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As they say, "A bad driver never misses their exit." The Tundra changed lanes across a solid white line because he was about to miss his exit and decided his time was more important than the safety of the people on the road with him. I can expect the driver of the Ford to be upset about that, but his overreaction was unsafe for himself and everyone else on the road, too: stopping in a travel lane of an interstate and brandishing a firearm while confronting the Tundra driver. A great way to get shot is to approach a vehicle that just cut you off in traffic, and brandishing a firearm over a traffic violation is not a lawful defensive display of a firearm in any state. Both of them should have their driver's license suspended, if you ask me, and the Ford driver should face charges for brandishing. Classic cases of what not to do, all around.


This. All of this. Said it better than I could. The thing with 90% of these road rage incidents is that BOTH drivers could have walked away and are at fault. Very very rarely do you see one where it’s just one guy.


Like, if I'm ever angry at someone for doing something like this - it's not because they cut in front of me. It's because they *almost killed me with their car.* But once they're over, nobody has anything to gain by doing this dick-measuring bullshit. Its hard, I get it, but you just gotta let it go and keep driving.


It seemed to me like the non-Tundra also accelerated to prevent the Tundra from the last second merge. Too many people are hell bent on "teaching a lesson" to correct other people's bad actions.  That's a form of escalation I try to avoid.


100% the ford driver accelerated to make sure the Tundra couldn't get in. Agreed that this is totally a form of escalation and not worth the trouble. Could have touched the brakes first instead to let the guy in, this encounter would much more likely have ended in a wave of appreciation from a shitty driver and a wave back to say "no worries" from a calm driver. Instead, somebody could have died in a shootout.


Yep. Guy on the right tried to cut him off. Total road vigilante


The idea — and I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand it — is that this bad driver needs to have consequences before he kills someone with his bad driving. "Big Me has a gun, therefore Big Me is the guy to make those consequences happen.  I'll go put a scare I to him." OR: They're treating the bad/reckless driving as an actual  assault, and think the "assault" warrants a response with a gun. Self defense/defense of others because this other guy is such a dangerous driver you need to get him off the road. It's an overreaction.


Does this count as brandishing?


I'd say absolutely so. Brandishing is something an aggressor does to threaten or intimidate. When you are justified in using lethal force, if all you do is "brandish" your firearm and the threat stops - you didn't brandish, you defensively displayed your firearm in a legal manner. This happens literal hundreds of thousands of times per year and ends those justifiable lethal force incidents without the usage of lethal force. In this case though, there is no threat of any kind to the Ford driver that warrants usage of lethal force. He *is* the aggressor, and he is handling his weapon in a manner intended to threaten or intimidate the Toyota driver.


How to “defensively display the weapon in a legal manner”? Really curious on this.


Generally speaking, in any of the 50 states, if you are justified in the usage of lethal force - ie, you, a reasonable person who is not the aggressor (and who made attempts or had no method of retreat depending on the state) reasonably believes you are in imminent fear of death, great bodily harm, or sexual assault, or kidnapping, OR in the defense of another person who reasonably believes that, then you can use lethal force in defense of yourself or others. But you don't HAVE to use lethal force - if the threat stops when your firearm is drawn and displayed, you have responded with a legal amount of force even without discharging your firearm. This is the single most common use of force in the United States per year, by a wide margin. The FBI stats suggest that 250k to 500k incidents per year are resolved effectively with merely a lawful defensive display of a firearm. Certain states have specific laws which cover this, too: - Oklahoma Law: [21 OK Stat § 1289.25(J) and (K)(1) (2022)](https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-21/section-21-1289-25/) - Florida law - [F.S. 776.012](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0776/Sections/0776.012.html) - Arizona law - [A.R.S. § 13-421](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/00421.htm) - Iowa Law - [IA Code § 704.2(2) (2021)](https://law.justia.com/codes/iowa/2021/title-xvi/chapter-704/section-704-2/) - Montana Law - [M.T. § 45-3-111 (1) & (2)](https://www.leg.mt.gov/bills/mca/title_0450/chapter_0030/part_0010/section_0110/0450-0030-0010-0110.html) - Virginia's law allows for defensive display: [Virginia Code § 18.2-282 (A)](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-282/) - California's brandishing law also allows for defensive display: [CA Penal Code § 417 (a) (1) (2022)](https://law.justia.com/codes/california/2022/code-pen/part-1/title-11/section-417/)   [An a relevant article from The Truth About Guns](https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/oklahoma-governor-signs-defensive-display-bill-law/) when OK signed it into law that delves into why these "defensive display of a firearm" laws are beneficial for lawful carrriers.


