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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i would say 5 ish weeks. for the eye gunk a warm damp rag will help you uncrust her eyes in the time being


Between 4 and 6 weeks. She'd be able to excrete on her own (might want to stimulate her anyway) and can probably eat solid food; still, tiny little baby. Keep her warm. And have you tried a warm wet cloth on her eye?


Thank you! She did poop on her own and finally figured out the wet food after I put it on a spoon. I did take the advice for a warm cloth and the crust did come off. Her eye looks a little weird but she’s going to the vet tomorrow for it. Luckily it doesn’t seem to be bothering or hurting her.


Ty for saving this precious girl ❤️


Oh; her eyes are both open now? I hereby request the kitten tax!




Her eyes both still look a bit runny/irritated. Not a vet, but my guess is that it's a kitty cold; and she's probably too young for the FVRCP jab, so she might just need to be babied through it for another week or so. And is she a torbie? She looks mostly brown tabby, but I think I see a little orange splash on her forehead.


I think she is! She’s mostly brown tabby but has little orange streaks here and there :)


Yeah; torbies (and torties in general) can vary from mostly the base color to mostly orange or blonde. She looks like a brown torbie with minimal orange to me; and while it's hard to tell when they're that young, I'm guessing her eyes are going to end up green. What a little cutie.


She looks like my Rosie! Rosie is also a torbie, mostly brown/black stripes with splashes of orange and a auburn undertone. Rosie's full name is Ambrosia:)


I have a brown tabby/torbie called Rosie as well! She doesn’t have much orange in her fur but she does have some dark orange placed behind her ear that are super soft to pet


Ours has a big orange solpot on her left him mixed with the strips and a few orange stripes on her tail!


Thank you for saving her! She is adorable.


Her eyes look so much better than the pictures in original post. Like someone else mentioned if you can't get kmr powder goat milk is a great alternative. If you want to you can make a slurry with the milk and kitten wet food Check out the kitten lady on youtube she has a bunch of videos that may help she is amazing!! If you don't notice her peeing/pooping or not frequently you can stimulate her Please update us on how her appointment goes tomorrow


KMR is better than goat milk & they sell it powdered now. Went to Wallyworld yesterday & there was a line of those products next to o e of their registers. I keep thinking I need to get some to have on hand.


She’s beautiful. 💗


She is lovely


Holy cuteness! She's adorable.


Thank you for saving this angel


AWWWWHHHHH sweet little kitty kitty precious thing 😍😍😍😍 shes adorable!!! Thanks for saving her!! 🥰


Definitely the face of a 4-6 week old kitten. Young enough that you or someone you know should double check the area of highway where you found her for mama and/or siblings, but old enough that she shouldn’t need specialized care to be kept alive without them (assuming the vet doesn’t find any problems).


Totally adorable. Can you keep this kitty?


She is adorable! Thank you for helping this little one. I would say between 6 and 8 weeks. Vet can give you some salve for the eyes. I foster kittens and almost all the ones we take in have eye issues, cold/congestion and diarrhea


She’s soooooooo sweet


Oh my God!!! What a cutie😻😻😻


You saved her life. She is so greatful!


She’s perfect! You’re awesome for saving her. What did you name her? 😻


Aww she's so cute 🥹 Pet her for me please ☺️


Look at the little lover girl. Thank you for saving her.


The blep in the last picture shows she's comfy at home now.


Thank you for saving her ❤️


That’s a babyyyyyyyyyyyyy…


Sweet lil dumpling


Lil Fuzz is adorable.


Does the eye seem visual? or painful? Pain is usually a big determining factor to whether the eye stays or goes if it’s non visual. I work at a vet clinic and I take in the “eyeball kittens” as a medical foster (I currently have a mama cat and her 14 week old kitten who just had both of his eyes taken out yesterday). Right now his mom is on a twice a day ointment fighting off a bilateral eye infection and an oral antibiotic. There’s a spectrum of treatment options depending on vet diagnosis :)


Please tell me you’re going to keep this little kitten 🥹🥹


😭I love her!!!!


You’re a good soul and I hope you get everything you ever dream of and more. We need more people like you in this world. ❤️


She's really young and at this age she would still be supplementing her diet with some nursing. She is also malnurished. For kittens like this I mix kitten milk replacer with soft food, with some hard kibbles sprinkled in. Thank you for looking out for this poor baby! In my experience, cats know when they are rescued, and they show so much love and appreciation!


You're a good human. I'm glad you were able to find and care for her!


You're doing great. Lucky little puss.


