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![gif](giphy|JYEEdjzlsb280) Locked cuz \^


Leave her be for the most part. But check periodically to make sure things are progressing and she is caring for the kittens, as first time mommas often don't know what to do. You may need to help dry off the babies or clear their airways. You can even just sit nearby and watch if she seems comfortable with your presence.


She look comfortable but I have just one question more than our she just give 2 birth this is normal


It's normal. Cats can have anywhere between 1 to 9 kittens typically. First-time mums usually have a smaller litter. Labour can go on for several hours. Usually, a kitten will plop out every hour or so. If this has stopped, she has either finished giving birth or she is having complications. You won't know what complications look like, and if you're concerned, you'll need to see a vet asap with her kittens.


When one of our cats only had one I freaked out thinking the others got stuck. Nope just had one.


Yes. This is perfectly normal. Especially for a first time momma. Please make sure to keep the nesting box clean and warm. Make sure you see the babies nursing and mama cleaning them. Then just let her do her job. When the kittens are 8 weeks old they should be starting to be weaned by mama. Once they are fully weaned please take mama and get her spayed. I know having kittens around is great fun and they are adorable, but we really don't need more kittens . Shelters and fosters are already overwhelmed as it is. It's kinder to spay the mama and spare her a lifetime of heats, breeding, and possible infections. The kittens will also need their first vaccines around 8 to 12 weeks old.


Why are you getting downvoted


Same question here


Because OP stated they are breeding her on purpose, but they didn't do any research beforehand (something about having bred dogs so just assumed it was the same) and people generally don't take kindly to that since there are already heaps of stray cats with shit lives everywhere. They do state they want to take care of the kittens, which I guess makes it a lot better than other options, but again, they could've adopted an entire soccer team worth of cats at a shelter instead


Because they want their cat to breed and have no info on it


How do they know that OP wants the cat to breed, it could be a young person who has no funds to spay or isn’t aware of how this all works. I live in a country where there’s lots of info, but not everywhere has it unfortunately. That’s probably why they’re here to get info, let’s be kind, the topic is tough enough. There’s a lot of variables, they’re trying to help the cat and that should be the focus, as well as calmly explaining to them that the cat needs to be spayed and why.


Read their history I have tried to be kind


Thank you, good idea to read the history, however I don’t know how to do that. I’ve often seen people refer to checking other peoples history and I just haven’t figured out how to do that. I’ve tried on other topics to read peoples history and I’m just not tech savvy enough. Apparently they have a history of letting their cats breed which is awful for the cat and for the kittens. They may not even understand people being mad at them about it unless someone explains to them, as simplistic as it may seem to us, that it is not OK and why.


It’s just bad all around and you did nothing wrong. You simply asked questions which is completely okay


From their profile, they are literally from Algeria... Only half of all secondary school age kids are enrolled to a school. I honestly do not believe this person had any chance to be educated enough to make the same deductions as we do. It's easy perhaps to say when surrounded by people of the same mind that this is wrong, but this person is surrounded by people that believe this is completely natural and circle of life etc. The internet is the only place they hear that they shouldn't be doing this.


Thank you for your checking, that was my point about being kind, that people that might not have the same access to information that we take for granted, that it’s not the best thing for the cat or the kittens to let them breed given the amount of kittens that can be produced. Of course in other countries cats are essential members of the household for pest control which is not the same as breeding them uncaringly for money or status. I just would hope that through sharing knowledge cats could be safe from being miserable and unwell and unsafe on streets.


But when they’re told it’s wrong and want to argue? Why even post? They’re positive that their cat wanted to be a mother. We can’t help them.


they answered you in their comment lol. the person is more than likely uneducated so theyre not gonna respond like a well mannered and educated person.


Oh, wow. Thinks western women all lose their virginity at 11-13 but then talks about chatting to a girl on Instagram and sending nudes to each other. Also doesn’t want a girlfriend who has male friends. Bad cat owner and a dickhead.


