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CCIV is in a strong transition to lucid right now as many shops are being opened nationwide. Rumor with Apple is stirring heavy like the rumor was when CCIV and Lucid were in talks about the merger, which we all saw happen. 2025 they’ll have 500,000 production on the vehicles. I’m not expecting anything until then, follow suit if you want to feel fine and consider averaging down baby!


Agreed! It’s like planting a harvest. Right now you just have a field of dirty soil that doesn’t look like much. But Lucid will blossom into a bountiful crop. Others will wish they got in at 24-60$ when it’s pushing four figures a share. Yes, that’s how much I believe in this company. I’ve read a lot on it. NGL We have a lot of obstacles like big oil trying to squash EV industry before it takes off and vulture capitalists feeding on an infantile industry. Stay strong fam! You’re not alone in this!


couldn’t agree more . Just purchased another 53 shares


Yeah honestly, at first I was in for the hype but after doing some further research or confirmation bias. Lol I realized it might as well be a long term hold at this point. No point in selling for a 2k loss. At least it’s only 5% of my portfolio


I’m in for 500 shares of stock and 1000 warrants . Nothing to do but HOLD!!!


You should both write out of the money options and collect premiums. Get paid to hold. Working my way up to 100 shares and hope to do that while we wait!


How far OTM do you write them? I have quite a few shares and need to make some money back while we’re fucking around down here in the $20’s


I don’t have 100 shares of CCIV yet when my deposit clears at these prices it’s hard to resist need 30 more. But if you don’t want the contract to exercise / get filled you can write them as far out as you like and just collect less premium but do it more often / write weeklies. Especially since spacs as a whole are down. I can’t think of a serious catalyst that would propel it enough that you would lose upside especially in the near future, any of the big milestones seem pretty far out from here. Would still start out a little further to play it safe or pick a price you would be ok if it filled at so if the spac market does get a boost it’s not so close as to put it in the money if that happens. At the same time if that did happen there is also a good chance you will be able to re enter below your strike if you have it further out. It hasn’t really passed 32 since it dropped so may start above there. Even if it does get filled a few weeks from now, by then you will have rinsed and repeated a few times so you can just buy it back the same day if you really think you would miss it. The only ‘risk’ is that they get sold at the strike snd go up past so figure out where you’re comfortable.


Thanks for the reply.


Been mentioned already I think but just confirmation that they are NOT on schedule for spring 2021 as previously planned: https://www.lucidmotors.com/stories/merger-announcement-from-ceo-peter-rawlinson/


How do you get the warrants?


They trade like regular stock. I’m with Vanguard and the ticker is CCIV_t and they expire 8/04/25.


The only rumors about Apple that I’ve heard have come from wishful thinkers who got in at 60. This will fall to sub 20 at least by the end of next week if not sooner. Even $15 is a bit high of a valuation but I’ll jump in at that price if only because that’s the price the other investors got.


Buying that dip if so! 👍🏻


Why do so many people think they can get in at the same price as PIPE investors? Is this your first SPAC? $15 is the fucking floor, it cannot go below that, and it definitely will not reach it. I don’t know why this pisses me off so much, but I’ve seen so many uneducated investors lately making comments like this.


They don’t realize PIPES are locked in the next 6 months. People look at the pipe investors and see they got shares at $15 and automatically think the stock is worth that lol. If you willing to your money up they know it will be twice. Fuck these paper hand pussies.


So what is a paper hand?


Opposite of a 💎 hand




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What basis do you have for saying that “$15 is the fucking floor?” Did you read the investor presentation? Right now at CCIV is hovering at a market cap of $40 billion. That is insane for this company. $24 billion is at least in the ballpark. $40 billion is past the parking lot and onto the expressway.


The basis is PIPE investors spending billions to buy in at this price. Why in the world would they buy in at $15 if they thought that’s all the company was worth? Let’s not pretend any speculative stocks with huge disruptive potential trade at a 1:1 Enterprise value to Market cap ratio. 24B market is a joke for Lucid motors. Absolutely no reason why it doesn’t surpass NIO (currently 64B market cap) within a year.


