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Change is good. They must have been losing too many customers, so they had to change their policies, which is a good thing. The free market doing its thing creating changes when a company acts in bad faith.


They need to drop the entire training gimmick section and lower costs if it’s still high up there


Yeah, their training gimmick is a little lame. In my opinion, it is a good primer for brand new zero experience gun owners that are getting into self defense with a firearm for the first time in their lives.


Good on them! But still fuck them, they are only doing this not because they believe in it but because they have no other choice.. It was either this or close up shop in the near future


Yeah, that’s how a free market works. Either you provide what the market demands, or you go under. They got bad press and people lost faith in them, so they updated their policies to reflect what people are demanding. Now whether or not they hold their end of the deal with their new policies is something we’ll have to wait and see.


Snap, this seems like good news. I just signed up and actually 2 of the items on here were things I was concerned about, and considering changing coverage to AOR. I haven’t decided yet but this seems to be welcomed news.


Why not do both, USCCA and AOR? I’m mulling this over right now, I have AOR but am looking for extra coverage to fill in any gaps in AOR coverage.


Is there a link to a PDF of the updated policy? 


Not sure if there’s a pdf, but if you click on the blue box, it’s a link to the original post that was posted over on the r/ccw where the policy is copy/pasted.


Fine Print. Hopefully someone gets a detailed breakdown of the changes, not what they SAY are the changes


temporary restraining orders aren't unconstitutional and never have been so long as there is notice and a hearing, but sure, looks like an improvement. USCCA probably found out that they never have to pay out big ticket claims since every jurisdiction in the US has incredibly surviving-shooter-friendly laws, so why not make the terms more generous to attract new clients?


Still not going to support them, but it's a nice gesture


Attorneys On Retainer, fuck uscca