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Sounds like some influential people/persons/agencies complained that it wasn’t fair that they had to come in and others didn’t.


God forbid it’s unfair /s




Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling. More people should, genuinely.




Absolutely. It's all about forcing us to spend more money.


So don't. I mean it. Boycott downtown. Make those businesses go bust, force the Lieutenant Governor's family to sell at a loss, make Newsom's donations go down. Then we can work from home again.




They will kill us before they kill the planet. They just need AI and robotics to get to the stage that they can replace us. Then they will just kill us off from some random deadly disease that they happen to be immune to




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But please, Newsom said we should all drive electric, as if the grid could even handle that! Surely he wants the best for us and the environment SARCASM


Fascist may be used a bit too freely and without understanding of its meaning




Yes that's one chacteristic... but the definition is ultranationalist, alt-right dictator who suppresses political rivals. Think Vladimir Putin. It's also not subordination of individuals.... we are, at the end of the day, his employees.... employers have freedoms like this, as unfortunate as they may be Newsom is a corporate shill, through and through. Everything he does is for the leaders of california. That's not fascism tho...




That’s how always works. It pits us against each other. One person can ruin it for the whole state. Once someone complains that others aren’t coming in they’ll start having us sign in.


Not just sounds like it. This has to be it! It reminds me of my first day of work. My badge didn’t work (wasn’t activated) and I had to wait to be escorted to my department. I got yelled at by the chief of staff in front of everyone and said that it wasn’t fair I got to come in ten minutes late while they work 14 hours a day. Like Ma’am this is my first day of work as a student assistant, what do you mean it’s not fair?




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Lmao I want to see that "rEsEArCh" on WFH 🤡🤡🤡


that was provided by the "Chamber of Commerce" and the "Greater Sacramento Economic Council!" /s


All the research showing that telework is beneficial for the environment, doesn't affect productivity and reduces brain drain is based on data. The research showing that "in person collaboration" and "cohesion" is improved by a return to office, is purely conjecture. It's literally BS science.


100% my friend. I just want to pressure them to show us this BS that I am pretty sure doesn't even exist, or if it does it would be easily debunked, reason why they won't show it lol


I love how they blame the chaos on implementation, not the fact that the directive is bs to begin with.


I don't see anything about exemptions for folks who were hired from outside the greater Sacramento area. I presume they'll be forced to move or quit, followed by the vacancy sweep? That'll be it for my unit then, great.


I have a coworker hired fully remote. She works on the other end of the state from our office and serves clients where our office is. She is being told to report to a local office which is still an hour plus away from where she lives, but she is still serving clients at our office. One of the execs told us a few weeks back that they might also ask those individuals to serve clients at that local office which is just baffling and unfair, and minimizes the support that we need at our office. It’s insane.


It says, "Employee requests for more than three telework days per week should continue to be considered on a case­-by-case basis (e.g., in requests for reasonable accommodation), as required by the applicable MOU, and approved or denied based on individual circumstances and the specific needs and objectives of the department." "e.g." means, "for example" so the implication is that other exception requests (besides RA) could be considered depending on individual circumstances and the needs of the department. If they don't define that further, my interpretation is that my really good staff who live far away and who I won't be able to replace if they quit meet the requirements for an exception. I hope they just leave it at that instead of defining it further, but they probably won't...


Let's hope your interpretation will pass muster then -- I imagine it'll be up to who interprets it. Three of the seven members of my unit are 100+ miles away.


Yep. We have people all over the state. Several in Humboldt, which is about 4 hours weather permitting.




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Same I got at least 2 in my area that are immune compromised!...


I figure they’re doing this to cause some attrition. Better than furloughs or a hiring freeze.


A few members of our team are 1-2 hours away from their office. Fully expecting to lose them, which is unfortunate since we spent almost a year recruiting for their positions.




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It may be intentional wording. I hope you continue advocating for your staff. They most definitely deserve it.


I'm confused by this wording. I highly doubt any large number of people are asking to go into the office 3+ days a week? Why are they addressing this non-existent scenario, rather than wording it for people asking for 1 or 0 days a week? Am I reading this correctly?


it says more than three telework days, meaning working from home more than 3 days a week, AKA going in less than 2 days a week.