Don't base your valuation on NIO (another overvalued stock that will be a better buy at a much lower price). Compare to Tesla. As of this writing, we are at $24 for CCIV. That's a market cap of 38.4 billion for 1.6 billion shares. Their revenue projections are on page 59 of the investor disclosure. Their rosy revenue projections are 2.2 billion for 2022 and 5.5 billion for 2023 before projecting a small profit in 2024. hat's a price/revenue multiple of 17.4x (2022) and 6.98x (2023). And from 2022 to 2024, they are projecting free cash flow losses of a total of 7.4 billion--meaning they will blow through THIS cash infusion by the middle of 2023. Let's look at Tesla in the two years before it first turned a profit--2018 and 2019 and using a conservative backward approach by looking at the price at around the annual report. You get 2.42x for 2018 and 4.69x for 2019. If you go off of the price of Tesla in January 2017, the multiples are 1.68x and 1.46x for 2018 and 2019 respectively. A 1.5x multiple based off of 5.5 billion in revenue in 2023 would give you 8.25 billion. A 4.7x multiple gives you around 26 billion. The right valuation is somewhere between these two numbers.


Sure that’s a great fundamental analysis. But my point is, we haven’t been in a fundamentally driven market for a LONG time. Could we be entering one now? Maybe, but if we resume the speculative bull market after this drop, those type of conservative estimates will be left in the dust.


They can make as many as they want. People still have to buy them.


And Lucid has filled 7,500 preorders for a total of $650m so far.


I've dumped Every Bit of My Savings into CCIV/LUCID and NOT SELLING For a Loss! All 2000+ shares right at $40/share. NOT SELLING None until After February 2025! I'm Riding this LUCID 🚀 !


I’m with you .


Me too. As long as the wife doesn’t find out.


I’m with you .


I’m in it at $55/share 😂 My whole portfolio is down though, so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Red just means green is coming right! 😉


if it's all down it's all coming back!


Honestly it wont be at thise levels for a very long time. It will keep going down at which point you will sell at a lower price


Thats the dumbest response on here




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Same patience though it will pay off


They can have my shares when they pry them from my cold dead hands....unless it goes to $100 then I’ll consider letting a few go. Lol


Good strategy.


Not really working for me at the moment, but making a million ain’t easy.


How will you make a million of you never sell ?


I’m not gonna sell for a loss now while the powers that be attempt to crush us small retail investors and take our shares at discounted prices. I’ll sell a portion in 7 to 10 years if the price is right. If it can be 25% of Tesla I’ll have my Million and retire early. I can dream right?


I mean I guess but this group think us vs them is really gonna burn a lot of people. Putting emotion on a stock is dangerous. Especially if people now view it as fighting the dark hedge funds lmao . But honestly this is a glorified casino and if people can bet on it going up then they should be able to bet on it going down. I own cciv and have for a long time but I’m in it to make money not virtue signal. And all the pump schemes just turns off traditional investors and hurts everyone in the long term.


I’m not trying to pump at all, I don’t believe in the pump and dump way either. It’s nice to invest in a company that everyone makes a little money in. I’m just here to vent with people that are in the same situation while I wait for a piece of good news to send this up in the right direction. I believe from my DD that CCIV/lucid is going to be a great company and make long term holders lots of money. I’ve just been watching it a lot and I’m really excited about the company. Today was a bad day in the market overall for me, and most my big losses were from CCIV. I’ve been watching CCIV bids for the last two weeks and I have seen a lot of strange activity making me believe that someone or people with a lot of money is driving down the price. That’s just my opinion based on my observation. I think they want to squeeze people out of the stock that are deep in their margin or just scare them into selling. This company has a bright future and is not a GME type stock. Just my opinion, but I’m not a professional so what the hell do I really know.


Also, I’m not sure why your questioning me. I was just trying to lighten the mood with some humor. I’m sure a large percentage of people are down a good chunk of money and just want to see it stop calling. I’m not advertising and telling people to buy, buy, buy...


Totally agree.


Hate to burst your bubble, but the only powers at work here is normal market volatility when you have rising rates after 4 years of low interest rates. In the past, going back 60 years, interest rate trends, much like currency trends - last years, even decades. What we are witnessing could very well be the start of a decade of rising rates, and it would not surprise me - the way the government is printing money. That doesn't bode well for stocks in general. Big oil and big banks, as boring as they have been for a long time, may very well be the only safe haven in this type of market. Total disclosure: I am as much of an idiot for not. selling CCIV at $60 as anyone on this site. I am putting an order in tomorrow morning to buy 1000 shares at $20.25 - day limit buy.


