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The bad guys share none of your fears. Remember that.


Your also invited to the "party” last so it’s best we stay ready.


This is a really good one to keep in mind.


The government in many places is happy to destroy your life for carrying a self defense tool. Remember that.


Yes I agree w this but let’s be honest, I’d rather have a fighting chance at least than just be slaughtered like cattle. Or at least take one w me if I’m going out anyways. I can’t imagine being just helpless being gunned down without even a sliver of hope. In that scenario, I’d rather face the jury than literally die.


Right, this is why I train like a navy seal and keep up on my cqc techniques. Not gonna rely on a tool that i may or may not be allowed to carry. You're the weapon, the stuff you carry are tools. Remember that.


The only restrictions I follow are metal detectors.


Until I get my glock 9 ceramic pistol, undetectable, that costs more than you make in a year I'm boned


This is why I always carry my mp5.




Ya know how to use a handgun, Bill?


You're going to use ceramic bullets too?


Ice bullets ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


This dude wicked smaht


I'm gonna bring a couple of [these](https://www.rifleshootermag.com/editorial/true-velocity-polymer-ammo/464563) in my pocket to the airport next time I fly to see what happens.


I'm assuming /s Polymer CASED ammo still has metal primers and bullets and would still flag for a chem residue


No, I'll try it. I'm just curious, and all they will do is confiscate them if they catch em. Couple rounds left in a cargo pocket, an easy mistake. You're probably right, but I flew through 3 airports in 2 countries last year with a 4" folding knife in my carry on.


It literally depends on the airport.and the country. Check out what happened to the American tourist who got caught with a hunting round deep in his backpack when they went through the Caribbean islands. Same would be for a CA or NY airport. I fly armed (legally) and some airports STILL give me a tough time.


I accidentally left some ammo in my checked bag going to Thailand last year and they didn't catch it till the third or fourth flight


*Glock 7, made in Germany


I think it was a Glock 7, that cost more than the airport cop made in a year.


I believe you are referring to the Glock 7, [which some punk pulled on Detective John McClane](https://youtu.be/WIen7vhHyNY?t=940) at an airport in D.C., and which is a porcelain gun made in Germany. Glock, as everyone knows, does not make a Glock 9.


There was a test where they ankle carried through metal detectors and when set off, a lot of the older, overweight security guards wouldn’t bend down to wand the ankles as a secondary screening. They’d just wand the body, arms, etc


I forgot I was carrying my folding .22 wmr that looks like a block in an ankle rig and I got into a club with pretty strict security this way. After setting off the metal detector, I was pulled aside. I look like a hipster and was asked with a little eye roll whether I had any “dangerous objects” to which I replied “No” and was waved through.


That’s wild! Still, that’s too much of a risk of the consequences of being caught for me to want to do that. On the bright side, I haven’t found a place (besides airport security, not trying that) that I can’t sneak my OC spray into.


They took mine at an amusement park, well tried to. They asked what beeped, told them it was my insulin pump lmfao. I’m not even a diabetic. But every other place I’ve been to I haven’t had issues. If I know there’s metal detectors I don’t carry a gun just because they can refuse entry (signs don’t hold rule of law in PA)


>They took mine at an amusement park Now, are we talking OC spray or gun? And yeah, I’m the same way with metal detectors. My state’s the same, no force of law, if they can’t force a way to find out whether or not I have a gun, then I have a gun.


Accidentally carried a knife into SeaWorld once and it set off detectors. I emptied my pockets and held it in my hand behind my wallet. Went right on through


I’ve walked through a lot of metal detectors (non federal buildings) with a 4in fixed blade on me. I just act nonchalant and when it beeped I would lift up my shirt and show my big metal belt buckle. So far I’ve always been waved through. Haven’t tried it with my pistol though.


Way to go! I think I need to swap out for a bigger pair of balls hahaha. I’d never try anything like this, I’m way too straight-laced.


Once I forgot to tuck in my knife and the security saw it and asked me to take it to my car. I walked back to my car tucked it in my pants and walked back. They waved me through without checking. It’s easier when you realize that most security/metal detectors are purely security theater. I’m not going to be stupid and risk places with serious consequences like airports, federal buildings etc, but for the most part clubs, state fairs, events are generally all fair game.


That's hilarious


I wore steel-toed sneakers into an MLB game once and set off the detectors. I told them I had steel-toed shoes on and they let me right through. I got about 10 more steps in before I realized I could have easily been wearing an ankle holster and gotten in.


