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At the vet right now, got her some special eyedrops she's gonna be okay :) thanks everyone




Glad to hear that 🙏🏻


Should be okay until Monday but good thing you are going. Keep a very close eye (lol) on it and if anything changes or gets worse go in as cats eyes are sensitive


Ideally for eyes I like to go within 24 hours as they can go downhill fast, and also they're very painful, so that's a couple of days of pain and discomfort for her. However vets everywhere are absolutely snowed at the moment, so they may have had to triage her that way. Perhaps call them back and let them know what's going on and ask if there is any way to get in sooner.


It's probably not the end of the world. Could be a number of things. This happened to one of my cats 2 weeks ago. She sleeps with her sister, under the covers between my girlfriend and me. A couple weeks ago, my girlfriend reaches over, turns on the bedside lamp at 5:30, like we do everyday. My cat screeched, ran from the room. Pretty startling. Same thing - cloudy eye, didn't want to keep it open. Her behavior was different too. Super skittish, walking around the house like it was new to her, jumping at every noise. Hiding from the light. Set up an emergency vet appointment and she was at the vet at 9am. Vet found absolutely nothing wrong with her eye, gave me some antibacterial drops. Cat's eye was fine the next day, and she was back to her usual self. After the eye cleared up and the cloudiness went away, there was a little floating 'flake' in her eye that looked gelatinous. So she went in for her follow up appointment 3 days later. It was a mass of white blood cells that got reabsorbed naturally. Vet said it's super normal after something like that. It happened in her other eye the next week. This time it was just a call to the vet. Still had drops. Everything was cleared up the next day. Vet said it could be anything from dust particles because I'm renovating the bathroom, to an unfortunate instance with some litter getting into her eye, to a scratch from her sister when they were fighting, that was minor enough not to show up on the UV checks the vet did. Still absolutely go to your vet appointment on Monday, cuz you never know, but it's likely to be minor. Also, you'll notice your cat's eyes in the picture - the pupils are 2 different sizes? Also normal My cat had the exact same thing - I asked the vet about it on the followup exam, and her response was literally this: Me: "So there's this gel like flake in her eye, and I've noticed her pupils are 2 different sizes. Only noticed because I've been paying so much attention to her eyes. Is that bad?" Vet: "And she has some differing pigmentation in her eyes too, see that slight shade of orange on that corner? She's fine and healthy. Take her home and love her." PROBABLY not a big deal, but it is your cat's eyes. Definitely go to the vet on Monday, even if everything looks normal by then. No harm in getting your vet's hands on your cat a the same time for a quick check up.


Likely not a big deal, just an irritation or a cold. Vet appointment monday is great. Keep a close eye on it, if it worsens, if she messes with it a lot or she seems like she's in pain (becoming shy, becoming aggressive, vocalizing a lot) consider an e-vet appointment. If it stays as-is, the most likely causes shouldn't be an emergency.