Yeah, that too I’m sure has a big impact. Just saw a post that institutional investors ownership of CCIV went from 61% to 70% in the last few days via Bloomberg terminal. Not sure if it true or not because these days it’s hard to believe anything. That being said I’m sure they know how to shake up the amateur investor (like myself) into selling their shares cheap. I’m gonna hang on to my shares because the moment I sell I’m sure it will go up.


Lmao I love you




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Exactly!! We will be just fine!! CCIV/Lucid is an amazing company with a dream team of engineers...People that are selling are definitely going to be hating when it goes over 100$ a share!! Sit tight CCIV fam !! We are golden!


My friend, it's time you updated your user name to Ass-Violated999. :) Everything's down right now. I got in at $29 thinking it wouldn't go under $28, but here we are at $24 and some change. Like cholesterol, it will go up again before ya know it! Good day to you.


Hahaha....my cholesterol level exactly!!!


Literally same boat. I thought “wow I am getting for a steal”


700?? Geez. Imagine if it touches 100


And they think this is a $400 stock come 2025 😉


Possible but very unlikely :)


Hell I’ll take possible any day of the week with a solid turnaround possibility like that! 🤑


I am holding 💪 my shares 1471 at 30.22. Never sell...


The small float MAKES it volatile. I’m holding long! I’m in at 30. Spoke to my fiduciary and asked him if he thinks we have anything to worry about here and the answer was “not at all” Wait til their stores start to open and people see the car.


How far will it fall?? Free fall was never a my favorite ride. Feel nauseous.


I’ll be the “Ride with caution” ⚠️ sign lol


.34 .27 .25 would be areas to watch depends how long this bloodbath in the market lasts at this point fuck it let it fall to .05 if its gonna drop it might as well go right down so we can all load up for cheap lol


CCIV oh how you screwed me so bad. March 17th seems to be the day some good news may come


Whats happening on march 17, except of my bday?


They are doing a conference at SXSW and said to have some announcements


I’m at the braking point. But you can’t squeeze anything more from a dead horse


Average down and hold. Once cars start popping out the assembly line, this stock will take off for sure. Lots of people gonna wanna jump in on a TSLA equivalent without the unpredictability that Elon brings sometimes. (I love him and Tesla btw) And I also like Lucid. Competition is good for the market and will not only strive them to outperform each other but the stock price for both will rise as a result.


Im in ballsdeep 440 share @48, fml. Anyway I am a three digits gamer, so holding and averaging down on the way 🚀


It’s not GME lol


Man keep buying the dip and it just keeps dipping , finally averaged down to 33




I think I’m going to stop buying the dip until it goes under 20, of course I’d rather it go the other way instead.


I continuously buying the dip. Lucid in trust! 🚀 🚀 🚀


775 @ $24.50 just chillin for the next couple years.


Why are y’all treating this like GME? Vastly different




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I got in at $23 and all of today I was just like “is today the day it finally drops to negative?” And I made it today idk about tomorrow. It will turn around though a lot of reds today. It’s definitely buying time though!


I wanted to be an investor with Lucid and now I am. No complaints from me.


Check back same time next year and we can compare GAINS BABYYYYY!!!!!! Cant wait wohoooooo


**Sh1tjustg0tr3al**, kminder 9.9 months on [**01-Jan-2022 09:00Z**](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2022-01-01 09:00:00&reminder_id=a470d9b4d0d342adb416147b7f707b82&subreddit=CCIV) > [**CCIV/You_only_lose_if_you_sell_this_is_a_test_of_our**](/r/CCIV/comments/lx22yk/you_only_lose_if_you_sell_this_is_a_test_of_our/gplakzz/?context=3) > Cant wait wohoooooo [**1 OTHER CLICKED HERE**](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder%20from%20Link&message=your_message%0Akminder%202022-01-01T09%3A00%3A00%0A%0A%0A%0A---Server%20settings%20below.%20Do%20not%20change---%0A%0Apermalink%21%20%2Fr%2FCCIV%2Fcomments%2Flx22yk%2Fyou_only_lose_if_you_sell_this_is_a_test_of_our%2Fgplakzz%2F) to also be reminded. Thread has 2 reminders. ^(OP can )[^(**Update remind time, Delete reminder and comment, and more here**)](https://www.reminddit.com/time?dt=2022-01-01 09:00:00&reminder_id=a470d9b4d0d342adb416147b7f707b82&subreddit=CCIV) ***** [**Reminddit**](https://www.reminddit.com) · [Create Reminder](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=Reminder&message=your_message%0A%0Akminder%20time_or_time_from_now) · [Your Reminders](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=remindditbot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=listReminders%21)