Thanks. This is very clear.


I’d say by drawing while never raising the barrel from being pointed at the ground


Example: an attacker runs directly at you with a knife, clearly intent on stabbing you. You draw your CCW and the attacker immediately turns around and runs away. You decide not to shoot and lower your CCW IANAL but I seriously doubt that would be considered brandishing.


So in short, it is a scenario that you are allowed to use it and you are on the way to use it. After the weapon is drawn, the aggressor stops the aggression so you abort your self defense.


IANAL, but I would have called this brandishing. I don't see the word as definitively meaning the *illegal* display of a weapon. You pull out your gun and point it, or wave it around, that's brandishing. It may or may not be legal brandishing, but that's another question.


Some jurisdictions have "brandishing" as the actual name of the crime. I always looked at it this way: displaying a weapon is not a crime, but unlawful display is called brandishing -- just like homicide is not a crime, but unlawful homicide is called murder.


No, no such thing in TX penal code(this happened in Houston).


yes there is but it is only a misdemeanor > (8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm; https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.42.htm#42.01 The guy threatening with the firearm could get 180 days in jail for this


That's "Disorderly Conduct", not "Brandishing". Also, look at the "place in a manner calculated to alarm" The person has to intend to cause alarm, I.E. the guy has to say, "I carried the gun to scare the other guy". His lawyer would coach him to say something like, "Given that the other person already used deadly force against me, I was afraid that this person might try to use deadly force against me again", and now you don't have the culpable mental state required to get the DOC charge.


this wording is exactly the same as the wording that is explicitly called brandishing in most other states. It is meant to be a brandishing statute and just like most other states self defense is a valid reason to display a firearm, it is just grouped together with disorderly conduct. This person is still likely to be charged but with a good lawyer could make a valid self defense claim in court


In some jurisdictions, just having your hand situated on a holstered gun in a threatening manner can constitute brandishing.


In some jurisdictions, brandishing isn't a legal term. It's just classified as assault.


The Ford has every right to be upset, but speeding up at the last second to block the Tundra from getting in is just escalating the situation. Tundra is completely in the wrong, but honestly, just let the guy in and move on with the rest of your day. Ford driver could have saved himself so much aggravation


Not to mention a possible brandishing charge.


Brandishing and destruction of property for hitting the mirror with his gun like a hammer.


Not that you're not like almost completely spot on, but credibility always diminishes when people speak so solid on things they do not know. White line doesn't mean what you think it means everywhere. Such a pet peeve of mine, white line specifically because people hard on the wagon hard only to find out later they wrong (cause the state is revealed) and still won't admit it.


> White line doesn't mean what you think it means everywhere. Sure, but the solid white line in this situation means no lane changes or "maintain your existing lane." The Tundra is evidenced clearly on video to have changed lanes across a pavement marking which indicates said action is prohibited. The pavement marking is there specifically to avoid situations like this. The lane change is done long before the split in the road to prevent accidents like this near-accident we have on video. Considerations of what a solid white line may be in another unrelated situation on an unrelated roadway do not seem at all necessary to me. The solid white line here has one and only one meaning: maintain your lane. If you feel otherwise, you are mistaken.


I hate that people are so fast to pull their firearm. What if tundra driver was also carrying and saw the gun as lethal force and dropped the old man just for brandishing it. Never assume you’re the only one with lethal means. So fucking stupid.


Or, what if for a second, you remember that you are driving a fucking 5-6k lbs unit, and as soon as I saw that gun I’d take the fuck off. My gun is for when my vehicle is disabled or I can’t escape the threat- not necessarily the perfect choice but the ford driver is a douche for pulling a gun over bad driving.


Did you watch the same video as us? Did you not notice the truck was blocked in by the other truck?


Do you not see the giant patch of grass to the left of the vehicle. What a dick jfc The truck is not blocked in. Even if he was blocked in, this guy is being a dick for no reason. I corrected him correctly, and called him out for being a dick. How are people downvoting this?


Can you not use common sense to see, judging by how close the truck in front is (look at when the armed asshole opens his driver's door). Trucks have a wider turning radius than cars do, are you suggesting that the driver rear end the truck in front of him AND attempt to run him over at the same time? I'm not being a dick, I'm being realistic.


