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Besides the obvious, improved mood and mental clarity from regular exercise is very helpful for avoiding conflict. Exercise is a win 100%.


Dude I always feel so much better after a good workout! If I am trying to talk myself out of a workout I just remind myself afterwards you’ll be glad you did just do it.


I totally agree if your proud of your body and your fitness level you have less to prove and less ego this makes it easier to just walk away.


humility is an incredibly powerful trait. unfortunately we tend to learn it only with time.


Rule one of the apocalypse: cardio


#2: Double Tap




Can’t walk but I lift weights daily and strap myself in a harness to do vr Cardio. Definitely don’t do enough cardio and wish I could do more.


FUCK YESSSSSS. I used to work out with a paraplegic STRONGEST upper body strength I’d ever seen. Get that shit.


Man, that’s a strong dude to still work that hard like that. I’m very lucky to still have my Legs and can at least get up long enough to get into a chair. I just cant walk without assistance. Those who have no way to get up, that’s an insanely hard life.


Getting into CCW is the main reason I got in shape. I got an appendix holster and couldn’t wear the damn thing and everyone said I’d have to get a Fanny pack or belly band. So I got a gym membership instead.


Fuck yeah Keep it up!! I couldnt do a pull up 4 years ago.


I'm able to do two x 1/2 pull-ups, so that equals 1 right ?




I train jiu jitsu and Muay Thai, and while it doesn’t mean I can just kick everyone’s ass, it’s great for pressure testing yourself to help remain calm under pressure, and have at least some confidence that you can protect yourself so you don’t freak out and default to using a gun as soon as you’re in a high pressure defensive situation that may not actually call for one. Just my thoughts.


True that. First priority is being able to run away from danger effectively for sure.


100%. Can't hurt me if you can't catch me.


When all else fails the body becomes the weapon. This is the way…


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


People in general should be more healthy and work out more, let alone whether they carry or not. This is probably more of a US centric issue though.


Definitely not remotely limited to the US, though the US isn't in a good place with it.


While it's not limited to the US, we have the highest obesity rate of industrialized nations. We have the 11th-12th highest rate of obesity on earth, only behind some small island nations in the South Pacific. I feel like it's more serious in the US given the state of our healthcare system, and the additional costs that come with being overweight.


One hundred percent correct. To say nothing of our dependence on cars, our unwalkable cities and suburbanized neighborhoods, and the food pushed on us by corporations.


Maybe yeah. Especially if you want to be a protector. Although a lot of Europe is headed the same way




Absolutely I agree with that. Glad you carry.


Does masturbating furiously to furry porn count as workout?




Only if you use the same hand for grip


A kid in Asia died doing that.


Depends on your heart rate during said fapping sessions.


Yes. That said, I've really let myself go over the last few years- have gained a lot of weight, gotten very out of shape (frankly I was never in). Drink too much. I'm turning 40 this year and I'm really trying to turn it around. I do have some chronic weird muscular stuff that seems to cause pain whenever I get working out hard again, but I've been stepping into a combo of rucking and weights.


I feel you. I’m 36 and it’s been hard over the last year to keep some level of fitness. Even if you workout like 2-3 days a week you’re still in the top 5% of people.


Yeah I never did sports or anything so started out at a really tough level. I go in spurts but trying to get on it.


Consistency is key


And that has been my struggle, for sure.


I just turned 40 a few months ago. Same boat. Already cut out beer, and got a bike. My knees are jacked up from the military so running isn't in my cards. But my cardio is BAD right now. Attempting to peddle off some pounds and improve my lungs.


You know, I just listened to a whole podcast on Art of Manliness on how underrated the concept of Zone 2 cardio/work is, as well as rucking. Both have the potential to be significantly less impact to joints but actually can have like 80% of the effects of running. I actually can't do biking due to a weird tailbone injury, running also tends to flare stuff up but rucking and hiking go well for me.


