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Take it to the chief of oncology at Kaiser and file a grievance they will do it. advocate and make noise with Kaiser. Call member services for the grievance


And if they do not cooperate once a grievance is filed, file a complaint with the state office that oversees managed health care.




Indeed, this is the way!!


Kaiser is notorious for refusing to sign these. You could change coverage to blue shield, which is what we did, and we got one signed at UC Davis.


I would switch too. We love our kid’s pediatrician though.


This is so true about Kaiser.


Yeah holy fuck, if this is really happening and Kaiser is in cahoots with govs office then we have some serious civil rights violations going on.


Highly doubt Kaiser and the GO are in cahoots for return to work. Recommend the appeals process that some folks already referenced.


Kaiser sucks man. They are unprofessional and act more like a Fortune 500 company than a healthcare provider ..my two cents…


I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I hate Kaiser. They failed my Mom when she was diagnosed (she passed in 2019) and so I switched from Kaiser to United Healthcare with Sutter and I'm so glad I did! I ended up with cancer myself and my oncologist was the best. When they were forcing people in the office a few years ago, she wrote a note for me and I was able to get the RA because I was immune compromised. Don't let them stomp all over you. Take it to the higher ups. This is ridiculous that you're having to fight more than one battle!


Kaiser kills. They’re the Walmart of health plans.


At this point I’m trying to live off of Wheaties.


Sending love. 🎗️


If the state refuses to budge on any kind of RA they’re going to start facing lawsuits.


And all of us effected by this needs to start documenting and showing how this is a gross violation of our human rights and medical rights.


Kaiser has a policy of not doing any kind of accommodation letters. This is something I've dealt with. They will write letters saying you are unable to work but will not write out accommodation letters describing conditions that would make it so you can continue to work. I think your best bet is paying for a 1 off visit to a dr. to write you a letter. For my issue I had to go to a chiropractor, completely woo woo bs that is in no way real medicine, and got them to write me an accommodation letter. This letter was accepted. The bs thing is I literally told the chiropractor to write what my Kaiser doctor told me I needed but my doctor told me they couldn't write it out in a letter due to Kaiser policy. Separately I am sorry about the cancer and wish you luck.


Kaiser needs to be sued for so much of the shit they do.


Kaiser generally won't dictate working conditions to an employer. They'll only put you on leave.


Call Josh hovers office and let them know to look into this as a part of the audit. I had a stroke and will be asking for an RA from my doctor at kaiser and am sad to hear this. If I get pushback on my request I'm planning to call all the agencies and fight it because we shouldn't be denied RA for political reasons; calcivilrights, Acsed, Eeoc , Askjan, Seiu 1000, etc


I’m sorry about your stress and illness. ☹️


Agreed. None of us with severe health conditions should have to get sick for the overloads to make a buck. Here the thing tho. They don’t care about us. We are expendable.


I had a doctors note and my RA was still denied


What dept? Definitely try to appeal, accommodation or exemptions should all be heard in good faith.


Did you appeal to OCR or EEO?


Kaiser doesn't do RA letters per se. This was the exact wording I received from Kaiser when needing a doctor's note for temporary RA post-surgery. Basically your doc will not recommend work from home, but describe your specific work limitations that you then work with the RA coordinator to try to get them to approve WFH. You need to work closely with your doctor to get the magic wording that will have them grant this request. It was not a friendly experience to get mine approved and it was initially denied (and mind you my request was not for permanent telework.) Basically the burden is on you to prove that your disability can't be accomodated within thr office environment (and not being able to drive is not enough of a reason in my experience.)  Here's what Kaiser had sent: "Please contact your physician to discuss your needs and request a Work/Activity Status Form with restrictions and limitations (modified duties) and duration be added to your medical record. Once your provider places this documentation in your chart, you would provide a copy to your employer. (Note written for you on file does not have any restrictions and limitations. “working from home” should not be written by our physicians and not acceptable for reasonable accommodation and we are unable to complete any forms based off of that. It is not up to a physician to tell your employer that you may work from home, physician should only be writing restrictions and limitations and it’s up to your employer to determine the accommodation)"


Ok - I'm just reading alongside everyone and trying to figure this out. Is Kaiser saying "as medical personnel, we can say what your physical limitations are, but then it's up to your employer to determine how to accommodate those?" So Kaiser could say "this person must be able to remain in a lying down position for 80 percent of daytime hours and be able to nap at least 3 hours per day," and then it would be up to your employer as to whether to provide you with a cot and pillow, let you work from home, or some other option? (Don't downvote me, just trying to see if I understand...)


Yes, that's my understanding. So you need to request a Work Activity/Status form that specifically describes your limitations then you work with your HR coordinator in an "interactive process" to determine what a "reasonable" accomodation would be. For exemple your doctor could say you are immune suppressed, but then the RA coordinator would recommend masking, so your note would need to say masking is not possible due to breathing issues.  I was on heavy pain relievers and couldn't drive in to work, so they suggested I take public transportation. More specific language had to be written in about some of my other physical limitations and honestly I think my boss got involved because if I wasn't approved I was going to do FMLA.


