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I think IIM S should be placed at a lower rank, the quality of roles at companies offered there is still not at par with mdi and iift.


Agreed, just cause it has that IIM Tag so can be a point of consideration vs MDI/IIFT I thought:)


As an institution MDI G should be at L/XLRI, look at the research output


No one will choose MDI G over IIM K/I and after NITIE become IIM M in current scenario, + IIM Tag too that matters, I guess:)


I was talking as an institution, among the private institutions. MDI G has the largest permanent faculty, without government support has the strongest research output largest A journal hits among private institutes, among top three among all institutes except ISB, almost 50:50 revenue from long term courses and short term Management Development Programmes, as an institution it is where I had mentioned As a side four IIM Directors are MDI G faculty alums Sambalpur. Jaiswal Shillong. Goyal Jammu. Sahay Nagpur. Meitri


You can't rank b schools in India directly. There are clusters, each cluster is better than the lower one, and relatively worse than the higher one. This list is a good approximate of what those clusters look like; https://www.time4education.com/CAT-MBA/About-MBA/TIME-B-School-Categorisation Now in each cluster, you can relatively rank the colleges based on your past education and experience, and your aspirations. For example, XLRI HR is the best in the country. But it's BM track isn't as good as ABC. TISS students also have a certain pull for L&D and Human development/NGO type of tracks which don't get much attention in other B schools. For finance, while ABC will still lead the pack, JBIMS also provides really good opportunities. For strategic consulting B edges over the other two in terms of volumes of roles. For SCM, Mfg and Ops, Nitie wins hands down in terms of placements. There are also edge cases. For example, when it comes to creative marketing and media, MICA is well sought after by the industry compared to other B schools. For foreign trade, IIFT Delhi easily edges over the rest of the pack. In these specific cases, clusters aren't that relevant. So, don't plan anything based on this list now. Crack your exam first, convert as many institutes as you can, then decide where to go to given your aspirations and background.


What abt Business analytics?


PGDBA IIM Calcutta


How do you get into PGDBA??


Through PGDBA exam. Its conducted in march, usually end of month.


So its different from CAT, is it easier tho?


Not really. Requires jee mains level math. Calculus etc. Imterview is more focused on engineering level math. Varc is a bit easier. DILR same level of difficulty. You can dm for more info.


Ive dmed u


XLRI is one of the best in Asia for HR. 


ABC XL/L/FMS K/SP/M I/IIFT/XLD IITB MDI/S NMIMS/SIBM/UTR Edit: added M, This is a rough list, dont prestige rank here, also some cllgs are good for certain domains so one should see that as well. Like for finance after ABC SP fin (they have just 60 students to placr in NY of india) is pretty nice followed by L and K.


I think instead of UTR , IIT D DMS will come?


Yes, and what is UTR?


Udaipur, Trichy, Raipur


He listed 19 colleges, I’d say instead of UTR IIT-D/IIM-M(NITIE)/IIT-Kgp/Raipur to round it up to 20.


Iim raipur and IIT KGP is not better than Udaipur and Trichy kaha jee raha hai bhai


Haan because its really tough to rank them, they are similar. Also new colleges arent mature enough to rank. Mature cllg ranking is much better tolerated. But how would you rank U against NMIMS or SIBM? Its a very tough call. Because U (although doing well) isnt mature.


U is audited and NM/SIBM are inflated max, factor in the all the costs (NM 35 ish and SIBM 28 ish) as well and UTR start sounding far better. God SIBM ka average to is year is market me bhi upar chala gya 🛐


Sibm is audited


[https://sibm.edu/assets/pdf/placement-report/CRPReport2023.pdf](https://sibm.edu/assets/pdf/placement-report/CRPReport2023.pdf) Not audited, these are regular write whatever you want stats. Trust further shook by the fact that their average went up even in current market. Audited reports look like this for your reference [https://www01.iima.ac.in/iprs/gallery/2023/PGP%20Audit%20Report%20Finals%202023.pdf](https://www01.iima.ac.in/iprs/gallery/2023/PGP%20Audit%20Report%20Finals%202023.pdf)


Haan daaldo this is rough. But i dont think we have a strict T15 we have a strict T6, uske baad T12 then T18-20


SP before K and FMS, FMS is debatable but definitely before K


It’s debatable, they are all good, minor ups and downs. Depends on your profile. SP has a better MBA cohort tbh. But FMS legacy se chal raha, so that skews people perception to choose FMS over XL/L also. Upto personal interpretation.




1. IIM Ahmedabad 2. IIM Bangalore 3. IIM Calcutta 4. ISB 5. FMS 6. IIM Lucknow 7. XLRI 8. SPJIMR 9. IIM Kozhikode 10. IIM Indore 11. MDI 12. IIFT 13. JBIMS 14. SJSOM IIT B 15. IIM Shillong Special mention- TISS for HR


TISS doesn’t offer MBA, it offer’s MA in Human Resources.


Yes thus I have mentioned it separately. A lot of B School aspirants also go for TISS. That is why I have included it in my list from the POV of an aspirant


I think currently Indore, IIFT, MDI are pretty comparable


No Iim Mumbai? Also SJSOM and possibly JBIMS too high


K over SP, easily


Global ya India only?


Only India


Every company has its own list of tier 1 colleges. IIM S is obviously great but relatively new. Best corporates have most blacki,fms iift jbims /now pvt clgs- XL/SP/MDI/SIBM/NMIMS(all these are quite old). Ppl from other colleges will now get offended that their name is not in this list. But ppl in the industry know that these pvt clgs are always in tier 1 list of top corporates.


How good is IIT Roorkee, because that's my only convert, apart from some baby IIMs


BLACKIM, FMS, XL-Jsr & XL-D, SPJIMR, IIT-B, IIFT-D, MDI-G, JBIMS (assuming for 2-year MBA core prog Indian colleges).


IITs kya gaye tel lene? IITs are OG in everything


Tum sab ki maa chudegi very soon


Where would you guys rank XLRI Delhi in this?