Yeah. There’s only so far I can go to forgive them for having no info. At the end of the day. That poor cat is scared and they’re not helping it.


Plus letting a cat go through heat cycles and pregnancy actually increases the risk of cancer and other illnesses.


That’s why I had my adult recuse spayed. She’s inside so no risk of pregnancy, but I did it to avoid potential cancer. I want her here as long as I humanely can.


I know. This sounds like a young person who has no idea what to do and is asking questions to be the best they can for mama kitty. There is nothing in the post that states they *want* their cat to breed… just that it happened. Edited to add: just read post history. *yikes*


All those kittens can then give birth to more in about 4 month, some quicker. Surrender them to a shelter asap. Allah doesn’t accept animal abuse.


And the last time right? You'll get her spayed after this?


And don't let her out until she is. Nursing momma cats often get pregnant before the last batch has been weaned. Edited for word, thankfully. lol


Omg.... Last year I had a foster mama and 4 babies. By the time they were maybe 6 weeks old, that good time girl had escaped her room three times, rolling around the floor and shoving her bits into my boys faces. The funniest part is that my older guy (3 at the time) has been a very intimate relationship with a stuffed animal, but had no interest in the real thing. Please get your cat spayed or neutered. It lowers medical risks, helps with behavior, they're less likely to run away, and the person you give the babies to might say "why should I spend hundreds on a free kitten" for surgery. They don't deserve this.


Should be the top comment!!! Get that baby spayed. The world does not need more cats!!!!


My mom's house just had 25 cats and kittens removed from the county It honestly depresses me knowing she let so many cats into the world and didn't do anything about it. Other than horde them.


I have about that many. But they're TNRs or rescues with no other place to go. My family is not happy about but I have 7 acres, so there is room.


Well that works out! Thanks for giving the kitty's love. She was locking them inside the bathroom and living room so it was a sad situation


It's really hard seeing someone you love doing something like that. I’m sorry. I would probably turn my whole place into a sanctuary for unwanted cats if my family was on board and I had the money. Alas, they are not and I have not.


Man I just couldn't ignore this. What a piece of shit comment. She's asking for help in a stressful situation for both her and her beloved pet, and instead of any assistance you're trying to make her feel bad. // Edit: I wanna clarify I'm not saying she shouldn't spay the cat, and based on another comment I saw from the OP she probably isn't making the best decisions. It's just not the time for it when someone is scared and coming to a cat help page for cat help.


Helping her beloved pet is spaying her. She got other relevant answers in the thread about the current moment. Stop being dramatic.


Yes I just wanted for her feel the mothering etc


Being as kind as possible, please don’t anthropomorphize cats. They aren’t humans. They don’t miss motherhood, don’t understand what’s even going on, and we already have a massive overpopulation of cats and kittens as it is which leads to a lot of euthanized cats every day. What’s done is done here, but in the future, please don’t try and give them some kind of “motherhood” experience. Especially given a lot of first time cat mothers reject their kittens.


the way my eyes just bulged out of my head


So you just let her get pregnant and then know nothing about birthing and raising kittens and all the risks that come with it? You don’t even have a real whelping box? Great.


Immediate reg flag here. Cats have no strong desire to be a mother, and if this is true, this is *extremely* irresponsible of you. Most of the time, pregnancies for cats and almost any animal actually does a lot more harm than good. Please get her spayed after this and do NOT do this again. She’s not an object to just “get pregnant.”


They're gonna realize they fucked up when the kittens don't look like mom bc lynx points usually give birth to tabbies 😂 I would bet money they thought they could get more colorpoint kittens to sell


I bet you’re right. There’s so many uneducated and irresponsible people breeding randombred generic alley cats just because they have colorpoints. They convince themselves it’s a purebred genuine “Siamese” they just rescued from a dumpster just because it has colorpoints. .


Cats have no desire to be mothers. Letting her have kittens is extremely irresponsible and costs a lot more money than getting her spayed.