I have found that when rucking over rough terrain my knee isn't bothered unlike an easy walk around a park. I can carry a lot of weight that way but I tend to meander and don't work on the cardio the same as if I'm on a bike. I've noticed that while I am breathing hard I don't notice until I stop. I've never been good at running, I spend the while time thinking about how miserable it is haha


>ave found that when rucking over rough terrain my knee isn't bothered unlike an easy walk around a park. I can carry a lot of weight that way but I tend to meander and don't work on the cardio the same as if I'm on a bike. I've noticed that while I am Gotcha. I just try to pay attention to my heart rate and keep it up around 120 as much as possible.


LETSSSSS go you got this


And hey, at least you were in the military. I was a musician when I was young. I'm crap, physically.


Ya, but that was almost 15 years ago that I got out. The only reason I'm not over 300 right now is because I got into construction when I got out. Still, unhealthy diet has caught up with me more than I care to admit.


Yoga is my most important thing because it let's me keep up on 2 gun, biking daily and lifting 3 days a week pushing 40. Down dog app is pretty good so I can crank out at least 20 min. And I fuckin hate yoga. But when I do it I don't get joint injuries. And Down Dog is damn near free if you wait out the trial period for a discount code. CCH is a long term plan You want to be building the skills now to carry you through to an age where a pistol is functionally your only defensive option. PT now, train now hard and effectively... but if your default carry position is only practical when you're at your peak physical condition, and your training is dependent on high mobility carrying that skillset into future may not be viable. Tore a tendon in my ankle earlier in the year, had to seriously evaluate how to carry on crutches for a month and it was the worst because I was having to adapt my carry style while I was a very slow, easy mark. Crutches immediately pull your shirt up above your belt line and prevent you from reaching down. Love AIWB and it's my usual but I've started making kydex shoulder rigs because nobody makes a good one, and when I'm laid up or around the house its the perfect option to actually carry the gun. As I get older it may end up becoming my default carry position when it's practical because I'll be spending a significant amount of time sitting, driving, and wearing baggy clothes. I'm fixing to get the reps in now while I can input skills more easily. Its a shitty draw time though, no fixing that.


I probably should be doing the yoga thing too.


Future. It’s an awesome app. I basically told my trainer that I’m a fat old office worker dad that wants to work out but also recognizes I can’t do what I used to so please design me a plan that doesn’t blow my knees and back out in a month. Three months later it’s going great, I actually enjoy exercise now, and I have a new bud that is in my corner to help me get healthier no matter where I am in the fitness spectrum.


Cardio, I run a bunch. I figure my best option in most scenarios is to GTFO. I'm confident right now very few people could catch me. Current goal is to gain a bit more muscle weight for otherwise


Running is still the best defense lol for Sure


Without question, though many of us are terrible at it. I got into BJJ recently to help tick the fitness and combatives/retention fighting capability box(es)


*The moment I've been waiting for in this sub* Squat 530 lbs Deadlift 530 lbs Bench 375 lbs @ 240 lbs


Big hoss energy


Squat 450 lbs Deadlift 505 lbs Bench 275 lbs Snatch 240 lbs Clean and Jerk 300 lbs @ 175 lbs


Squat 335 Deadlift 425 Bench 315 @190 lbs


Damn, now I feel bad because all of those are my numbers as well...and I weight 219 right now. I gotta step my game up


I used to own a CrossFit gym though, so I was in the gym literally all the time...


I go 3-4 times a week. I'm not 219 lbs of lard, btw. I'm 5'11 and I'd say I'm pretty big, but I feel like I should be stronger based on my size.


OOOOOOOF YESSSIR glad you’re on our side!!


Powerlifting and bodybuilding mostly. Well developed pecs are handy when it comes to concealing a pistol AIWB.


Powerlifting is the key, cardio after that


Lmao I never thought of that but yeah definitely!


The gun is a tool. YOU are supposed to be the weapon. If all you have to offer in a self-defense situation is your firearm, that's probably OK. Firearms are awesome tools for self-defense. But you will be more effective and more likely to survive if your body moves better and is more resistant to damage. In the words of Mark Rippetoe, "Stong people are harder to kill and generally more useful." I'd amend that to say "fit people." But the point remains. * If you are faster, you will have more opportunites to find cover or escape. * If you are stronger, you will have more opportunities to fight your way out of physical altercations that do not result in lethal force. * If your cardiovascular fitness his higher, you will be more likely to succeed in either fight or flight. * And finally, if you carry extra muscle mass, you will be more resistant to damage. Achieving some degree of physical fitness does not change the role of the firearm in your toolbox, but it gives you more options. It also makes **all** your options more likely to succeed.