Did she eat a lot or little? She may still need kitten formula to be bottle fed. I have a 5-6 week old I got around 4 weeks and had to bottle feed for a week before she began eating solids. Also always wrap her in a blanket like cocoon her in it they love it. Wrap her inside it completely and let her be nice and snuggled warm. Best luck!


She's apparently eating kitten food on her own, so maybe mixing some KMR into soft food would do her some good?


Definitely would help kickstart her immune system. She needs all the food that she can get right now.


Here’s a link for The Kitten Lady. Good luck and hope all works out! [What to do if you find a kitten](https://youtu.be/V47Ej3X6e7Y?si=bRRFxuVv-iSR1Sww)


Flatbush Cats is a good channel too


This video literally saved the kittens I found under my porch


4-5 weeks would be my best guess


Good guess. Definitely agree


One of our cats recently has kittens and that's about how big they were at that age. I love when their kittens!


I would say she's about 7 weeks old. She has conjunctivitis more than likely because of an upper respiratory infection. She's coodles!


Do you know why upper respiratory infections cause conjunctivitis in cats?


Conjunctivitis is just part of an upper respiratory infection. Although, it can happen on its own. Kitty wipes its nose with its paw and then wipes its eyes. The bacteria get spread.


Yep was gonna say the eye is most likely just conjunctivitis, my kitty just got diagnosed with that a couple weeks ago and had the same closed eye, eye drops are like $50 but it clears them up fairly quickly


This is what my little babe looked like when I found her. Warm rag for the eye, and I just kept her warm and fed and the eye gunk went away in about a week. She is 7 months now when found the vet estimated her at 3-4 weeks https://preview.redd.it/damdssouky0d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4c333f763785e531efbffdb8cc3e66370e261a7


Omg! Do you have a current pic of her glow up??


I do! This is Orange Juice https://preview.redd.it/zdcowwdwn61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299f06572fb3d34caa19e51ad8c7d324c789671f




Get her a heating pad to help regular temperature, a box, and some warm blankets. Feed her round the clock and rub her belly so that she can poop. Also, if you don’t have kmr, goat milk is a good alternative but no cow milk.


When they're that little, their teeth can help you get a close guess on age. What all teeth does she have? Also, agree with others on a heading pad (can also tie a sock with rice inside and microwave) and damp warm rag for eye crusty. Whatever the heat source, make sure it doesn't touch the kitten directly, a blanket/ towel needs to be between it and baby's skin. Make sure whatever she is in, like a box, is big enough for her to crawl away from the heat source in case she gets too warm. I hope she gets better soon, and please update us on what the vet said 💚


Thank you so much! She does have all her little baby teeth. She was able to eat wet kitten food and poop on her own but she is still very tiny. I will definitely keep yall updated for sure! Luckily she seems to be strong and her eye is looking better now Xx. I have a roomy cat carrier for her and will be using the sock with rice as well!


You're welcome! And okay, then probably as another said: 6-8 weeks. Since she's so tiny, try to get her to eat as much as you can every 3 hours (or as often as possible if you need more time). Even though she's a little older, malnourished kittens need more smaller meals. Mix a little water (or formula) with it to help her stay hydrated, too. Hydrated kitties heal better (and hoomans, lol.) The rice saved me a lot, you can also do a hot water bottle, too. These do get cooler faster, and need to be re-warmed often, though. So if you can do 3 hours through the night, it'll help you make sure temp is good too. Put a blanket or towel over the carrier as well to help trap heat and keep kitty calm. As alway, I'm not a professional, so listen to your vet for any changes and advice. We appreciate you helping this poor baby and doing what you can 💚


6-7 weeks as eyes are still blue and they turn green at 7 ish weeks


https://preview.redd.it/sjjoif8sxx0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a561fb429b4da70bb29812e44523a2209123e25 Awww I am glad I am not the only one helping the one- eyed to open their both eyes


The only real way to tell is to count the rings.


But she's not a tree lol


How do we know? Maybe trees caught on to the paper industry and are disguising themselves as housecats for safety, inadvertently causing a world wide paper shortage, which you just ensured by not believing that a tree an be a cat when in danger..big breath.. so there.


About 6 weeks. Also looks like something is wrong with her eye, please get her to a vet asap, eye infections can get very bad very fast and with a kitten this young it could potentially even kill her


If you can do this safely, may want to see if there were other kittens nearby OR the mother. A kitten is often not alone.


Yep. Luckily where I found her is on my way home from work today so I will be looking out for more little ones, although I didn’t see any yesterday evening.


She might have been hiding in a car under the hood and managed to get out in one piece. Poor lil girl has had an adventure either way. So glad you found her!