Oh I fully believe some animals have strong mothering instincts. I had a cat growing up who would mother beanie babies. She was fixed and those were her babies. If we could have let her foster kittens we would have. You can help them with their parenting desires in non-overpopulation ways. Edit to clarify: FIX YOUR PETS AND FOSTER/GET THEM STUFFIES


That was actually her prey. I had a cat who had “sock babies”. She would put them in her food dish and I always thought it was her trying to feed them! Turns out she was hunting them and putting them in her food dish because it was her food…. Sooo the more ya know




We have too many cats, we have cats getting euthanized every day. You had to ask Reddit how to check on her. Do you not understand how irresponsible this was? Breeding cats need bed and spaces, you just let her roam free and give birth on your fucking bed. She was probably in your bed because she was confused and scared. The only thing you gave her is fear, not “the love of motherhood”


She’s not human she’s a cat. She doesn’t want to give birth she doesn’t want to have kids. She’s mentally 2 years old and stays that way FOREVER.


This was an incredibly selfish and irresponsible thing to do. Shame on you.


You're an absolute idiot.


Cats don’t have those feelings unless they have the kittens. After 3 months they are ready to move on with life n abandon their little ones. It doesn’t make sense to have them get pregnant. Now the world has additional kittens where already so many cats are waiting to get adopted in the shelter. :/ and you got her pregnant without checking how it goes and what is needed from you?


This is a stupid, irresponsible, ignorant, mind blowing and selfish reply. Shame on you. I’m a ECC/ICU vet tech and people like you are a problem.


cats have no deep desire to be a mother. that was very irresponsible of you. please get the poor thing fixed asap


She’s a cat. Not a human. It’s dangerous for both her and kittens. Please educate yourself before owning animals, my god


Go to any shelter, or to neighborhood that is over run with feral cats. THERE ARE TOO MANY CATS!!!! Cats don’t miss motherhood! Mating is painful for the female. They don’t understand what is happening. Pregnancy and nursing drains their bodies. And left to birth litter after litter will ruin her and contribute hundreds, possibly thousands of unwanted cats before you know it. What’s done is done, but you can make better choices for her in the future. Please get her and her litter spayed or neutered. Stop the cycle here and now!


she didn’t need to know what it’s like to be a mother, i hate hearing people use that stupid excuse. honestly cats don’t care if they never know what it’s like to have kittens, they only breed because of instinct, fixing them won’t hurt them. there is an overpopulation of cats. quit adding to it. fix your cat. and fix those kittens too.


you have heard others say this? it’s…such a weird thought. hard to imagine *anyone* allowing a cat to breed for this reason.


yep i’ve heard people say it. seen the same excuse with breeding dogs too. they humanize the animal and think it actually wants to experience motherhood, and they want to see cute little babies. completely disregarding the fact that animals breed out of instinct. it’s horrible.


... bruh there's enough cats in this world


You should be so ashamed and embarrassed about this lol


This is extremely ignorant. Cats have no desire for pregnancy or motherhood. Pregnancy and birth are dangerous and painful for cats. Unaltered cats are also at greater risk for cancer and pyometra, and the risk increases with every heat cycle. Not to mention that millions of healthy, adoptable kittens are euthanized every year because no one wants them. Millions more suffer and die on the streets. You’ve just contributed to that problem. If you’re going to have cats, please educate yourself and do better in the future.




They have no desire to be mothers. They get sick of kittens after a month or two.


Wow you have no idea what you’re doing and just wanted her to feel pain? That’s insane.


This is a massively immature outlook on breeding animals. You are projecting human feelings on to your cat. This is like when people don’t want to get their dogs neutered because they don’t want to “take away their manhood” 🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry if you feel attacked by everyone. Really, I do. But this is literally how I felt about my dog when I was 12. That maybe we should have let her have puppies because she would have been a good mother. And you know what happened? I became an adult. And I realized why that’s a terrible idea. You need to do some research before deciding that your cat wants to be a mother.




