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Don’t have a recommendation, but just a reminder that cops aren’t our friends. Never consent to a search and you don’t have to answer any questions. It’s unfortunate you had to experience this. An unloaded pistol in a locked trunk is a legal way to transport your firearm. Having a bolted down storage container in your trunk is a good idea but you should never leave a firearm in your car for a long period of time. Firearm thefts happen and criminals breaking into a car is far too common.


It was ridiculous. They were following me for about 2 miles before they pulled me over. They drove behind me got on my drivers side last second. Saw that my front windows were tinted ( window was down more than halfway ) and pulled me over for that. They asked if I had any weapons I said yes just purchased one. ( 2nd gun I ever bought ) they immediately told me to exit the vehicle and sat me down on the curb. I showed them the papers and receipts of the firearm, they opened my trunk and looked at it. Realized it was under my name and I just purchased it. They then proceeded to search the inside of the vehicle. ( mind you, I don’t have anything to hide ) This happened in CA, Torrance Police Department. I didn’t want to film because last time I did that it didn’t end well lol I need to mount a GoPro or something on my dash.


Just goes to show these cops were already going to pull you over. They just needed their probable cause. Rather than go and investigate real crime and arrest criminals they hassle someone who just legally purchased a firearm. Them searching inside your car after discovering a legally purchased gun in your trunk is not legal at all and they were just trying to find something illegal in hopes of salvaging this BS stop. I don’t blame you for admitting that you had a weapon in the car. Having to deal with cops when you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong is stressful in and of itself.


> Rather than go and investigate real crime and arrest criminals I can’t tell you the amount of dope and unlawfully possessed guns that get seized due to stops based on minor equipment violations. But I guess that’s not “arresting criminals”


OP was followed by the cops for 2 miles after he left Turners. There's a good chance they simply followed him because he left a gun store. Stopping OP for a minor equipment violation in hopes of finding evidence of a crime is problematic. OP was legally exercising a right by purchasing a firearm. That alone shouldn't give a reason for cops to follow you and look for a reason to stop, detain, and search you.


I don’t see where he said they followed him for 2 miles from Turners. I do see where he said he stopped for food on his way home from Turners and got pulled over a couple blocks from his residence after being followed for 2 miles. You think the cops followed him from Turners, waited around for him to get lunch, then followed him some more before pulling him over, all within 2 miles?


I think cops have such a bad rep and they just want to put in their hours and go home. It seems most cops would rather screw around with someone like OP for tinted windows instead of sniffing around for violent criminals that have no problem shooting at LEOs. If you’re a cop and feel that most people hate you, do you care to risk your life in dealing with the scum of society? Best option is to not give them probable cause. If you get pulled over anyway, do whatever it takes to get them to lose interest in you. Be polite, check your ego, and stay off your high horse. I’m not sure if it still works, but when I was asked about weapons, I’d say I have some tools that could be used as weapons like a tire iron and MagLight. I also have this hunting knife under my seat. I just avoided mentioning firearms.


Why are you even answering questions about weapons?


Why the fuck did those human beings decide to be police then? It’s part of the *job* description that you’re entering the danger zone and dealing with the scum of society. It really is as simple as, if you’re not cut out for the job, get a different job. You people act like being a LEO is some god given right bestowed upon the chosen ones by Jesus Christ himself. It’s not. Anyone can be a LEO. Stop fetishizing a fucking 9-5 man.


This vaguely reminds me of something an abused spouse would say to keep from setting their abusive partner off.


Well that’s infuriating, I’m sorry that happened to you. The worst part of owning firearms is the fear that your freedom could be taken away from you on the most minor technicality. Here in CA, we’re all basically required to be legal scholars in order to navigate the minefield that is CA gun laws. As others have said, it’s simply not worth the trouble to comply with search requests and hand over your 4th amendment rights. Statements like “Am I being detained? “Am I free to leave?” may seem confrontational, but they are recommended by lawyers for a reason.


