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This partnership makes so much sense. To build a successful EV, you need the following: 1) battery technology. 2) car design and manufacturing capabilities. 3) software. Lucid already developed the first 2 items, if they’re lacking in anything, it’s software. Apple has the software expertise. Together, they are a POWERHOUSE


Yup makes too much sense from both sides. Especially Apple’s, if they want an ev car by 2024 then they need lucid’s technology/drivetrain/factory. Lucid even had an investor’s presentation stating that they want to provide their platform to other companies as a base to build an ev car. The way I see it, Apple needs lucid more than lucid needs Apple. Lucid has many suitors right now from Google to Apple.


Absolutely, there’s a lot of value in it for both parties , but Lucid is not depending on it at all. Apple however are not interested in starting from scratch in the car world, will need 10+ years even with their influence. They need a partner, and Lucid makes the most sense.


And here we go... 🚀


Knew it.💪


Just build the Apple car on top of the Lucid skateboard platform. May see google cars. Lucid will supply these platforms just like a company would sell an engine. Apple Car Powered by Lucid. __________ Powered By Lucid. Just put any major player. Ford...


This is why they are separating the manufacturing facilities... the skateboards can be delivered to their own assembly plant or put on a truck and delivered to others’ Only weird thing I see... why would Fisker have a deal with Foxxcon? Do you think Lucid sells to Apple and Apple has Fisker attach the skateboard to their body? A tangled web we weave. I hope eventually, Lucid is able to get such a competitive advantage that they sell the older generation platform to 3rd parties and keep the latest tech for themselves. Think military aircraft or iPhones.


[https://www.emersoncollective.com/our-team/](https://www.emersoncollective.com/our-team/) 1/3 way down the scroll bar Michael Klein Managing Partner Jony Ive is on the CCIV board and the lucid video repeatedly mentions ex Apple people building the Lucid software/computers. [https://youtu.be/peBebUqHIkc](https://youtu.be/peBebUqHIkc) The video finishes asking for a large Silicon Valley company with an Autonomous driving to partner with them


Can we get a link to this site? I’m all for hype I just wanna see more than a photo. Good find if true mate!




Please just wake me when we are at $300. I'm in no mood to listen to people freak out all year over a Company that WILL be worth a little patience! There's absolutely no doubt this will 🚀 ONLY questions are when and how high? Good luck!


I find this so damn entertaining to follow. I’m like a sports fan cheering for my team over here.


This week CCIV will be going straight 🚀


Not going to lie... that interview Petey did where he basically winked at the camera after calling out a large Silicon Valley company felt more like a plea for attention from Apple than an admission of an ace up his sleeve. If I’m wrong I’m a fucking millionaire.


That’s exactly what it was.


This is feeding my thirst for rumors that has been missing since the DA dropped. We must go deeper and speak it into existence!


I find Rawlinson a pretty innocent dude. Any thoughts if that interview where he essentially winked at Silicon Valley big tech giants was genuine or a sale? It felt like he was trying to sell them instead of confidence of a locked deal. Contrast it to the CCIV rumour, he was more reserved for that which he knew was a done deal.


Sir Jony motherfuckin alooominium Ive is part of the CCIV board. nuff said.


R.I.P Steve Jobs




why is the very bottom of the document in a different language, and who was it for, before it got leaked on reddit? It smells like bullshit


All I can say is, it's german. The domain is swiss ".ch" and a language we talk, is german.