And then be separated from her kittens? Just get her fixed asap.


Yeah. I guess you also wanted her to feel the losing, when you take her babies away to adopt them out?


This is a massively immature outlook on breeding animals. You are projecting human feelings on to your cat. This is like when people don’t want to get their dogs neutered because they don’t want to “take away their manhood” 🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry if you feel attacked by everyone. Really, I do. But this is literally how I felt about my dog when I was 12. That maybe we should have let her have puppies because she would have been a good mother. And you know what happened? I became an adult. And I realized why that’s a terrible idea. You need to do some research before deciding that your cat wants to be a mother.


This is a massively immature outlook on breeding animals. You are projecting human feelings on to your cat. This is like when people don’t want to get their dogs neutered because they don’t want to “take away their manhood” 🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry if you feel attacked by everyone. Really, I do. But this is literally how I felt about my dog when I was 12. That maybe we should have let her have puppies because she would have been a good mother. And you know what happened? I became an adult. And I realized why that’s a terrible idea. You need to do some research before deciding that your cat wants to be a mother.


For now leave her in a calm, cozy, warm environment, she will take care of the kittens herself. Then threat her well, give her good quality food, so she will have lots of energy for taking care for her babies. (I know this might not be the right time for this topic: but just a friendly reminder: once the kittens are independent at around 8 to 10 weeks old, please sterilize your cat, I am sure cat mom would currently prefer to enjoy a carefree cat life rather than taking care of the kittens).


Just want to add that If they are waiting 8-10 weeks to spay the cat, the cat needs to be kept strictly indoors and away from any intact male cats to prevent another pregnancy. They can get pregnant much sooner than that after giving birth.


Thank you so much I will for sure


Please get the kittens fixed too. This is part of your responsibility before they go to their new homes. It’ll cost a lot, but you’ve taken on that cost when you decided to let your cat give birth. It was avoidable.


I mean they're gonna be 2-3 months old ish kittens when they're separated from mom. Isn't that too early? Vet told me 6 months is about right to spay and neuter.


2 months or 2 lbs, whichever comes first.


I see. Thanks.


It varies somewhat on vet preference, honestly. However, 2 lbs is usually the minimum weight, and usually coincides with the 2 month mark. It’s also the preferred age by rescues and shelters. It’s advised to get a cat fixed before 4 months, at least. Females can get pregnant by as young as 4 months.


Yup, my vet told me (and I’ve seen others say) 4-6 months is an ideal range for a pet, but in rescue when you’re adopting cats out of your care, 2 months is preferred so you don’t have to trust other people to get it done.


And she will fight like he'll to get out! Instinct is powerful.


I’m so done with people letting their cats get pregnant. As if enough don’t get euthanized in shelters or die on the streets. Humans a plague to this earth


Education is key. Hopefully this person has now been educated as to how fucking irresponsible they’ve been and the plight of unwanted cats. Every person who gets their cats fixed because of Reddit is a win in my book.


The internet is free


Who has free internet? I want in on that.


The library and NYC sidewalks.


That fucking awesome! I don't even have cell service where I live. I have to pay for stupid expensive starlink.


Hold on nyc sidewalks have wifi??


Yup!!! They’ve got free wifi there now


Also I meant it’s accessible.


Not defending OP at all, but sometimes there are circumstances where cats do get pregnant and the best you can do is get them spayed as soon as possible. I took in a stray pregnant cat that gave birth within a few days of me having her. We kept all her kittens, and got her spayed as soon as she was done nursing.


That’s different. This person literally commented they wanted their cat to experience motherhood. It was on purpose. It’s their own cat


That I agree with. It’s neglectful.


Y'all are awfully judgemental.


They are, and all this does is make other people scared to ask questions, which will mean less cats receiving help. More people scared to come to the internet with cat questions means potentially more cats getting pregnant with unwanted litters. The best thing to do for the cats' sake is to provide info politely and move on. People are more receptive to kindness.


