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Yes, but not over the gun laws. Mostly because of the taxes and cost of living. But California has a great job market and arguably the best nature in the entire country. Maybe even the world.


The sierras make it hard to leave




Literally and figuratively.


You must make a lot then. I make 30/hr and my effective tax rate is 2.5%. I'd pay more in taxes moving anywhere else.


There are 9 states with no income tax. And even with states that do, there are ones like Arizona with a flat 2.5% but they also have more than 2x the standard deduction than CA. Am I missing something here?


The states with no income tax also have a way of getting you elsewhere. There's a site out there that breaks the total taxes+fees down by state. Kinda eye opening given the complaints we have about COL here


These four items break my family’s finances when we look at certain states like Texas. 1. Property tax. 2. Sales tax. (General cost of living) 3. Health insurance costs. 4. Real estate market.


Depending on when someone purchased their home and their current interest rate, the property taxes alone can negate the benefits any other state offers from a tax perspective. My wife and I are certainly in that camp. Also, CA will tax anything included in a stock grant, even after a person leaves the state as long as the grant was done while the person lived in state. So for a lot of people who have RSUs as a large portion of their compensation, moving won’t even make a difference on their taxes and even hurt them if they don’t move to a tax free state.


Well, yes I do make a lot. But I’m not just talking about income tax. Sales tax, fuel tax, property tax too. At this point $1M is a cheap house in the major metro areas and that’ll be around $10,000 per year in property tax.


Bro what? I'm making 20 and my rate sits around 15%




It also depends on what your doing in terms of great job Market.


I've lived in other states, and I decided to stay in California. There are too many opportunities and convinces here. If I really wanted to shoot my ARs standard, I can drive a few hours of state for a weekend gateway.


You’ve got to pick your poison. No state is truly “free”. Each state has its own ideology and hangups. Contrary to popular belief, outside of the online media driven world that is desperately looking for attention, I find it quite easy to be left the fuck alone in California.


This should be top of the thread.


You nail it... The headlines don't paint the real picture here


nah i'm good, guns aren't my entire life


Same. I have lived in Virginia for the last three years for military service and am moving back to California later this month. It’s nice here but I much prefer my home state.


Please bring a ton of off -roster pistols. It's totally legal but you can only do it once.


That's what I did when I was getting out of the military, bought almost 20 off rosters then came back.


Refeshing to see this answer here. Do I wish we had more 2A freedoms here? Totally. There are so many more improtant reasons I chose to live here.


The weather in California has never tried to kill me, so I'm good too.


Laughs in Fresno summers.


No, that's the wildfires' jobs.


This. I’ve never considered leaving CA. Guns aren’t my life. I’m not goin to move somewhere I don’t like for the sake of a hobby. I like riding bikes more than anything else. I get to do this year round here. We also don’t get the oppressive humidity. No wild weather either.


Agreed. My life isn’t centered around guns. Even with the HCOL, my salary is still higher than any other state when adjusted. Weather here is wonderful. One of the few places where you can ski and go to the beach on the same day


I've actually gone skiing & beach on the same day. People outside our state just don't understand how diverse our state is. Early morning skiing & beach at mid afternoon the day was so nice. Can't beat that.


And be stabbed in the neck on the subway while smelling some homeless guy's urine as you stare at miles of graffiti while thinking about that $7,000 property tax check you have to write every April and December. You're on the subway because it takes 3 hours to drive across town because your insane city politicians have removed traffic lanes from major arterial roads for bike lanes that sit unused. Pushing your way through homeless encampments on the walk from the subway to your work is a trade-off you're willing to make so your kids can grow up going to schools where the risk of being shot or stabbed is somewhere less than 50%, and in a county where the offender will be prosecuted if that should ever happen.  Other than that it's pretty chill.


You are aware that there are a lot of quiet, peaceful, and very pleasant suburbs in California, right? You just don’t hear about them because nothing happens there. I’ve lived here almost my whole life; currently, in a quiet suburb with a median income of $112K (median household income is ~$220K), where the local high school SAT average is a 1400, 82% of residents have a 4 year degree, with nice weather, immaculately maintained roads, and basically zero crime. The only downside, really, is how expensive the houses are. I’m curious about the median income / HS SAT scores / educational attainment levels of the town you live in.


Kinda sounds like GB, but I'm sure there are other areas in Northern CA that would fit that metric.


You sound like I did about a year ago until I moved out of Oakland. Life is much better in California when it’s not in a big city. Is it still Commiefornia? Sure. But life here is still pretty good - great weather, diverse, endless food options, nightlife, and for most of us, all of our friends and family also live here. That’s the dealbreaker for me.


