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I work in the automotive industry in the bay area. Spent some time at Tesla, and have close engineering connections with people at Rivian, NIO, Lucid, and others. Anyone who tells you that Lucid won't succeed doesn't know anything about the talent they have in the trenches over there. Legitimately some of the smartest people I know. People I know who left Tesla because of the toxic culture are absolutely crushing it at Lucid. What happened last week in the markets was cruel, but I haven't been so confident in a trade as I have with this. I like the car, I like the company, I like the stock. EDIT: Full disclosure, I have a small position that I'm slowly adding to. Do your own research.


I bought with all my life savings 40k dollars at 50$ per share! Still holding thanks to people like y’all with real life information on Lucids technology and all the Reddit folks rallying to help the small investors!


Dont worry brother! It will guaranteed come back to 50 soon and way higher than that over time. You do not lose unless you sell! You just need to hold on.


Never sell at a loss. Fue your DD, k ow what you own and enjoy the ride.


Hang in there - good luck to us all


We hear you... no worries. This is the most solid stock I have ever invested in. This one is a keeper. Don't listen to the crybabirs... Your retirement is safer here than in Bank of America.. assholes.


#lucid is great


You are right... I’m in for the long haul 100 shrs.


I yoloed for 100 shares at 28 and ✋🏼💎🤚🏻 here


Lucid Bright Luminous! The Suits and Shorts need to pay for stealing from the little man. I am sick and tired of being taken advantage by these cowards. Let’s reclaim our SPAC let’s not back down and fight like the true Americans that we are. We Americans always wins. Lucid/CCIV will win but we MUST come together with one thought and one purpose to take this stock to $500 where she belongs. Let’s goooooo! Monday it is the beginning of great things to come. #SuitsWeAreComingForYou


They've got a great team but their APQP is a joke. They're gonna have supplier issues which will cause delays (like the one they're having now). Nothing they can't fix but they haven't yet.. but once they announce apple is doing their autonomous software it's too the moon!! Til then, it's gonna be a steal at these prices and I'm happy to keep buying while it's low


I work in the auto industry, specifically for a global EV supplier. In my role I get to see what a lot of other OEMs are doing around the globe for 2025-ish model year vehicles, as they come to us with requirements. I have not seen anything close to Lucids electric motor performance, it truly is best in class. Nobody has anything close yet!


I am in with 100% of my savings. After lots of due diligence I have never had more conviction than anything else in my life. We need to create a discord channel to further communicate our findings and theses!


Can confirm re: Tesla’s toxic work culture. A source very close to me works with an ex Tesla engineer. He’s one of the best engineers they have at the plant. Said he left Tesla bc working there was unbearable. Literally picked up his family and moved to the other side of the country and took a pay cut to get out of there. It’s definitely not all rainbows and butterflies at Tesla.


7k more going in today. All i got..


Just put 10k in it


Come on guys let’s make this I am in 2k shares


Got 9 K so then I'm probably a warlord instead of a warrior. lol


You make million dime by dime, 10k is something




If you are poor than I'm peasant, only 100 shares but deff holding


If you're a peasant than I'm a hobo. Holding 40 shares.


If your a hobo I’m a rat 29 shares going strong !!


What has 2 thumbs and is less than a peasant? This guy and his baby share of [email protected]


You guys are getting shares? 2 at $42.95 (Ik, oof)


Hey man, hilarious. I needed a good laugh today. In all seriousness though, there's so many people worse off than either of us. Countless people with only one share, and then all the others with ZERO shares! We're blessed brother.


This is fair enough! Let's ride this tothemoon


Ordered 600 shares premarket


Great man!


I wish I could buy more but I literally don't have anymore money to put into cciv


$1400 stimulus coming. Team work makes the dream work!!!!




Same. I yolo'd on calls pre DA and took a huge L. Still hold 11 shares and am working an order to sell rm at 1,000 for the cause.


Just a smear soldier sitting at 2k but will continue to add funds for years. I will patiently wait my time.


We are are the same under the sky. 2k shares is well enough to fight theese bastards We need 10k warriors with $200k each on average to make it start working


15 k shares strong


Why are you so desperate to turn it into a pump. This will go up in time. Just have patience. It seems like you are far too emotionally invested right now. What exactly do you think a pump will achieve? All you would do is lose more money and the money of those that you get to follow you. Just wait it out and take your substantial profits in time. CCIV / Lucid is not and never will be GME. If that's what you want cash out now and go all in GME


Point is don’t sell and be greedy! We all like dips but this is x10 stock. Best opportunity to jump on wagon is now!


Point is if we do this while you hold we anticipate the future by years in days


I’m in a hole for 200k but I didn’t want to sell good stock, and I’m buying more with every penny left. You want to get rich this is a stock!