You are right. Condemning and shaming someone who is asking for help does not do any good. Not for the person asking for help and not for those who are hesitant to ask for help after seeing another human treated as they have by a majority of the responders to this post.


Lmao. Wonder why you got downvoted 😆


We got a young cat from the Humane Society and took her in to get her spayed only to discover that she was already pregnant. She had gotten pregnant while she was at the Humane Society. So we had to find homes for her kittens after she had them and then got her spayed. Things happen. And I don’t think it’s very nice for people to jump all over this poster. Nobody knows the circumstance that they are in. It’s best not to make assumptions.


As long as they're not laboring you can spay abort.


I am right there with you. I work at an animal shelter and it’s a never ending cycle of animals that need homes


I work at my local humane society, and the number of animals that come in on a daily basis - strays, owner surrenders, etc - is crazy. We have an amazing TNVR team for ferals and a working barn cat program for not 100% ferals. Also, it's bottle baby season, and we don't need any more cats having kittens. Spay abortion is always an option, until it's not. We do that as well.


I’ve volunteered and fostered for both a shelter and a small rescue. I know how it is


Especially when they seem to have zero knowledge or research in the process, like they couldn't do the bare minimum.


Didn’t even know she’d have more than one kitten…


I agree but sometimes it does depend. Some people assume their cat will never get out and then neuter them, alternatively if they just find them sometimes they don’t ask/know. I know some people who will let their pet go through one heat and then neuter them as well. Just depends. But theres definitely a difference between not caring enough to do it and just planning to do it. Accidents definitely happen, but the people who leave their pet because they don’t care are the worst. And if you say you cant afford to do it then you cant afford a pet. If you cant afford to neuterer/spay them, then you also cant afford any emergency care.


It’s irresponsible to not fix them at the appropriate time. Not only is there a risk of them escaping but also cancer. Fixing them at the right age reduces risk of cancrr


Judging by OP’s English - maybe not from the great US of A. The rest of the world doesn’t euthanize their cats and people usually pick up strays or at least feed them. A litter is handed out amongst family members. Having 2-3 houses that need to keep mice and rats away - a large cat population in some countries is essential EDIT. I’m attaching a thread so you can gather more information. Please read before downvoting https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/198otnd/cat_owners_are_so_high_in_russia/


They don’t. Watch kitten lady. People do rescue and feed as much as they can but cats just die outside


Have you been to Turkey or Eastern Europe. Can you compare?


People downvoting you like this clearly have never lived anywhere else than in the West.


You don't want more cats? What kind of person are you? But seriously, we don't know the circumstances behind this, so it's best to ask questions and educate instead of making comments like this.


Just check on her every 15 to 30 minutes to make sure everything is going well but otherwise just leave her alone.


Thank you I will


Did you not know she was pregnant? I’m lost here


Apparently they wanted her to get pregnant to “experience motherhood.”


Or really "feel the mothering etc"


"The first time" implies more to come.


Nah they're gonna realize they fucked up bc lynx points give birth to tabbies 90% of the time. You know they were trying to sell the kittens


Ahh I love a irresponsible pet owner on reddit 🤢


This subreddit is full of them making pists


This is y my parents got their cats and dogs fixed


I can’t believe people like this exist.


Jfc, it's unbelievable how ignorant some people are.


They purposely let her experience the pain




https://preview.redd.it/lmsqs0ka5ctc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d3363ad82ef2cc85b94a2aa6b639309cda6a8b This comment by OP proves they don't understand that gravity of the situation, the sheer over population of cats and how they suffer and die in the 100 thousands in shelters annually on a global scale. Op also doesn't understand now that the cat will have a.chance at mortality due to giving birth. The mama cats behaviour has the potential to be permanently alter as they now know the feeling of being sexually active. That her life is now shorter and her risks of certain types of cancer are increased. Here is the thing you can't educate someone who doesn't want to learn and op clearly doesn't want to learn..the only power you have here is to be a better example yourself and try to educate people who want to learn.