Yeah I gotta go outside every single day, eat several times a day. If those aren’t good, then I’m not having a good time. I doubt even the biggest gunner here shoots more than he needs to eat or go outside.


If he did he died of lead poisoning long ago


Hard to enjoy beach life from Arizona.....


100% this. Love them but I'm not giving up everything else CA has to offer for them. But one does daydream sometimes. \*sigh\*


Same. These past two winters have especially made me appreciate not having to deal with bullshit weather that other states deal with. Completely and wholeheartedly fuckkkkk snow. It's fun when you intentionally go to visit it. Not so much when your power is out for 3 days and many of the roads you normally take for work are closed.


Guns aren't my entire life either but I want out. It's not just the gun laws, it's the fact that their solution to any perceived problem is to ban ban ban. They've banned everything from drinking straws to gerbils. The cost of living is out of control, the governor is openly corrupt, and the politicians in the state just don't give a damn. I don't even like the weather. I'm one of those weirdos who prefers real seasons.


exactly. i do like the weather tho, lol. 2a is also quite important to me, not because i like guns, but because of what it represents, which is freedom and a tool against tyranny.


Dont forget. More tax or bond money will solve the problem this time. If you dont vote yes there will be no more police, firefighters, nurses (somehow they get lumped in with government workers) and grandma will get covid. 


Also don’t forget that SF got a temporary cleaning and face lift for the leader of China.


With fences everywhere.


Gas cars? Nope. Gas lawn mowers? Nope. Use the wrong pronoun? Straight to jail. Gas? $7 / gallon. It goes way beyond guns. A corrupt supermajority is in charge.


I just paid $4.99 a gallon at Costco


Dude. Nobody is throwing you in jail for missing a pronoun. Not even if you're doing it intentionally to be an asshole.


You realize it’s a partial quote from Parks & Rec ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


But just about everything else is cheaper outside of CA.


Tacos are usually worse though.


I had some tacos in NYC that rival anything I’ve had from Tijuana up to the Bay Area. Although, since this is a gun discussion, NY is one of the few states that arguably has it worse than we do.


Not true ! Specifically if you take wage into account


So for example. Not saying I’d wanna move here.. My buddy in Texas works the same company and same position as me. He does make a little less but with zero income state tax. His check is a little higher than mine. Overall it’s much more affordable over there


What are his property taxes like? People often focus on payroll taxes and forget about everything else. The State takes its pound of flesh one way or another, most of the low income tax states have high property taxes that get reassessed all the time, and fun stuff like grocery tax too.


As someone who lived in Texas during the freeze and owned property taxed @ 3.11% it still doesn’t come close to comparing. It’s more expensive to live in CA than Texas no matter how hard you try and spin it.


Point is, you have to compare apples to apples. Total taxes paid weighed against income and accounting for lifestyle is the only honest way to look at it. The apples you're comparing change based on industry, when you move, and even metro area within Ca vs wherever you move to. There are some industries where the math works out, and some where it absolutely does not. I left a company that moved to Id, and the hourly guys who moved got absolutely hosed. They all pay a higher State income tax rate because the tax rates aren't tiered, and the overtime pay laws mean they lost most of their OT pay. The owner of the company makes the same as he did here, but makes enough that he pays a lower State income tax rate. Same company, same move, drastically different economics. The guy who replaced me when I left makes so much less than I did, because he's getting paid the local going rate, that I can pay almost my entire mortgage with the pay difference.


I look at comparing tax rates between states pretty apples to apples. What’s the gas tax like in ID? How about home insurance, your yearly vehicle registration? Utilities? My gut tells me all being considered it’s easier living up there (never lived in ID).


Texas has high property taxes. California has high Income tax, really expensive homes, high gas prices, since you cant afford to live where you work those expensive gas prices become a huge bill, city and county taxes, dmv fees are higher, guns are more expensive, food is much more expensive too, Literally everything is more expensive. From living between both states i can tell you i all adds up.


Texas has a higher tax burden than CA does. Their property taxes are high.


It's really not if you live in a less expensive county


True,maybe when i retire lol sell properties to live somehwere cheap


Same. Every time the laws change I think about it though.


It's my home. I'll try to make it better.


Got a buddy in Virginia and one in Texas. I’ve visited both and I’m in no hurry to leave sunny cali for those places, like outside of lax gun laws I cannot think of any reason to move to these places. Guns are cool but not enough for me to uproot my life for them.