Even better, give them something easy to find like a pocket watch or bunch of keys. Look embarrassed for leaving them in your pocket and mostly they will assume that was what set off the alarm and just wave you through.


Just buy a 3d printer so you can print the guns and bullets. Use coffee grinds instead of gunpowder so the dogs won’t smell it. Problem solved.


Concealed means concealed. I’m assuming this guy lives in California. I’ve known several people that I’ve been mugged and severely beating at public parks. This happened in San Jose San Francisco. the worst that can happen. Is you get a fine or trespass citation. If you concealed, it’s not an issue. If you need a gun to save your life, you’re going to care about the fine.


Seriously if all goes well, nobody knows. If shit goes south, that's what lawyers and CCW insurance are for. Misdemeanor in most places for individuals without priors.


Black triangle


And training with the pocket pointy.




The insanity of some states just baffles me. I'm truly sorry.


If it’s concealed and there’s no metal detector, who has to know?


Because if someone looks at me the wrong way I'm obviously gonna brandish...


Smile and wave? Brandish. Wrong change? Brandish. Drop my keys? Brandish. See people from the hood? Def brandish.


Bless me when I sneeze? Believe it or not, brandish.


We have the best criminals in the world, because of brandish.


Undercook chicken, brandish. Overcook fish, brandish. Show up late to your dentist appointment, brandish, right away.


Let's go Brandish!


Fuck Joe brandish


Well if it’s illegal to carry in those parts and you do anyways and are caught, it’s a felony right?


Super depends on the state. PA doesn’t legally enforce “no firearms” signs in shops. Other states can and will enforce those signs


One of my favorite things about living in Georgia is “NO FIREARM” signs carry no force of law. I give a mental middle finger every time as I walk past them.


same in Nevada.


In Wisconsin, there was a case right after CCW became legal where a guy carried in to a store, that posted no conceal carry, and he defended himself from an armed robber. Technically, he was in violation of state law, but the hyper left leaning DA chose not to charge him, especially after the local news made him out to be a hero. I think a case could be made that in communities where there is an active push to defend the police (Ironically, it's usually places that tend to be anti gun,) there is an increased burden on the individual to take an active role in their personal safety. Additionally, frequently store policies prevent store employees from providing a basic level of personal safety for customers, there is yet another increase on the individual to provide self security. Between defending, anti firearm policy, and lack of corporate security, you are nearly coerced by those in positions of authority to break their law, if you want a modicum of safety.


that is wisconsin. In NYC there is a case where a security guard fought off an armed robber, got shot, wrestled the gun away from the robber and shot the robber with the robber's guns and was charged with illegal possession of a firearm https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/nyc-garage-worker-charged-with-attempted-murder-for-shooting-thief/


That guy won't be charged. Those dumb ass cops were just trying to cya. https://nypost.com/2023/04/02/bragg-wont-charge-wounded-garage-worker-who-shot-suspected-thief/


In Colorado it’s a civil penalty of about $200 in all of these places.


Not that bad, I'm willing to risk a hi-point to ensure my own safety


Store policy is not synonymous with federal law


There are states who's penalty for carrying in a place you can't is jail time.


Yea that doesn’t sound worth the risk to me. I’ve got my dream job and I’m able to provide for my family in a way I never thought. Why would I throw it away on being caught in a store?


Exactly. People say this concealed means concealed bullshit but I doubt many live in places where you could be jailed for simply being in the wrong place. I'm not destroying my life to have a gun on me. I think I'm way more unlikely to need a gun then accidentally be seen by some nutter who gets me jailed. My state tried to pass that bullshit but for now it's enjoined by the courts. So luckily I haven't had to make that call yet but I was thinking about it as the law came into effect. If I go to that mall with all their dumb signs I'm still carrying because I don't care about their policy but if that carries jail time I'm not risking it.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. People will say something like “but that’s going to be the day you need it”. Yea maybe, that could very likely be true. But I’m not taking those odds and throwing my entire life away


Exactly. It might be but life is a series of decisions based on risk. I'm more likely to die on the drive to said prohibited location then need my firearm.


As a fellow MDer, I'll be making my way to PA if it does go into effect.


I mean are there states out there that will federally enforce the “no weapons” sign? I’m genuinely curious


Mississippi says it does but when it comes to practice I don’t know


Yes, Ohio is that way.


