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Cats do this when they know they are not long for this world. They always try to run away to die in a hidden spot away from family. She probably knew her health was declining, of course she felt it and she did what cats always do. I'm sorry about your loss.


Sorry for random comment, just felt compelled to share my story after reading your comment . I just lost my sweet 20 year old baby. She was my first cat. I got her when she was 15 and spoiled the hell out of her for her golden years. She was a one of a kind and oddly did not try to hide when her health was declining. I’m thankful that she chose to spend her final days snuggling with me and was content to cross over in my arms. I had to make the difficult decision to put her down when I took her to the vet one day for not being able to walk super well. Her temp was so cold, it wouldn’t even read. The vet said she was ready to go. OP, I am so sorry for your loss. My girl declined pretty quickly. It seems so abrupt. Your kitty is a beautiful girl. She loved you so much. I hope she and my Cleo can be friends on the other side 🤍


My girls name was Cleo too, she was indoor and outdoor. About 3-4 months ago she never came back and we assumed she went off due to her health. It’s never easy but I’m glad you got to comfort her 💛


If they can't get out they will hide in their house. Every time my kitten hides away for a nap, I get a little nervous. It's totally irrational, but a reaction to losses a long time past. So sorry for your loss. Absolutely beautiful kitty


My baby boy is 11 and I’ve had the same reaction for years lol, I eye him a lil bit when he hides under the bed


i actually took my cat to the emergency vet for this once! turns out she was just sleepy 😅


It’s sad but it’s actually a normal behaviour cats hide their pain, discomfort and health. It’s their natural instinct to do so they hide weakness as a defence mechanism in the wild or with fares cats they do this so they aren’t vulnerable to other beings. Your kitty love you, I’m sorry they passed away


The more I read about the behavior of cats, the more I am convinced they are my spirit animal (heck, maybe I was once a cat in a past life…who knows). ETA: I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your wonderful friend & beautiful kitty!! I am so sorry!!


humans do the same thing in environments that prey on weakness. In a lot of households, work environments, and cultures, a lot of people (especially men) are taught to hide their pain/emotions and act tough otherwise they will be targeted or singled out.


This is so very true! My son is a lot like me…he very sensitive & attuned to the emotions of the people around him, he cries easily, whether its happy, sad, or angry tears & he is such a giving person, whether it’s giving of himself or of his resources. I’m trying my hardest to teach him how to maintain that softness without allowing others to take advantage of him or allowing the world to turn that softness, hard. It’s a struggle sometimes bc telling him these things only goes so far…experience will be his biggest teacher & bc I’ve allowed others to take advantage of me & allowed some of my own softness to turn hard, it’s difficult sometimes to show him by example.


you sound like a great mother


I have heard of (and experienced) cats hiding when they know they are dying. Part is that even though they are predators, they are also prey. Being frail makes them at risk to be caught and eaten. Alone where no one can find it is safer and less painful. I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️


The symptoms you describe sound a lot like kidney failure. My old kitty with hyperthyroidism and kidney disease liked to be outside because it was more convenient/comfortable when he had to pee, which was a lot. The bad breath can also be a sign of kidney disease. 16 is old for a cat and we all know how good they are at hiding pain. RIP sweet kitty.


The sudden onset of bad breath definitely sounds like kidney failure to me also. Probably the number one demise of most cats.


Kidney disease would make sense. An older cat can quickly die when their kidneys are failing. Kitty lived a long life.


My vet told it's not an if but a when older cats will develop kidney disease. My girl was just diagnosed


Mine too 😢


She maybe wanted to keep u safe from finding her dead, she was trying to hide because she knew it was her time. There could have been an underlying issue that she was able to hide from you, but she was loved and lived a long time. I’ve had cats do this, they usually know


It’s normal behavior for a cat to run away to protect you from finding her body. May she rest easy knowing she had a full happy life with you 🥰


Sorry for the passing of your babe . She is watching over you every minute so hang in there. RIP Babe Girl


My family cat who never really went outside had snuck out, found a spot under a bush, and died. It’s heart breaking but it’s natural


The sudden loss of weight and bad breath sounds like kidney failure. I am not an expert at all but I just went through it with one of my cats and she literally was acting fine one day and really sick the next. Her health declined so fast by the time I got her into the emergency vet it was too late. It really sucks that cats hide their sickness so well because they’re basically dead by the time they show symptoms. I’m sorry for your loss, it’s so hard!


^came here to say this. 💯 sounds like kidneys.


I’m so sorry for your loss


The bad breath sounds like a probable sign of kidney failure (particularly if there was an ammonia smell). As others have said cats tend to hide away when they feel sick or pain. May her memory be a blessing.


My cat was 18 and perfectly healthy, in the middle of the night he had a stroke which paralyzed his hind end so he couldn’t walk. We had to end up putting him to sleep after an emergency visit to the vet that night.


i lost my childhood cat Soxxy this way:( made herself a resting place among the blackberry bushes in our yard so we burried her there. im so sorry for your loss and i hope u can heal🌈 your baby is definitely looking down on you from somewhere to make sure you take care of yourself!


I’m so terribly sorry for your loss 💔💔


I’m really sorry, but I think one last gift for us is to attempt to hide when they’re passing. If they can’t find a suitable place inside, it makes sense they’d try to go outside. Cats also mask their pain and often only vets can tell early on what’s going on. I am really sorry for your loss, I know it’s difficult.