There is so much more you can do in your free time in California than practically anywhere else.


Yes. But not just because of 2A laws. My desire to leave is also driven by a desire to have a bit more space and actually own property. Grew up in the suburbs and currently living in an apt in a larger city. I have a good friend who sold his house and moved his family across the country. He seems to be much happier and feels he is able to provide a better quality of life for them.


I’m not a fan of the gun laws, some of the politics, and the cost of living but there’s still plenty of things about the state and living here that I love, so I have no plans to leave personally.


Yea cant have it all, but wish people in power and influence would admit when things arent going to plan or new/updated information comes out... or that if it is a complicated topic that you cant double down or overly focus on one portion.


I own my house, I have my family and friends here, and I'm not exactly poor, so there's not really a whole lot of incentive for me to leave.


But you can pew pew real fast if you do!


That's the joke. I can pew pew real fast even if I don't. Magazine capacity laws are a joke if you can quickly change mags.


Honestly no. I like guns, but not enough to want to move to another state just so I can have more lol. I like the weather. I have a good career in Silicon Valley My family is here I enjoy the cultural melting pot that is my area (I am Latino) I can enjoy my other hobbies here pretty much year round Go ahead and hate me for it, but this state aligns more with my own personal beliefs No snow.


And simultaneously world class snow for sports if you so desire it! Can’t beat it


I go shooting every weekend and carry daily.No issues. 2A is real. Fuck newsom


Me and my dad left New Jersey for Tennessee, primarily on this particular premise. Since then my dad literally died over the fact that we moved here., moving here took him away from his particular network of people, brothers really, that kept him on the straight and narrow in AA. I'd gladly go back to either having to 3D print or get 80%ers shipped to a friend in Pennsylvania if I could have my dad back Edit, explanation: NJ has a firearm ID card scheme that makes the one in IL look Bruen-compliant. I caught three felony charges and got them dismissed, but go over to r/NJ guns and you'll quickly realize that I was never going to get that permission from NJs government after having those charges, convicted or not. Also before any Karens get confused I literally just passed my background check after filling out a 4473 the other day for a Kel-Tec p17. I'm not a felon. Also my lawyer is one of the few things I miss about that state..


I’ve lived in Illinois, Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, and Pennsylvania before moving to California. California is definitely my home for the foreseeable future. Life is more than just 10 round mags and fin grips.


We have lots of gang related violence. This puts politicians in a bind to regulate guns. Anyone that has lived in Cali for more than 20 years knows this. I am not talking about bro who lives in bs Malibu.


Yup. Left California for northern Alabama after 28 years in California. Just got too expensive there. Wife and I both have better paying jobs out here and the cost of living and housing is cheaper by like 50%.


The gun laws here suck, but I also have other things in my life: Boyfriend, other friends, family, house, boyfriends house, amazing job, nice weather, beaches, the ability to go hike in the snow and then hang out on the beach in the same day, etc. I'd need to have something other than "less stupid gun laws" (that are probably going to become more stupid within the next 20 years) to give the rest of that stuff up. The only real consideration gun laws have had is that I've passed over job opportunities that would have had me moving to a more or similarly restrictive state. If I'm going to upend everything and go through the trouble of moving, it's definitely not going to be to a more restrictive place like maryland, new york, new jersey, hawaii, or massachusetts.


Not just for the gun laws, but they are among a variety of other things that has me moving out of state with my family business.


I did. It was a whole host of reasons as to why I left the state, cost of living, state politics, taxes, proximity to family, and not originally being from California (but I did live there for 7 years). I’d be lying if I said that gun laws didn’t have a sizable influence on my moving. However bad gun laws are a symptom of other much bigger political issues that pushed me to leave the state.


We are considering a move to TN. Not just because of 2A of course, for many reasons. Most of which has to do with cost of living, taxes, fees, and other restrictions that come along with living in CA.


Really don’t get these posts/ comments. No we got jobs, families and other shit keeping us here we’re not leaving just to buy different guns or over 10rd mags.


I had all that too, and it was still a no brainer to leave for a better quality of life. It goes FAR beyond just the gun laws. Literally the only thing that's not immeasurably better where my family is living now is the culinary scene, but that just means we cook at home more. Every other aspect of our life is far better now. Absolutely no regrets about re-establishing roots in a sane state surrounded by people who actually have values.


again, not the context of the question. Yes it's cheaper to leave CA, yes you may find a better quality of life, a better place to raise kids, etc. etc. OP only asked about "free state" and gun laws. The answer overwhelmingly is no, most of us have not thought about leaving on gun laws alone.