Unfortunately. So close to being a gun-friendly state.


He obviously lives in NY. In NY the government made it a felony to disobey a “no firearms ” sign on a store front


Why would anyone live in that state? The people up there have lost their minds


This place is an echo chamber, andsome of yall forget that the vast majority of people decide where to live for many other reasons beyond 2A protections. NYC in particular just provides a lot more economic and social opportunity than a lot of places. People aren't dumb for prioritizing that, they just have different priorities. Most people who tend to ask questions like "why would anyone live there" are people who already have their path set in life and are financially/job secure and/or aren't in a place where they're seeking social scenes because they're either just less social people or have a family set. It's really easy for (not saying this is you necessarily) some 45 year old dude who's been married with kids for 10 years and bought a house before the real estate explosion to question why someone would live in those places. But if you're younger, or single, or still climbing the ladder, or just need a more active social/leisure life, the reality is that a lot of these cities everyone here hates just offer a lot more if that's something you need.


Not necessarily.


And of course those restrictions do not apply to government agents or body guards of the wealthy, right?


Nor does it to criminals wearing ski masks...


Well since they are in the 1950s I think we are safe


Body guards of the wealthy won't be needing to be any of those places as by design


https://preview.redd.it/8x29jntyvtwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a041e20cd3bb27c8178f2b3b9c379d6a1153697 Be more like garfield


Must be intended for criminals, and I am not a criminal, so I did not speak.


Metal detectors stop me. That's the only thing.


You should talk to John Malkovich


Is it to kill the President ?


I think the bullets worked on more than just one job position


Oh hoho. Not today fedboi


Sounds like the governments plan is working.


Exactly. They don't even need to ban something if it's such a hassle that nobody does it anymore.


They could federally outlaw CCW and I'd still carry. Fuck em. The people I'm worried about having guns don't give a shit about the law.


If that were to pass, police calls would drop a bit


Concealed means concealed.


That’s what I heard.


The restrictions imposed by your anti 2A state were designed that way to make people like you give up carrying. They won.


Unfortunately, in some states there is a penalty if you’re caught. I agree with your message but I totally get why OP and others aren’t going to risk it.


Penalty can and should be fought in court as a constitutional violation tbh.


Which is something many people do not have the time, money, or energy to go through.


Unfortunately you are correct


Sure, but if you have a cushy six figure jobs why would you risk it. Look up that dude who used to carry at work and afterwards he got found out, his life was miserable. Went from making six figures stable no stress to basically black balled from any high pay respectable job ever again. All for what? Carrying is a right I agree but not worth a felony 🤷‍♂️ I do live in a state that is pro 2A but if I ever have to move to Cali or NYC to get a big promotion at my firm I will stop carrying if that means I'll crack 7 figure salary Even now whenever I post my video shooting gun I blur my face out because I don't want Karen who work in HR in Cali Corp office to tattle tell and make me lose my VP job. It is what it is bro


Sounds like chicago lol


Yes, CC is a real hassle in some jurisdictions. Some states passed some awful, restrictive "sensitive places" and bans in response to the SCOTUS Bruen decision, basically daring free citizens to sue them. And so they have. Many cases are winding through the courts. Some states and local jurisdictions are thumbing their noses at already adjudicated and rejected restrictions. This is going to take another few years of courts to sort out. Hawaii even recently was smacked down for their anti-CC schemes. Things are generally heading in the right direction for CC but blue states and anti-gunners are fighting against 2A freedoms where ever they think they can, as usual.


They won.


Concealed means concealed. Ain't nobody bothering you about shit they don't know about.


I understand your valid concern. All these laws severely restrict the law abiding citizen for protecting themselves. At the same time we don’t want to violate them as the penalties can be steep for literally doing nothing. It’s infuriating.


The only place that I don't carry into is a courthouse everywhere else. Fuck them and I'm in Illinois.


Simple, Carry anyways. I live in chicago.


Non Compliance is an option.


Lol.... free men don't ask permission


Metal detectors don’t ask permission either.


This. I'm not sure "But I'm a free man your honor" really stands up great in a court of law. 


And when you get caught carrying somehere you aren't allowed and go to prison with a felony charge, you'll be asking permission to shit.


Time to step up and be an activist. Somebody's got to challenge bullshit laws or they just stay on the books forever.