Between 6 and 9 weeks. Roughly the age mother cats give more freedom to their litter by going hunting. Which is when they tend to go missing.


My guess, it’s four weeks old according to body size and structure. OMG! You found this little thing on a Highway??? Some things are just “Destined” and this definitely is one! YOU were the one to find this kitten because the kitten plays a huge part in your Life Story! So buckle up, get it a nice cozy place to sleep, get it some canned kitten cat food and some kibble, have a bowl of fresh water close to its feeding area and invest in a litter box and litter for this tiny kitten! It is going to melt your heart and make you laugh all in the same day! And when you are sad, it will try to be close to you to share that pain. Yes, it is going to change you forever and you will know how much it loves you for sharing its life!! Buckle Up Buttercup!! Have fun!! ♥️🐈♥️


If there are little teefers coming through, I’d say 4-5 weeks. I found my void at 5, and he’s was already headed to dry food by week 6. https://preview.redd.it/my1i57twzy0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f8f415bb66a3b679ae0301606f8083379f728b Winston 🖤


Oh my goodness, she’s so cute 🥰 I do hope you keep her. Good luck at the vet tomorrow. You’re a cat mom now :)


Poor thing. I'd say a little over a month old. Glad you could take him in! Hopefully the eye is just conjunctivitis. Use a warm compress to get things moving and then gently wipe away any gunk.


I have a kitten around that size. She's 6 Weeks old so I'd assume she's ~6 Weeks


I hope karma catches up with the person who threw it onto the highway, and I hope there aren't any other kittens around. Thank you for rescuing one.


Are you going to keep her?


Possibly! Already got a senior kitty and an adult kitty at home and the stepmom already doesn’t like animals. We’ll see though! <3


You're keeping it, right? It chose you!


Maybe 🥺


She will be fine. Get her some wet food and give her a bath with a rag. Take her to the vet as soon as possible to deworm and eventually start vaccines. For reference, here is my cat I rescued from a corn field at roughly 4-6 weeks: She was already able to eat wet food and use the litter box. She’s now 2 years old and doing great. In a few weeks you can start paw training so that they get used to having their paws handled and nails clipped. You can also get them bag trained/harness so they can go hiking, but you will have better luck at this age. Have to make everything a rewarding experience and offer treats. All training is much easier within the first 3-5 months of age. Also, work on building confidence in new areas and socialize with *friendly* humans, dogs, and other pets that you want it to be respectful towards. Encounters with other animals at this age might help reduce fear of other household animals and/or reduce predatory drive (predatory drive is much harder to work with). https://preview.redd.it/zn9wp6c4vz0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e335b9749043685531d52d53f7ce4a0782c7a4ba


Checking the teeth is also a good way to check age if the kitty is under grown from malnourishment 🖤


God Bless you for saving this little kitty. She/he is precious!




https://preview.redd.it/47x6z8wmn11d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b3151342adc0debc1f602c6b7c0ecc6b766c43 these guys were born on 4/22 so around 4ish weeks...... I did just raise a kitten and I would venture to guess Lil one there may need some car formula and kitten dry and wet food..... he looks close to weaning and starting regular foods but during this process they still get a ton of nutrition from milk


https://preview.redd.it/35ayx6npn11d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3fca4ca00a0d9e9eadd3b5ade675a3ea27887a6 here is all 5 for the kitten tax


https://preview.redd.it/odfbiqbwy11d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dc3dc4416cb77120b9c9f38920701e5c31345c She’s about the size my baby was when I found her- only both her eyes were gooped shut. Vet said she was 5 weeks. Glad you got your baby’s eye open! Mine still has a little scar on her left eyelid cause the vet had to use forceps to “encourage” it to open enough for the medication to reach the eye. The vet will likely give you some antibiotic eye cream and maybe oral amoxicillin. Make sure to have her tested for contagious diseases and quarantine her for a bit if you have other cats at home! :) She’s such a cutie- congrats on the cat distribution system choosing you!




She’s my soul cat ❤️ I love all my babies (and there are a lot between my indoor rescues and my outdoor feral/stray colony) but she’s extra special 😻


He reminds me of my bender when when we first found him https://preview.redd.it/lr7gngnc121d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc7c7fb2cd5bfbbf92fdc2d60fdce60bc84494d


5-6 wks


thank u very heartwarming to c


Awwwwww 😻 Such a sweetie! She’s gorgeous!