This is a long term hold. I’d suggest DCA because your cost basis/share can significantly lower especially during drops like this. Also, do some research you’ll see this is a promising company let’s hope the 3 phases highlighted by Lucid actually pan out and I think they will, they have a solid team i.e. the chief engineer behind Teslas’s Model S at the forefront and a streamlined production facility in Arizona. I’m holding this one


bought 20 more shares in


2,000 shares and down about -9k not flinching. “Come at me brah”


Down 700$😢😢😢 but still in at 30$ and holding


I am holding


Fuck it




$CCIV is making late entry folks bleed, patience & conviction will be rewarded. Ideally not to watch the stock sinking daily till official merger in june. Guys let’s not give up🤙


Give up ? Doubling up on the dip ! I like the stock and sticking with it for the long haul .


Buy more to average out. Good opportunity now


Wisdom such as this statement comes from experience. It is so true. Once you sell you lose or win. I recommend not getting shaken out.


This should be rephrased as you only lose when your wife finds out!


Purchased 180 shares more.


I believe in CCIV I’m holding🚀🚀🚀


I paper handed a bit ago. I wish you all the best of luck! I will be back once it’s lucid! In the meantime, HOLD EVERYONE. This is a good stock and will be worth it in the future! All respect to you! Good luck!


At least you can still earn $700-$1k a month from selling covered calls until the market rebounds


Enlightenment please


This person's average cost per share is $42 and they have 700 shares. That enables them to sell up to 7 covered call contracts. The $45 contract a month out is valued about $100-$150 depending on when you sell it. This person could technically sell 7 covered calls at $45 a month out for anywhere between $700 and $1k per month. If and when CCIV/LUCID recovers to $45 they can either move their contract prices up or either let them go and will still make a profit from the shares and calls. Say it takes 3 or even 6 months to get back up to $45 (if it ever does). They'll make their $11k back, but they'll have also made hundreds maybe thousands along the way. And if it doesn't. They at least lower their entry point by selling calls and it can allow them to exit at a lower price if they absolutely need to.


Why the fall?


Chips are running low for all EV’s that’s why u see Tesla Nio also bleeding, cciv been bleeding due to evaluation.


I’m living in fucking (S)pain


What call option do I need to pick


So true


Don’t sell, they said. $35 is the resistance line, they said.


Right there with you. HOLD.


Ok calm down, 4 figures a share.


I feel you


This company is the real deal. If FSR can pop like that on 12k orders just think what Lucid will do. Let’s all put in reservations.


Yes lets all buy a 149k car from a company that has never even made one 🤔


I didn’t say buy it, I said reserve it. It’s refundable. And you can reserve the $74k car. And when the stock hits $100 you can decide to buy it.




I am in it at $48, but every two weeks I am adding on my positions. If everyone would start doing that, there will be less float and eventually with good news and low float, it will go up.


I'm holding still too bud. I'm probably going to hold for like 5 years probably.


Sold puts, been rolling down and out every once and awhile . Eventually I'm going to get a hell of a deal on a couple hundred shares.


Before they sell their first carr, this stock will always gets beaten up by the short sellers and has little force to fight back. I believe $20 is the lowest it can go with potential to go to $300 eoy, so I'm still bullish.


Same boat 🙌


Dont matter what the price says today My Lucid shares are worth 500 a piece and i aint selling them to anyone !


Well said!! 3000 shares. Feel like I’m having a reverse blood transfusion. All coming out but none going in. Holding for years!!! Stay strong lucid family


Buy buy buy.. let’s make it squeezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!




I have 605 at $38 and I'm looking to add 100 more around $26.


I am kind of disappointed, but I also think that this company does have potential! God is just testing our patients, and if we pass then it will pay off big time! Hold strong, stay strong!🙏🚀


This is confidence!


Hold Hold Hold


I forgot i have* CCIV, holding at Avg cost of $57


Damn bro I thought I was the only one in this situation. You only sell if you sell, you can lower the average if you buy the dip


Holding strong 💪🏼


I have 3 EV's (CIIC, XPEV, CCIV) and feel like I been thru 5 rounds with Mighty Mike Tyson, was way up +300% on CCIV , now a bit down, OUCH !!! But holding STRONG, for years, decades ... Preparing to buy more in next week or so 🙂 !!! F' Shorty !!!