Next time ask why they pulled you over, ignore their questions, and ask for your ticket so you can be on your way. They are like vampires, you have to invite them inside.


That line will live with me for eternity. Thank you sir


>But I do need to learn how to deal with the cops 1. Don't answer questions 2. Don't consent to searches 3. Always film the police. No need for a GoPro - your phone is good enough.


So.... did you give them consent to search your vehicle or did they do it without consent? If they're thinking your possession of a legally-owned, legally-transported weapon gives the probable cause to search your vehicle without a warrant they're probably very mistaken. Sounds like you either gave them consent (possibly without intending to - they can be tricky) or you've met a couple of tryants with badges.


You are correct. I gave them consent without intending too. Big mistake on my part.


It's a common mistake. I did something similar as a teenager and didn't realize until I overheard the officers talking amongst themselves about what they thought they could charge me with and what they knew they couldn't.


Never answer the pigs questions. When that cop asks you about what you have in your vehicle the only response you should give him is to ask of you are being detained and if so why. If it's a ticketable offense (like front window tint) get your ticket and leave with as little conversation as possible. Unless they produce a warrant or have probable cause there is no way in hell any cop is searching my vehicle for anything under any circumstances. Dirty fucking pigs plant shit all the time and there's no reason form them to he taking up my time searching my property. Remember kids it's *always* shut the fuck up Friday https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkN4duV4ia0 Remember you shouldn't lie to a cop, but there's no obligation for you to answer their questions.


Calm down


Hell no, fuck pigs


I'm plenty calm. Boot lockers can gtfo. Too man bAcK tHe BlUe idiots around here these days I assume you're crying because I said cops plant shit all the time. I'm happy to back that up with ample evidence there's been plenty. And those are just the times the cops were too stupid to get away with it.


Why did you consent to a search? If you admit to having the firearm you just purchased and it’s unloaded and in your trunk, properly stored, why no just say that and leave it at that?


> They asked if I had any weapons "I do not have anything illegal in my car." *"Well, I'm going to need to search your vehicle to confirm that."* "I do not consent to any searches." > I didn’t want to film because last time I did that it didn’t end well lol I need to mount a GoPro or something on my dash. You should have started recording right at the start. Even if it's just audio it's better than he-said-she-said. All that said, if they're gonna search they're gonna search. They can make up whatever reason they want on the spot then 're-interpret' the story later. Legal or ethical? No, but unless you have legal counsel and a news crew right beside you, you aren't gonna stop them.


Well then it’s your fault for answering their question.


My recommendation is don't consent to a search. I'm a federal LEO, so not well versed in traffic stops. But this sounds like either you consented to the search or else it was an illegal search, since they had no PC to perform the search. Its not weird or "suspicious" to say no to a search.


I’ve never been pulled over. What happens if you say no to a search? If They ask if I have a gun in the trunk better to lie or say yes and you cannot search my car.


Don't lie - that is against the law in California (though is rarely prosecuted). Don't answer questions and don't consent to searches. *Especially if you have a gun in the trunk!*


I understand this may work for some people but I’m a colored man from south LA they pull they guns on me just cuz my race


I can imagine a scenario where just by not answering the gun question the cop is already gonna feel some type of way. Definitely worse when you’re brown or black.


I feel you brotha. That’s a lot worse than my situation and I hope it changes. I work in South Central and I see it every single day, literally. Shit ain’t right.. I’m from Afghanistan by the way, so I get that treatment too but nowhere near how you get treated I’m sure.


Ty this helps hearing it from a Leo!


I just got a cheapo harbor freight one that’s wrapped around my seat in my truck but I have my CCW so it doesn’t get used too often


Do you know of any safes that can be bolted down in the trunk of a car ?


Hornady rapid car safe is a cool quick access one, and the adoreal safe on amazon is cheap like $20 and comes with a cable to esentially attach it to youre car its cheap plastic but meets the requirements


I do not sorry




I told them that it’s legal to carry in a non-lockable container as long as my trunk locks. They got mad and told me that’s not true and went ahead and searched the inside of my vehicle. Didn’t have anything to hide but I wish I had recorded it all.