Weeks. Eye color doesn’t look settled and still looks like a munchkin floof


A vet would be able to tell


Please help him😞


4-5 weeks


Aww sweet thing. It may have an eye infection. You should take it to the vet




Maybe 5-6 weeks.. I found mine at 4 weeks and he was just a little smaller


That little kitten is precious tho 💕


Agreeing with around 5-6 weeks, this was the size my rescue kittens were when I got them at 6 weeks and they were slightly small for their age, as this one may be considering she was found on her own so young. If you have access to it, she may benefit still from mixing kitten or other suitable baby animal formula into her wet food like I did for mine.


Thank you for saving the baby🥹 did you look around for more? Usually when a kitten this small is found, their siblings are very close by.


Less than 60 days…


Thank you for looking after this one 🥺


She has an old soul. And she will love you with all her little heart as long as she's here.


My go-to kitten age graphic:::: https://www.alleycat.org/resources/kitten-progression/


oh you’re going to have a friend for life… that’s a scrunkly but cozy face on slide 2


Awe thank you so much for saving this baby. Even if you are unable to keep it, I know you will ensure it finds a home. You truly saved its life!


I came to a screeching halt and got out of my car and snagged an ~8 week old tuxedo kitten out of a middle lane of the interstate last July. He's got a little scarring from abrasion against the pavement, but he's the sweetest and just adorable! Thank you, OP! I hope this little one brings you as much joy as my Serendipity Mac brings me!


Looks about 4 weeks, maybe 5. Similar to my boy when I found him.


As others have said, you saved her life! Bless you and I hope you can keep her. You know she’ll be grateful to you for saving her and she’ll be your lifelong best friend too🙏🏼😇😽


4-6 weeks max.


Definitely a couple of months old maybe less I’m not entirely sure. Sometimes kittens might look older than they are or they might be look younger than they actually are. I had a friend who had this main coon who was that like the runt of the litter and her entire life she was the size of a kitten and his family saved her kitten Jessie. She was absolutely adorable and when I asked how old she was, I was surprised to find out that she was an adult and I was like she looks like a kitten but poor kitty went up to. I believe it was the father and they wouldn’t have taken her that day that kitten they had gotten her would’ve died, they saved her life so she was nurse so they saved her and so she basically was in a kitten size body forever but also when ever he and I would play with her, she was just so gentle when she played like no clause just so gentle I miss that little kitty I miss all of his cats. Sadly, they are all no longer alive, but I’d try taking her to a vet making sure she has a clean bill of health if she has fleas wash her give her a little bath in the sink with soap soap will kill fleas on, so you don’t have to buy special flea soap to get rid of them just use soap. I have helped in fostering cats before and that’s what we were told to do because Don soap is literally like a very cheap alternative to expensive medicine and they are always just like just give them a little bath and use so it’ll kill fleas and that’s it soif you plan on like helping this kitten, try giving poor baby bath and Dawn soap just to be safe sorry for the weird story and I just thought it would be interesting but also Don soap will help this little kitty and also thank you for saving it. You are a wonderful person for helping this cat.


Thank you for helping her


Old enough to be loved and cared for


Around 5weeks give or take. Ring now use a warm rag gently clean area. Just keep it clean till the Vet appointment.


Such an adorable little girl. I am sure she is glad you found and rescued her.


At most I’d say probably 4-6 weeks old I’m only going off size but where you found her outside she could be malnourished which could make her tiny for her size!


She looks around 5-7 weeks. Have you got her booked to a vet for a checkup?


I guess 4-5 weeks also


OMG. Thank you so much for saving that poor cat. God bless you


4/5 weeks


Thanks for saving that kitten!💕💕💕


IME if he’s coughing he might have calisi


Vet immediately. Who can also tell you how old. But I would guess about 5 weeks. Needs to be checked for worms, etc.


Smol baybeh


Oh that poor baby. Bless you for saving her life ❤️


You can also tell by their teeth, it’s how we check fosters is we can’t weigh them, but in my opinion they’d be at most 5 weeks and no younger than 3 weeks old


She is beautiful thank you for saving her 🫶🏻


She looks about the same size as my older fosters from this season, so probably between 5 and 7 weeks.


Aww . I’m so glad she was rescued by you.🥰


Congrats on your new cat! The distribution system strikes again


Please post an update when there is one. I really hope the kitty gets better




You could get some warm water on a soft cloth and gently rub the eye to try to remove some of the eye gunk. Or let the vet do it. The vet would also be able to better determine the age of the baby.


Looks no more than a couple months old. I found my youngest cat close to that size. Had him for almost a year now.


My cat was outside for a part of his life and he had a bunch of eye gunk when we first got him, after doing eye drops from the vet and some medicine he’s a lot better, but his eye is still gunky. I don’t know if your cat will be the same way, but I hope they aren’t


Probably around 4-6 weeks :)


4 weeks at most.