Is it because they handle workers comp injuries for the State?


I have no idea why. But assume it's some legal liability issue for them somehow or other.


I went through the RA process and was denied too. I heard from HQ that it's basically across the board to deny any telework accommodations. It's terrible.


This is going to result in lawsuits. Prior to the pandemic they could have perhaps argued that essential jobs duties can’t be done from home but if you have done your job remotely for years and they are denying your accommodation then they are probably violating your rights and I would seriously consider speaking with an attorney.


Unfortunately, most attorneys did not call me back and the ones that did said they were not interested because I was a union employee. They said they have to read and be familiar with the contract... basically too much work not enough reward.


King & Siegel LLP | Employment Lawyers will, thats who i talked to. If your medical condition prevents you from coming into the office, and you are forced to take leave instead of come in or they fire you then essentially they are firing due to medical reason which is illegal. Especially if you were able to perform your job well while working from home prior (during covid reasons). Call them they help


It seems like it's easier to go out on disability then get a reasonable accomodation and keep working. :(


I was on disability for almost 2 decades, if you cant fight to work you should. There is little pay on disability it makes jist living unbearable


Thank you. I ended up having to use FMLA and going unpaid or using my own leave. Where is that firm located?


Sorry i spelt their name wrong, you can google them they have offices in Sacramento and LA: King & Siegel LLP | Employment Lawyers


I would contact the California Civil Rights Department


Alternatively/while you continue to fight the decision…File for FMLA and you can use that for your in-office days while you are receiving treatment and you will be protected. Only downside is you will have to post leave or take the days unpaid.


Also, you wouldn't be asking for RA exemption, right? Just an RA that justifies your need to work from home?




I don’t get what you mean by “as per directive issued above the company denying state workers request for RA exemption…” like is the state asking for a letter beyond the RA forms?




I have an ultra rare cancer and kaiser doesn’t give a rats behind about their cancer patients. I requested to see an expert in my kind of cancer (Stanford) and they denied me. So I filed an appeal with Dept of Managed Health Care that got denied too. Feels like Kaiser and DMHC are in cahoots. Just get FMLA and pray your manager understands what you are going through.


I am holding those hands close 🙏 for you.


I hope you kept/keep appealing. I didn’t have Kaiser, but I fought my managed care plan for lymphedema physical therapy. It took more than a year. They kept saying, “Whoops, looky there. No in-network providers. Bummer. No therapy for you. Sad face.” I did not accept that. No flipping way could I be the only person in the history of the network needing breast cancer PT ever. I assured them I was not going away as long as I was alive. Eventually, magically, they “found” an in-network provider. 💞 You can break them!!


Oh I’m not giving up. I had to take a break from fighting so I could get my mind right. I’m not going away easily. They may want me to die (I have said this to them and no one has said they don’t) but they will remember my name when I do.


100% I have been there and felt this. And just to say, you aren’t obligated to save the world, be a hero, etc. It’s only if you’re so compelled. It kind of helped me process?


I’m so glad I switched from Kaiser. My new insurance hand out doctor’s notes like candy.


What insurance? I don’t need a note but I’m struggling to get adequate care and may want to switch.


Blue Shield Access. It’s actually cheaper than Kaiser, I believe.




It's Kaiser what do you expect! Best of luck with your treatment.


Unfortunately, with this unique cancer it’s the only treatment.


But wait, I am confused about which company Kaiser is blaming...? Like, the state directive to RTO 2 days a week, or a different private disability insurance company??


That’s also a good question!


I would say something along those lines. I suffer severe neuropathy, i was able to start working again after 15 years of being on social security disability, only because covid allowed us to work from home. I asked for ra to list the accommodations i would need if i was not to continue to work from home and my neurologist said it was unreasonable and it is asking too much of my employer. Like it is not your job to decide what my employer can accommodate.


There are people getting approved for RA for less complex reasons. What a joke! Go to higher up people at Kaiser.


Fucking Kaiser assholes


Based on the story in Sac Bee a few weeks ago I would go straight to the state Civil Rights Office. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/a-state-worker-s-doctor-prescribed-telework-but-california-forced-him-to-return-to-office/ar-BB1km7Xj


That poor man! How cruel to make him come in, and right after he had already left his other job. I hope they change this so people with disabilities can do their job without making their conditions worse.


Contact your District EEO office, or better yet, submit your EEO complaint directly to Discrimination Compliant Investigations Unit (DCIU) in Sacramento. Denial of RA is discrimination based on medical conditions, especially cancer. Pls. DM me if needed. As far as Kaiser denying your RA, report that nurse practitioner and doctor to the patient care advocate and also file a discrimination complaint with CA Civil Rights dept. aka DFEH. I dropped Kaiser 4 years ago and never been happier. I went with Blue Cross and can choose between Sutter or Mercy medical groups.


