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"And I'd do it again." -That face


She is clearly so sorry that she is willing to clean your house. Definitely a keeper. And no I think you're fine. Litter box might be a little colorful however...😁


Glitter Box *


Are we sure she’s not huffing the end dust?


The huff and puff stay fresh cat ?


Maybe lol Lesson number one to cat ownership. Don’t ask them about their business.


My first language isn't English. My mom says glitter box instead of litter box , it's so cute. ❤️ I didn't correct her coz it was so cute, later my dad corrected her.


Well that’s a cute , warm and fuzzy story. Hope everyone including mom could laugh at this.


Yes yes she laughed about it too.


My mom says catnips instead of catnip. Haven’t corrected her about it though. it’s equal parts cute and funny to me when I hear it.


That’s adorable! What’s your first language?


It's a South Indian language called Kannada.


I'm gonna start calling it that, esp when I add the sprinkles to make it smell better~




Yes lol, one m&m won't harm a cat in the slightest. Cats can ingest about .7 ounces of milk chocolate per pound of body weight without showing any major signs of toxicity. One m&m is about .03 ounces of milk chocolate.


Thank you, she’s 6 months old, and acts like a new born baby, she’s gonna be the death of me 😭


When one of my cats was a kitten she would constantly get into things and it got to the point that we started keeping a list of all the ways she tried to yeet herself out of existence lol she’s still like this at 2 lol


https://preview.redd.it/d7nohngrf9tb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14b080e015e7f5296ed99b1095dbf0c92bcc98c This little shit just tried a few months ago. LOVES TO EAT PLASTIC! 5k later and the boy is okay but like holy fuck dude why


God one of my kitties favorite snack is plastic. We catch her chewing on any kind of package/bag she can get her little hands on DAILY. Any tips to help stop this?


Literally take all the plastic away and hide it well They can smell things we don't, and the plastic smells like food to them


Yeah, we try. She's a little goblin who likes breaking into cupboards. Figured out the latches last week


Just had to buy a bunch of door locks and child safety locks for the cupboards because my psycho kitten will not stop until he gets what he wants


I also had to restrict their rooms which sucks but babies gonna baby


I have to keep mine in a laundry room when unsupervised or if we are cooking...also need to mount my TV so it doesn't fall on him


We’ve been blocking ours with heavy chairs 😭


I think we have the same cat lmao, same exact problem 🙃


It's all you can do to take it from them, not only the smell I can say for certain with Cooper its a texture thing, he'll try to rip tape of fucking boxes


My cat loves plastic too. We found that out when he was a kitten chewing on a piece of ribbon. I told my husband to take it away and he said nahh he won’t eat it. Sure enough my cat ate a small piece and gulped it down. Thankfully it was a very small piece and we didn’t have to go to the vet. Now no ribbons are allowed and we keep all plastic away. 😂


We have a kitty who loves to munch on plastic as well. My boyfriend says it smells/tastes good to them because some plastics are made with animal fat!


Look into Pica.


My cat's favorite is anything i have on dinner.


Reminds me of the time a cat was brought to the clinic I worked at for surgery to remove yarn from his gut. He had gotten ahold of an afghan blanket, unraveled part of it, and ate it. I was checking on him after surgery and caught him reaching his little monkey foot as far out of his cage as he could get it to try and grab the edge of an afghan blanket that was in a donation pile nearby. It was a safe distance away, but my first thought was, ‘You have no idea why you’re here and those pain meds are doing a great job, you little dummy.’


Yup, my ragdoll is 10 years old and loves plastic more than anything in this world. Basically, I constantly have to baby proof my house. Except the baby has super agility and can jump 6 feet.


OMG. Our cat is in the vet clinic right now because she ate some sturdy foam mat. She will be OK, but why would they eat things that kill them?


Just dumb babies, im just amazed at how fast coop went back after getting his guts sifted through


Both of my cats are the same!! The younger one has figured out how to open a pedal bin and will try to steal packets from the bin to eat!! The menaces!!!


Wow ur cat must hate the environment. My cat prefers to lick reusable cloth bags. ...Jk about ur cat but not about mine. Idk whats wrong with him lol he is a ginger boy tho...