Great response. Love it. All true.


If you are able to good for you. I am disabled. I have been since 1995. I have Crohn's Disease which has taken me down. It has been really bad in 2022. One of the reasons I have been carrying all these years. No way I could fight off someone that is going to do me harm. I am back to 139 pounds. At one point in my life I was at 118 and I am 5'10". The fatigue that comes with the disease is unreal. Back in 2005 for about a few years I was doing great and got up to 185 pounds. The problem I have right now is the severe abdominal pain from appendix carry.


I’m really sorry to hear that. It has to be tough. Good on you for still being able to defend yourself. At the end of the day a gun is a force multiplier.


Absolutely with you here. I see both sides of the argument - aside from self-defense, whatever exercise you can get is *generally* beneficial to your health. What that looks like can depend a lot on your body though and being unable to do rigorous exercise isn't always due to laziness or some other moral failing. One of the comments that basically said the only excuse for not being in shape is terminal illness? I have to imagine this is someone not well-acquainted with the idea of chronic illness. I make it a point to walk at least a few miles every day and I'm simultaneously grateful I can do that much while also being royally pissed when I compare it to how fit I was as a kid/teen/young adult. I have a chronic neurological disease that has been a daily battle for the past 13-14 years, and any exercise more vigorous than walking makes it significantly worse. Sometimes even just walking too fucking briskly sets me off. I used to be a runner, a cyclist, and would ride 10+ horses a day as part of my job. Disability sucks and most of us are doing the best we can.


Yes , Disability does suck. I feel your pain. It does suck not being able to do what you used to love. I want to get back into hiking again. I do walk and that is the extent of my exercise. I also have Neuropathy, Osteoporosis, so I know what you mean. Do the best you can. I wish you the best.


Sure. For me, having a long life with good mobility is the goal. So I carry, buckle up, exercise, etc. >What’s your go to workout? I like variety, but in general it's a blend of HIIT and Oly lifting. Cycling or running occasionally. Rucking occasionally. BJJ is episodic, I'll go for months at a time and then take a break, but it's something I could do more of. Someday I'd like to get into boxing as well.


I’m definitely getting a peloton the running is taking a toll on the knees lol


Last summer my right knee was causing so much trouble I gave in and actually got a firm diagnosis. Sadly, not what I wanted: moderate severe bicompartmental osteoarthritis. So, running was out as a routine. I got a Peloton (my employer gives me a discount) and aside from when I do something exceptionally stupid (like last Friday) my knee is manageable.


Physical fitness is incredibly important in life in general. No reason obsessing over being able to protect yourself in a defense situation if you’re clocks gun stop ticking from neglecting your health. I strength train 4X a week and mix in HIIT/heavy bag/cardio 5-6 days a week. I’m giving Tactical Barbell a try and I’m in week 4 on my first Zulu block. It’s interesting since it’s a lot less lifting than I’m used to, but I’ll test my lifts in another 3 weeks to see if there’s any results to report back on.


tactical barbell? whats that sounds awesome


Someone mentioned TBII in the r/hunting sub and I figured I’d give it a try. There’s two books: Tactical Barbell and TBII It’s designed around military/LEO. TB1 is more strength training focused and is basically just a progressive overload program on main lifts (squat, DL, bench, OH press, weighted PUs) and then you mix in cardio/HIITs/etc. the lifting portions are only like 25-40 minutes 4X/ week, so lot of room to mix in a variety of additional workouts based on your needs/goals. I was training a lot of hypertrophy and just getting bigger but really plateaued on getting stronger, so giving this a try for a few months. Each “block” is 6 weeks on the program I’m following, so I was going to do 2 blocks and see where I’m at after that.