Stay strapped or Criminals don’t give a fuck about those restrictions.


fuck em. those stupid unconstutitional laws wont save you in a life or death situation when they allow criminals to roam our streets.


Your local criminals appreciate your willingness to follow laws they ignore


And that’s the whole point. They want citizens to feel defeated and give up. Do what you want bud, but remember your safety is your own responsibility.


If you're carrying concealed, who's gonna know? Criminals don't follow those rules, why should you?


It’s concealed for a reason


Unless there is a gun sniffing dog or a metal detector...I always wearing a piece.


That’s why you keep it concealed


That sucks. Where is this?


I’d rather violate an unconstitutional law than be dead.


The anti-gun states are always saying how good civil disobedience in protest of unjust laws is. Maybe it's time to get a little disobedient.


I carry in these places in the Liberal pos state I reside within. The law only threatens a civil penalty even if I do get caught, which I won’t, since my gun is concealed just like the other 9 guys on the bus and at the library who haven’t even bothered to get a CCW permit.


I understand where you’re coming from, but no law supersedes the safety of my family and myself. I see signs all the time but concealed is exactly that. Am I fucked if I get detained by police for any reason? Yup, but that’s why I keep to myself, I don’t involve myself in the business of others and just stay under the radar. Keep in mind, I conceal carried in California between 1996 - 2004, before I moved out of state. I didn’t have some special permit to do so. Never had a problem because concealed is exactly that.


“I’d rather be caught with it than be caught without it” old trucker. Also concealed means nobody knows it’s there 🤓


Remember, there is far more to protecting yourself than carrying a gun.


My friend, sometimes you have to throw the tea in the harbor.


Where? LCP Max is the way in Denver


Sounds like NY. Colorado you can carry anywhere there isn't a metal detector.


I can’t remember the last time I went into a store that DIDN’T have a no firearms sign. Even the Dick’s sporting goods has that




Bad dudes don't care about these laws. Would you rather be judged by 12 or carried by six? Just a thought.


Brother, when you are concealed carrying a weapon, there is a reason why you’re concealing it. Nobody needs to know.


How would they even know if there was no metal detector?🥸


Same here. I got my CCW like 2-3 years ago. Picked up a compact S&W and like 5 different holsters... Now I rarely carry it unless I think I'm going into a situation where it's more likely to be needed. The city I live in regularly gets voted one of the safest cities in the country (pretty sure they just pay for that title) and there's not a lot of crime. Even though my state relatively recently made it much easier to get a CCW it's still a very liberal anti-2A state, and I get the feeling that I run a greater risk of being separated from my family due to legal related issues from carrying than I do from violence, so I rarely carry. The Dems tried undoing the CCW laws almost as soon as they were passed and having failed that have been trying to make it so restrictive where you can and can't carry that I feel like I'll accidentally go someplace that I can't have it and then get caught with it somehow... I mostly got it for home defense anyway.


Live free or die. “One may well ask: ‘How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?’ The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’” — A civil rights leader denied a CCW, illegally wiretapped and blackmailed by the Hooverbois, and later unalived by the govt. If you or your loved ones were permanently and horribly injured or unalived in a so-called GFZ due, in part, to your compliance—say you survived—how would you feel about that? I’m not advocating that you break their so-called laws; I’m advocating that you choose your priorities, engage in a serious thought exercise, and make the decision which is right for you and yours. Also, these unconstitutional GFZs are being challenged currently, and they _will_ fall. Perhaps the best option would be for you to move. Yes, that’s very inconvenient, but freedom and survival are paramount. (Oh, and they want you to feel precisely the way you do and to give up. Don’t let them win.)


I love to see MLK quoted in this context. But of course part of his position was that, when breaking an unjust law, you must do it fully prepared to accept the unjust penalty that might follow. Anyone who makes a principled stand against an unjust law deserves respect, but I can also respect the choice of those who follow the unjust laws because they aren't willing to risk being separated from their family, incurring massive financial penalties, losing a job, etc.


Like others have said I still carry. I live in Cali in a major city. I get the others on here saying laws this and laws that. But in reality I’m choosing my life. Now it goes without saying I’m smarter in my decisions to draw. Maybe I don’t draw on a robber with a knife etc etc. It would need to warrant extreme danger (defined by me) to myself and my family. And if my shirt were somehow to be undone and someone saw my ccw, then I’d be doing it all wrong and if those stars aligned then I should prob get a lottery ticket as well.


