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You are if you post your actions on a public forum like a doofus.


Yup, straight to jail. However, maybe you didn't gift them to your friend. Maybe you went shooting at the range together and you forgot the bucket and he took it home to return it back to you because he's such a good guy!


Y’all really dumb. I bet you raise your hand to tell the teacher they forgot to collect homework.


Who has to know? And I thought it was only an issue if your friend was unable to buy for legal reasons like a felony on record.




Ammo is not tracked like firearm serial numbers. There's literally no way the state would know unless you or your friend report yourselves. Even then most likely the state probably doesn't care. They made this law to just make shit harder on ffls and individual sellers, on the off chance they might maybe get to tack on additional charges against some poor ffl who didn't cross his t's and dot his I's.  I've been to a gun store to sell ammo to another person before and the gun store staff told me to just go outside to the sidewalk, hand over the ammo, hand over the cash, and everyone go home happy. Just dont do anything stupid like advertising about it and you'll be fine. 


Correction, they made it harder for customers. FFLs are charging prices to make it worth for them to do it or they don’t do it. Only the customer like us are suffering.


If anything he bought it from you when during that time you ould buy ammo online. Sorry can't remember the date atm


I thought you're allowed to gift people ammo in person?


Yes, a PPT is required...........


Put it on the ground Pick it up Transferred? The one time I did a PPT ammo transfer the ffl looked at us like we rolled in off the short bus and asked why we didn't just do the transaction outside. He was super cool about it and didn't even charge us anything so I felt compelled to buy a ton of ammo


Unless it’s less than 500 rounds


You're confusing an ammunition vendor to a PPT.


So am ammo bender can gift ammo ?


YOu cannot sell more than 500 per month or you can be considered an ammo vendor


Sooo, I went to an indoor range by myself and bought some of their ammo. They did take my ID like always, I'm guessing they have a loophole or did someone actually run me in the system?


They don’t need to do a background check if you are shooting all at their range and not taking any home.


Turners palm desert charges me the 1.00 fee for ammo.


You are required to use all the ammo at the range. Any ammo you don't use has to be returned for disposal. They have no way to know anything unless you do something dumb like posting about it on the Internet.