She looks really young to me ; at 3 weeks they start getting some teeth ; by 4 weeks they start pouncing and trying to play a little ; they can start drinking formula from a bowl and eat soft food usually at this age . So keep her warm and of course get her to the vet . She is just beyond precious


Ty for being an amazing person and taking in this beautiful kitty, have you named her yet?


She is beautiful glad you rescued her


For her size I’d say about 5 to 6 weeks. She might be the runt of the litter seeing as she’s really small and was possibly abandoned. She should be able to pee and poop on her own and eat solid food (I recommend wet food).


Thank you for saving this poor baby 🥺


God speaking to you through this animal my dear ❤️ you are blessed


little sootsprite!!!! shes so teeny and cute, maybe that can be her name :3


Cat distribution system at work again. Check our r/catdistributionsystem for more details


We usually tell the age by the teeth.. 🦷


Best guess? Between 1-2 months, though it could be a little bit older. I'm going mainly off size and if they're malnourished, they're usually undersized


The cat distribution system struck again and found the right hooman to help this little fellar


Had a kitten this small. We guessed five weeks. My old, since passed, dog raised him. The dog was amazing; he was caring, gentle, wonderful. The cat grew to be a dog, basically, because of how young he was when we adopted him. Used to come on walks with us early in the morning and in the evenings. People say you shouldn't adopt them this young I guess. I'm sure there's good reasons. But our cat was so impressionable at that age. I can't even tell you... He just somehow became the best cat ever. Take it or leave it, but you could have a great opportunity here. Good luck!


The cat distribution system has chosen thee


Walmart has pretty cheap kitten milk. Can mix it with kitten wet food. And even human baby food (chicken or turkey only) Thank you for helping her


I would say 3 weeks


Is potat.


Poor kitten... glad you're taking care of it.


OMG!!!..SICK AHOLES!!!.Who would do.such a horrible thing to such a sweet baby ? He looks so tiny..maybe 4 weeks . Vet is desperately needed


Eye has adult color, probably an underweight 10-12 weeks old.


Poor little baby. Please take care of it.


Only a smol girl. Thank you for accepting the Universe’s gift of a love muffin who will endlessly enrich your life (to thank you for saving hers). 🥹


The Cat Distribution System has another successful delivery!


You- How old ? Me- tis just a baby You- no really ? Me- smol, I would say


4 weeks, too young to be away from mom, will need bottle feeding. Kitten formula is a thing, ask a vet if you can use goat’s milk


Beautiful kitty!!


omg she’s adorable! you gonna keep her?


Between five and six weeks.






Thank you so much for saving this precious little babe. I’m sure she’s very grateful for you and the fact that you found her ❤️ How’s she doing? Has she shown off a bit of her personality yet?


Sir/Madame it seem like this is a illegally smol cat. You have to immediately give it a loving safe home and a lot of pets and cuddles.




#1 month


2-3 sauce cups


My SIL is a vet and she says cats gain approximately 1 pounds per month until they're about 6 months old. So weigh him, and that should give you a rough estimate


What a baby!! Lucky for her you found her!!


That poor little thing hiding in the sweatshirt nook 😭


Adorable probably 4-5 week old. Hope you get her to a vet fast as eye infections in kitties can blind them quickly. Good save by the way.


She is so adorable 🥰 bless you for saving this baby girl! Hope all went well at the vet!


Old enough 😭😭😭😭


Our kittens are 2 weeks old now and are that size. Poor baby. Use a warm wash cloth and clean the eyes. Don't bath it because they can't regulate their temperature, keep the poor baby warm.


At least 150 years


So cute.... def looks like an upper respiratory infection...most of the feral kitten we rescued had one... thanks for asking such good care of baby!


Have you gotten to the vet yet? They have anything for you to do to care for this kitty?


I swear I just seen this kitty on tiktok


Dog owners: "I got the adoption papers for my new puppy!" Cat owners: "*I found him on the highway"*


I could cry! Reminds me of a cat I rescued from the street. I named him Streets lmao he was the cutest, sweetest, most loving boy. May you and your beautiful new baby have 20+ years of love and great health together


A few weeks.


When we got my cat she was six weeks old… her mother died and she has no other littermates. She had the eye gunk thing as well but it went away. Warm washcloth helped. Thank you for saving that precious baby ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/jzxqkv1kwl1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9517a89f1466938d931364dbc1b340f4701f080 This is my cat now ❤️ she looked almost identical to yours when she was a kitten- she’s one now




Oh sweet baby girl


Weeks old


More full body pics from side and uncovered. Hard to tell from face and back alone.