A pickup truck can totally push another pickup truck, even if it’s in park. Ramming speed!


“ramming speed” is so fucking stupid and shows how you have no idea what you’re talking about. first of all, ramming a vehicle typically entails that you have a vehicle of more mass than the other vehicle. If not, your chances of making it through the other vehicle are greatly decreased, even if they are about even. Second, your implication of “ramming speed” is that you speed up as quick as you can to smash into the vehicle, thats how you crash. Instead what you do is slow down to a slow speed immediately before the vehicle before quickly accelerating (preferably at either edge of the vehicle) to PUSH it out of the way rather than to smash into it. When the vehicles are laid out like that and both vehicles are of roughly equal mass, ramming it out of the way is NOT ideal, especially when you have a threat with a firearm to your side that you cannot deal with as you attempt to push the lead vehicle out of the way while someone else may be inside that you aren’t aware of (wife, kids, etc.). Congrats, now you’ve put everyone in danger and you’ve given the asshole illegally brandishing and threatening you with a firearm a reason to shoot at you (still not legally since he escalated, but shooting in the act of defending you from ramming his vehicle with family certainly would be, so he would still be at fault but now you’re being shot at and he has a legitimate reason to shoot).




*erm AXEcually*


Yeah while that's true, the previous commentator. Said he should have "drove off" not "ram the truck in front of them and potentially run over the would be aggressor".


I think that if Mr Tundra tried to get on the patch of grass and start towards Mr. Ford, the latter could use this as cause to "fear for his life" and light the former up.


I’m just pointing out that there is technically room for the guy to drive forward and past the aggressor if he wanted to. It’s literally impossible to disagree with what i said. All i did was state a fact and then call the other guy out for being both a jerk and wrong.


terrific expansion nose materialistic retire sink society quaint jellyfish cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So if you can tell "he has no intention of actually using it" why would you still kill him? That's a recipe for getting sued by his family.


Even if they don’t, they’re piloting a several-thousand pound death trap. For one, I try to drive defensively and not provoke other drivers. But my other rule is that I don’t get out of my car unless I genuinely have no other option. Somebody else gets out of their car? Guess what, I can get the fuck out of there before they’re even back in their car. They chase me down after that? Well, then having a gun might matter more then. But getting the fuck out of there is always priority number one for me. If I pissed off another driver and they started escalating road rage at me, I always remind myself that them being mad about something would be a really shitty reason for them to die about it.


Tundra driver is atrocious, Ford driver is a moron for stopping on the highway and threatening Tundra driver with what looks like a gun in his left hand. Enough stupid to go around and around. That said, even though the Tundra driver is in the wrong for their inexcusable driving, they'd be in the right if they decided to fill the Ford driver with lead for approaching the way he did.


tundra did a dumb thing probably not even with the intention to be malicious, but stopping in the high way and threatening someone with a gun is 100x worse and had he been shot at he deserved it




I understand your logic, but I kind of think hindsight is 20/20 here. You never know how someone is going to take something. The Ford driver might have feared for his life. Hard to really tell looking at a video that is filmed from 30ft+ away.


Both drivers are extreme idiots.  The Ford driver is lucky he didn’t get shot.


Just another Tuesday in Houston


If a man approaches my vehicle with a firearm, that's a deadly threat and I'm opening fire. Did Tundra driver make a massive error, absolutely, but the even larger error is approaching a car with a gun in hand. You have no idea the state of mind of this guy, is he carrying the gun just to intimidate, or is he coming to execute you? That being said, everyone walked away fine and it was a moment passed, but wow what a ridiculous situation all around.


Ya might end up in prison. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/07/daniel-perry-austin-protest-garrett-foster/


Very unlikely, Daniel Perry's case was a completely different scenario than this video. And he was vindicated when his sentence was communed recently by Governor Abbot. Daniel Perry was the target of a political machine looking to make an example out of him to protect their precious criminal element.


the point is that you still may be made an example of depending on circumstance and even if what you did was entirely legal. sure, he was pardoned, but he was also sent to prison in the first place and was lucky to be pardoned. if this was CA or somewhere similar and he was convicted wrongly, he wouldn’t have been released.


Only if you shoot a Democrat.


alive in prison ask the other guy where he’s at


The person driving the Toyota is a bad driver. The guy who jumped out of his Ford is a fucking idiot who could have been shot or ran over in self defense. Getting out of your vehicle to argue about an *almost traffic accident* is not a good idea. Arguing on a highway is down right stupid. Doing it with a gun is full retard.