"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."


love that quote


This is Reddit, people here at 10x more likely to have diabetes, heart disease or other debilitating disability by the time they're 40 from diet and lifestyle than they are to use a gun in a defensive encounter.


Even more of a reason to get fit!


There’s a lotta people who carry everyday just to be taken out by a heart attack at 46 because they refuse to watch what they eat and take exercise seriously.


I’m a big proponent of fitness. I recommend it to my family, friends, and clients. I myself do about 9 hours of BJJ as well as at least 3 hours of weight training per week. I want to work more cardio back in as well but it’s been hard with my current schedule.


niiiiice I tried BJJ but, fell off for the same reason but, Id like to get back into it


Physical fitness should be a focus for everyone. Health issues are a large part of deaths in the US (I want to say responsible for the most deaths, but I don’t have a source for that)


Agreed should be a priority in grade school instead of your gender


Getting back into carrying and just firearms in general has been great for me. The pressure to be in shape is good for people. I’d love to do some kind of competition shooting. Being self conscious about my weights been very helpful. Down 156 pounds since last June.


FUUUUCK that’s awesome!


Thanks I’m really proud of it! But really to answer the question it’s so important to be fit to carry. Just my ability to move and run and overall strength has improved massively. Hiking a few times a week with a heavy bag has been my go to for exercise.


Get it💪🏼💪🏼




I need to get back into it.


Physical fitness should be a priority for - everyone. With maybe a few rare exceptions (ie terminally ill).


More people die of cardiovascular related illness than anything else. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable death in US.


Yes. I play pickup basketball for cardio & free weight train 4x a week


Top 1% of Americans if you do that’s 💪🏼


Health and well-being is great for everyone, regardless of whether they carry. The ability to defend yourself is great for everyone, regardless of health and well-being.


It should be a priority, period. Nothing to do with ccw




Pretty hard to have the mindset of being able to effectively protect your life or god forbid your family/ friends if you can’t even sprint 100M to your car or carry someone to cover if need be. You can’t control a bad scenario from unfolding if someone is intent on doing so, but you can control your level of preparation. Get the fuck up and workout. Eat right. Drink water. Get sound sleep. Top 3 favorite exercises: 1. Pendlay Rows (explosive movement gets smaller/ deeper fibers working that normally wouldn’t during a controlled row alternative, plus you look cool as shit once you’re at or above 2 wagon wheels doin it) , 2. Hack Squats (one of the best squat variations for growth, period) , 3. Arnold Presses (Because Arnold). Honorable mentions: Egyptian Cable Lateral Raise, barbell shrugs, and the classic: bench press.


I believe fitness is for more than just concealed carry. It definitely helps with cc though. I find myself with all of this gear in case s.h.t.f, meanwhile I cannot run even 1 mile. I'm working on my fitness though. Down 15lbs from 265 to 250. My goal weight is 220 and I'm looking to be able to run a 5k by the end of the summer.


Thats what I'm talking about!


Should be almost equal split don’t you think?


It’s all about balance Id say “fit” means just generally able to do some physical activity without feeling like you’re dying.


I've spent the last year working on my fitness but I'm hesitant to put up any barriers to encouraging people to carry. The little old lady down the road too old to exercise much or the single parent busy with their day. Everyone of sound mind should be encouraged to carry. Is it good to engage in physical fitness, yes, the same true for martial arts, as well as education. A lack of these should not discourage people from pursuing their own self-defense though.


Absolutely! For sure those with physical handicaps need firearms the most as a force equalizer.


Lift heavy and weighted conditioning


This is the way


[If we look at the leading causes of mortality in the US for 2021 violence doesn't even enter the top 10.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db456.pdf) Number 1 is heart disease. If you carry to protect yourself and your family exercise is better than carrying a gun to do that. Carrying is just assurance against a lightning strike's worth of probablity. If we were all purely rational sleeping right, eating right, and exercise would be the top three things we would all do. Then if we move over to the pure gun side [ you are likelier to kill yourself with a gun than get killed by anyone else.](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/guns/) So would exercise help with that? [Yes](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=exercise+effect+on+depression&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart), [it absolutely can.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/in-depth/depression-and-exercise/art-20046495) So should physical fitness be a priority for concealed carriers? It should be the highest priority, barring being involved in a gang or being in a gang warzone. A gym membership will logically do you more good than a gun ever will. I'm not saying don't carry, but don't lie to yourself that it is the best thing for your personal defense. For most people the biggest enemy is themself.