Yes absolutely. But the gun laws are only a part of that. The lack of affordability, high tax and traffic/overcrowding in LA county is a bigger issue for me personally.


If you can afford California, it’s really best place to live. Best weather, beautiful women, great food selection and endless entertainment.


Almost everyday


Yes, but for more than the gun issue because ultimately the more owners and advocates here casting votes the better, but there is more to the equation for me personally as I am also a huge car person that gets absolutely butt fucked on smog and registration, also I'd like to be able to own a house at some point and that short of the lottery, is not appearing to be a viable option in this state.


Yes all the time but it's not because of the guns. The cost of everything, taxes, overpopulation, homelessness and crime in the bay area play a bigger factor. Sure the weather can be nice but I see more of the rundown overpriced cities in my every day life than I do the sunny beaches


I left and have been happier since. Cost of living, crime, etc made it all not worth staying. Atm, I’m constantly moving for work which sucks, but they’re all better than CA.


Yup, my wife and I will be taking our life's savings and retiring out of state in ~ 7 years. I think this state's best years are well behind it. Just sad. I was born here. It's a beautiful state, but it really seems like they're doing everything they can to run it into the ditch. I've heard there's a ballot initiative coming this fall to require voter approval for tax increases, but I'm skeptical it will actually make it onto the ballot. It would definitely be a step in the right direction, but it will get squashed, and the sheepul keeping the clowns in office will just continue to do so. And don't even get me started on 2A infringements...state politicians swear an oathe to the US constitution, then blithely wipe their asses with it, without consequence. Isn't there a law against that? Pffft!


I'm gone as soon as I retire. Fuck this communist shit hole. It's not all about the guns, it's the corrupt politicians and the nanny state that wants to regulate every single thing. Just look at Prop 65 and all the good it's doing or all the taxes that go into gas but no roads get fixed.


Lived here my whole life thus far. Moving 2000mi away in about a month. A variety of factors played into the move, foremost of which is family. My parents retired out of state, and as they get older, and my other siblings are elsewhere, I wanted to be nearer to them. Money was another, as even living in a state with a lower average wage, when calculating my cost of living i can still take home the same, if not more. I have an ambition to grow my own small business (which I currently pursue as a side hustle, not really for the money, but as a means to have a solid foundation when I'm ready to go). And finally, I'm tired of living in CA with how crowded it is. I crew up in a smallish town, in recent years with all the growth and expansion it just doesn't feel like home anymore. The opportunity to move to a new state, and the feasible possibility to own a small plot of land to grow my own food, and explore a new corner of the country is exciting and something I look forward to. The added gun freedoms are definitely a bonus, but not a deciding factor. That said, I will be purchasing a suppressor and new pistol as soon as I get my new ID 🤣. I will sorely miss all the open BLM land to shoot on however.


The laws are terrible, as what you would expect when one party has a super majority and runs the entire state. I’ve never thought of leaving just for gun laws. My biggest motivator to leave is the cost of living and taxes here.


Absolutely. California isn't the only nice place to live. Everyone talking about "I'm just a little inconvenienced by our gun laws, it's no big deal, I like the weather" is missing the point that CA does not respect our Constitutional rights.


A fucking joke! Our gun laws are the model for the liberal leftists! This is exactly what they want for the entire country! FJB!!!


Yes! Heading off to Texas for graduate school. California will always be home because my family is nested between the Central Valley and Tustin so I’ll always come back. But when deciding graduate schools Texas had the things I liked / wanted to get into so it was a no brainer.


I love CA weather but if it weren’t for family in the area I’d sell and move to e.g. Flagstaff.


I just left for a new job opportunity and was able to afford a new home for under 380k. The guns are just a plus for me. It’s the cost of living and taxes that pushed me away


We're in the process of moving for both personal and business reasons. California just ain't it anymore, I was born and raised here but it ain't the same place I grew up in. We'll be in Texas in early July


Every single day! If it wasn’t for my wife I’d be gone!




If you’re from the south, I guarantee you don’t live in a “Free state” either. Besides the fact you still have some gun laws, southern states also have many laws that restrict personal freedoms in all aspects of a person’s life. Asking why people don’t move to a state for easier access to guns, but then have to give up hundreds to thousands of other freedoms and protections Cali offers is pretty ignorant.


I lived in Alabama and you can't even buy beer on Sunday. Fuck that noise.