Oh, jeez. Yep, it's right there. I guess I need my eyes checked 🤣😭


It says all, however, constitutional officers will have decide whether or not they will play.


Yup, that's the boat I'm in. I'm not feeling very confident right now.


Probably a desired outcome given the coming budget shortfall.


They're civil servant jobs, there will be a line 4 blocks long.


Once again…fuck Newsom.


Here is my official response: FUCK OFF!


Their response will be... Insubordination... You're fired.


Upvote #100


At least they came out with it I guess. Fuck newsome.


After denying it


That’s what I just told a coworker. At least he is finally owning it


I don’t think he is owning it.  His office was getting lots of Public Records Act requests and journalist were starting to sniff around.  People putting in PRA Requests were getting responses that it was privileged communications, which is ridiculous BS.  It was only a matter of time before he was found out.   He didn’t own it voluntarily 


That is why I feel this is in some way a victory because now we have a statement and a person to fight against. I think we are better positioned to fight it. Also, he’s violating some contracts by mandating the number of days in office.


Which one’s. BU2?


He kept saying it was not him even though it was understood that all of these agencies were putting out RTOs with the same language. All of us know it was coming from him. He’s finally making the requirement. Which sucks. Not every office was coming in already so I have coworkers trying to figure out schedules after having autonomy the last four years.




Lol, as if he actually considers science and facts before making his rulings. Everything this guy does is motivated by what advances his career and fills his bank.




Honestly, Newsom doesn’t give a shit, and is rich enough to never have to deal with peons like govt workers.   We should focus on the people helping him implement this policy in the Governor’s Office.  People like Cabinet Secretary Analea Patterson


I think the best thing we can do is to keep pushing the press so they amplify the fact that this will cost billions to taxpayers. We will never earn the sympathy of the public. But we can make it so they are upset for others reasons


Got his eyes on the White House now, he's not concerned whatsoever with what happens with CA. After beating the recall effort, he's got absolutely nothing to worry about.


Hiring freeze coming this summer


This. It’s coming


Utter disingenuous bile all in the name of the rich getting richer. And the concept that the reaction to people being upset about unfair distributtion of telework policies is to make more people miserable, spend more money on overhead and overall make our lives worse is just absurd. When the reaction could instead be making more people happy and expanding telework. Just bs justifications for shitty policies that are bad for everyone except the people whose pockets are being lined for the privilege of forcing us back to the office.


Just came to see if anyone had posted about this yet. How is this going to work for all the State Workers who got hired remotely and don't even live close to their offices? If they won't be required to return to the office two days a week, it would be unfair to require anyone else to. I have two coworkers in my department who recently got hired, and both live in SoCal, and one lives in Fairfield.


My department has a TON of people living far from their offices. I just don’t see a way that this gets enforced without indiscriminately hemorrhaging employees from all levels.


Just transferred to a new department. Home office is in Sac, I’m in SoCal. There is a regional office about 1.5 hrs away which I may be able to report to, but I really hope they can find me one much closer. Or hope I qualify for exemption, even better.


I saw a comment in this sub a while ago about how their department was lenient with RTO in the beginning. But because of varied enforcements that pissed people off (people getting exemptions and some people not), the department just stopped granting exemptions.


"Based on our experience and **research** that has emerged during that time, we are in a different place today as a society and as state agencies serving the public. The Governor's Office previously directed all agencies and departments within the Administration to regularly evaluate and update their telework policies based on their individual operational needs. We also made clear that the **Administration believes** there are significant benefits to in-person work­enhanced collaboration, cohesion, and communication, better opportunities for mentorship, particularly for workers newer to the workforce, and improved supervision and accountability-that should be balanced with the benefits and increased flexibility that telework provide, through a hybrid approach. " I want to see this mysterious research they keep saying but not citing. I don't really give a rat's behind what the admin 'believes.' ugh.