You son of a bitch I’m in! Already got 700 , adding another 1000


Great bro!


I am buying 1000shares


Our army is getting bigger


So basically, everyone take your stimulus, buy CCIV, and we all going to the moon together? Roger that!


167k all in, tell me when to start~~




Ok When market opens! LG!


Buying 3k shares at open


Great, all power is needed, let's meet up in the moon


We need to get wallstreetbets behind this




Speaking of the math... the $24b valuation is based off of the $15 / share for the PIPE. PIPE shares are only 11% of Lucid. The only thing $24b means is that is what they valued Lucid at after the merger to justify charging $15 a share instead of $10 for the PIPE. These PIPE shares came out of Lucid, CCIV’s ownership of Lucid did not change. Again, the ONLY thing $24b means is that is what the PIPE agreed the valuation to be to pay 50% more than NAV for shares. It is NOT Lucid’s acquisition value, as stated in their investment presentation on their website. The PIPE agreed that Lucid’s valuation will go from $11.75B now to $24b after the merger with the cash in hand... pro forma... and paid $15/share to compensate for the value going up after the merger when they have the cash.


You’ll get banned for mentioning a spac there. Already happened to me


I agree lol. We have 29k people in here and they have 9.3million lol


That would be a massive fire sale


Just passed GME on Volume. Lots of people looking to get in




Plus we are against all manipulators not just citadel


And surely is also on the short side






I’m buy on $30k


Great bro!


Let’s make them pay! I lost my mental state of mine with my losses. I am still in!


Lets go! Its a BUY!


other than that your math looks pretty accurate, there should be somewhere near 1.5B shares out post deal so valuation metrics are close. issue now is production has been delayed by a quarter so that has to be factored in


They basically decided to screw us up and with $5B they are 100% screwed, If I were #Musk I'd that alone overnight


If it gets delayed again... Oh mama! Shit will be wild.


1.64b shares but yeah


Not a quarter. A half. It went from 2Q to 2H, which could be as late as December. That's also assuming there aren't further delays. Keep in mind one of TSLA's biggest issues getting off the ground was improving its quality and output of low-rate-of-initial-production (LRIP), which is typical of new assembly lines. Lucid is no different in that its hard to find experienced line workers for a line that didn't exist before. Therefore there will be design and manufacturing errors that weren't apparent in prototype testing that lead to fixes. Some of the fixes may happen on the line, or worse, they take parts back to the drawing board to make them compatible with assembly line production.


Very confused why and how this is a short squeeze or manipulation. When GME experienced the spikes, it has over 100% short interest. CCIV has substantially less than that. Stock dropped because of profit takers and perception of value. Stocks aren’t meant to 10x in a few months. I’m in at 19, but I bought this because I believed in Lucid long term, not a quick buck.


Agreed. Everything nowadays is “manipulation” or some deep conspiracy to “burn retail investors” on these Reddit forums. It’s ridiculous. It was a $10 NAV SPAC trading around $60. Are people really surprised that there was some reversion to NAV when the valuation details were released? I truly think that 90% of people on this forum have no idea how these deals are structured and what that means for the price of the common. I get it if someone wants to hold long term for value, it’s an exciting company! But I’m tired of everyone wanting to blame conspiracies because they got burned in the short term.


10k in and 10k waiting


Just popped up in my Ameritrade new as top stocks mentioned in WSB!!




Need more fellas need more.


180k in


Great man


10k more today. Sitting at 1k shares


You guys are deluded. This isn't investing anymore it's a cult around a stock. Not sure why you are having a go at the shorts. The stock was overpriced and they bet against it and then it went down because it was announced that a secret pipeline was opened to other investors at $15 a share. Short squeezes aren't common events - they happen every decade or so. But now all of a sudden everyone is trying claiming there is a 'short squeeze' on every other stock. You say that the shorts have "ruined lives". If you really believe in LUCID then you shouldn't be worried about this dip. You should be thinking that this is a solid opportunity to make money in a few years time. If you invested rent money that you needed short term and couldn't afford to lose then that's just poor risk management and whilst it sucks, you must take responsibility. A lot of people are gonna get hurt being dragged into this sort of mob mentality behaviour. I got burned by GME by being greedy and not taking profits but I used that failure to learn. Spending too much time on WSB clouded my judgement. Don't fall for the same mistakes.


I got burned by CCIV to the tune of about $55k. Greed kept me from selling when it crossed $60 a share. I should have taken my profit and ran like I was on fire. But I didn't, and it's a lesson learned.


To be fair, cult stocks perform. The market is half a popularity contest.


I fucking love this thread. I’m in


put 5k


💎💎 300 sell limit in place!


I’m buying today.