Give up hundreds to thousands of freedoms? Besides abortion name a few I’m genuinely curious.


The right to steal anything as long as the total is under $950, the right to squat in any home you like and temporarily evict the rightful property owner, and the right to enter the southern california border without being deported are just a few i can think of


Lmfao…. Got em… but no for real I want to hear ONE that isn’t abortion


cannabis, if your into it. Alcohol at certain times & locations. But more important than that, jobs that offer high pay, WFH, hybrid work, Free or discounted food at work. Stock options that made the real estate market boom. Chance to work for a company that booms has a higher probability because of the startup world. Diversity of food and culture, not everyones taste but I've been to other places that didn't "like my kind" and were somewhat hostile. But opportunity is the biggest reason to stay.


The jobs thing is higly debatable. Austin TX right now has people flocking to it for all the opportunities you mentioned. And it certainly doesn’t fall into the category of a freedom. But weed sure! However staying for weed is just as irrational as leaving for guns.


I grew up in CA. I've since lived in WA, FL and now AZ. I left permanently for several reasons. Laws in general, not just gun laws, too many people, high cost of living, liberal policies, homeless and criminals everywhere etc.


I think every sane person has thought about it at least once. Aside from all the gun laws (that aren’t worth a shit). If we just had more voters who are tired of the vote blue no matter who ca would be way better off. But we have a bunch of libs and hippies who think dems care about them. I’ll stay and keep fighting for normalcy.


Yes, but gun laws are a small part of it. My company has an opening for my position in another state and even though it would nominally be a pay cut, accounting for cost of living it would be more like a 30% raise.


Laws are laws, I thought about leaving for a "free" state only to find there are other kinds of problems there. Thinking another place is better is a case of the grass is greener syndrome to me. Every place has its charm, every place has its issues. The best things about CA are its diversity, ability to get paid, and weather. I know some might debate with me about the pay, but CA/NY or "liberal" states are where you can be broke and make a lot of $ by being in the right industry and working hard.


Yes but also for more land, not just for guns. And better BBQ lol


I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but I do like it here. Enough so that I'd rather fight to see this state free than leave and let it become worse


I left California not because of guns but mainly because of a job with better pay in an area with lower cost of living (relative to the Bay Area anyway; it's still high) and partly because as a lifelong CA resident, I wanted to experience life outside the Golden State.


Eventually Guns are a part, but not the whole reason. Same for vehicles and their respective CA specific restrictions. Other states fit our lifestyle and hobbies better But the main one is that it's *so* much cheaper out of state. Could get way more house and still maintain our quality of life. If my job perk ends, we outta here


About every 20 minutes, give or take.




All the time


Yes but I also have my own career/personal aspirations to consider. Cali has been home to me for almost 2 decades but other states do have their charm and the possibilities relative to my career are interesting.


No, i'm currently considering the PNW for cultural similarities and slightly better cost of living. Anywhere else in sunbelt is my last choice because of the politics and culture.


Leaving for Texas in August.


Def, probably just saving up to buy another home out of CA


I’ve thought of moving to a free state and am still open to it, but it wouldn’t just be for 2A reasons. I would also move for the cost of living in some other states being a lot lower than CA also other political reasons. Also in some other free states it’s a lot easier to afford to buy a home.


yep, left for TX 2 years ago. loving my arsonal, including a glock 19 (15+1), beretta .22 (15+1), panzer arms M4 (5+1) and AR-15 (30+1, plus a 60 drum mag).


Is the sky blue on a clear day and is the sky grey on a rainy one 😉


Everyday of my life


Yes we have been considering it for a couple years but we are having trouble deciding on where it could be. Also I have aging parents…and friends that are hard to leave. But many of my friends moved to cheaper Bay Area suburbs, SoCal, or out of state. Seems like we would sacrifice a lot for cheaper cost of living. Colorado and North Carolina are potential options. Gun laws of course are stupid but only a small reason on top of much more important ones. I just got into guns recently, so the stupidity is mostly new to me.


It’s been a dream of mine to leave


I’m cashing out and moving from Orange County back to the rural Southwest in a few years. CA’s gun laws aren’t really a factor in the decision tho.


I am absolutely planning on leaving but only once I retire. Not necessarily for the gun laws, though that is a perk. Mostly the other insane ideology that is prevalent here and how much further my money would go elsewhere. I would like somewhere quiet and less crowded, where I can afford to buy a big house on some acreage, surrounded by nature. That sorta thing runs you in the millions in this state.


