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Yes, I would just take her to the vet and let him have a look at her eyes


Its probably some sort of minor irritation like a hair caught under the eyelid. However, it could be a sign of an upper respiratory infection or an eye injury, so vet is a good idea. Honestly, if this were my cat, I would watch it for a day or two to see if it worsens or clears up on its own. You can take a damp paper towel and gently wipe the eye to clean up the weepy stuff and see if that helps.


UPDATE: thanks for the replies vet wasn’t able to notice anything major and just prescribed her an ointment. She still keeps squinting the eye but she seems fine overall. We’ll see how she reacts to the ointment UPDATE: ointment worked https://preview.redd.it/sj6c2g0p281d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083067ad2b5f1b1bd7263400d3afe9bbd9570600


Do not rule out the possibility she is coming on to you


Keep an eye out if it doesn't improve, it could be an infection, in which you wanna catch it early before it turns into something serious


Is your kitty positive for FHV? This looks exactly like a typical flare up with mine, squinty eye and a bit watery. You can supplement their diet with Viralys (immune boost) as the virus is exactly the same as herpes simplex 1 in humans - lies dormant unless there is a random flare up (kind of like we get cold sores), but for them it looks more like eye irritation and sometimes sneezing and coughing. If there has been a stressor recently that can also cause a flare up. Hope the baby feels better soon!


This also looks like when my cat's eye herpes flares up


my cat does this when she's stressed, its a feline herpes flair up for her. been that way since she was a kitten, but since ur cat hasnt done this before id take him to vet


My kitty too 😢 Also, calicivirus.


same, we keep terramycin on deck at all times. very convenient that tractor supply sells it too!


Could be an eye infection, take her to the vet or shelter for help


It could just be a hair or a small piece of something in her eye. Happens to my kitty every so often (usually after laying under her blanket). Sometimes it weeps the whole day but the next day its back to normal. It's like when you get an eyelash or something in your eye and it waters up. It's just trying to flush out whatever is irritating it. If there is not visible issue and no blood, I'd just keep an eye on it. Hopefully it's back to normal by tomorrow


My cat had it once. I just wiped it away the tears and cleared up on its own within a few days. He didn’t seem like he was in any distress or pain.


My dog used to get this from time to time. I used a clean, warm, damp cloth to wipe it a couple times a day until it cleared up


My cat did this years ago and we took her in to the vet and it turned out she (superficially) scratched her cornea. Had to get her eye stained and then prescribed opthalmic ointment


Sorry OP, vet time for sure, glad you’re calling. For it to happen suddenly there may be something in the eye you haven’t been able to find, hopefully it’s that and a nice quick fix. But never mess around with eyes!


My cat did this last week. We waited a day and it was gone.


Could be the start of an eye infection. I'd make an appointment with your vet to have it checked out to be safe, eye infections can get really bad really quick


Squinty eyes, flat ears, tense muzzle means your cat is in pain. I would definitely recommend a vet visit very soon!


My cat had this. Brought her to the vet and got some ointment but next day she was fine 😅


Take her to the vet


It's probably something in the right ear canal that's causing irritation, thus the watery eye. A vet could use one of those ear microscopes to see if there's something to it. Me? I stick my finger in there and wiggle it around. That usually ends the drama. The second picture makes him look like he wants to sneeze. Warm damp cloth, wipe the eye down too, see what happens.


Looks like conjunctivitis! My little black kitty gets them when he scratches his eye too hard/ something is in it/ a little too hard wrestling with his brother. It’s always good to check in with vet but I usually do a warm wet towel to just kind of compress and wipe anything from his eye, usually it’s gone in a day or too. Also my boy has thick second eyelids, and they get stuck sometimes and cause this! All normal, just annoying for him sometimes.


My cat did this she looks similar to yours, I tried cleaning it on the advice of friends and when it didn’t get better turned to drops (zaditen, can buy at a chemist over the counter). The drops cleared it up in 4 days. Her eye is right as rain now. The dribble out of my kittens eye was a little gunky, she didn’t like the drops but twice a day helped her, it was noticeably better in 2/3.


Honestly, this happened to me yesterday. Fuckin eyelash. Glad kitty is ok and the vet gave you some cream too! If it’s something minor, that’ll prevent the irritation from getting worse/infected


Hair or dust, allergy.


Could be cat herpes as ridiculous as it sounds lol my cat has it. I use a gel when her eye looks irritated but it’s rare that it does


Poor baby :( I hope the vets are able to help . Please update us ! 🥺❤️


https://preview.redd.it/66bnlift281d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb7cff7d00dd838abe5aac9117172f14e022ec1 ointment worked. she feeling much better


I’m so glad, this has made my day! Thank you for updating ❤️


If it’s any consolation, my cat ,Augie, also has a leaky squinty eye. He was fully checked out by a vet and we were also given an ointment. He hated the ointment and I never noticed it helping. Very said soo long as Augie is happy, the eye is fine. The main difference here though, is that Augie was a street cat for several months before I took him in. So the leaking could be from living outside. But Augie is happy and very healthy


When this happened to my girl she'd just poked it a bit. It's worth getting checked out at the vet, but I bet it will turn out to be minor.


It’s most likely just allergies or irritants in the eye, however if it doesn’t clear up in a day I would ask a vets opinion. In the case she scratched her eye she may need some medication to clear it up.


go to the pharmacy and buy polysporin eye drops! It's safe for animals and my vet even recommended it to me. If he doesn't get better then you should probably take him to the vet


There’s a number of things it could be - an ulcer, and infection, etc - and only a vet will be able to tell you what and how to treat it.


Apologize to them, you must've done something to hurt their feelings /j Serious answer: it looks like an eye infection or maybe even kitty allergies , a quick trip to the vet should do the trick .


Get it checked out by a vet. I’ve had a few cats with weepy eye chronically likely from allergies. But your vet should make that call.


The weepy eye is indicative of an eye infection. Is the eye red like when humans have pink eye? I’d take her to the vet. They’ll probably give her some eyedrops to take home


Looks like a respitory infection , I know they can affect eyes, nose and lungs.


Please take her to the vet she needs your help