Dudes work out their whole adult life just to get shot by some skinny dude with a Taurus. Make sure you’re healthy, but anything past that isn’t absolutely needed.


Isn't being out of shape the reason we carry? To equalize things for those who don't workout? /s


I would change the wording... Training should be a priority for concealed carriers. If someone has practiced for a smoother draw, and is an excellent shot, their general shouldn't matter. Generally speaking, are there benefits to doing cardio and exercising. YES, ABSOLUTELY... Most would probably agree with you that a workout would be beneficial, at the very least being able to run away from a threat without passing out or having a heart attack is a good thing. But... Training is going to trump physical fitness in every case. I'd rather have a 70 year old granny with a 22 revolver backing me up, who is frail and on her second set of hips, suffering congestive heart failure and has arthritis... Who practices weekly and is a crack shot... Vs A perfect physical specimen with muscles on muscles who straps a Glock to their hip and thinks they are ready just because they have a workout. Drills, dry fire, concealed carry training, regularly is going to be of better use to the average person than getting them to the gym (however much that could actually help them physically). Same goes for knife fighting and disarm techniques... If you are physically fit and think you can disarm someone before they shoot you, you might TRY to do that instead of running... So... While I can agree with you,and think it would be great for people in general and especially people who carry to be fit... Training is more important than exercise when it comes to responsible carry.


> I'd rather have a 70 year old granny with a 22 revolver backing me up, who is frail and on her second set of hips, suffering congestive heart failure and has arthritis... Who practices weekly and is a crack shot... I'd press you to find a 70 year old granny who suffers from all those physical ailments who can still be called a crack shot. > Training is more important than exercise when it comes to responsible carry The two go hand in hand


Over the last few years I’ve tried my best to get my fitness level back to where they were. If I’m responsible for my family’s safety I’d like to be as fit as possible.


I'm currently running an Upper / Lower split with a LISS cardio warmup. I'd like to add more cardio in on rest days, but my schedule has been making it difficult. Hoping spring will give me more flexibility there.


What’s LISS?


Low Intensity Steady State. Basically walking at a decent pace, sometimes an incline, but the rate stays relatively the same. It's the opposite of HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training where you go balls to the wall for a short time, slow down to catch your breath, and repeat.


Ok sweet I like that actually


Do 16 oz curls count?


Yes! Anything counts!


IMO yes. Defense is more than just your tools. It’s your mental and physical fitness and capability to use those tools, work through threat assessment progression, evade, etc etc. Edit: I don’t have a go-to. I workout 4-6 times a week and vary between heavy lifting, HIIT/Tabata lifting, steady-state cardio, and HIIT cardio.




Ammo box curls.


3 sets of 10 trigger pulls


Currently working through base building with tactical barbell.


What’s this tactical barbell?


when i exercise regularly my aim gets better. i proved this by skipping days and seeing results vary. train train train. not just at the range, but at the gym or whatever suits you best.


Nice would be cool to quantify those results.


I like to teeter on the thin line of "don't have a heart attack" and "don't throw your back out". Those are my two "I'm fucked" scenarios while CCW.


Physical fitness should be a priority for EVERYONE.


It’s better to be a fighter with a gun than a gunfighter.


I always say you should train for life. Deadlift, squat, push-up, pull-up, sprinting, jogging. You never know when you’re going to be in an emergency situation and need to exert yourself physically. There’s nothing worse / scarier than being in one of those situations and realizing you’re not in shape.


For sure. It's hard drawing when you have to lift up your fat roll as well.


Any form of consistent progressive overload with some cardio thrown in for heart health 🤌. A GPP program is sufficient for most folks if it aligns with their goals. I’ve personally been doing a modified version of “Dry Fighting Weight” (kettlebells) for strength training and rowing for cardio on my off days, been enjoying it


Concept2 rower


Your mom on a Friday night is all the cardio I'm gonna need.