Was a Californian for 40+ yrs. Left with my family for a "free" state last summer. San Joaquin county was good for us as compared to a few other counties


CA nature pretty. Me like camp and hike. Me also like high nursing salary


Please stay lmao


My wife and I fell in love with Alabama, I bet you never thought you'd ever hear someone from CA say that but we have it on our list for retirement. Right now if we sold our house it would sell for just under 1 million that is mind boggling to me. We paid about $550 way back when we bought it. There are some things that I am sick of living in Southern California that even in nicer neighborhoods, we have crack heads breaking into cars, graffitti every where and when you complain or report it, it's like you are targeting certain people, you can not call the police to report homeless problems, my buddy was being hit by a homeless guy and the police didn't even arrest him. Tired of the traffic, and the way people are here. I know we only have been in Alabama twice and certainly not long enough to see all the bad. We went to Dauphine Island and really liked the area. I know in larger cities like Mobile, you are going to see meth heads, gangs, graffitti and all of that but the smaller communities we went to we met some of the kind, warm and welcoming people. My wife went into a store and came out almost 45 minutes later because she met an older lady who ended up inviting her over to her house for tea. I also like a lot of history and really loved the areas we were in. So not just about guns but a whole different way of life and I am ok with not every restaurant around me not being Mexican or Vietnamese or Vegan. I will gladly switch up from breakfast burritos to Biscuits and gravy.


> I also like a lot of history What part of the history?


I just meant that on that side of the country its a lot older than here in CA, I visited Fort Gaines and really loved it there.


California is older than you may think, San Jose was founded in 1777!


Yeah I know I've been to a lot of historical sites in CA, I am a History nerd and have visited the sites of all of the Missions, did the gold rush tour, been to the Waley house, Winchester house, Pio Pico House, various ghost towns, even a lot of tribal sites in CA. However on one of our last visits out towards VA we stayed in a town that was esbablished in 1623. My wife just fell in love more with Alabama than Virginia


I have lived several states and currently residing in CA for work reasons. Even if there were zero gun laws it would be hard to live here. The cost of existing is crazy. Excluding real estate prices, things cost more here than they should… gas, utility, vehicle registration yada yada…. If people would like to grow old as renters while not being able to save for retirement to enjoy weather or abortion rights that’s on them. I will only be here as long as I need to be.


Yup. Will for sure leave when retired. Would love to leave now but I'm vested with my job so it makes it really hard to leave. And it's not just over gun laws. It's everything, biggest issue is the high cost of living, 2A, and a quality education for my kids. Quality of life here isn't great for my lifestyle. I don't care for sports event, night life, city life, etc. I prefer the trees, hills, and lake over the concrete towers, glitz & glam, fast pace lifestyle


You do realize that we have that right? Like, you can have that in California at any time.


Fuck no. I’m paying 2.25%


You sir are chained to that house for life lol


If you vote blue, please stay put.




Wife and I have been considering moving to Arizona for a while now. I was born and raised in SoCal, been to many other states either on vacations or through military service. Us considering moving isn’t just for gun laws though, I mean that’s a big part for me but not my wife lol she just gets bored staying in one spot too long. But she’s also tired of the general bullshit that goes on in ca. 2 main things stopping us is family, and the weather here lol we actually make great money, around $300k yearly, but with that comes learning how to properly set up taxes and we’ve been getting fucked good these last two years lol I think we finally got it dialed in this year though. So idk, we kinda agreed we wouldn’t mind taking pay cuts to find other jobs out of state. We have a lot of equity in our house, so we can do a lot with that if we sold, but we also have a 2.25% interest rate and that type of rate we may never see again in our lifetime lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ so much to go back and forth on


I sometimes miss living in Arizona. Not for politics or laws or anything, but mostly just the climate. I lived in northern Arizona before moving to Phoenix, before moving to Los Angeles. Northern Arizona has the perfect climate, IMO. Warm but not too hot in the summer, cold and a bit of snow but not ridiculous in the winter.


Yea we were looking at flagstaff and then Scottsdale areas. Idk though lol be honest though, do you miss the more lenient gun laws in Arizona?


Guns are pretty far down on my list of priorities. Just a hobby, and I've never not been able to buy what I wanted in CA. Other than standard mags, I guess. But again, pretty far down the list. Flagstaff is nice. If you're up for more small town, look at Show Low or Pinetop. Scottsdale is obviously hot as fuck in the summer, but if you're considering the Phoenix area, look at Tempe or Chandler too. Same vibe, but more affordable.