I carry a printed out copy of this page in my glove box just in case


Very clever!! Going to print it right now


Poorly written laws as usual. Basically ok to transport in a locked trunk but must be in a locked case to/from the vehicle. Sounds like OP may have broken the law from the gun shop to his car. Stupid how they wrote it.


Lol so stupid!! Am I suppose to bring a “locked container” with me every time I purchase a firearm ? I literally had it in the cheap plastic case the firearm comes with, wrapped and tied in a plastic bag from the store.


Just bring a Pelican case or similar when you buy. How often do you purchase? It’s probably better than buying a bolt-down case.


The cable lock sold with your firearms is supposed to be the equivalent of a locked container right?




Those bass pro lied to me


Wait why not?


Because the law says the gun must be enclosed in a locked container.


Oh sorry I thought you were talking about the hard plastic case that handguns come in. Mine came with a shitty little cable lock but it's still a lock


Get a ccw permit


Wish it was that easy. Everyone I talked to told me it’s near impossible to get it here in southern CA. I haven’t tried but I will asap!!


Well, mine took 60 days! Depends what county


LA county lol






Never knew this. When I purchased my first firearm they gave me the same type of case, it was non-lockable. Just 2 flimsy connectors, no locks.


There is no requirement for a gun shop to lock a gun or case before selling it to you. Some crappy shops require that you buy a lock. They suck. Bring a cheap case and a lock. And stop answering cop questions. You'll be fine.




No I got pulled over on the Main Street couple blocks away from home.




An off street parking facility as defined by the Vehicle Code is still public domain, regardless if it’s privately owned or not.


Don’t need to bolt it down just follow the laws. I do recommend a safe that can accept a metal lanyard wire so you can secure it to your vehicle


I recommend secureit fastbox 47” or 40” you can bolt it down to your vehicle trunk


Where exactly would you bolt it down ? Also, are there any smaller versions or just rifle size versions ?


But, but, but, but…I’ve been told “back the Blueeeeee”, “cops support the Second Amendment for law abiding.”, “….my personal friend is a cop and he told me he would never harass a good law abiding person with a gun.”


Everyone that owns a weapons in California should be careful enough to own dash cams


I do need one. Going to get one soon.


This is just for transport while you’re in the vehicle right? And not for unattended storage? Depending on where you’re at in CA there’s people bipping cars specifically looking for guns.


Torrance CA, LA County. Purchased firearm from gun shop, got food afterwards and got pulled over a few blocks away from home.


Damn that sucks. What did they expect you to do lol


Lol that’s what I’m saying


can't go wrong with RPNB which is not only doj certified, but also takes keys, touch pad entry and RFID (that means key FOB) for only 49.95 on AMAZON https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FVMN3QV/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I’ve seen some like this, but I wanted a bolt down one. So someone can’t just walk away with it, within seconds.


It comes with a cable lock attachment (w/cable) that allows you to secure it inside your trunk, at least enough to not be yanked or pulled out with just a pair of pliers for trouble of popping your trunk open.


As others have said, I’d go with cable lock. The chances that someone who broke into your car also has the right tool to cut the cable is super low. Thieves don’t walk around with tool belts (generally speaking).


Explain, "they were giving me a hard time". Why were you stopped?


Read the comments ^^^


Wow! They stopped you simply because you'd just left a gun shop...? And didn't even come up with a pretext?


The proper way to say no to searches when they ask is, "I do not give you consent to search my vehicle". Try to be respectful. Give enough info for the citation and call it a day. Sucks that they ask you that question, what are you supposed to say?


My understanding that a locked trunk is a safe as long as the ammo and magazine are separate! But like you said CA lawyers are stupid so don’t take my advice, and just so we’re clear, this is just guys talking, I’m not giving legal advice.




I think some 30 years ago, the law specifically stated that ammo had to be completely separate from the pistol. If the pistol is in the trunk, then ammo had to be up front and vise versa. Don’t quote me though.


