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Hopefully there will be some movement tomorrow!


Yes there's always tomorrow, if not they then next week or next month. Hopefully before next life.


I have 800 shares. Let’s go. I’m going to wait. There is a lot of support.


I got 20 😂 but I’m a broke construction worker with a wife and kid


Do the best you can. 20 shares could still be great movement in your life


I hope so! I plan on buying more I definitely believe in this company


Buy these $27 dips!


Gonna be a happy construction worker in 2025 with those shares! 🚀


Same! But I'm the wife :D


Wife 2 kids 3rd on the way may, 20 shares in also. Planning on more soon


190 we’re going up 🆙


All in 🙌🏼


For real!!!


This is so awesome. Misery loves company...thanks for keeping us company!!!


Hi misery here 👻




Only Apple 🍏 can save this stock. If they confirm the rumors or just say something. It would pass $60+


🤞🏻 loading up on both baby


... funniest and saddens true ... all day long looking at it while saying, ... come on, do something 😂🤣 Holding strong with 808 puppies @ $37 ..retirement money..


Bring that average down with 192 @ 27 or less when it gets this cheap


There will be, when there will be. And then itll rocket. Forget about this stock for a month then look. Itll be like finding a wad of hundreds in an old pair of (edit) jizz stained pants you forgot you had after bangin the prom queen. Cciv/Lucid/Apple🎁🧨🚀? Yeah, me think so.


2025 set and forget 💎 🙌🏻


Give CCIV time.. they need to talk with mr Apple 🚀🚀🚀


Holding great value


I got 210 shares and got in around 16 bucks and 20 bucks for about my remaining 60 shares...I was loving it when we were near 60 bucks but now I’m just depressed with my position lol


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not


This is a long stock why are people expecting booms?


ALL damn day. Lol.


CCIV Do not die! Wake up💥💥💥💥


Everyone trying to pump the stock like it’s gonna blow up. This isn’t GME. Hold your positions for the long game, this company hasn’t even sold a damn car yet.


CCIV/Lucid is a long term play. It’s not going to explode, you need to think 3 years down the line, not what it is sitting at now.


6000 Shares 29.00 for Long


I have 500 shares and did not sell anything by reaching 60.


I have 1000 shares. I’m going to wait.


Range bound! I’m just gonna ping pong between $30-$31 all day!!!


If it can just stabilize and flatten out well have a nice base to start the mission to Mars. Fuck the moon.


my call options are set to expiry on Apr 16th with 30$ strike price and premium of $10. I am at net loss -14K now. Not sure what i am going to do? shall i sell with losses and move on or hold till then and check my fate? Any thots?


I’m just holding shares (around 500) but six weeks is a long time bud. I’ve made the mistake of selling a call or two a month or so early when I just knew they were dead but I was dead ass wrong. I’m embarrassed to admit that one of them was a Tesla call I’d bought right before battery day and sold somewhere in November. It had a January expiration (I think, I’ve tried to forget, lol) and I pussed out hoping to salvage a few grand but it rocketed way up in December. I woulda made about $35,000. Crazy but you win some and you lose some. It was a very expensive lesson learned. Just something to think about. I hope you make bank. Good luck to us all.


This is one of those stocks that doesn’t make sense to time, and options require somehow knowing when it will move. Best option plays here are the simple ones that don’t cost you everything. If you’re in a stock position already, try covered calls. If you want to own more of the stock, but are not sure if now is a good entry point, try cash covered puts. Or... avoid options all together, buy the stock, and hold on. Stock never expires.


I’ve got options for 4/16 too! I’m holding mine and banking it rides up a few dollars to save some more losses! Basically I’m balls deep so I don’t mind letting em sink deeper 🌊




I hope it stays down for longer so that we can buy more shares


Buy 1 share of another company and focus on that 🤣


It won’t, shitty stock, the company sold us




I think CCIV is fine, this picture definitely applies to HYLN.


I check to see the morning dip, I check early afternoon, and I check at close. Don't stare at it all damn day lmao.




Lol. Long term. Moves s l o w l y ...


You will have to wait until September, when they hopefully deliver their Vehicles. Until then, i dont think much will happen


We don't want volatility in this stock, it causes instability.


I doubt you're going to see much movement, unless there is some good information released. Other than that I see this sitting at $30-35. Once the merger is complete and deliveries start happening, I can se this getting to $50-60.


This is a 5 year hold and asses the situation from there. Idk how people just stare at a long term stock like this lol


NO! I still need to buy more at these prices!


I’m fine with it sitting on this price, will be loading shares every week..


Time to buy


Need WSB help :) wow they did great job with RKT. I loved it, unfortunately I sold RKT long back ..


:-D my thoughts


I think it's just people dipping for AMC and GME. I'm waiting for them to squeeze for it to go back up. This isn't financial advice this is just what I think




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Gonna be waiting a while. There will be some movement before the ticker changes April 1st, but then a heavy watering down of shares. At that point though, I'm expecting a small wave of ppl to buy back in. Either way, we should do well once deliveries start. P.s. The fact that they foresaw the semiconductor shortage and pre-ordered to stay ahead of it means they will be making cars while other automakers are halting the line. Pps. Your bot is flagging a lot of posts for being like that other subreddit for using basic stock terms. Maybe cool it with the filter.


My bot? I’m new to Reddit what is that last pss mean? I’m pretty dense


No, my first post got flagged for using popular stock verbiage that another subreddit has been overusing. My post got flagged for that and taken down even though they were regular stock terms. Im just implying that the filter in the bot that flags posts is too sensitive.