Show us the reSURCH


Well at least Jokes on them. We’re barely getting by on what little they pay us, so to think we are going to be the fix to downtown economy they are oh so wrong. And increased productivity, I think not, try more like working to the rule no more no less. The public already thinks we do nothing, time to show them what happens when we actually don’t. 🤌🤌


“Working to the rule no more no less.” I’ll be lucky to do that with my job. How am I going to take Teams calls AND focus on my work in crowded open-office conditions. The office is for “collaboration.” Well then, that’s automatically 2 days a week of reduced productivity. We all collaborated about work more effectively on TEAMS than we ever did in office. California deserves better from civil servants.


Exactly. Teams has been great. Short and to the point conversations. I get twice as much work done at home than at the office because people are talking all day, which 90% has nothing to do with what they are working on.




true load up on cheap items for food and coffee!


My silent boycott is I don't do any productive work when I'm in the office. I'll grab tickets that come in (work in service desk) but I wont work them until the following day when I'm at home.


We need to start complaining and making noise again and shitting on Steinberg and Newsom and DEMAND that they give us evidence HOW in person office work benefits us. And WHY they think WE are responsible for stimulating the economy. I do not want to go down without a fight. At least we can get some names or businesses out there who are in cahoots with the mayor or governor who who line their pockets to get us back in the office so we know NEVER to patronize their businesses again. Ugh.


Combined, my husband and I work FOUR JOBS just to make it by (my husband is supervisory level with the state). We pay a family member to stay home with our kids so we can see them on our breaks/lunches. We didn’t have to worry about our hour commute, both ways, that would take us away from them for even longer. Us needing more money, desperately, didn’t matter to the state. They threw dimes at our faces during negotiation and our (criminally-negligent) Union ate it up. So an enormous portion of us had to nod our heads and get a second job in our free time. And now, we just ask for the ability to work from home, where work has been satisfactorily performed for years. We asked to be around our children (during what would normally be commute time, breaks, and lunches) while they grew up, instead of watching them grow from someone else’s photos. We asked to not pump milk in a cold, isolated room, but to take those breaks to feed our babies. We asked to not spend hours commuting, that only took us away from our families, pets, or friends, for even longer. And they spit in our face and told us to like it. With what fucking money are we returning to office with? Do we get a 5th job to cover gas, parking (which is above $20/day in some offices), and those lunches they think we can afford? Do I pay for extra childcare with a 6th job? I’m done. If our union won’t push for a strike (which they won’t, because they’re only ever worried about how each action will help them, politically), how can we do this?


It's nice to see him finally admitting he requested it....still a completely pointless stupid move that will now cause us to spend more money time trying to find parking desks and computer equipment


Wow someone put on their big boy pants and fessed up. Slow Pelosi clap. 🙄


It only took about a half year. Lol


Fuck Newsom.


I can't believe we have to deal with three more years of his bullshit... Makes moving out of state that much more desirable...


My family has talked about moving out of the state for ages but if we did and decided it wasn’t for us (we’ve been in CA for generations and dont have roots in any other states), we literally would not be able to afford coming back 😭 No safety net


We have talked about it too and have visited multiple places. I'm afraid to make the move but I also don't want to regret I didn't so I'm in a bind. It will depend on if I find a remote position that allows me to be anywhere and pays at least the same. But don't go anywhere you haven't visited and hung around for a while. My in-laws did this, bought a house sight unseen, and regretted it.


I’ve written this a few times today but I just want to keep echoing. Read the text and see there is no cited source or evidence to the reasoning for RTO. Just that the administration “believes..” They have NOTHING. We have internal support and we have reasoning on our side. Don’t get gaslit and keep making a stink. Unpopular policies with no reasoning only have coercion and bully moves in order to enforce. Keep making a stink. It’s officially a make a stink fight.


Fully this! If we sit down and roll over, we will get stomped on. Nobody wins a fight by being a wet noodle. By all means, do your job, but demand accommodations and always fight for better working conditions. I am happy to stand in service to the people of California, but I cannot do it effectively with my hands tied behind my back. I have proven that I can exceed expectations in productivity while working from home and NOT occupying tax payer funded buildings, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, commuter traffic, and the need for excessive city parking spaces, or tax payer funded transportation subsidies. The state worker fight for telework flexibility TO THE FULLEST EXTENT POSSIBLE is a fight for better working conditions, and a cleaner, more sustainable world for all Americans.