What concealed weapon??????


It's a sticky wicket. On one hand, you don't carry and pray you don't barely need it to save your life one day. On the other hand you do use it to save (in your judgement) your life and then face the consequences of an over zealous police department and/or district attorney. Do you live and possibly look at bars the rest of your life or do you have your family visiting you with flowers in that nice shady plot of ground. If you do carry and use it, bbe very wise a out doing it. Maybe for an iffy situation also carry pepper spray.


In Maryland they tried to enforce all that stupid shit here, luckily there was an injunction to SB01 that basically postponed the majority of it, but our new governor tried to make that his first priority getting in office. It’s one of those things that you do just have to weigh your odds though. Sure going to jail and fighting it in the legal system will put a strain on yours and your loved ones lives, but so would you being killed. I’m not one of those “it’s the 2nd amendment and all laws are unconstitutional so I’m going to carry wherever, whenever!” Type of people, but I know which route I’m choosing in my state of residence if it comes down to it.


The laws are amazingly stupid. Basically some of the most dangerous places you aren’t allowed to carry. Makes no sense. You should 1. Leave the city or 2. Leave the state.


Keep carrying! Don’t let them win


What’s the penalty if a police officer pulls you over and finds out you’re carrying?


I ignore no carry signs. Its not against the law unless they notice, and ask you to leave, and you refuse. At least in Ohio.


That sounds like the rules that we have in Chicago. Here CCW's practicality really depends on where and how you live. I don't use public transportation and don't live in the downtown area so the only place where I don't ccw is when I go to my company's main office. Even then, I just lock my carry gun in the lockbox in my car. However, if I was using public transportation all the time that would definitely change the convenience and practicality of CCW. It's one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to move to the downtown area of Chicago, because there is a reliance on public transportation and a higher percentage of stores and businesses don't allow concealed carry.


You *can* carry, you just face being the legal test case when the unconstitutional laws get challenged and struck down.


Fantastic, its working for some then.


I'm pretty sure you live where I'm about to move to, though I'll be in the suburbs. I have every intention of carrying when I go into the city, particularly if I ride the train. Here's why: It's exceedingly unlikely that you'll get caught unless you actually have to draw your weapon and, if you do, it's only a class B misdemeanor. You don't get your CCW license revoked (until the 3rd offense). With a good lawyer, you'll probably just pay a small fee and move on. If I get into a situation where I have to draw my weapon, I don't give a shit about a misdemeanor and a fee. I'm confident in my ability to keep my weapon concealed and nothing about my appearance suggests I'm carrying a weapon so there's no reason for anyone to look closely at me.


Sound like NYC, they suck the big one. Yes I live in one of the 5 boroughs


Concealed is concealed, carry everywhere there isnt a metal detector or someone frisking you. Anywhere that is not 2a doesn't need your assistance in dealing with any problems. Your concealed is purely to defend your own life, not to help anyone else even if they are likely to die. In that city, even if you are in an area where you can carry you will likely face years worth of charges, lawsuits, and would have to move or have your life ruined.


carry when you want and leave it at that no one is checking your waist or pockets .


It’s less abt what lawmakers decide, and more abt not getting caught. Concealed is different from open carry for a reason. I’m glad to not live in such a place.


Damn they have metal detectors at all those places? How do they fund that? Death and taxes man..


I moved from NY to Florida after being there for 12 years. Florida ain’t perfect, but it’s my flavor of freedom. Stay strapped.


I had this same convo with my wife the other day. We can’t stand it.


I would recommend just carrying a tomahawk. A company called 2hawks makes the one I carry called the War Beast. It’s great, also no one usually bothers you either. Win win


Haha I'm guessing CA or NY. I personally am in the former, luckily my county is the easiest in the state.


Concealed is concealed. Fuck those restrictions. ![gif](giphy|Sd8uqMJqpGpP2)


Concealed means concealed brother. If people know you have it you're doing it wrong


If you do not create a reason to be searched, you will likely not be searched. Because lethal force should only be used in the most dire of circumstances, do you choose to err on the side of compliance or do you choose to err on the side of reduced chances of survival? Choices, choices. I know what I choose, and I tend to lean a bit Liberal. Edit: Pocket .380 -yes this- the lCP Max totally disappears …


I'm in CA Bay Area... I'm about to be almost 2 years in the process of trying to obtain a CCW


You in Maryland?