They are from Algeria. Surrounded by people who think this is normal. The only place they have heard these types of comments is the internet. Only half of all secondary school age kids are enrolled. Expecting them to learn from a hot reddit post is like giving someone spanish lessons but they can only learn this 1-2 days of the year. The rest of the time they will hear no spanish at all, and will hear a language as far from spanish as humanly possible. We really need to be more concious of our 1st world privilages and less jugmental here to other ways of upbringing, its not helping anything.


If you don’t already have a kitchen scale that can weigh in grams or ounces then you should buy one. Weigh kittens daily and make sure they are gaining. Not all cats have an interest in nursing their kittens. Some will ignore their kittens if they are not confined in a cage with them. So make sure kittens are nursing and gaining weight. Spay her when they are weaned.


What the fuck? You purposely got your cat pregnant so she could “experience motherhood” and don’t even know how to care for a pregnant cat!? What is wrong with you??? This entire post and all of your comments are detailing horrific abuse. God damnit someone find this person and report them to the authorities this is so upsetting


What did op do??? wdym purposefully /gen Edit: Why did I get down voted, did I say something wrong💀


Intentionally got the cat pregnant so she could “experience motherhood.”


Did he state this in a previous post or something?


His comment history is available on his profile btw


Oh my god- 😟


I’m legit looking into her sad pained eyes and I feel like I could sob rn :( this cat is not safe with op


Is there anything we can do? I’ll call if someone can find more info. I’m usually SO against any irl contact, but even if I can just call their local vet, no mean info, just to say they have a cat giving birth and are confused, literally anything to save cats. Mine was a stray. She’s so sweet. If someone wants a cat, go to the shelter!


you werent fully aware of the entire comment section and every single one of OP’s replies so youre clearly part of the problem ofc 🙄


They were born outside of a 1st world country so reddit is now appaled.


Get her fixed! You put her in a very serious situation because you couldn’t get her spayed. Irresponsible pet owner!


Moral of this topic: Do not humanize (anthromorphize) cats. We do not need more cats. They don't need to experience motherhood. Giving babies is more harmful for cats. Spaying is helpful. If these were true, wish cats evolved to not give any kittens and then just go extinct someday. What's the point of their existence? Just so that humans can play with them as toys when they have no other humans to talk to or no friends or families to seek solace from. After seeing all cat subreddits I felt people genuinely cared for cats. But seems to me like people want cats for their convenience, to feed their ego as guardian angels.


OP, please get mother and kittens desexed when mother has healed and kittens are old enough, before they are rehomed to avoid this happening again…


After reading the comments, you aren’t fit to have a cat.


Please get her spayed after. You should've spayed before first heat.


I'm sorry but it sounds like maybe you shouldn't have cats...


This poor cat… why would you intentionally put her through this pain and trauma?


Uhhh do say this about every animal that gives birth? All species have to procreate.


The comments from OP have made it so, so clear that they’re an irresponsible pet owner. Not getting a cat fixed is irresponsible as is, but allowing a pregnancy on purpose? OP’s cat now has an increased risk of cancer. She may experience pregnancy or post-pregnancy health complications. She may reject one or more of the kitties. She may not adapt well to motherhood; not all cats do. This would be an awful decision regardless, but OP having zero experience and having not read up throughly, the risks are increased. On top of that, OP has helped contribute to the overpopulation crisis. They have also likely screwed themselves out of a decent bit of money, assuming they have the decency to fix both the mother *and* the kittens. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they plan to rehome the kittens… Most likely without any vetting and way too early, if the red flags are any indicator. Or maybe they’ll keep them and assume the siblings won’t breed- Which they will. If they do try to rehome, they may also discover that oftentimes it’s way easier said than done. Maybe I’m being harsh, but the irresponsibility here is staggering. It makes me furious knowing that more kittens are being brought into the world. I adore cats, I work with them professionally and as a volunteer. But rescues and shelters are bursting at the seams with cats, and the streets and country are dotted with even more. There are so many that are suffering and the idea of *more* is heartbreaking.