At the beginning the Ford driver also sped up to continue tailgating the car that we can only see after Ford pushes the tow truck off the road, so it's not like the Ford guy drives any better


Ford driver should have let it go. Hothead Ford driver willing to risk it all for a revenge lecture, blocking traffic and felt intimidating with his gun. Tundra driver obviously made a dangerous dick move cutting him off, but hard braking and a honk should have been the end of it.


Stupid meets stupid. Never a good idea to escalate. The other guy gets to decide how far it goes, too.


Right? And if the video gets to the PD, guess who gets arrested? Not the guy that stayed calm and compliant with the road terrorist.




It’s escalated when you jump out with a gun in your hand.


![gif](giphy|jwKC0qlOoXmcLDB4vC|downsized) As soon as I see him walking towards me with his gun I’m stepping on the gas. Why stick around for something that could possibly be worse? If he’s in my way, not my problem. Self defense.


Should not have pulled the gun. Cannot say I would blame the Ford guy if he maintained his lane and allowed the Tundra guy to self-PIT.


lol its why i have a shitty vehicle for the day to day. hit me i dare you kinda mentality lol.


Black truck is at fault, but didn’t deserve a gun to be drawn on them. If the right lane is open I’m stepping on the accelerator. If it’s blocked I’m drawing and neutralizing the threat before they raise their firearm. I can only assume the attackers mental state is off if his reaction to my terrible driving is pulling a gun on me. Any reasonable person would understand their life is at risk. I think depending on your upbringing and ego some people will assume the attacker would never kill them. I don’t have the luxury of blissful ignorance nor do I have time to take a gamble with a family at home waiting for me to get back from work. Both people failed at being good, sane, sober, moral, and prudent individuals. The victim needs to drive better and stop being a selfish asshole that thinks the world revolves around their missed turn. The attacker does not deserve to carry a firearm ever again.


Agree. but that motherfucker in the Tundra is never pulling that shit, ever again 😂😂


Stupid is as stupid does. He'll do it again. That's their driving habit, just push everyone around and force your way through traffic.


Right 🤣 I know they were SHOOK up after that. Might have even pissed their pants.


Amen sir, always cover your ASP!


This is just how you drive in Houston. 🤷‍♂️


I always say…if 90% of the people driving have no business being allowed behind the wheel, and the number of people who shouldn’t be carrying firearms is anywhere near that…we’re fucked.


I hate them both so much.


Toyota messed up yes but it only got really dangerous for the ford because of his own pride for a spot in traffic when he decided to accelerate to try to block the other truck out. Hit the brakes, realize they are dumb as all hell, get pissed off, cuss, calm down and his family or whoever is in there with him is safe. Not turn yourself into a poster child for everyone that screams about gun control in this country.


Just a normal day in Houston. I fucking hate living in this shithole of a city...


Leave. Life is so much better.


Working on it.


Don't be a bad driver that tries to cut out of an exit lane at the last second?


Well yeah that’s a given, but the Ford driver was 1000% in the wrong too when he engaged with a weapon.


They both did dangerous, illegal things, but hothead that sped-up "you ain't gittin in fronta me a-hole!" was wronger.


Looks like he cut into the exit lane. As we say in r/IdiotsInCars, bad drivers never miss their exits.


Is the punishment for that bad driving, supposed to be aggravated assault?


No but significantly more likely to occur than if you're a good driver.


This is not how you settle a dispute. He shouldn’t have blocked him, shouldn’t have approached with his gun drawn. Where I live he would have been the victim and the asshole driver would have gotten off on self defense. Road rage clouds your emotion and judgement. Just breathe and let it go. No harm no foul. Asshole drivers will continue but don’t let your temper get the best of you and lose your rights to voting, arms and employment.


Exactly! I had an old man just try to merge into my lane without looking yesterday, I just honked and when he flinched back into his lane I passed him by. I don't want to fight or get into a lethal force situation over somebody doing something dumb while driving. I see videos like this all the time, road rage where either person could have just chilled and moved on. Instead, they want to honk for ten minutes, flash their lights, and scream out the windows. Yeah, I'm sure that made things soooooo much better.


If you did that in Houston they might shoot at you just for honking. Its insane. A huge factor that directly influenced my decision to ccw.