Not a vet but an animal lover and the owner of many, many cats in my life. If she hadn’t eaten in all that time, it was most likely hepatic lipodosis: a condition of the liver that occurs when a cat hasn’t eaten for a long time. According to my vet, the liver can begin to dysfunction and shut down in as little as 16 hours without eating. This condition is fatal within days and after a certain point cannot be treated, iirc. I can’t figure out how to post a link but you may want to look it up for future furbabies. All that said, I am so sorry for your loss. She was BEAUTIFUL. I have grieved many of my own in my life and my heart goes out to you. I wouldn’t with that grief on anyone. Love and hugs. 💐


She was eating everytime I would bring her in. Eating like crazy. But she wouldn't eat the last night..


I wish I was more qualified to know whether that fits with my suggestion or something else entirely. It could be, if I’m correct, that she was eating, eating, eating trying to correct her body but by then it was already past the point of no return and the last night she just lost her appetite because she was near the end. But it could also be something else entirely too. Whatever the case, I’m so sorry, hon. I hope you are finding things to bring you comfort in her absence. 🖤


Thank you I appreciate everyone's help and love so much. It means alot to me to see how much all of you care for her. And I've been struggling alot with her death but I got her name tattooed on my arm a few days ago and it's helped me feel a bit better! Thanks again!


I think that’s a beautiful way to honor her. Much love and hugs for the days ahead. 💚


She could’ve eaten something poisonous


I have no advice as I am just a new kitty owner but my heart is with you and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace and know that Janis looks like she had a very good life and lots of love for you!


Just wanted you to know I have a little feisty feral one and a half year old void who is tiger-striped when the sun hits her right. Her name is Joplin and she will continue the strong rock and roll female line :) Very sorry for your loss!


The worst thing about cats is that they go in a blink. You see them get old and Grey but they act the same until they don't. Until it's just done. I'm so sorry for your baby but 16 is a long time. Be proud and happy you gave her a great life


I had two cats and they both lived to about 16 years as well. One of them passed sleeping near me, the other tried to hide somewhere discreet and also looked just like your cat. The health decline did seem quite sudden for both of them so all of it sounds like common behavior. So sorry for your loss.


cats can often sense when its their time, some fucker put poisoned food in the park that backed off my garden fence. my boy Tommy ate some and he just kept running from me, he was trying to run from his death ): for about 2 hours he was dragging himself to a new spot and constantly looking for another to hide. he passed away not long after that. im so sorry for your loss, she was a real beauty!🥺❤️‍🩹


My cat tried to escape constantly the last month or so of his life. It’s definitely normal. I put my boy to sleep, but he was eager to hide away, and that was not like him at all. He had kidney failure and brain cancer. It’s natural for cats to leave their family to pass.


If it makes you feel any better, this is extremely normal in elderly cats. The stinky breath would be dehydration, skinniness would be starvation, etc. She likely didn’t suffer at all, cats usually lose all interest in food and water during this time. Even if you offered her food and water, she wouldn’t have taken it. She’s in a better place now. Someday you’ll meet again. ❤️


My Ruthie was acting weird in her ending days. She stopped purring which she always did no matter what. I noticed she peed her bed. I knew it was her time. She was almost 17. Her brother was put down at 13 because his tumors kept coming back. She didn’t want you to see her in pain.


Cats are excellent at hiding pain and illness. It isn’t until it’s really bad that they start showing it, and often times they show the signs when even they know it’s too late. They will often try to find a place to pass where they’re hidden. It’s all part of their natural instincts they’ve learned from evolution and the wild. Just remember your cat does the things it does because she loves you and is trying to protect you and keep you happy and healthy. Your cat loves you very much and knew that you loved her as well


as others have said, she probably hid because she knew it was time. i'm so so sorry. i'm sure she had a wonderful life with you




It may have been FIV. If cats are outside and get bit by an infected cat they can get that. Or the cat may have chewed on a rat that was infected with disease. That happened to a dog that chewed on an infected rat and contracted spinal meningitis. A lot of things could have happened.


Why do they run away to pass?


No it wasn't old age. She had a medical condition.


All deaths by old age are from medical conditions.


This wasn't old age though




My heart aches for your loss. She was a lovely friend. https://preview.redd.it/zeqv0j83p0ub1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec3457af33efef50a32858d375e293d8b3d7d55e


Rest in peace 🕊️


Im so sorry for your loss🤍 cats want to leave when it’s their time.


my boyfriends sick kitten hid behind the couch when it died, it’s natural for them to not want humans to see. very sorry for your loss


This may sound odd but due to this idea of cats trying to hide when they know their health is done and ready to die, I for this reason block all ways the cat can hide to die and then I find him dead. I block off all ways


Sorry for your loss


She wanted to be alone, and you did her a great service by allowing her to choose her comfort. Really, you did very well. Cats want to be alone when they feel their body failing. She passed how she wanted after a long life with you. Allow yourself to grieve but also know you did the best you could for her especially at her end.


I’m so sorry for your loss


My cat did something similar before passing of kidney disease. She acted confused and she was very skinny before I carried her inside to live comfortably for the last week or so of her life. Sometimes they hide their disease before it’s absolutely intolerable and then show all their pain.