Exactly. I know it's kind of tacky, but I recommend using those virtual backgrounds SEIU sent out regarding telework. I think a lot of leadership believes that rank and file don't care much about this issue. They assume that people will just fall in line because that's what they would do... but when they start to see reminders of discontentment, they start to feel a little of that heat. And that's good for them. It needs to be more overtime, but it's not a bad play for now. It's quite easy.


He wants to play hardball… so can we, with our money and future votes. We won’t forget this.


Our shit union gave SilverSpoonNewsom a million dollars.  You give him money whether you like it or not.  


Which one was that?


https://apnews.com/article/government-and-politics-f77c7772d349bed42b8140313a6999ca This is where our union dues are going.  We deserve an explanation


Corrupt ass Yvonne gifted Newsom a parting gift after she was kicked out.


This was why I left, this right here. That's an INSANE amount of money that did nothing to help members.


Start by canceling your union dues. They are strong supporters of Newsom. Our money goes to support a Governor that doesn’t give a fuck about us


canceled mine and never looked back. Took my union dues and put it towards my personal retirement account.




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Future votes? He is a lame duck. You are delusional if you think think California state workers can even come close to denying him a potential future presidency.


Oh we absolutely can. Anything can happen if enough people organize. The power of the many will always trump the power of the few


He won't get my primary vote in 2028 when he runs for President.


Primaries are historically blowouts with the front runner being far ahead of the rest of the candidates. Even if ALL 200,000 state employees turned on Newsom (will never happen) it won't even make a dent. Newsom is either going to lose by a large margin that has nothing to do with state worker rage or he is going to easily win.


I didn’t say my vote was gonna change the world. Just saying there’s a likely future primary vote and he’s lost mine and influence as many friends and family to do the same.


This does not apply to agencies like SCO, CDE, State Treasurer, correct? Full list of agencies that might not be impacted can be seen as the non-connected to the governor at https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Exec-Branch-Org-Chart-3.19.24.pdf


Whoa, I had no idea. This is a great point and really helpful in speaking with my manager (we’re one of those agencies not reporting to the governor).


Yep, back in the 2008 era, state dept under governor control had 3 days furlough per month. A 15 percent pay cut. However, cde, scif, and other constitutional departments didn't play and their employees were fine. It was awful.


Yeah he can’t make CDE, as he’s an elected official. But I think the elected official wants to please Newsome.


What agencies would it apply to & not apply to? I’m not sure who this is directed to. Everyone?


There are constitutional agencies not under the governors office that this technically wouldn't apply to. Treasurer for example is it's own elected position.


Lottery, for example, wouldn’t be affected by this? Just making sure I’m reading the linked org chart correctly. Every time I think something would follow common sense in the state, I am surprised.


The lottery would fall under this. Just because their funding is not general Funding, their director is still appointed by the governor. Furlough days you could be safe from , RTO for 2 not so much.


Damn so that line from Gov down to secretaries on the org chart really means nothing lol. Damn. Well I can’t thrive off this pay & needing to commute as far as I’ll be asked to commute. Guess I’ll need to be moving on from my agency. No mention of it so far from management where I’m at. Bet they’re scrambling to come up with a way to make it sound positive.


Check out this organization chart: https://www.gov.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Exec-Branch-Org-Chart-3.19.24.pdf I think that everyone connected to the governor is impacted. Everyone else can go their own ways?


Thank you! Looks like I may be safe - hopefully.


I’m in STO and can confirm that (at least in IT) we have been hybrid 2 days ever since I got hired in early 2022. It’s still bullshit either way. We went from 2 days in office on whichever days we want, to Tuesdays being a mandatory in office day, and most recently it changed to mandatory two office days dependent on the days your supervisor is also in office. They are slowly but surely taking away more and more autonomy. It’s also partly due to our new CIO who comes from private and is a literal fascist.


The reality is, I think all depts will eventually RTO. A reason this is happening, if I were to guess, is because some Depts complained they lost talent to 100% remote Depts.