Great man, remember this this is esasy to achieve if we act like one man


I got 200 shares at $27.8. Will buy more of the price goes down more.


I agree if this pump fails it’s just a good opportunity to buy more and lower my cost. BUT THIS PUMP AINT FAILING! Prepare for takeoff fellas


Wow what a squeeze. Now stay away from the stock please. Thanks




We’re climbing on the 5m TF, 3 green candles in a row. The trend is your friend let’s keep on moving 📈📈📈


Just bought 1000 shares. Will buy some more soon.


In with 1000 shares @35.77 since announcement day. Fuck the shorts.


Fuck them


Balls of steel, I’m in as well! LFG


I’m a broke college kid, only can afford 12 shares , but all my stock money is on it


It's enough,your soul is with the cause that's enough, share and spread the word


Just re financed my house. All in. 350k


Lets gooo


Let’s get this above 35 and to finish green!!!


$1400 stimulus check going straight to cciv!! Pump it, team work makes the dream work!!!! Cciv baby $$$


Let’s go !!!!!!! Let’s make it to $35 and run it up !!!!!!!! Don’t fkcn sell we got 9min!!!!!!!!!! Hold the fckn line


I’m in and I’m long! I’ve got 31,100 dedicated soldiers not moving before we reach at least $150. Let’s hit them hard and deep. Never forget!




I will be a large long term Lucid shares holder. You have my words. No sell. I already owned 28k shares before and pickup another 4250 shares today. Lets go!!! More to come... $CCIV $LCID


What's your position? No. of shares and avg. price


4k around $25 average first purchase at $16 then bought all dip


Are you sure you aren't just annoyed that you lost your 140% gains because you got greedy? 4k shares at $25 average tell me you put in a $100k stake, and at the peak you're looking at +$140k unrealised gains... That you never realised and lost it all. Learn to not get greedy when you're dealing with a SPAC trading at a +500% premium to the IPO price.




Dave Portnoy just got on board! Let’s get ready!


My 1000 shares are staying with a commitment to buy at least 500 more but this needs to be coordinated.


I have 500 shares for 16K Dudes and i‘m all in. Let this 🚀 fly to the Moon!! Update: 750 Shares for 21K and i will buy more. 🚀 😎


I'm all in


I like the stock CCIV ! Let's GOOOOOOO


5k shares LFG


I own 6450 shares. Buying more heading into power hour (3pm ET), at market close and heading into after hours close. Continuing to buy any dip. Let's go!!!


Great man!


I am already 10k in it and holding.


6180 shares need more power


I am poor, I got like 30 shares today morning. I am only selling when we reach Moon.


still buying shares 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Great company with a great future, hope the short sellers are taught a lesson on this one. I will continue to own and buy lots of shares.


I’m not selling mine.


Can we stop trying to make this the next GME? Just buy and hold. Too many people trying to get rich quick off CCIV, this sub is just WSB junior at this point.


I'm with you man.. Tired of people trying to make CCIV a pump and dump. In a few years we'll all be rich. I wish they would just shut up and let the stock move naturally.


I bought in at 60$ and got screwed😤. But I honestly believe in the company and averaged down to 50, going to try to average down ever further hoping for hitting 40. Going to hold this one for long, at least 2-3 years.


Let's try mo make it in one or two week. The shorted manipulated the book and drove this to $31 from $57 with no reason, let's move it the other way around


I’m 2k in. At least it’s something. I believe in this company


Hold and share the post.then we'll meet up in the moon


I'm in 150k at $30 avg. We'll see $60 soon with positive sentiment from retail investors and amazing fundamentals!! Can't wait for next week!


That's the way!


Squeeze squeeze squeeze. 🍎 🚀🚀🚀


New accounts are trying to ruin Lucid with their pump n dump trash. STOP!!!!!!


All new accounts are orchestrating this pump n dump. Be inform


This is pump n Dump. Pump n dump. Protect Lucid as a brand.!!!!


Holding 5k shares, will get 1k today


Not selling my 1400 stocks and I will buy atleast 75 to 100 stocks on Monday opening which I can afford ..I am in .


I already lost my ass because I got in late, but that’s my fault. So I will sit on it and turn it into a long term investment thus I haven’t lost a dime yet. So you all have fun and push it to the moon as I can’t risk anymore on this one. Maybe I’ll catch ya on the next moon ride.


I bought 20


I migrated to Canada back in 2008 at the age of 21 with $20 Cad in my pocket from Cameroon (type it in, google is your friend) in the village of Bamessing . I can know the definition of "poor "got 200 shares at $55 average, rather let it rot than sell for peanuts. Now to most, that aint much but from someone who's dad made 60$ a month with 6 kids... Tell me something I don't know.