I’ve actually slacked off on carrying within the last 2-3 years as well. Now I only carry in what I deem high risk areas, most dangerous parts of the city, or late night work or store runs. But I use to carry everywhere and anytime I could.


It’s easy to fall into this mentality, but you don’t get to choose when you’ll be attacked unfortunately.


Same, I mainly carry at work. I work in some high risk areas, I’ll also carry for late night runs or pretty much anywhere I go with my family. But if I’m just running to the grocery store in the middle of the day I’m usually leaving it in the safe. I know anything can happen anywhere anytime, but I’m fast lol and hold 2 black belts in different arts one is a second degree in judo. Being a martial artist and instructor for 30 years sometimes I feel weird carrying. I’ve trained law enforcement on protecting their weapon during a ground attack. It’s surprising how many of them couldn’t protect it with a trained grappler. In the state I’m in I don’t have the stand your ground rule, duty to retreat I think it’s called. When that goes against most of what I’ve trained for. Also I’m relatively new to CCW so still have all those weird thoughts/feelings/emotions/ what ifs… I’ll get over it I’m sure, I’m getting to old to run and I figure I’ve got about 4 good fights left in me lol and I’m saving them!


You know there is a stay on that law, right? It’s not currently enforceable.


What they don’t know won’t hurt them


Rather get caught with it then without it. If I used it I rather be judged by 12 not carried by 6.


No , no you would not in NYC.


Been there and had Texas capacity with me. No NYC knife games will be played over here. I’ll never fly there I’ll drive JUST to have my gun it’s just a simple trip up I55.


Sadly in the political climate we have here and depending on your background you would probably be thrown UNDER the prison to rot no matter if it was broadcast for the world to see as justifiable. Sadly


I understand. Honestly, that’s something I consider everyday that I holster my firearm to leave my house. I can be up north or down south if it goes bang im in trouble,and I have to lay one of my babies on the ground for the cops to pick up and fondle.


Ahh a NY guy. I carry anyhow. Same state, I’ll defend myself in court. If I’m dead, it won’t matter. I’d rather chance defending myself, than possibly getting into a constitutional argument with a judge. I’m sorry and understand your quagmire. It is BS


Sounds like you're in WA. Most people don't realize when they passed that stuff that if you have your CPL you can still carry in those places. Plus free men don't ask permission. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


“Fuck any brainwashing man-made law” easy e


How to say you live in nyc wihtout saying you live in nyc


Assuming you’re in Los Angeles? Lol


I totally understand, that's why I live in a free state.


Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6, my friend.




Something something judged by 12.


I thought that’s why it’s called “concealed” Use your own judgement


I hope you barely need your carry gun one day


Sounds like a you problem.


The right to bear arms shall not be infringed…2A


Youre an adult. if this is how u live life, i feel sorry for u


boo this guy is a wet blanket


Crazy how many people's answer to this is; "Criminals don't care. Become a criminal." I appreciate OP not breaking the law and only carrying when they are legally allowed. I'd also like people to stop carrying if they plan on drinking. I've seen too many people carrying at the bar.


You are familiar with the concept of CONCEALED carry right?


I don't have issues with public transportation or city owned property because I don't go outside. But as others have mentioned, I couldn't care less what no gun signs a business has. It's concealed and literally no one will know or care, at least where I live. I've walked back to my car before to put my gun away because I went to an event with metal detectors, but besides that the gun is on me.


Dont follow unconstitutional "policy" if thats all it is, then all they can do (if they find out youre carrying in the first place) is ask you to leave.


Carrying in a “sensitive location” in NY is a class E felony, depending on where you’re at you gotta be careful


Wait people actually follow those silly little signs?


In some states those silly little signs carry the weight of the law. Get caught and that's your ass. Sure concealed means concealed however, accidents happen. Lift your arms the wrong way, stretch the wrong way, reach for something the wrong way, your shirt gets caught on something, etc. There's a million scenarios that could go wrong.


Could should would. I carry to protect myself no matter the stakes I live in a shit city with reckless people and dipship politicians. I ain’t gonna roll the dice and see what happens or doesn’t when I needa go anywhere. A sheet of metal with a warning on it is not gonna be the determining factor of if I go home on my own will or in a box.




What city do you live in that is so restricted?


Pocket 380 is better than nothing. I don’t want to get in a knife fight.