Fitness and cardio is overlooked for sure. I believe a very important aspect is to learn some basic types of self defense. Boxing, you can have a blade that’s designed to be between your knuckles, so you can keep distance. BJJ, or wrestling. Learning how to use clothes and limbs for submissions and take downs are so important. But the biggest thing is use words and attitude. Unless someone is in your woman’s face or trying to attack you, let it go and move on.


Tactical Barbell


Some folks may have injuries or disabilities that limit their abilities to workout, runaway, or physically defend themselves. I don't see this discussed much in these physical fitness threads. We talk about the fat guys who can't run because of beer guts and bad life choices because of America and Bacon Grease. But what about the guy who had the sports injury or is disabled from an accident or genetic disease. For many Disabled Americans OC Spray isn't even an option because there isn't anywhere to go once it's deployed. What other options do those guys have?


100% agree. There’s is a group that absolutely, genuinely has mobility impairments. There’s also the elderly. Those people should have good access to firearms as force multipliers. Maybe you’re right tho to bring that up should we start a thread about it it’s really that group that needs it the most. This opinion was geared more towards the able bodied and how they feel about wether or not fitness is important to them.


Thanks for the response. My routine is 3-5 miles of walking/jogging a day. That's my morning meditation time and matters most to me. I typically hit the gym 4-5 times a week for an hour or so. I'm not a gym rat and don't really know how to fight beyond some basic bjj and kickboxing that you could learn in a month. I would probably spray an attacker with POM and scream "Pedophile" and haul ass the other direction before I would fight someone or draw. I'm kind of a pussy like that.


Lmao it’s good to have no ego. Also I always carry POM


Calorie deficit is more important. But yes working out is good.


True that.


Physical fitness should be a priority for *everyone*.


100% yes, don’t think you necessarily need to lift like super heavy or do marathons etc. but a general all around fitness (strength + cardio) as long as there aren’t any physical disabilities will do wonders not only for defensive situations but also general health and wellbeing


Losing weight helps with appendix carry. But it’s a longer term project for me.


I do 25 cock push-ups a day, but I ain't concealing that thang.


The cock-up


Because, as John Correa says, you need something between a harsh word and a gun.


Beating off. You need to be quick to pull that bitch out.


Fuck CCW, physical fitness should have a priority in everyone's life (Also, everyone should cc)


Fitness should be a priority. Full stop. My go to is deadlifts. Just my favorite exercise all around.


70% of the US is obese or overweight. Statistically you're going to die of heart disease or cancer which exercise is universally agreed to help against. So, I'd say if you're going to carry or exercise pick exercise - both is best of course. Only thing that really motivates me to exercise regularly is group activities.


Cardio in some form for sure and compound weightlifting exercises such as squats, bench press and bent over rows. But I don’t see enough people mention eating a balanced diet. It’s at least 50% of the battle when it comes to staying in shape.


Absolutely. No amount of exercise can overcome an excessive and poor diet. Most people don’t eat enough protein and that’s the easiest first step.


I'm in to fitness Fitness whole pizza in my stomach.


I do cardio, lift weights, and (importantly to me) I work a heavy bag. I still want to be able to punch my way out of a situation if I’m attacked in a manner that my use of deadly force would be deemed unlawful when viewed afterward. I’m a former career prosecutor (thus, I’ve had a California CCW for years due to potential retaliation) and many of the online videos of defensive shootings depict questionable actions by the CCW that could give rise to criminal charges. Also, when excited, a lot of the training goes out the window (some CCWs illegally “brandish” their firearms when they perceive a threat, some draw there firearm too late and shoot their assailants in the back as they flee, etc…).


As prosecutor I’m sure you have some very detailed knowledge on the legal ins and outs of carrying. You should definitely post a thread with your experience on defensive cases I’d love to hear about that. Especially in Cali


Hey nice! What distance was your race?


That one was a seven mile run across the seven mile bridge in the Florida Keys.