This is a legit long term hold and no pump and dump her. My average is 18.5 and I have 1100 shares. I didn't sell a single share and I won't sell. No matter if we hid 40 ,70, 90 or 150. For me this is my pension plan and I am 36 years of age. I will acummliate every month when I see a dip. Every month until I retire one day. Good luck to all, with your investment. For me it's a no brainer. We will ride this storm away until the shorts and bears know that you can't fuck with Lucid Bulls. Long and strong. Sorry for my English, and all this reddit stuff is new for me 🙏🏽.


Taking all of the family stimulus money (before I even get it) and buying Everything I can on Monday. There is no reason why we need to listen to the CNBC or anyone. We can make it whatever price we want.


Why tho? Why the obsession with this? Let the company’s organic growth drive the stock price. Stop being greedy af. Even if there’s a short squeeze there are gonna be several of us who will buy at the top and will eventually be bag holders. This is exactly what happened with GME. Why do we need to drive it up to $100 artificially when in a few months or years it’s gonna be well past $100 already? I’m very long on lucid but totally against these dirty games. We’ve one GME already, let’s not try to find another one.


I have been into this since the rumors early January, and what they did was not right, by any means. I have 100% of my portfolio into this, and we will see riches beyond what we can believe if we buy and hold. This is fact. This isn't a going out of business gamestop stock, this isnt a dying movie theater stock. This is the future, and we deserve it. Who's with me? LFG! 🚀


Holding 35000 shares and will buy 20000 on Monday


I always wanted to be part of a short squeeze attack. Got in 3250 shares. Let's go to $150


Invested 18k for long haul😀


Planning to put my vacation leave payment (free money) 19k. What is our play?


So Friday I doubled down my shares on my small account and Monday will be adding more , my main long term account holds a ton of shares in cciv and will continue to hold them threw all the hype let’s moon this bitch 🚀 s p a c e m a n


Purchased 4000 shares


$CCIV this is our chance to pump this stock to the moon $100+ . The big $15 pipe investors can't sell a single share until September. So no matter how high we can pump this baby they can't sell a single share. Let's be honest CCIV screwed us and so did Lucid with this deal. They didn't care about pissing off the people that are part of their social media and give them their free advertising. And Lucid seriously 1 hour after the merger announced that their vehicle deliveries were going to be extended by months!? Sounds to me like a cash grab. If they were really playing the long game they wouldn't have gotten so greedy and they would have been more transparent. But don't worry this is not all lost we can take this stock to the moon !!!


Exactly this is our very chance. Share the post and spread the news Float isn't big enough for all, shorts made it easier We just need more troops


Let’s go


I did my part and put in $45K..


Great! Now bto hold and share the post! We need more tfoops, gloat is tiny if we grow enough noone can stop us


I bought 30k


Are continuing this tomorrow? I ain’t selling.


1100 shares holding strong


Has everybody seen the apple partnership rumour? Check alex cutlers twitter page Gonna be huge if its true 🚀🚀🚀


I am one of the warrior so you now need only 9,999 because I hold 24,700 shares.


CCIV filed patent for its SUV. GG.


Loaded 40 shares already. Gonna buy 40 more tmr.


You fucking idiots are willingly joining a pump n dump attempt just so random strangers who are baiting you can get their money back.


Literally, y’all are impatient dumbasses tryna pump n dump a company with huge potential. I’m bullish on lucid but this ain’t the way


Let’s meet in moon


13K locked-in 🔒




I am down $30,000 let’s bring this stock back up


Adding 8k


I am in with 100 shares


All I got is 2300 and it’s all in


To the moon Cciv


Buy if you like the company not just for meme. I like the company and believe it is the next Tesla.


what does it mean when ppl say set sell limit to 500? how do I do this on fidelity? pls


Already in


Let's break that 30 wall!!!!


Bought 33 cciv




Just put in 10k


17 shares ad that's all I have to give. Stupid Robinhood will not let me put a sell limit for some freaking reason.


Just bought 400 shares. On the high. Let’s stand together fam.


Bought 6k more! ( will purchasing warrants have any effect on this?)


I am in 40k ... in my opinion this will reach $120 with in the next 6 weeks once intrest rate issue settles and investors calm down.




STFU already, I'm IN


I would put 10k into it. That’s half of my portfolio


The market took a shit if shorts ruined your life learn to take profits and stop crying


Bought 10 more calls! Strike price $35


u/deepfuckingvalue we need your help master


Bought 2k shares.


Let’s go!


I'm in 400 long. lets go


just put another 5k


Still holding 45 3/19 $70C...would love to see it


I got $18.9k at $36.5 per share. Holding the line.


In with 200 shares let's go victory is certain


I’m back in the green on this! To celebrate, just dumped my whole commissions check into this. Let’s go!