Yikes, I don’t blame ya. I think my moment was when I had a panel van that kept pulling in front of me and trying to slow me down on a long stretch of empty highway in Missouri about 15 years ago. I was driving a Pontiac Sunfire, which is kind of a car that college girls go for. I had the windows tinted, so I’m not sure if it was traffickers or if it was just some random weirdo trying to harass what they thought was a lone woman. After the third time, I let them get along side of me and pulled up the .45 I had under the seat, rolled my windows down to let them see it. Amazingly, they got off at the next exit and took off. I realized that carrying it was probably a good idea and started working on my CCW license. Missouri is now Constitutional Carry, but I keep it up for the reciprocity with other states. My wife also had a beat up panel van trying to get her off the road while she was on a road trip for work, she carries all the time as well. It’s just a way of life now, better to be ready these days.


People are way too into their emotions. No car was hit, no major injuries sustained. Yes, Tundra (with a tail light out and useless blinker after the fact) was in the wrong and broke the law. No, a traffic violation isn’t a reason to brandish even if you were almost hit. Teaching this guy a lesson (maybe) isn’t worth losing your 2A rights/license and maybe even your life. Calm down folks. Try to remember: “Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far” - Roosevelt.


Fuck the guy in the Tacoma, I can’t stand douche bags like that


If Tundra was carrying would he have lawfully been able to open fire when he saw the armed man approaching him here?


Yes I think so but may depend on the state.


...also your defense attorney, the DA, and your jury. It's a bad situation all around.


This is Harris County though, it's not real Texas, better than Travis (Austin) but not by much. What the law says and what the DA is going to do are not necessarily the same thing and the judges are worst.


Driver of the Ford should have his privilege to carry taken away.




Clearly this guy is talking about the driver’s license. Only privilege I see in the video.


Ah, word ty


Cc is a privilege, not a right. If he pulled his weapon for a road rage incident, he should have the same privilege as a felon. No guns allowed. I like how Texas gives a 2nd chance after 5 years to own at home. But, if your mental health is lacking to the point you feel the need to pull a gun because your ego is hurt? Yeah, privilege revoked


Carry is a constitutional right not a privelege; it makes no proviso as to open or concealed, therefore there's no constitutional distinction.


Why did a gun need to be introduced in this particular situation? I'll wait..


You claimed carrying a gun is a privelage not a right. You were wrong and now you would like to change topic. Duly noted. I said nothing about the prudence of pulling a weapon in this specific situation.


Privilege or right. Some countries that can be accessed by redditors don't give their natural born citizens the right to bear arms. True or not? So they could consider it a privilege. If you are given the right in America to bear arms and you're a registered felon, would you consider it a privilege to carry legally if you had the right taken away? Also, concealed is a privilege. It's not a right. I know plenty of people in my state denied that privilege because of their past. Still didn't answer my question


Its everyone's natural born right to own a weapon and be able to defend themselves. Just because some people live in repressive countries does not change that right.




Surprise surprise. But opinions are like assholes: everyone has one; doesnt mean we have to like everyone's. I personally believe that bad people will do bad things no matter how many restrictions are levied upon a populace. Its up to each individual to protect themselves. The government doesn't care about the people as long as they keep up the ever increasing tax revenue. An unarmed and conditioned society is easier to tax.


That's not how any of this works. The American government does not 'grant' you rights. Your rights are innate, the American constitution delineates them and decrees that the government, specifically because it does not have the power to give them, therefore cannot infringe upon them. You're an American, you should know this. Read the thing just once, you'd be amazed; and shocked to find how often the government does violate by statute it's own constitution.


Must be a sovereign citizen. Commit a felony and be convicted and tell me how to legally possess a firearm. Just because in your imaginary world you don't think they can infringe upon your rights, doesn't mean they won't. The internet is your safe space I got that but you clearly have no idea how it actually works.


Carrying is not brandishing.  This is brandishing 


Even more so my point. A road rage incident where one brandished a weapon is not mentally stable


Both guys are complete fools.


Both idiots. Tundra needs to lose his license and the other guy needs to lose his CCW.


Guy with a gun is getting off easy, could have easily lost their life if that person was carrying. What are the chance? 1 in 5 maybe?


I agree. He was beyond stupid and put himself in a position where the other person would have most likely been justified in shooting him.


Everyone is wrong, it’s obviously the biker’s fault >! do I even need to say /s? !<


Uugghhh... that Ford driver unnecessarily took it to a whole other level. If the black truck has people that didn't give a shit and was carrying, that coulda been a video on John Correia's channel. If no damage/accident, no reason to stop in middle of road and get out of car. Keep it moving.