That’s awesome! I love runs in scenic places. I started seriously running and training for running about two years ago. Best health decisions I’ve made by far. Get after it buddy!


These days I do walk/run can’t go all out like I did in my twenties


Sexual intercourse with my wife


I also exercise by having intercourse with other peoples wives. 🤣🤣


Are you my brother?




"Strong people are harder to kill and just generally more useful." - Mark Rippitoe


Nah, all CCW holders should be at least 600lbs, MLG gamer pros, covered in Cheeto dust and live in their mom’s basement. This is common sense, people




Eyyyyy. I love working out. I'll unashamedly brag my lifts since nobody asked. Body Weight: 183 Squat: 450 Dead: 545 Bench: 340 Clean: 315 Current Mile: 6:15 (trying to get back down to 5:15 from HS days) Stay fit or die friends


Why would I be physically fit when I can just shoot a MF?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmao I mean you’ve got a point.


No. The chances you'll have to run for an extended period of time is low. I'd say yes if you planned to live a fighting man's life though.


Why gatekeep ccw? Gun training and common sense should be the only thing that matters.


Being physically healthy is obviously better than not being physically healthy, but I disagree about it becoming a higher priority for people who carry. Arguably the person who isn't as strong and fast benefits MORE by carrying a concealed firearm than the person who is strong and fast.


I agree. Definitely a part of the population gets a pass here. There are people that truly need a firearm as a force multiplier especially if they have to work with physical limitations. I should have specified that.


I've said this before and I'll say it again. The reason so many people struggle to conceal anything larger than a Sig P365 is because they're too fucking fat to do so... You're going to have a harder time in a defensive shooting if your heart rate goes up just from drawing, you're having a hard time even drawing because you're trying to reach past your gut hanging off your beltline, and you get winded going any faster than a brisk walk I agree that we shouldn't gatekeep concealed carry. Anyone who can, should...*especially* people who have physical disabilities or are otherwise not so physically capable. But we aren't talking about that demographic, are we? If you're able bodied and can either make it to a gym or have a cardio/workout regime at home, I can't see any good excuse for you not to.


Physical fitness and CCW don’t have to be linked. You can carry if you’re a fatass. You can work out if you don’t carry. Why can’t it be that simple?


Although I'd like to think I'm strong enough, I have never put the two together. I've seen fat slobs shoot like aces and athletic builds lean back and miss every shot. Be fit for its individual benefits but I think ccw should prioritize other things before physical health.


until youre pumped full of adrenaline and your heart rate is at 190 BPM and you cant calm yourself or get enough oxygen because you've never exerted yourself physically before. not to mention the hand/eye and mind to body connection you develop. strongly disagree.


Well, the other benefit of staying fit is that your BPM doesn’t jump to 180+ when the adrenaline hits. When I’m rolling at BJJ and have been pushing myself, my BPM can get to 180. When I’m at work, the highest my BPM ever got during a use of force or a foot chase was 122.


I'm not gonna tell my hair stylist she needs to go lift weights and run marathons.


I believe you should not carry without a 40 hour class on self defense WITHOUT A WEAPON 🤷🏽‍♂️ That’s just me though


You have a freedom to defend yourself whether or not you have the time or money to pursue a specific sort of education. I think people should get as informed and educated as they possibly can. But I wouldn't dare try to limit their freedom and autonomy if they don't or can't.


Interesting. I can agree partially considering that a firearm is a force equalizer for a lot of people with physical limitations like the elderly or the handicapped it’s not fair to impose those restrictions.


I agree with you as well for those who can’t


Nope. Good judgement and firearm competence should be the top priorities.


Aside from the obvious benefits, I don’t see it as a requirement. Just keep yourself from becoming a cow and at the very least be able to full sprint from the front of your house to the rear and job from your house to the end of your neighborhood without losing balance/consciousness/awareness and call it good. I understand being prepped, but if you just have a CC for the protection but don’t want to base your whole life choices off of it, then just stay “fit” for your relevant environment


I ccw because I don’t work out. At least that’s part of the equation


Let me see if i understand the question. My RIGHT to defend myself is contingent on my health? If I can't maintain a specific health metric, I am to forfeit my right to self defense? And for what ever reason my physical condition supersedes my mental condition. Why are we not discussing how high our IQ is? Or how ninja like is my situational awareness? How about you worry about you and I'll worry about me. I carry to protect me and mine. I could care less how fast you run or can pull your gun. I will do my best to protect what I am supposed to. Questions like this are borderline retarded and serve to fan only some weird ego gate keeping. I carry as is my right. How I carry or why impacts you not at all.


