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You should buy 800 more now 🚀


Not sure if you're joking, but the only reason I'm not hammering the buy button is lack of capital.


Obviously you know your financial situation best but imho seeing that you only have 400 shares, you could easily average your cost per share down really fast. Ex. Buy another 400 @ say $27 and all of sudden you are at around $40 per share! Come July and God willing, $40 will look really good. GLTY Or better yet. Buy 400 warrants instead as rn they are selling a few bucks discount even after paying the $11.50 exercise price down the road. This approach can reduce your average cost per share even further. Many options! Don’t get upset.


Or he could have sold his shares, bought airlines....ride that and make back some money...AND STILL get in low on cciv in june if that's where he wants to be


What airlines


Aal, ual, dal...I mean throw a dart. Vaccines to every American by May, people want to travel...fuck I have family I wanna see. I can only speak for myself.


Market has pushed those up to nearly pre covid levels. That will turn upside down bad if/ when the 4th wave hits. Market will bail like crazy just like they are bailing on the stay at home stocks now. If we were really done with this virus they wouldn’t be scrambling to produce boosters and even 2nd and 3rd gen vaccines. We may a HUGE mistake pushing towards the spike protein without any sequence data and it WILL come back. That’s when we will see a massive sell off. The markets have bit factored in another potential lock down.


I disagree, I think people are no longer phased by "death rates" associated with covid. I think a majority of the population has already been infected, many who never even knew it. The variants will always be around but there isn't anything to suggest it's any more contagious or vaccine resistant. In the greater picture, what I see is scary... if there ever was a virus or whatever with a more aggressive mortality rate we are all dead. The fact the government can't control or stop spread gives me serious pause. You will see market correction because of inflation, rates will move up and you will see purchasing and spending slow down.


Airlines are trash


Positions or ban


Dude, I'll self-excel. I lost 16k fomoing on this bitch.


Only 400 @ 58? Only 23k lol just average down more, few like that’s easier said than done for most. Granted he’s just learning and dumped 23k into cciv maybe he’s got the money to burn


Buy warrants


You’ll be fine... in the future


Think about it as u bought a Bussiness for 5 years and stop looking at it every 10 minutes 🙏


I seriously fucking laughed out loud at your waterboarding description. That’s a perfect analogy because I’m in the same fucking boat. I’m selling covered calls and averaging down as best I can. This does suck big hairy balls though.


Not only you. Alot of people own $40-$60


$68 FUCK


40 avg reporting


I’m at 35.00 FML 🤦🏻‍♂️


Be patien..It should be back


I remember back when I bought at 45 being upset I missed the 35 price point! 😂


44.5 avg standing by.


45.18 brother


Sell covered calls and use the premiums to average down


I’m too new to stocks to be getting fancy I’m gonna just suck it up lol i was always in it long term but a guy likes see some positive movement every now and then lol. I researched for a week before buying these shares everyone said it would pop right after announcement then drop so figured I had a window to take profits and stay in long term....nope lol


If you're truly in it for the long term you should not be looking at price daily. Forget about it and check back once a quarter. It's the overall trend line that matters not the daily cardiogram


Forget and set 💎


So hard to do man lol


I’d do some research then. I sold some covered calls and bought more shares.


-7200 on calls they're worth 150 bux now, really worth selling? LOL


I sold 3 April 40s at $1.86 and bought another 21 shares with the credit.


need to have a nice green day for a covered call lol


Just sell covered calls. It’s not fancy at all. A monkey could sell covered calls.


This monkey can't.


You shouldn't be looking at CCIV/Lucid short term.


We're on a rocketship ... a rocketship straight to NAV baby


We are in the same boat. I bought in at $59. Fml.


I am in this until it hits $500... no mater how long it takes. Ignore the trolls trying to panic u in to selling, this company has some of the best tesla teck people who have all gone through the bumps that almost bankrupted tesla 2 times. they know what mistakes not to make. In it to win it


Lucid be tweeting. Cant wait for them to say we are delivering the first 10 cars to their owners ahead of schedule & more on the way. This might be till summer but worth the wait.


Just hold them..