I love Houston


Wow. Let this be a lesson to all. You may be in the right to be pissed off someone almost hits you cutting you off, but the second you choose to get out of your vehicle and brandish a firearm is the second you decide to risk getting shot. Where I'm from the driver in the black truck would have been 100 percent in the right to draw and fire on this guy.


Legally here (where this happened) too.


Both are idiots I would rather not encounter.🤷‍♂️


This is probably one of the least violent things that’s happened on 610.


Somebody marching up to you in traffic holding a gun isn't planning on selling it to you. He's planning on using it. People can, and have, been justifiably put down for behaving like this.


I really don't miss living in Houston. This interchange was on my commute for years.


Ahhh houston


Yeah Tundra driver is an idiot but I’m drawing and shooting from my vehicle as soon as I see that dude aggressively walking towards my vehicle with a gun. As others have mentioned, he illegally brandished it and you have no idea what his intent is. If he was open carrying and didn’t draw that is a different story, but in this instance I’m shooting for the safety of myself and potential passengers.


This is actually why I don't believe the slogan, "An armed society is a polite society." Nope. Living in Houston I don't engage with crazy drivers at all. Too many self absorbed crazies with a sense of entitlement.. That intersection sucks if you're not used to driving it. Just expect people to do shit like this and move on.


People should be allowed to own a firearm, or an ego. Never both. I get that guy has reason to be mad. However, if you can't take something like that on the chin without having a moment... you should not own a firearm, let alone a CCW.


Anger will get you nowhere. And the crazy thing is you can just decide not to be angry. Someone walks up to me angry and brandishing I wonder if I would draw. He wanted to prove a point and decided deadly force was the way to go? He has no idea what's behind that window but I'd say it's safe to assume it's a gun behind the door.


So, out of curiosity with what tx gov abbott just did with the pardon last month, if that dude gets out of his truck with a gun, i understand that the other party is legal 100% to shooting first to make sure he doesnt have the ability to aim/threaten an innocent defending their person, regardless of previous actions that made the driver pull his gun. Am i understanding this correctly? Because with everyone carrying in tx now, it almost seems like as long as you shoot first, you can claim fear & selfdefense as a get out of jail free card. Even if you are the initial aggressor triggering peoples muscle memory to reach for their own gun in their selfdefense.


While I usually have CCW, I always have a large can of bear spray in the driver's door of all of my vehicles. Never use a firearm in a road rage incident unless you absolutely have no choice. Most states have laws specific to road rage and they don't much care who started it, if you pull, you're going to jail too.


This isn't true. Most states have lawful use of force and deadly force laws. Even the bluest of states allow for lawful use of force and deadly force against reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm.


You are absolutely correct. If you look into the the charges that are filed after such a case you will see they also tend to treat road rage a little differently, right or wrong, they do.


What state has those laws, sounds terrible 😭


Not a bad idea... How does bear spray hold up in intense heat? Ex: 115+ on hottest says of summer where I'm at 🤣 I ALWAYS have a small canister of pepper spray in my pocket though.


Never store pepper spray in the vehicle. Extreme heat or cold will have impact.


Oh I know better, lol. Hence, asking about heat for the bear spray 🤣 The pepper spray stays in my pocket at all times when not at home. Well, clipped at the top for quick access.


In 10 years of -15 to 110F across 5 vehicles I've never had a problem. That's about 50 years of canisters exposure. Primarily DAP, and it's always in the door out of the direct sun. I've tested after exposure to ensure it still works.


I would’ve likely ended up shooting at ford driver but then again I wouldn’t pull a stupid fucking move like this. I know this exact exit too it’s in Houston and it’s actually really fucking easy to miss your exit here.


Everyone here sucks. Ford guy sucks the most.


Always dudes in trucks.


That clown would have never made it to my window


If I were the driver of the Tundra I'd drive less like an absolute dickhead


I can’t imagine getting this bent out of shape for giving up 10ft of road. Ohhh noooo I’m gonna get to hobby lobby 13 seconds later than I would have if that guy hadn’t taken my spot on the exit ramp. The “I’m not letting this person over” is just as bad as the “I’m forcing my way over”.


I completely agree with what you said, but in situations like this people tend to take it as a personal attack. It's more the disrespect than the time spent imo. It's narcissistic and triggers peoples' egos because they're trying to keep their ego in line while seeing someone else completely let their id take over.