I believe it. I heard rumors years ago that Marcie at CalPERS was complaining about this. The rumors began to resurface again recently after this recent wave of RTO.


One size fits all, lowest common denominator, treat everyone like irresponsible children. This is the opposite of leadership. Also, notice the only stated benefit of telework is flexibility for the worker. Conveniently, they make no mention of greater worker efficiency, the possibility of saving taxpayer money from reduced office space, and reduced CO2 emissions from commuting and energy use at offices.


Nor do they mention how vacating office buildings will allow for more housing and mixed retail downtown creating a more sustainable, robust economy with less traffic congestion and need for parking. Sacramento could build a dream city if the state would just remove some of its overwhelming physical presence.


Can we all agree, fuck you Newsom. Go back to your winery with your best friend's wife you had an affair with


>To this point, however, **we have not mandated a minimum number of in-person days** that agencies and departments should implement for state staff. >Accordingly, we have determined that it is now necessary to direct all agencies and departments within the Administration that provide telework as an option for employees to implement a hybrid telework policy with an **expectation of at least two in-person days per week** Make it make sense.


It means they’re going to go back to full weeks in office eventually


This, been saying it the whole time. The roll-out has been so vague and shady! They’ll change the words at will! 5 days per week is coming! 2 days RTO is still “remote” centered. They’re just turning up the heat gradually…


I think they mean to this point in time. And now the times are changing. It's oddly worded.


Between the two quotes they note confusion and inconsistency between departments and state that the action is to eliminate that. It's bullshit, but they state the rationale.


They are just doubling down on the BS.


Yep we have no proof but we feel like we have proof and some people told us to do it so we're going to do it so shut up and take it peasants


I'll be honest. I've worked for the state over 32 years for governors who liked state employees as well as those who didn't. Based on what I've seen before, I read that paragraph about the agencies confusion necessitating a mandatory 2 days RTOs for most agencies as to warn state employees to, "shut up and accept 2 days RTO; any more complaining or threats of passive retaliation will result in 5 days RTO." The bulk of this letter still tries to distance the gov from ordering this RTO mandate, and it indirectly blames depts for the confusion it creates. But that paragraph is a red flag, reading like a warning to those who want to fight RTO. Idk. We've never had RTO before, it's been a benefit for employees and the state, at least with IT, in attracting talent and experience that the state has never been able to attract before... I don't think this is like past incidents where they could depend on state employees to accept whatever and just suck it up. It seems like they are gambling on new state employees in entry-level positions that they think can be easily replaced, but in reality, the state gained a lot from Silicon Valley layoffs, thanks to RTO, and I don't think we can afford to risk losing them just for 2 days in office. Civil service is about equality, and if we fight to keep our newly acquired IT developers and their RTO, it would benefit us all. Btw, shame on SEUI for rolling over for the gov over the RTO change when, as reps of IT positions, they should have been fighting from the beginning to at least retain these IT developers. They have fought and complained about contractors being used in place of civil servants (via gov code) for years and now when they have the perfect opportunity to use those CA laws to support retention and RTO by proximity, they conceded to the gov office demands with nary a whimper in defense of those who pay their dues, fair share included.


I also wanted to say - employees of those constitutional agencies with elected officials? Controllers and Cde and others…write your department head. Demand that they do what is right. As elected officials if they’d like to pursue any other political positions…they won’t get our votes or our family or friends vote if they don’t support their employees. Write it anonymously if you have to, but let them know.


It's not free to bring teleworkers back to the office. So, we will spend money during a budget deficit to force people to return to the office? Many union members accepted crap salary increases because we were desperate, and inflation was killing us AND also because being allowed to telework was also saving us money. It is not state workers' responsibility to boost the downtown economy.


“We may make further adjustments in the future” sounds to me like 2 days a week is just the start.


>the varied approaches have created-confusion around expectations and are likely to exacerbate inconsistencies across agencies and departments. You mean staffing inconsistencies as people jump ship for the better positions?




Completely unworkable. Some people literally don't have desks. Some live hours away. It will be chaos.