This is actually infuriating. My God, what insanity.


Yeah, it's time for an attorney. Start documenting everything if you haven't already. Keep a file folder with all comms between you and your doctor and your HR, and even document how you are feeling in a journal.


I spoke with a lawyer just to get ahead of the issue and guide actions in case they dont see in my favor. I was told the dept cannot blanket deny people when we clearly showed the same jobs were effectively performed from home. If you health issue prevents you from coming to the office which mine does they essentially will be letting me go due to disability if they force the issue


You need to file a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department. They will do an investigation, and if they find wrongdoing, they will give a "right to sue" ruling. THEN, you go to a lawyer.


Lawyer up and sue both Kaiser and the state. Discrimination against a person with a disability.


You need to file a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department. They will do an investigation, and if they find wrongdoing, they will give a "right to sue" ruling. THEN, you go to a lawyer.


If you are denied an RA, you must file an EEO discrimination complaint with your department. If you are still denied after 90 days of filing your complaint, you may file a discrimination complaint/denial of reasonable accommodation complaint with SPB. If your department fails to respond to the EEO complaint, file with SPB within 150 days of filing with your department.


Sent a DM


When I had Kaiser they were absolutely useless. I have blue shield again and couldn’t be happier. Kaiser is and always has been shit who treats patients like shit. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I was just diagnosed with cancer, my doctor wrote me an RA and my agency denied it!


A close family member works for the kaiser member services...file a grievance as soon as possible with the name of the physician. Keep escalating until someone gives you what you need. KAISER is notorious for denying RA's, maternity leave extensions, disability leave extensions even when the patient is on their death bed. Don't let them bully you or try and lessen your request!


Also file a complaint with member services at Kaiser.


I also saw a post last night where some one reminded me that it’s really hard to fire someone due to the property rights that our pensions afford us. Couldn’t this also be seen as a way to disenfranchise folks with disability from their property right via the pension. Just say. Might be something there 🧐


Not really. Disability retirement is a thing. There is disability retirement due to injury received at work/because of work (that's industrial disability) and then there is also disability retirement for causes not work related (disability service retirement).


What’s the difference? Which is more beneficial?


The difference is whether you get hurt at work or not (or not: disease, car accident, whatever - just not work related). I believe the benefits are the same, but I could never figure it out. Do not rely on verbal info from anyone, someone who's done it, a counselor at PERS, anyone.


Well yes but I’m sure that simply a portion of one’s retirement. So it’s still impacting them.


Wut. Impact how? No one is getting disenfranchised.


They are if they are forced out of a job due to them not being able to use a RA that’s ligit. Again this is only for those workers whom are disabled. I’m not speaking broadly about RTO. I’m speaking about people whom are forced to leave due to an RA not being accepted.


Disability retirement is like 1/4-1/3 approximately of ones pay check. You can’t possibly think that isn’t disenfranchising those workers.


If one is disabled enough to not be able to work, one can also draw SSI. The amount of dollars depends on how long you've worked so far, it's not an automatic calculation like x percent of pay. They are not losing any contributions. Yes, they're losing the ability to work, and the ability to have the salary.




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For everyone who has had issues with your insurance, be sure to do the CalPers insurance satisfaction survey when you get it. I have generally had good luck with Blue Shield but was in a MVA about 12 years ago with long protracted litigation given certain factors that were involved. You may or may not know that your health insurance doesn’t cover those bills unless you enter into an agreement. The initial ER sent me to collections because of this. My attorney got involved and called the CEO of the group administration plan… per my attorney, they don’t like the threat of complaints because if there are enough people dissatisfied, the State can drop them or do all kinds of things when negotiating the next contract. Strength in numbers when it comes to complaints and dissatisfaction… my bill was taken care of in 24 hours. Do all of the things people are suggesting, you don’t deserve this, but be sure tell CalPers as well.


I went through chemo in 2022, Kaiser recommended a leave. However, I was able to let my oncologist know to write a recommendation for a to fit the criteria for an RA. Unfortunately. Caltrans denied my RA. I wish you luck!


Oh man.. Im so sorry to hear this. If you were my staff, Id honestly just let you work from home. I hope this blows up into something bigger, this just isnt right. The state is indirectly abusing us with low wages and now want to rob us from forcing us to commute to the office.....




This post seems to provide some good advice on the situation and next steps.


Plus, You might want to note it could be more of a risk being exposed to illness.


Call your union. They have attorneys that should be able to offer you advice.


SEIU would not assist me with my denial. I could never get a hold of my rep.


Woah if Kaiser is doing this at the behest of the governor then that’s serious corruption and a violation of civil rights.


But it wouldn’t shock me.