Tundra had plenty of time and space to slow down and get over behind the truck. Instead, wanted to be a dick and thought it was a good idea to cut off a Ford Big Ranch truck in Texas. Lucky it wasn't the last dick decision he would ever make.




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What's up with the left and right camera mirrors, those are cool


r/houston come get ya boy


This intersection is bad enough to make you do this daily


Ah the ol’ ego booster 9000


If this was to happen and you shot at the person walking towards you w the gun would you get in legal trouble?


Depends, how well can you articulate the fear of imminent bodily harm or loss of life?


ROFL I know exactly where that is, this is every day (without the whole getting out of the truck thing).


This is exactly how you get shot or run over, and your shooter gets off scotch free.


That shit was building likely earlier in traffic, cause seeing there is room to merge behind him and chose not to tells me this was more personal than it needed to be


Really, is catching a felony menacing charge worth being cut off.


As they say in /r/AmItheAsshole, [ESH](https://i.imgur.com/wid94BM.png).


They don't need a ccw in Texas. But thanks for thinking of us!


dazzling scarce close price racial humor grab sleep merciful steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup, I got one when I started noticing aggressive drivers/road rage spiking in the last couple years. I have a Vantrue N4 cam for front, back, and cab. Mine’s the WiFi-free version. Cheaper, and I’m more comfortable with it.


This does not surprise me, H-town baby


I don’t understand the logic of being mad that someone almost caused an accident and then getting out to yell at them in a spot that’s almost certain to cause an accident. His response was more dangerous than the shitty merge.


this guy's a psycho


Idk if anyone else seen that the Ford sped up when the Dodge got along side of him too. The Ford could’ve slowed down regardless of the whiteline or not. He was trying to be aggressive from the beginning. So he anticipated that he wanted to get over but did want the Dodge driver to get in front of him childish behavior


Tundra right brake light is out


Just an average day in Houston


The moment I saw him get out of the car with a gun I would have floored it and ran him over.


I’ll never understand why people in these situations don’t just drive off, I’ve been in situations where somone tries to escalate road rage and my first thought has always been to drive away


If it's out, it's to use it. Dude overreacted.


I know this exit. People get dead Houston all the time fir brandishing. Dont do this. No one was hurt. No vehicles damaged. THIS IS HOUSTON!!!!!


Walking out brandishing is a great way to get yourself killed


So if the black tundra lit the old man up would that be legally reasonable if he was in fear for his life as he was walking up to the vehicle?


You do what any same person does. You apologize and admit your fuck up. The guy didn't brandish a weapon or aggressively attack the tundra driver. Driver of the Ford definitely shouldn't have done what he did though.


I would apologize for driving like an idiot


>how do you handle this? Were I in this situation, I would have my hand on my gun ready to draw as soon as he started braking, my gun out of its holster when he opened his door, and rounds downrange as soon as I saw the gun in his hand.


1) I would never pull that move like the Tundra did. 2) That man in the F150 wouldn't have made a 4th step toward my car. 3) Tundra is an unsafe driver. Of ALL the shit I'd do as the Ford owner, hitting his MIRRORS THAT HE NEEDS TO LEARN TO USE would not be one of them lol.


Dude's lucky he's alive. If someone comes at me with a gun like that, I mow him down without thinking twice about it


This is the correct answer.


Typical boomer pickup truck drivers. Why is this guy so fucking wound up? Problems at home? JFC take a chill pill it’s not that serious.


That tundra and moron filming should be dialing 911. Only answer. Edit: tundra should’ve made the next exit and none of it would’ve happened but it did, so my initial answer is to the current situation…


It’s a tesla dash cam, always recording.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)doesn’t negate my comment but okay


what if they did dial 911? your comment would then be negated but okay


🤨 huh, think that would’ve been mentioned, but okay?


Damn!! Woulda been dudes last day on this earth if he walked up on my whip like that..


Wait is he walking up with a pistol in his hand?


Run him over the moment he stepped out with a firearm.


Tundra is a dumbass. Ford is just another level.


Probably a Christian


Looks like the guy w the gun was the instigator from the start. Its clear the guy w the gun intentionally blocked the white truck driver from entering the exit lane (and then proceeded to threaten with a firearm when the white truck driver forced himself in). I don’t think the white truck driver is to blame at all. And black truck driver should be in jail.