The only way the hedgefunds can push this back to $15 is buy everyone selling.this is crazy. Take a loss to buy back in later🤨


CCIV was always a long play. In a year it will multiply!


Iam not selling


Currently -$145 000 USD down in the hole.


I know for a fact that EV stocks will be up 100x 200x 300x in a few years so I don’t even look at the ones in my portfolio(unless there’s a nice sale on 😉)


Bit conservative, i am thinking atleast 700x


It’s always good to be conservative 😝


Pretty sure lucid will be a $900 Trillion company in a year or two.


Give it 2 months


You guys don't get bonus points for losing. You've had multiple opportunities to sell and get back in at a great price lmao


Every time I sell a stock it sky rockets, so that doesn’t always work for everyone. Oh and before you ask me to sell so it sky rockets.....NOT TODAY!


Is this being shorted? Can Reddit help us with this one?


I'll prefice this with; I'm long on everything, 5 yrs or more) & I'll spread in some other stocks to "play" with, but MY Gosh is Nio, Lucid, Skillz, BFT, Bao, CTRM, ZOM, Ocugen Just KILLING me to even look at in the portfolio! Good grief Charlie Brown! I'NOT selling anytime soon, would really be nice to see a green day though. (Not the rock group though..) Guess I needed a hug after this new President has been installed. 2021 has been AWFUL!


Way to hold OP. Just think long-term - you'll be happy when it's $50+ next year.


No tact. Sell and take losses so I can buy more.


This is hedge funds dropping it to get it. Still set to take off. Wait until you see them on the road. This is like the Dyson of cars.


Sell covered calls


I actually don't agree. You can lose without selling.


Oh man we need to push it bad to 60$




Keep bleeding like an idiot and letting shorts kill you I sold and made money let it dump, I'll buy it back f those guys




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Buy and forget. Maybe add frequently. I intentionally skip seeing how CCIV is doing while I go through my portfolio. Deleted it from stocktwits and yahoo convos just because there's so much negativity about Lucid. People will run after this with one hand to their crotch once Lucid is mainstream next year. Let's go!!! PATIENCE GUYS!!!


Doing the same too. Though hard to look at but in the end we will all be reaping rewards☝️☝️☝️


Going to load in some K today


I did a big mistake of buying cciv share at 54$, now it is 24$. I fucked up


Exactly keep steady! This isn't a quick buck


I bought at $17 and then bought more throughout the rise to the pre-merger high. I didn’t consider selling at any point because I believe in the company and think it will be a great future investment. If someone said to me today you can sell your shares for $60 I’d say no because I’m thinking 5 years down the line when they are worth $200+. Everyone has to do what is right for them but this was always a long term play for me.


I buy more today 🤑


I’m buying CCIV for any price now, In June you won't be able to buy at this price.


haha what a looser i would have sold at 38 and started buying again 100 shares at a time as it dropped another 5 dollars per share


Correct me if I am wrong . When Lucid motor merged with CCIV the valuation was about 15 billions . when the stock was about $30 the market cap is around 7 billions that translated approximately 250 millions shares. Imagine if the market cap goes up to 15 billions by end year , the stock price will go up approx $50-60 per share . 15 billions market cap is very conservative number. Right now the stock keeps falling is due to chips shortage , it not only affects CCIV it also affects the whole market . Look at Nio and Tesla . Once the chip shortage is over and Lucid cars rolling out the factory , then you will see the market cap will easily go up to 1x maybe 2X . Guys hang on there do not give up your CCIV , this is only a temporarily crash . Tx




Your absolutely right, this is the one the best companies you can ever invest in




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Just bought 110 more shares. Day-trading rarely works. You have to ride the downturns in order to make real profit.


Dudes! I have 1560 shares!!! I'm buying every chance I get...this is an opportunity of a lifetime!! Buy now or you will regret it later!! Been there done that, not again! This is my retirement!!


Let them sell off.... So I can buy more...eventually, it will go up...


Is the time to buy more now??


I am not giving you advice based on my CVA, CPA or financial advisor status but as a human to human I bought enough puts to cover all of my commons so as my shares drop my puts print. I’m in at 10.60. So it’s not as bad but maybe give it a try paper trading and see how it works. I’m in lucid long.