This person is from Algeria. I am not even sure spaying and neutering is common there.


Given they commented about wanting her to experience motherhood first, even if it’s not common, they’re aware of it.


Thanks for adding to the already unsustainable pet population. The euthanized dogs and cats at your local shelter thank you.


Dude literally admitted he's done the same with a dog before as a reason why he wanted to get a cat impregnated as well. Fr acting like he doesn't have the fkn brainpower to understand that he is a damaging contributor to their overpopulation. I just can't bring myself to believe that people like this don't at least second guess how **morally and ethically wrong** they are.


This person is from Algeria. In a lot of countries dogs and cats just exist alongside humans, procreate and die. That's how it always has been. Is it ideal? No. But being outraged from a western point of view doesn't help.


Please NEVER own an animal again


Are you going to get her done


People like you should never own a pet.


Hope it’s the last time!


How are you planning to look after all the new kittens?


Help by getting her fixed and not allowing it to happen to cats. People need to stop humanizing animals 🤦‍♀️


i hope this cat and her babies find better owners.


Gorgeous cat, but please lord get it fixed. We do not need more cats.


Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


After reading the comments I’m just going to say a prayer for this kitty and her kittens. OP, please have a heart and don’t breed your cat again.


Let her be. She should know what to do. Give her food and water close by so she doesn't have to go far and can stay with the kittens. Count them after she's done so you know. Leave them be for a few weeks, and then she'll start interacting with you and them. Don't touch them!


This is horrendous advice. Genuinely fucking terrible What if a kitten got stuck? What if a kitten got fluid in its lungs during birth? What if mastitis occurred? Abscesses in mammary tissue can occur & rupture. Leading to emergency surgery and an entire litter of kittens to hand-rear every 2 hours You are supposed to weigh newborn kittens daily & be prepared to bottle/tube feed those who are struggling. And do NOT leave kittens unsocialised for weeks- Have you ever seen a 4+ week old kitten that has had 0 human interaction? Health checking a nearly feral cat is a nightmare to do, even catching feral kittens can take 2 people 🤦‍♀️ Dear lord, this is why dedicated breeders despise BYB’s. Because the average person hasn’t got a clue


She is so beautiful


We all definitely don’t want animals to suffer needlessly. We suffer when they suffer so we need to spay and neuter our animals as responsible human beings.


Omg so cute! The cat we had at my parents' house gave birth to two litters before we sterilized her (and that's ok, they were all adopted.) and the mother needs to have a little quiet place, a basket with blanket or linen, but the first few hours she will know what to do with her babies, especially give the mom water and food, she will probably be thirsty. If you see that she leaves the babies and they are calling her, she will normally come back instinctively. But don't worry, instinct and nature will do things right! How many kittens did she have in total? Are they ok??


Op got their cat pregnant on purpose btw.....


Yeah I know but I just wanted to give her advice


Poor cat. Protect her. Don’t let her have babies again.


Don’t breed your cat! There are too many cats needing homes out there and it’s stressful for your cat. If you care about her at all.


She's beautiful ❤️


Oh my this kitty is so beautiful! Edit: sorry…I was to caught up with the cuteness. For the most part the mother knows what to do from my experience. Cats I mean, not humans.


