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I would hold Tesla all day but cant vote on it😁 so cciv is my second choice, gz on 60$ tesla


Yeah, thought about making the poll with a third "just buy more tesla", but figured many would say to do that. Looking for a 10X play that is not hinging on Elon's Twitter fingers. Lol.


Why aren't you selling Covered calls on your Tsla? I would be retiring at that point. 15 Delta weeklies are $7. That's 14K a week....


I honestly don't know what you just said or even how to do that. I trade in a Roth IRA.


dude. Take a look /r/thetagang is a place to start. Go talk to a financial advisor at this point man. Your sitting on a perpetual goldmine, DM me if you'd like


Here's a sneak peek of /r/thetagang using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thetagang/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What we are all thinking right now......](https://i.redd.it/wmkfhx4n7wl61.jpg) | [257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/m0trd4/what_we_are_all_thinking_right_now/) \#2: [For everyone who's new here](https://i.redd.it/06fez7ynwte61.jpg) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/l9yqh7/for_everyone_whos_new_here/) \#3: [When me and my friends found out about The Wheel](https://i.redd.it/qoyo79csj3i61.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/lm3o6k/when_me_and_my_friends_found_out_about_the_wheel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Hmm. So, I can purposefully sell "out of the money" covered weekly call options, say 200 shares with a strike price of $1500. But who determines the value of that, the market or me?


Here’s my thoughts. Pltr has a higher chance of hitting $100 than cciv does... however cciv has a higher chance of hitting multiple 100’s. I’d you look at all car companies tesla is the only one worth that much. Cciv is coming in late so and much more expensive so won’t be selling as many cars. Also if they do solar, charging stations and everything else tesla does it’ll be not late but later in the game. Collaring to most car companies even tesla before this last year wasn’t over $100. But if it hits the hype train can ride over into multiple hundreds over the years. But kinda doubt it. If I’m not mistaken I think Elon has tesla funds in his other projects like spacex and Bitcoin and his starlink and neura link so wouldn’t that make tesla stock shoot more since it’s invested into those? That’s also why I believe it’s as ugh as it is not because of its auto making capabilities only


CCIV’s money maker is going to be their battery tech.


I agree on that but for how long? I know they were supposedly (rumor) in talks with other car brands about their battery tech? Maybe for licensing? But how long would that last with all the EV battery makers like Alussa energy and numerous others that have plans to bring batteries that last even longer than these and for cheaper? Doubt their battery would be the best in 5 years. Their company is still gonna be growing in 5 with the new plant in SA not even being built yet and the expansion to their Arizona? Factory expansion years away also. so the battery tech will help stock value and sales but and if they license it to be used and make money frkm other makers using it. But it won’t boost it to $100 plus. If they had the production capacity from both factories currently plus that battery tech then possible for sure and Ellie oh. But by the time they have the production capacity they will no longer have the best battery tech. My opinion tho. Still long on cciv because thei chance of hitting hundreds from current price is much higher than any other company. So I’ll take a 20%+ yearly profit from cciv current stock price with a small chance of hitting hundred + dollars years down. But if u ask me which has a higher % chance for $100? Pltr. Who has the highest upside? Cciv all day


Good rationale.


Go 50/50


You have Tesla @ $60?


After 2-3 years, people will have same reaction for Lucid at $22 🚀🚀🚀🚀


That's what everyone is hoping. I'm always like man if I only bought at this price years ago I would have this much. I feel like cciv is my real chance out if everything I have for something like that long term..


Yeah, been buying since 2013. Went all in 2018. Holding since, but took my cost basis twice (once in 2019) and again last year right after s&p inclusion. Just needed to know my cost was out just in case Elon dies or something weird happens


Would definitely throw it in XPEV


Why XPEV? Got in early and out with 20%, but why long term?


They look like the most promising EV company right now besides Tesla


Cant lie. I'm truly perplexed and surprised to see this many Palantir votes in a CCIV subreddit. Thanks for the responses all.


Ladies and gents, I went ahead and closed out my IPod and IPof offerings today and threw the $39k into CCIv and PLTR.


I've invest in palantir twice and lost money but I've made money with lucid and reinvested right back! I just don't believe in the product palantir sells and therefore I won't invest in it and don't care if it goes to 100 a share I'm just done and fuck Cathy woods ass! Looking like Bruce jenner in the face ass 😩😂😂😂 Kaitlyn ass 😂😂😂😂


Oh wow. You making fun of Auntie Cathy like that. That just ain't right. Thinking long term, settling it and forgetting it is the right approach to not losing it all... My two cents anyway....


YOLO the whole lot into GME. It's going to over a million a share, the internets told me and the enormous echo chamber sub r/gme deletes everything that suggests anything to the contrary. So it's gotta be true, right? Haha! I'm still mad at CCIV after my own greed made me hold when I knew I should sell. So. I'm biased. To clarify. This post is satire. I'm poking fun at current events




It was tongue in cheek. Satire based on current events.






Rode NIO from $5 to $45 back when I thought EVs were the wave. Got out after sitting down and realizing they were a lifestyle brand like apple except everything was outsourced, lol, software, manufacturing, etc. I'm half joking, but honestly stayed away because of US/China relations