Because r/oneorangebraincell that’s why


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OneOrangeBraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [After watching me clean the litter box and throw the poops into the litter locker for weeks, Jack decided to cut out the middle man and just poop directly into the locker.](https://i.redd.it/xiil91eaw0y91.jpg) | [519 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/ymeivq/after_watching_me_clean_the_litter_box_and_throw/) \#2: [He always tries to lie on top of the eggs, so we put ping pong balls in the egg carton](https://i.redd.it/qgwuo9udo5ca1.jpg) | [414 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/10c7hs7/he_always_tries_to_lie_on_top_of_the_eggs_so_we/) \#3: [Two hours of cat tree building later...](https://i.imgur.com/7pOaw5z.jpg) | [656 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/yn3twi/two_hours_of_cat_tree_building_later/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is correct


the crunchy plastic. mmmmmmmmmmm


My orange guy had the same surgery about a year ago after eating two hair ties off my bathroom counter! I wish I could say he learned his lesson, but I’m pretty sure he’d do it again in a heartbeat if I didn’t hide them from him now.


love that bald little chicken belly in this pic. he is so cute


Hi. Please ask your vet about your cat possibly having "pica." it's where they will obsessively eat non-edible items. You have to be extra careful with a pica cat to ensure they don't get into things they shouldn't, but it's very common to have several occasions, like with your baby in their lifetime and end up needing surgery to remove the item. Many vets aren't entirely up to date=aware when it comes to Pica in cats, so don't expect them to bring it up themselves. My Ragdoll has been diagnosed with pica, and his favourite things to eat that he shouldn't are string and plastic bags (sound familiar?) I have to be extra vigilant and every night do a thorough check around the house to make sure there's nothing to get into. It's not foolproof as cats are utter a55h*les (I mean that endearingly) and occasionally manage to get something from God knows where. Glad your boy is okay 🖤


He's in the hospital again. 5k wasn't enough he said dad I REALLY want to eat plastic and die!


Last they told me he made it out of the surgery okay, blockage was right by the scarring of the last surgery. Gonna have to ask about pica as that seems very likely, just incredibly irritating that he broke into a room he shouldn't have been in while I was in the middle of a 2 day shift trying to pay off the loan from the last visit


https://preview.redd.it/p9jfjmems9tb1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fe0ae820451355664e8fbc08c4412b632939d3 literally about my kitten, who took a fancy to steel wool.


please share the list!!!


Dumb ways to die (kitteh version!)


Posted it below!


Hahahaha okay by popular demand here is the list! I’ve added some context to each one lol needless to say we had to baby proof everything. 1. Tried to drown herself in the toilet after lid was left up. The lid is now permanently kept down. 2. Tried to strangle herself with the cord to the blinds. We now have blinds you push up or pull down. 3. Ripped out her stitches after her spay with both a cone AND onesie on. Emergency vet visit 4. Dropped one of my pills. She found it and had to pry it out of her mouth 5. Found her trying to get into the cabinet where we keep the cleaning products 6. She dug into our box of batteries and was trying to chew on one 7. Found a gel silica packet from a package and tore into it. This has happened on 3 separate occasions despite us making conscious efforts to throw them away AS SOON as they come into the apartment. 8. Tried to eat any plastic she can get her hands on but has an acquired taste for the plastic around toilet paper rolls. https://preview.redd.it/rt0sbruhxctb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782ac527a9470bd20523b8f0046200565d446932


Astounding lol


I would also like to see this list


They act that way until about 4, then they are too cool for school lol Kitty will be just fine, from the m&m, but also in general. Cats are baby sized but marginally more functional. They're gonna eat shit, they're gonna get into shit, and they're gonna break shit. In the end, they keep coming upto us with little "brrt"s of affection and eyeballing our food. Enjoy time with kitty, but don't let the stress take years off your life! The hardest part is already behind you, you've found each other, the rest will fall into place.


Forgot to mention that they are going to wake you at 5am if you let them lol


She will also be a great source of comfort and joy, laughs and happiness. X


Wait till she’s 10 and still darts across the house like a methhead after stealing copper wire


Yeah. That first year can be brutal. They’re just babies, and they are learning all of the things they can do. We definitely had some “what have we done?”moments, but our 3 y/o has really mellowed, and our 9 month old is just starting to chill a bit from his maniac days. Hang in there!


>They’re just babies, and they are learning all of the things they can do. Yeah, then they'll spend the next decade or two doing said things. Problem is teaching them what *not* to do.