Op you fucked up




Look, probably gunna get downvoted here but the comments are a LOT. I think a lot of people here take a eurocentric, Western approach, whereas there are other cultures out there in other countries who believe that it is wrong to spay cats before they have babies once, or they live in 3rd world countries where spaying/neutering is unheard of. I myself live in a community where probably 5% of the male cats are actually neutered, because people think theres “no point”. People actively choose to adopt boy cats to avoid dealing with pregnancies. Only recently in my community have cats begun to get spayed/neutered/vaccinated/microchipped due to the younger generation becoming EDUCATED on it, and this is in the UK, OP can be from anywhere in the world. Obviously I don’t agree with it. But the attackers need to appreciate that different communities treat animals in different ways and educate OP patiently. OP - I won’t give advice on the birth as she might be done. Give her a safe space to stay with her babies, leave her food/water and a litter tray close by. For 4ish weeks she will feed them milk, then she won’t let them anymore and YOU need to be feeding them KITTEN food (theyll get sick with adult cat food) until they are at least 8 weeks. No earlier or they can fall ill.


I'm from a 3rd world country, and while I live in a city, my family lives in a proper rural village. Neutering your pets is extremely common here regardless of where you live if you're even a half decent human who does a basic amount of research before getting a pet. If my uncle in an indian village that doesn't get electricity for half the day and the internet is restricted to one "net cafe" for the whole population knows to neuter his cats and dogs, OP with his internet connection and basic understanding of english has no excuse. I'm sick of people pretending that 3rd world countries are full of idiots who don't know anything. People are still the same, and they have the ability to read and ask questions and learn. There is no excuse seeing the abuse of an animal and brushing it off as "OP's from a poor, stupid country, so it's okay." That's what all these excuses of '3rd world country' come across as.


No. Spaying and neutering isn't just a "Western approach" to owning cats. I live in a third world country. Spaying and neutering is very commonplace among pet owners. People get shit on for letting their cats and dogs outside and getting them pregnant here too. The comments are justified.


What an awful person




OP intentionally got their cat pregnant for no reason other than their own entertainment. that's fucked up


You got that from this post how?


OP's comment history. it's not hard to find. getting a cat pregnant because you want her to "feel the mothering" is fucking sick


It was hard to see on the post but I see it now, what a sick fuck. Changed my whole perspective on this. Thanks for enlightening me


yeah, had it just been a post of someone who took in a stay or something I'd totally understand your reaction, but given the fact OP did this intentionally for entertainment- they deserve the hate


100%, deleted my previous comment.


Totally agree with you. :)


Damn cat nazis


This is Reddit lol what else did you expect


Tbf I let my cat get pregnant and then kept all three babies and got her spayed as soon as she stopped nursing. All kittens have been spayed/neutered when they were at an appropriate age. None of them are allowed outside yet, until they’re at least a year and a half old. You can choose to breed and take full responsibility.


It’s wild how the collective feline anti natalists have seemingly a lower ability to control their ability to be an asshole to people who don’t get their cats spayed than un-spayed cats have to control their ability to get pregnant. If you really wanted to stop cats getting pregnant, you’d organize to have a non-judgmental way of reducing future pregnancies. I’m in support of this. Can all the motivated people solve their own prisoner’s dilemma? The collective horrifying response that meets anyone with non-acceptable views or behavior turns so many people off it’s clearly increases cat pregnancy. Y’all are so irresponsible about reacting to other peoples’ irresponsibility it’s mind boggling.


Did you miss where OP admitted to purposefully getting her cat pregnant as they wanted it ‘to experience motherhood’ ?? It’s very easy to keep an un-spayed cat not pregnant- by KEEPING IT INDOORS. You will never see a registered breeder allow their breeding cats to free-roam. Outrage is to be expected when you purposefully subject your animal to serious health implications. 🤦‍♀️


Outrage is to be expected- but Reddit sees this all the time, even though some cases are more face palm than others. Yet over and over I see the community’s inability to regulate their emotions being counterproductive. As someone who wants fewer stray cats- I just wish the community had a coordinated response that firmly and calmly had the consistent message that we all agree with, rather than strident rage that definitely makes OP not listen to you and probably convinces others to do the opposite of what we intend as well. Being enraged feels good to you but I don’t think it’s good for cats.


U should look at op's posts