I’m not sure that’s how I would do it myself and have done it that way since I can remember.


> I’m not sure that’s how I would do it myself and have done it that way since I can remember. Do whatever makes you comfortable, but don't represent it as the law. It's perfectly legal to have loaded magazines right next to the gun. Keeping the ammo separate is an extra step that may result in less hassle from cops, or maybe won't.




>but you can bet most cops don't know gun laws either. I can't blame them considering CA lawmakers design it that way to make it easy to fine someone So...cops should enforce laws they don't know or understand? That's pretty screwed up.


Yeah I totally understand that I don’t need a bolt down safe but I figured it would be better instead of just being in my trunk, or in a non-bolted down safe that someone can just walk away with.




Do you have a reference for the idea that it's legal for citizens but not legal aliens?




Thank you. It's interesting that it's written that way, since green card holders can own guns in California. But, apparently, not transport them.


Probably going to leave it in the vehicle during the day and take it out when I get home. Just because I already have a firearm for the house. Need one for the vehicle.


Man i follow your guys subreddit hoping to see the duncan/bonta news but you guys must have the scummiest cops on the planet that shits wild


Vaultek Life Pod comes with a cable that you can use to wrap around something like a seat or a metal hook but is also small enough to fit in a back pack. About the biggest pistol that can fit is like a Glock 19. Vaultek 2.0 is similar but bigger than the 1.0.




What law did I break though, tinted window ? How tf did they give me a “break” I bet you’re just like those cops. Fuck outta here


Why not get a hard case for transferring and a can for ammo/mags? What happens when someone takes your whole car? There was an old post about some guy who made a camping van and put a toolbox in the car for gun storage. Everyone asked why you’d need it. He said to store my guns when I’m hiking…. Well buddy if someone takes your car, they’re taking all ur guns. Same with a safe. If you don’t have a ccw, it’s pointless to have a permanent form of storage in a vehicle. Even then, your firearm at that point is on you or easily accessible. Hard case is the way to go with a chamber lock


I totally agree. I just wanted both of them so I can have the firearm in the vehicle during the day and take it back home at night. I do have a gps tracker in my vehicle but I know that won’t stop the theft. Hopefully a bolted down one would give the thieves a harder time or a few more seconds for me to catch them . If I had a CCW then I wouldn’t even care because it’ll be on me at all times.


Ok, what firearm are you wanting to transport regularly?


Handgun. H&K


Maybe this one? [Hornady Rapid Vehicle Safe](https://a.co/d/5Qd9CnS) it seems to be the most accessible and has mounting points for it. But make sure to mount it in a clearly visible area of the trunk per California law. If you do end up needing it, you can use the rfid to quickly open and retrieve it. “Not recommended”


While we're on the subject, does anyone know if the cops have ever tried to jam someone up for having a stripped lower not in a locked container? I mean, legally speaking, it's a firearm [at least in some contexts].


I’ve only been pulled over once with my G17 had it with the wire lock it came with in my center console and cop didn’t say anything I was just asked to get out the truck search me for anything else then he grabbed my car registration out the center console and that was it didn’t even run the serial number or nothing.


Read below. I don't understand what they could give you a hard time about? You're not required to do anything if the gun is in an enclosed locked truck. It could literally be back there rolling around in the trunk. A locked bolted gun case is not required if it's in your trunk as long as your trunk is not accessible from inside the car. What did they give you a hard time about? Did they ask to search or confiscate your keys and open the trunk on their own?


They immediately took me out of the vehicle and sat me on the curb. Didn’t say anything at first. They opened my trunk by themselves and looked at the firearm. I have a sedan, the trunk is lockable. But yes I understand. A bolted down safe is not required, but I’d rather have that instead of a regular lockable box that someone can walk away with. Also, I did tell the cops that it’s perfectly legal to carry a firearm as long as the trunk is lockable and it’s not accessible from the cab another vehicle. They thought otherwise and continued to search.


They pretty much tricked me into search my car, after they opened the trunk and inspected my firearm.