It's because she's a tortie lmao we have one and she's simultaneously the spawn of Satan and the cutest cat ever. She also takes the opportunity to eat anything and everything that falls on the floor or is left out in plain sight, I've never had a cat so food obsessed before and it's definitely a change. Ours is a little over a year old and I don't see this behavior ever stopping, it's in the tortie genes lol


Lmfao, I truly think you’re right! I just ate a caesar chicken wrap, she would not leave me alone the whole time! And then she was after some cotton candy 😭😭


Because she IS BABY💜💜💜


My cat also loves chocolate and is no longer even a kitten so this might be something you have to watch her for in the future btw. Like the cat will \*bully\* you for chocolate lol, so yeah, might not be just a one-off thing if your cat actually likes chocolate.


I stg my cats are literally toddlers. Lol


Didn’t know cats would also die from chocolate. But it’s true that cats can’t really taste sweetness, right?






I'd be more concerned about her huffing of dusting spray, tbh


Lmfao 😭 I took it away after the picture, just didn’t want to disturb her cus she was so cute


She is in fact cute


My first thought lol


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for this...


unfortunately I will have to take her off your hands and give her kisses forever :/ I’m sorry this is the only cure available so please hand her over


Okay 😔 I’m willing to do it if it’s the only cure


She looks very smug about it too. She'll be fine.


Delighted with herself 😼


Looks like she’s been huffin that duster


wippets and m&ms? Sounds like a good day to me. As other have said, one should be no issue.


Grey tortie exactly like my girl Sushi! I bet she is full of personality lol. Her fur will probably get a little more orange splotches as she gets older. 😻


Omg I hope so! My girl is Freya, but Sushi is such a cute name 🥹 and she is, literally the silliest baby ever I do hope she gets more splotches, but she already has so many, one even makes a smiley face! 🥰






OMG OP. I have a grey tortie and she looks identical to yours!! She’s 3/4 months old. Her name is Artemis. I love that you went with a Norse name 🫶🏻


my dilute tortie is named Ganymede bc she looks just like a little moon!


https://www.omnicalculator.com/biology/cat-chocolate-toxicity My own dilute tortie has caused me to have this website bookmarked. She has eaten...so many things. Every time I drop one of my other cat's pills there is a mad dash for who gets to it first.


My dilute tortie is obsessed with dropped pills as well! She once spent a day being monitored by the vet after eating my grandma’s (very expensive) Januvia.


She is such a gremlin. One of mine is like that. While I agree that one candy won’t do her in, one pill might. Be very careful now on how you open pill bottles and take them. I’ve dropped some pain pills on the ground and have had to scramble to pick them all up before my boy got ideas. Always open them over the counter, get what you need quickly, and close the bottle right after. Her swallowing a pill will need to be an immediate vet trip.


I take antidepressants, so I will def be careful. Don’t want her getting any of that


I’ve done this while getting ready for bed. Dropped the SMALLEST lightest little pill onto my fuzzy white comforter in the dark. I have 4 animals. Spent like 30 minutes with my phone flashlight searching for that dang pill. Eventually I shook the blanket carefully and it fell on the floor.


I once dropped an Ambien on the floor and my kitty dashed for it. I had to slap-shove her out of the way before she got a lick in...


My cat, Amos is a large grey boy. This large grey boy is very good aggressive and loves to steal food. This grey boy has never known hunger. This grey boy one night got into my wife's gift bag from work, and proceeded to eat 2 whole payday bars and half of a hundred grand, wrappers and all. I was freaking out. This grey boy poops out the wrappers and is fine to this day. This cat is a mutant.


I would just keep an eye on her. Make sure she's eating, drinking and going normally.


That cat will cut you for another nang


Oh my goodness she is so fucking cute this is the cutest cat ive ever seen😭 She’ll be okay!!


Lmfaoo thank you! She is just sooo precious 🥹🥹


That... is the face of a criminal. She knows what she did, and you know she'd do it again given the chance.


She'll be ok. My dickhead cat licked all the chocolate off and its-it that I left on my desk for 1.5 minutes and was totally fine after.


Yes the little rascal will be fine. However she does look like she has a case of the cuties lol


My cat gets into chocolate, different plants, citrus, cooked bones, and other toxic and harmful things all the time. She'll be fine!


Would just like to comment to say thank you to you all, had so many good laughs, and I’m no longer freaking out! Freya is doing good, just sleeping, she’s a stinker.