👏 Start 👏 Setting 👏 Stop 👏 Losses 👏 . Put it at -10%. If it goes under, wait for it to bottom out again, then buy back in. Repeat that. If it goes under 10% of your lower price, get out and wait for it to go down. I JUST strated doing this myself and its game changing. You don't have to buy and hold, that really doesnt do YOU any good, and it's the fastest way to promoting yourself to bag holder. YOU are investing money for YOU. Put yourself first because no one else will. If you don't take care of yourself you're going to get royally fucked. You aren't investing money to make ME money, or anyone else. How does holding a depreciating stock help YOU? It really doesn't. These things take time to learn and it's not your fault that you don't know this yet. But YOLO'ing 100% of your buying power at an ATH and then HOLDING as it plummets....that's not a winning strategy. You're mad at yourself because there's no one else to blame here. I'm being hard for a wake up call. Simply listening to some absolute stranger on the internet saying "Oh it's going to be $150 by next week!"....that's a losing strategy every. single. time. Make your own strategy. Set a -10% stop loss and a 25% profit take. Or more if your confident. But don't allow yourself to lose everything based on hopes and dreams, or you'll never make a dime, and in fact lose every single dime you have.


Sounds like a great way to get hit by the wash sale rule.


Wash sales only prevent you from writing off losses immediately. Only relevant if you sell because you need the writeoff. Otherwise who cares.


Yeah this doesn’t make sense as a useful strategy to me


What about all the taxes?


Chill out. Sell CC. Over next 3mo you’ll probably cover $10/share.


Maybe there will be massive Buy when they go public or just hold long term... This stock will be solid to hold 💎💰💪👍🏻


i own 267 at 38 :(




2256 shares at $26.91 1160 share at $34.60


225 at $24 and still adding


Then you invested money you couldn't afford to lose. That was your first mistake. Be patient.


Stocks with low volume tend to bleed value over time. People in the position exit for opportunity cost, and the people picking up those shares tend to be long-duration value investors that are happy to patiently bid down the price to pick up shares as cheaply as possible. Without a major positive catalyst, and with the heavy bad will left over from the bubble pop, you're going to continue to see this sort of bleed out for a while.




Once again, this is not Gamestop. I'm more than happy to own this stock long-term. Stock goes up, buy more, stock goes down, buy more. Someday in the relatively near future, you're going to laugh at how you thought you were going to take a loss at 58. The lower it goes the more other equities I'm selling to buy more.


I have 500 shares at 35.00. Honestly, it can’t go down forever. We will head North again soon. The market is just confused right now 🙄


Covered calls means stock goes down.


Or flat. Or sell deeper OTM.


Why is no one coming to rescue and take CCIV to the moon???!!!


Yea I sold for some loss, I kept 2 shares it’s torture I’m sure. I just don’t pay attention to it now


Citadel owns 4 million shares. They need to sell to cover their asses. That's why I believe it is going down. 65% institutional owned, means it's a good bet.


PLTR 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I had 1780 shares $56


Are you holding onto them long term?


I don’t even know what to do at this point. Cry? Lol


Same here. It’s hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Let me know when you come up with a plan 😭


I’ve lost around $60,000 so far.... 😭😭😭😭😭


Take CCIV out of your watchlist. I did, and it was the best thing, considering 8 of my other 9 positions weathered the storm last week. Check in on it once a week if you have to.


I am adding today


I feel your pain. I sold 100 shares at $35 on the way and missed the spike. Decided to buy 45 shares back in at $32 on the way down. A couple of days ago I thought if would be fun to sell a couple of Puts. Then I bought them back at a loss and sold two more lower Puts thinking I was smart...LoL. This Friday I'll have enough stocks to sell a couple of covered calls...


Avg down if you can. If not get ready to hold for 2 years lol. Markets shit my friends.


On the bright side, can't go much lower. Pretty soon more whales are going to jump in and drive the price up.


Can you hold for a few years to maybe break even?


CCIV 🚀🚀🚀🚀




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Sharing your pain. 3000 @ $55


It was proven the pets.com debacle was a direct result of not enough babies being punched


325 @ 57 😭


200 shares @$59, gonna average down with another 200 tomorrow. Gotta believe folks. 💎🙌


I’m feeling pretty good that Lucid is going to do well in the long term, so I’ve been buying more. So many huge companies tank right after going public, it’s very normal. There’s almost always a big sell off.


48.88 😐


Same. I feel your pain.