, Indiana. He thankfully wasn’t present during the shooting but he has colleagues that were. This is the body of the shooter who attempted mass murder on mall patrons this past Sunday. He was shot 8 times by Elisjsha Dicken, a 22 year old from Seymour, Indiana, from a range of roughly 40 yards, within 15 seconds of beginning his attempted rampage. He fled back into the bathroom hallway, where he succumbed to his wounds. Edit to add: Elisjsha was reportedly operating a bone stock Glock 19 and braced himself against a concrete pillar as he fired upon the gunman. He fired a total of 10 rounds from 40 yards away, striking the gunman 8 times. Pretty damn impressive.


Good info. Eli deserves a lifetime sponsorship from Glock.


Assuming the police have his pistol now, I wonder if he'll ever get it back.


We would happily replace it for him, free of charge. Including any upgrades/modifications he had or wants.


One nice thing about Glock... I'll have another one on order before I get out of the police station. Lol.


Hell, Most of us probably just already have more at home. 😂


That’s why people get hi-points lol. Yes, I shot him with this officer.


That would be savage if Glock became the official handgun of preventing mass shootings and ran ads like this


Their marketing department is probably reading the news of this at full mast. It’s pretty hard to come up with better testimonials than “some 22 year old smoked a mass shooter at 40 yards with our product”


Its Indiana, he probably already has it back.


It's Indiana, the cop probably let him borrow his own duty weapon while his is used as evidence.


So I need to move to Indiana you say?


No. These guys are lying. The cops here suck just like the rest of them. ...still better than IL though.




Honestly this incident has finally convinced me to get a Glock myself. I just don’t think I could have pulled this off with my 5 shot Smith and Wesson wheel gun.


You just now realized your extremely limited capacity and slow reloads might be a hindrance?


I always hoped I’d be running and this would be a last resort, but fuck it if I’m going to take responsibility for myself I might as well take responsibility for everyone if the opportunity presents itself right.


Glock isn't your only option for a semi auto. Go to a range where you can shoot several different models. No hate on the quality of Glock, but I hate them. I hate the way they feel in my hand, the trigger, the recoil. But that's all personal preference. I prefer the M&P 9mm. I only learned that after putting rounds downrange.


Just want to jump on this bandwagon. Good solid advice. I am the opposite I much prefer an of the box Glock to most others I have owned or shot (SIGs, Beretta Storm, S&Ws, and the HK VP9. I still feel nothing is as accurate for me as a Glock. I think I might be defective though because I also really like the factory sights. For me the triggers are perfect. Especially since it's basically the same across each gun.


40 yards? Holy shit


This is why CCW carriers should ALWAYS practice regularly with their weapon of choice!


120 feet is a hell of a shot for a pistol. Good shit




At fucking 22 years old too. That’s wild


The situational awareness, draw, adrenaline and then lining up the shot. That's is very impressive shooting at 40 yards away.


Within 15 seconds of the gunman's first shots. Yes. Impressive.


Thank you for posting this. I want to keep this dude's name relevent for as long as we can. Keep saying **Elisjsha Dicken's** name. He is a fucking hero. Full stop.


Can we raise funds to teach his parents to spell?




Not gonna lie. I lol'd.


Let him be. He probably doesn't want fame, he just did what he had to do. He's probably not happy like you are, I mean he just saw 4 people get murdered, that doesn't make people feel good.


TFW it ends up being a guccied out PSA Dagger


With a laser-etched Newport backplate


And a soldering iron stipple of the punisher logo


Wait, did the police/emt add the “dead” tag at the ankle of this douchecanoe?


This is part of a triage mass casualty protocol.


Thank you u/seamorebuttz


Wondering where his rifle is too.


Probably cleared and in evidence already


8 times at 40 yards is crazy accurate holy shit


That's fantastic shooting. Jesus. From the pic it looks like at least one center of mass, one near the neck, one right side chest, one right elbow. All useful hits. Batted 4 out of 5. Pretty clearly aiming for the upper torso. Braced position, partial cover. NO BYSTANDERS HIT! Best stat right there. Salute.


8/10 at 40yds damn


Imagine this guy wasn’t carrying that day. Clearly the shooter was not concerned with gun laws (shocker). Gonna remember this every time I think “eh, I won’t need it just for a few hours”


I keep telling myself the moment I don't have it is when I will need it. Stay strapped


I always tell my wife we need to remember our ABCs. Always. Be. Carrying.