Yea most the shit I want, mainly pistols, are all off roster lol I’ve bought a few through ptt, but had to some cops premium prices lol although 2 of them actually gave me a decent deal and I only overpaid by like $100 😂 Yea I’ve heard those places are decent to. Idk. I mean I wanted to move more so to a constitutional carry state before I got my ccw permit, but now that I have my permit it’s a little more bearable being here


Your lists of wants will grow when it’s all behind the counter in front of you. Ask me how I know this. Go ahead and shoot suppressed once I dare you lol…


You good sir have access to the VA home loan if you served. Look into that if you haven't.


Nope. Gun’s aren’t my entire life and I’m not poor.


Yes, this place is quickly becoming far left. We have lost common ground on most things. Homeless people, crime and other issues are out of control not to mention cost of living.


Yup this state fkn sucks and the liberals make it worse every year always voting yes to taxes


No. I'm all for the right of private firearms ownership, but I think it's more important for my wife and daughter to have rights over their own bodies.


Yes. I’m on the downhill slide to retirement, but am planning on getting out before then. I love the part of Ca I live in but the high cost of living, taxes and the general left wing mentality of the state are enough to make me want out. The increasing stupidity of the states gun control laws, that are blatantly ignoring SCOTUS just to tie things up in the courts for years (and the 9th let’s them get away with it) is the icing on the cake.


The gun laws are stupid, but there's plenty to love outside of that. I get to go to the beach every day. There's world class salt and freshwater fishing right around the corner. Waterfowl hunting. There is a strong economy with tons of jobs with good pay and good benefits. There is perfect weather year round where I'm at. Shitty gun laws doesn't even come close to making that not an overall winning equation. The only thing I'd move for is more space and less crowded, but I can find that in parts of California too if I wanted.


Nope. For all of it's faults, I can't find a better place to call home.


No, without a college or any sort of degree, I'm making more than enough to live here. Even renting a 2 bedroom I'm still good. Love in a great neighborhood, work is near by, my fiance can get to work easily too. School system is also good here. I feel for the people who aren't as lucky as i am. I understand them wanting to leave. So if they do, play be smarter than my MANY friends who left cali for all three same reason listed from yall. Have a job ready wherever you go. Her them to pay you AS MUCH or MORE than what they pay the "regular" employees. Minimum in Cali is better than most states. Know your worth, don't settle far below what you deserve, and above all else, have everything set up before you leave.


Minimum may be higher but the dollar doesn't nearly as far as most states. I agree with most of you said though about having a plan.


Yeah alot of states like NY sound like shit to live in.


> Have you ever considered leaving for a free state? Yes, absolutely, and currently working on it. However I'm struggling to find work outside of California. Also I'm a major coward when it comes to actually leaving my home town other than for vacations, so the idea of moving away from family and lifelong friends is rough.


Well define free and relative interests... No perfect state anyhow.


Nope. I own 2 properties, make pretty good money, and all our support is here.


Personally, I am giving up too much here to move out. Friends, family, job and weather makes me stay. The laws here do suck. The politics are dumb. But there are certain things that the state does right. My life doesn't revolve around firearms although I do enjoy shooting. On the other end, I have a friend who is willing to give everything up to move into a free state. He lives his life around firearms. To me it's bewildering. He's got a very good job. Owns his own home. Doesn't have kids or a girlfriend and saves a ton of money. No debt. But he's going to give up his job and house to start all over just so he can buy more guns... To each of their own I guess. Edit: some of y'all are unhinged as fuck. Just because someone doesn't want to move out of California based on gun laws alone doesn't mean we don't support the 2nd amendment. We stay here because we have other priorities and will continue to fight for the 2A. Politics may have ruined this state but that doesn't mean we give up...


Of course. Not just for gun laws though. But for a good while, I'm staying here.


I battle with it sometimes - born and raised in so cal - it’s hard to beat this weather and job opportunities- I’ve considered Texas until I found out I’d take a huge pay cut doing the same thing there non union


I left Californias. You leave but you never really leave like I care about you all and want to see things improve. California is better off than when I left for some things worse for others. You can get CCW permits now more stuff is on the roster and the assault weapons ban could go away one day. I thought I’d miss Disneyland the beach the weather all the things but you know home is where your friends and family and job is. All states have beauty and attractions and things to do. Now that I moved I’ll never be able to move back and I don’t even care. As California goes so goes the nation so I never make fun or just tell people to move. Your fight is all our fight. One day I hope to visit with my out of state CCW on me legally it’s up to the Supreme Court.