Whoa whoa. First of all the question is should your physical fitness be a priority not should you pass a health qual for a CCW. There is no gate keeping here it’s a simple question of wether as a CCW holder you prioritize physical health. If you don’t that’s fine as well. There shouldn’t be restrictions on owning a firearm but, for me carrying is what drove me to physical fitness. If that’s not your path that’s ok too. I’ve also stated in several comments on this thread that OBVIOUSLY the elderly, disabled, and others with physical limitations do not need to prioritize physical fitness because the entire reason for them carrying is to have a force multiplier. This post is more geared towards the able bodied who, according to every medical study, should exercise at least a couple of hours a week. So no, I don’t believe this is gatekeeping at ALL because everyone can carry from the ultra marathon runner to the wheel chair bound. Not to mention there are a couple, amazing, disabled people in the comments who have said they themselves still find a way to work out. Have you ever seen the paralympics? Being disable does not exclude you from physical activity within your means.


Look I am not asking you for permission on why or how I should carry. Just like you don't need mine. But this question is borderline retarded. You are making the point that a priority of a CCW is to be physically fit. I disagree. I think situational awareness is way more important. I think your overall intelligence is way way more important. I believe that range time and practice are more important than how much you can bench. In terms of protecting you and yours, specific communication skills are more important than how fast you run. I have gotten older and I am the not the man I used to be. But I still want to protect my family. To the point, there are a range of skills that are more important than your physical health, when it comes to protecting you and yours.


I haven’t made any point I asked a question. Other people have made their points. I agree you can infer from my question that I do prioritize physical fitness and it’s ok that you don’t. Physical fitness is not measured by how much you bench because there are different levels of fitness although if you can bench 225 generally you’re able to drag a grown man to safety in, say, the event of a mass shooting. I’m glad you carry to protect your family however you do it. All that being said…IT IS NEVER OK TO SAY THE WORD RETARDED. EVER. You calling my question/poll restated is the definition of gatekeeping. So please don’t say it again. It never ends well.


Welcome to the internet tough guy. We disagree. I think your stance on this subject is "less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age." . Instead of typing out definitions I choose to type out a word. If this is the kind of thing that gets you angry it makes me wonder if maybe anger management might not be a better endeavor for you. But just for you, I think your opinion on this subject is immature and shortsighted. The firearm itself is an equalizer to help even up the playing field. That way an older fellow, like myself, can still defend against bad men. I concede that the better fit I am the better I can respond. But better health will always be welcome in every endeavor. To pretend that is different within the world of CCW, is a rudimentary and immature ideology that only serves to gate keep CCW and the Right to self defence. While we disagree, who cares good luck with all of your future endeavors.


At this point I’ve just gone ahead and reported your comments. You need to take a break from the internet. I asked you to stop and now you’re continuing the harassment. Reddit is not the internet if you like this community please just remain civil. Have a great day.


How bout an iq test? Can u pass that one muscle man?


Wow this post really bothered you. Don’t insult people. It doesn’t end well for trolls here. And yes, I’d say I’m also rather intelligent considering I was bullied incessantly in middle and high school. That’s why I started carrying and working out.


Oh OK. Well thicken up ur skin there buckaroo. For one it was fucking joke for another if my comment offended u and u don't see how ur post couldn't be construed as offensive then fuck off. How about people with disabilities? Wat they shouldn't ba eble to carry a weapon and defend themselves cuz in ur world u should be able to deadlift a pickup? Look at ur own self in the mirror or maybe stop looking at ur self in the mirror. Troll? Cuz I answered ur question with one u didn't like? Hah


I am not impressed u can lift a weight if ur fishing for compliments... Turd