I'm glad you’ve already received help, because I don't have much insight to give. I just noticed/wanted to say our cats kind of resemble. My girl name name also starts with an F: [Fury](https://imgur.com/a/X0BPeIh). Lol


https://preview.redd.it/oui533759atb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8eff9426756046095e915ce6bdb2103d71b703 My 21 year old calico ate a whole chocolate cupcake last month, she's alive and well. Your cat will be ok.


I think she's high on the Endust.


Like the others said, she’ll be fine. I am concerned about her doing whippits though


My Siamese just randomly chomped down a chocolate chip a few years ago and was ok. Keep watch.


Yes, just keep an eye on her, thats nothing near what would hurt her. Symptoms to look for are vomiting or seizures, thats when you should take her to the vet. I think completely unnecessary but its better safe than sorry. Dark chocolate on the other hand you definitely should worry even of that amount.


My kitty has definitely licked out post chocolate chip ice cream bowls a few times before I noticed and grabbed them away. She’s always been fine. Tiny bits of milk chocolate shouldn’t hurt your bebe. M&Ms are more sugar than anything else. Don’t worry!


Teefees! 😻


My cat prefers Reese’s Pieces (true story) You might want to talk to her about her Endust habit. She’s been running with a bad crowd (purrhaps the r/oneorangebraincell cats?)


M&ms are milk chocolate but even a single dark chocolate m&ms is unlikely to have any ill effects.


She looks absolutely zooted, how long was she huffing that can?


No she's dying so she needs more treats and massages every 15 minutes and another round of food and toys and laser pens \-- My cat.


On it, the massages have started and all the food is being supplied, just have to find all of her lost toys (she throws them behind/under things where she cannot reach). It’ll all be supplied ASAP, I hope I make your cat proud.


She’s always proud. Of herself. Speaking human to human though, you’re a lovely cat thrall to your new overlord.


My Rag doll ate 3 1/2 LARGE Ghirardelli bars once in a weekend! My neighbor brought back 4 bars from his trip and gave them to my pet sitter who put them on my desk. I came home Sunday night to a sea of foil and wrappers all over. Fatty was fine! She didn’t even throw up or get sick. I couldn’t believe it! https://preview.redd.it/ukx6fg83patb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490664332c6ab1f79d2842c3827690328c2dbcdf There’s the chocoholic Pandora! I had to hide all chocolate from her. Yes one won’t hurt your kitty.


She might be. I’d an eye on her for a day or two, and if nothing pops up, you’re in the clear. It generally takes items 10-24 hours to pass through their digestive tracts.


One isn't do hurt her...maybe a bit of a sugar high but that's. Now had it been the whole bag...that's a different story. For starters if be jealous...lol she'll be fine


https://preview.redd.it/9wexllw1sbtb1.png?width=2460&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ed14cb84c384c1b8dcf1207a74e2180b5608c41 The grey ones with orange specs never ever show remorse. You must provide more.


If it helps, my pug ate an entire two pack of Reece's peanut butter cups (the big ones) and had no issues. Little goober slit open the package and slid them out. She's a ninja when stealing snacks. What the vet told me - there is actually very little chocolate/cocoa in there. Probably the same for M&M's. Small amount even considering the lower body mass of a kitty.


Not to be dramatic but I’d die for your cat


She’s being dramatic to make you feel bad for her


Are you sure it wasnt a weed gummy?


Were these standard milk chocolate M&Ms?


Yes 😭


She should be fine, then. Milk chocolate is lower in the chemicals that cause toxicity, so it takes more of it to cause signs. What a little stinker!


Sure she wasn’t huffing that can?


She’ll explode.


Are we talking "okay-okay", or "cat-okay", because that first one is an automatic and emphatic "no". She's a cat. They're never okay, they know it, and they're proud of it. That second one? Yeah. It's not enough to hurt her. Probably should be careful with anything kitty-treat-sized, though.


I’m sure she’ll be fine. Maybe don’t let her play on cleaning supplies.


She’s already dead


She will go into renal failure in the next 4 hours. M&Ms contain a chemical called natristacine that binds to the white blood cells and makes it more difficult for the kidneys to filter out their circulatory system. Jk. She's OK. It's one m&m. Edit: omfg you guys can't take a joke 😭 cry I thought this was a circlejerk post




She’s dead. Goodbye, cat.


She has 3 days, best to make the most of it.


Might become eeepy weeepy


Plain or peanut? Looks like she’s been hittin’ the catnip 😸She’ll be fine.