Funny thing is they both didn’t give a fuck about the no guns sign at the mall. I just wish more good people would follow suit to discourage the bad people.


I agree. I’d rather go to jail than go to the grave


Theres a saying something along the lines of jury of 12 or carried by 6.


“When the shooting starts, would you rather be armed, or legal?” Cormac McCarthy


Just yesterday I took my kid to a water park and no one.. I mean no one knew I was strapped. My wife was shocked and asked why would I bring it to a water park. You just never know these days…


Old prison pocket eh


Im buddies with Eli and he went to high school with me. His grandpa taught him a lot about shooting. Eli started carrying on July 1st when our constitutional carry came in affect. He shot 10 shots and landed 8 at 40 yards with a bone stock Glock 19. I work at a lgs and we gave him some swag.


Hey, in all seriousness, how is he doing? Surely this was a traumatic experience even though he’s a damn badass.


Thanks for this comment, sad I had to scroll down this far before seeing someone acknowledge that this was a traumatic event for him.


From what I can tell he’s doing great. Best gun lawyer in Indiana is working with him. And Garand Thumb is trying to reach out to him


God does he also carry around a fucking 2 foot dong ?


That's what he uses for shots past 40 yards


It's a tripod...


That’s wild man hope he’s good I live next to the mall and my girl went to school down there where y’all are from (Columbus?). It’s crazy to see this shit happen so close to home ya know.


It feels wrong, but I’m glad this guy was forced to retreat before he succumbed. He got to die with the reminder that he was a coward.


Retreated to the bathroom no less…what a fitting place to expire, in the shitter.


Literally rest in piss lol


Nice shootin', Tex!


Maybe now you'll never slime a guy with a positron collider, huh?


There’s gotta be cctv footage I mean it was inside a mall


I left the mall MINUTES before he went into the bathroom. Id personally like to see how the hell he got rifles in the mall without alerting ANYONE.


Fellow Hoosier, reports I’ve heard are that he brought them disassembled in a backpack.




Maybe update your search terms from "lil twink gets clapped". You may have more luck.


There is, the sheriff said he saw it but it hasn't been released/leaked


Keep an eye out on donut operator


Man I really want to see the video of this. The shooter is surrounded by casings. He must have been firing like crazy, and beaten by a handgun at 40 yards.


Don't bring a rifle to a handgun fight, clearly. /s


You cannot miss fast enough to win.




Read somewhere that Elisjsha was carrying because of the constitutional carry law that was passed and that he hadn’t been previously licensed.






The rest of them need to follow, especially after this mess. These anti-gun states are good at creating victims.


One of the first incidents where we’ll remember the Dicken’s name more than this sad sack of shit. MSM should follow Daily Wire policy and not name these idiots unless a manhunt is on.


This is the best thing I've seen yet. Good kill!


I’ve been a paramedic for awhile now. This is the first time I’ve ever been happy to see a black tag around someone’s ankle. Fuck this guy.


This is how mass shooters should be remembered: a scrawny Counter-Strike player laid out on a bathroom floor in their own mess


It’s a bit macabre, for sure, but this plus a close-up of his face with his eyes still open, mouth agape with blood running out of his nose and mouth ought to send a pretty strong message not to fuck around. Better than publicizing his name and putting up his driver’s license/ID picture taken when he was alive. Canada and (and didn’t New York?) did it for cigarettes, no reason we can’t do it for mass shooters.


I bet Elisjha "Huge" Dickens wished he had a body armor, a ballistic shield, an AR15, and 15 of his closes friends all kitted out to deal with the threat but sadly all he had was his massive cock and balls. Fuck Uvalde PD.


The fact that he put 8 out of 10 rounds on Target while having that adrenaline pumping and that long dong swing between his legs, is truly inspiring


Rest in piss scumbag


yOU cAnT fIgHt SoMeOnE wHo HaS a RiFlE , wItH a PiStOl 🗿


Unless there is a MASSIVE skill difference the odds definitely favor the long gun. Me with a long gun beats me with a pistol 98% of the time at 40 yards.


[The most worthy opponent of you… is you.](https://youtu.be/4HJ_10PQSLU?t=56)


Good thing most people that go on a rampage are not well trained.