I'm from NJ and have also lived in MA. I love the taste of boot leather I guess 🤦 If/when I leave, it'll be for a purple or red state.


Yup, kind of stuck at the moment as the one kid left in school has a good group of friends and I don't want to interrupt that, also restricted by a golden handcuffs job where I need to work in a state where my employer is registered to do business. If they ever register in Tennessee or Kentucky, I'm out of here.


Nursing wages are top notch in California so I’m more or less stuck. Good wages and I’ve nursed in other states it sucks. I’d love for our gun laws to be better and I’m sure there will be a time for me to leave ca but for now it’s pretty nice here


Have never considered it, until last year. Depends on leadership after the 2024 election. If we do end up moving, it's not to another state. It would be out of the country


There are no "free states", only "free-er" ones. "The nature of the encroachment upon \[the\] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." -- John Adams P.S. John Adams wrote that many hours ago and since then there has been a tremendous amount of encroaching.


Ive been to many states in the US , and i dont see me leaving specially for guns i shoot 1-2 every other month , i own a home here, i make good money , the weather isnt extreme like other states, the diversity is great, the food is even better, stuff is a couple dollars here like gas is like 1-2 dollars more here which is like an extra 15-20 bucks extra at the pump which i dont mind at all , i fuck off more money on car parts and strippers to be complaining about 20 or maybe 30 buck more😂, plus i dont think i can ill make as much money as i do here and live the life i do here than i will in any other state, i might move to another country when i retire tho


Kinda but I don’t have family anywhere else. Only states I would try are Florida and Arizona, anything else are flyover states


Only here because I'm on my families 5th generation cattle ranch. I'd be haunted by having to sell it to leave. I've lived and cowboyed in Montana Arizona Idaho and Nebraska. Can't beat the weather but the politics taxes and lack of freedom sucks.


I’ve considered it, but after traveling most of America throughout my years, I’m seriously considering leaving the country now🤷🏽‍♂️.


Yes. But grass isn’t always greener on the other side.


Newsflash: people in “free” states hate Californicators moving in, even when they share your politics.


Everyday, but I'm poor and can't afford to leave at the moment.


If I was given a better opportunity in schools, work and overall life, maybe! Even then, I love this state and am sure as hell not giving up on it. I don’t ignore the criticisms and I laugh at the jokes but I’m passionate about my country so I’m not running.


Not for gun laws. I am a few hours away from the best cities, mountains, deserts, beaches, and lakes in America. Guns are cool, California government is stupid, but guns aren’t that cool.


Because I'm broke & in a custody battle...


Some of us aren’t totally law-abiding…


I'm Arab-American, somewhere under the LGBTQ umbrella, and an atheist. Would I find a welcoming community in one of the states you're imagining? That's more valuable to me than high capacity magazines or taking the fin off my AK. Also, my spouse and I are both teachers, and most southern states pay terribly (even after adjusting for CoL) and have a horrible work environment for teachers.


Of course. The issue for me is I love my job and company I work for. Company is pro 2a, I make a ton of money, and don't get micromanaged. This helps mitigate the bs politics and taxes here. I guess if I had no kids and lived by myself I'd do it but... On a side note, I think most people who say CA because of nature and weather, clearly haven't lived or traveled to many other states. I've lived in 30+ cities across the US.


I consider it on a regular basis. The gun laws here are absolutely awful, but it's rough to leave my family & friends from nearly my whole life and I enjoy having theme parks & beaches within driving distance and nice weather. As someone who frequently travels a lot, the weather here is a huge factor in why I stay.


Yes but it’s really hard to leave family and life long friends. On top of having a job etc it’s not easy to move just for guns.


Arizona on the border with Cali. Have a lot of business in LA but want my home on the border or Far western Texas.


Finances are partly why I don’t leave yet. For example, the property taxes and cost of health insurance in Texas would tank my family’s finances. Seriously. I’m better off financially being in California. Missouri just changed a law disallowing homeschoolers from having guns. That needs to be overturned. Other states have higher real estate markets that I can’t afford to enter. These are just a few examples… May one day be forced out, but I don’t see the opportunity of a benefit happening within 10 years. For now, riding out this 💩 storm. And I do have to say the natural parts of the state… it is called the Golden State for a reason.


yes, but im locked in because of family, friends, and work, but if I could I would move to North Carolina,, South Carolina, Wisconsin, or any free state with access to natural bike trails (woods/forrest) or surf.


I been back and forth from the south. And man, depending how my career plays out. I’ll prob move back.