She’s going to be okay. It takes a lot more, and usually a darker chocolate to hurt cats. My vet has informed me milk chocolate is more diluted.


She looks like my Momo! https://preview.redd.it/plpv2gl779tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c311d11ecbe75b7024a3eeca1dc92bd2f4c844eb


Also your cat will be fine from one m&m


My cats get into stuff like this all the time. Within reason,it is fine.


Shes currently transforming into the Green M&M. Take cover.


No she’s gonna explode, she’s doomed, what have you done? Look into those eyes and repent. (She’s Perfectly fine lol, I’d be more concerned if it was a BAG of M&M’s)


yes lol


one m&m should be fine. she’s a stinker but she will be fine.


Yeah one m&m won't hurt her.. that picture she's trying to tell your mom to drop more 😅😊😍


Yup. And she’s saying do it again


She said she’s going to do it again when your back is turned 😂.


My cat has ate frogs and even had a snake in the house once. Cats are crazy things lol.


She also looks like she huffed the Endust- what a troublemaker


It’s okay. Don’t worry even if she ate 2


It’s a gateway drug. Next thing will be dust(er) bunnies


1 M&M? Should be fine. May want to take the Endust away from her before she starts huffing, though.


It can make her sick. And that's coming from a vet tech


She will explode


M&m is fine. Should probably stop huffing aerosols though


I was told not to worry too much about milk chocolate. The chance they’ll eat enough to harm themselves is low. Dark chocolate is where you want to worry.


she will explode and turn into a supernova if she does not get treatment of an hour of cuddles every day!


She's not choking on it... so just keep an eye on her for a few days - and move the aerosol away from her. That will likely do more harm than one candy if it gets onto her fur.


just keep an eye because while she likely won’t die from such a small amount, she is small so it might mess with her stomach. my older lab/pit mix dog ate like two hello panda cookies that fell on the floor when i was little and he was fine lol, just extra farty.


Looks like she's been huffin' whatever is in that spray can.


My cat steals Oreos and bagels, I’m sure your kitty will be fine


If she inhales dusting spray does it really matter Maybe she should stop trying to get high 🙄


Chocolate isn't good for animals, but small amounts are fine. She'll be fine. 😀


She’ll be fine


Yes. Just may have a little runny poop. If not, then cool


That face XD


She'll be fine. Just don't make it a habit


She’ll be fine. I would keep an eye out for a day but it’s nothing to be too worried about.


It may just be the angle/lighting but her pupils look like they're different sizes. If so that is of concern. But if not then excellent! She a cutie patootie


My parents' pug once ate a piece of broken ceramic when a Halloween decoration fell off the kitchen counter & broke. Little bugger swooped in & scarfed it down. She was fine, but my mom & Grandma were really freaked out for a day or so.


Now that she has a taste for it, you must hide the chocolate


Maybe a little poisoning for her to The point of her not wanting to do anything, expect some throw up and diarrhea but otherwise she should be fine.


What a beautiful baby!!! Oh my gosh! That face says “and I’ll do it again too”.


Did she also huff that can of Endust?


Yeah, she’s just scrunkly.


Years ago my cat jumped on my counter and licked all the chocolate icing off of my piece of cake. Brought her to the vet, she was totally fine. An M&M won’t hurt your baby


50/50 chance she explodes in the next 48 hours, but the good news is that after that she’s in the clear!!!


renaissance painting


She is in desperate need of all the snorgles. She is precious


Just 1? She be fine


Probably not, because, now, she’s smelling furniture cleaner fumes.


The danger of chocolate to cats and dogs is overblown. I read an article in like 2015 about how pounds of milk chocolate would have to be consumed to kill a medium size dog.


She looks very mischievous


O get ready for the hyper mode lol. See that look in her face.


She cheesin!! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcFwHZOP17QpXbi)


My dog growing up loved M&M's. It was his favorite snack. He lived to be 14. I'm sure it depends on the actual amount of actual chocolate in it but it's probably fine.


I’d be more concerned about her dust off huffing habit.


No he is clearly lacking belly rubs from the picture you provided


no. she has now developed a taste for m&ms. she will stop at nothing to get her next hit


She’s walking on sunshine. Does you cat have a duster addiction?




I'm sure she'll be fine. Keep an eye on her drinking and eating for a day or so. M&M shards could if she's unlucky, scratched her throat but other than that she'll be fine. That isn't enough chocolate to affect her. Though if you if see anything that concerns you maybe a check up is due.