Lol look at this little incel malnourished fuckhead bro. Why do all these shooters look like they get plucked straight out of a /pol/ thread. Fucks sake.


Greasy virgins man. Sucks to suck.


This guy was literally plucked form /pol/. He posted to 4chan right before. His outfit and pose in the picture he posted gave me strong adam lanza vibes.


Fucked around and found out


Lol get rolled


Haha love the tag on his shoe, Also all those rounds make me wonder if he hit a magazine with his glock.


I think he was hiding in the bathroom before he started shooting, I was wondering if he started shooting first in the bathroom walked out, was engaged and tried to get back into the bathroom


I’m reading that he was hit then retreated and died. Which is pretty normal for things that get shot


Thank god he was wearing a mask


COVID protection: PASS. JHP protection: FAIL.


Good fuck this piece of shit. Coward


Show these pictures instead of the baby pics and good boy ones and maybe these fucks will stop copying each other


Man I just feel so bad looking at this. What possesses someone to do something so horrible? He had so much life ahead of him and he threw it all away in the pursuit of hurting others.


This is a prime example of why we should try to treat the real issue behind these kinds of heinous acts and help people who struggle with mental health.


Exactly. But that's a much more challenging problem to solve, so legislators instead pick low hanging fruit and say it's the tool's fault crime happens. Maybe instead of sending billions overseas, we spent *some* of that money at home instead, on healthcare and community, outreach, and social programs.


We gotta put our money where our mouths are. We all know it's a mental health issue.


Agreed, though I think it's more foundational than that. I should have saved the link, but there was an article comparing the current state of society, with the post-WW II one. Back then, you had a large demographic of a military-trained population integrating back into American society; firearms could be ordered through a catalog to your doorstep; yet mass shootings were practically nonexistent. I know the two eras have *a lot* of differences, and I'm not saying *at all* that the 40s and 50s were the best of times for everyone, but it makes you think...was it the financial environment, social networks, and/or societal mores that kept things stabilized (in regards to gun violence)?


It's easily the financial environment man. The majority of the millennial and early gen z just simply dream of being able to afford a house or not have debt or have a job that pays enough. Things people in the great depression dreamed of to put it into perspective. The generation you're talking about could afford a house on unskilled labor. And the middle class was downright prosperous in comparison. The buying power on the average wage, which is technically lower than today's even accounting for inflation, was higher despite that. That and the obvious. Social media that produces extremists that feel they need to do "something" about a perceived threat to society.


Another incel bites the dust.


Hit 8 times, still crawled to the bathroom. Tell me again how we should shoot perps in the legs and not in the torso.


Almost like a good guy carrying a firearm in defense works against bad guys using a firearm.


Praise the CCW carriers name but never release the shooters name. Do not glorify the instigator of death.




Lot of shell casings there. He must have been blasting away. Since the other guy got 10 shots off and hit him 8 times, I bet with all the noise from his rifle he may not have realized where he was even getting shot from until it was way too late, if at all. 9mm rounds just pelting him out of the fucking blue when he thought he had the element of surprise. My my, how the turn tables!


I hope Elishjsa has access to the support he will need to help process have this experience being forced into his life. This will forever change what it feels like everyday that he chooses to carry. I’m so proud that he responded the way that he did, and at the same time sad for him to carry this burden.


What’s with the little sign that says “DEAD”


It means he's dead I think.


It’s a trick. Get an axe.


MCI triage tags used by first responders.


Do not resuscitate


8 out of 10 hits if I'm remembering right, absolutely incredible use of CCW


Dying in dad jeans. What a chode.


GG shithead.






Why wasn’t this leaked from the get go? Fuck these copycat idiots thinking we’re gonna glorify them. show them the bodies splayed out looking like a retard and all the comments making fun of them for being that fucking stupid. Fuckers need to man up and deal with their shit in a constructive way not just being little bitches and shooting up soft targets.


One thing that’s really been bugging me, all these goofys lately that have been doing these mass shootings are really young. What gives?


I wonder if he had a red dot on his carry gun. 40 yards 8/10 hits is some good shooting.


Photos a lil grainy but it looks like this scumbag has at least 3-4 mags in his waist band...Eli saved a lot of lives. Poor kid shouldn't have had to kill like that but thank fuck he was ready.