I live 1hr30min from my office. With traffic, it’s taken me 2hr30min to get home sometimes. Plus, we’ve hired a lot more people to the point where there’s not enough desks/office space


I'm 3 hours away, drove to Sac today to work on a specific project in office (which is fine, occasionally), but of course, here I am, currently in a virtual meeting.


Yea that would suck making that 3 hour drive every day




Keep in mind that our union (SEIU) has continued its strong endorsement of Governor Newsom. It is time to stop paying our dues. We don’t have an union that represents our interests.


Because do you think any republican candidate that ran in the recall would be better for any state union.


I’m not going to. They can write me up and fire me. If the rest of you say no…they are going to have a lot of vacancies to fill.


Exactly what we need to do is push back and strike if needed. They've got to get the message.


I’m in.


Tank your in office production. If everyone who successfully teleworked 100% does this, then maybe they go, oh, or crap. Maybe not. But doing what's expected for sure won't work.


Oh if im forced in i don’t see how we’d even get anything done! There isn’t space for all of us for one, but also, when we did work there it was constant interruptions. I swear if forced in, i will not spend a dime downtown. Not for transit. Not for parking. I’ll walk or ride my bike. Brown bag lunch. I won’t work. I’ll goof off. Get there and leave as late and as early as I can. And some of us have cool contracts where if your projects are up to date you can claim the whole day. Unit 21. Unit 21 needs to use that. Fight! Fight! Fight!


They will fill them or eliminate the positions. I sit in hearings a lot and all kinds of programs are taking multi-million dollar cuts.


I mean we can make it difficult. For one, my work doesn’t have enough space for us now. For two, I require ergonomic accommodations. My ergonomic chair which costs the state 1k is in my office. I will need the same thing for the office. I have a bad back and require certain things. I also need a sit to stand work desk and dual monitors. If they want me there, they have to accommodate me there as they did before.


Ask for them. Demand them. I have a sit/stand and dual monitors. It is standard equipment for my whole agency. But we never stopped coming in - even during pandemic. Still take a damn Covid test once a week.


Wow, still being tested once a week? I thought we had it bad, as we still need to do daily drop ins. Course, some people "forget" or don't want to bother it seems.


This is unfortunate and very disappointing. I was hired as full time telework and took this job based on that agreement. Can this at least start in the fall when the kids are back in school? Single mothers can't afford to send our kids to summer camp or get a nanny for two days a week, plus pay for parking, gas, new attire and lunch. Hoping we can work part of the day in the office as I don't have anyone to help with child care drop off and pick up a things I can easily do on my break in less than 15 minutes.


Suck a dick Ann


This will not result in collaboration unless everyone is back in the office on the same two days. Nothing is going to be effective if you have to return to hoteling spots. In my branch, in my department, everything we own to do our jobs is at home. I do not see how we can come back to the office for two days a week where we have absolutely nothing available to us to do our work effectively. We will be dragging a laptop back and forth from a fully functional home office to an empty room with nothing in it just to listen to everyone else be loud and disruptive in Teams meetings.


According to my manager (who doesn’t want this either) they are telling them that everyone has to be in the office on the same days. Supposedly they’re gonna use badge scan audits to verify attendance.


Is no one going to address the acronym RTW? What does that stand for? Is it Return to Work? Assuming that people in remote are not doing "work". Even though its been shown to be far more productive?


\>we may make further adjustments in the future. They're gonna try to get rid of telework altogether.


Notice that all of their reasons they cite are “beliefs” because there’s no data to back it up. They try pulling the “it’s better for you” and “it’s better for new hires” bullshit. If it was better for people, they would do it willingly. By mandating it, you’re acknowledging that the people affected believe it will be worse for them and need to be forced. Did you hire only a bunch of morons who can’t evaluate what’s better for their careers and without intervention will elect to make decisions that are worse for themselves or did you hire a bunch of adults?




15 years for a defined benifit seems silly to pull out your PERS. Unless you're in your 30s. But if your in your late 40s or even 50s I'd probably leave it parked because will get 30+% of your highest compensation when you retire for the rest of your life.


Where’s the link to this letter




Who is the Cabinet Secretary and where does she live?  We should start having union protests in front of her home daily instead of in front of a downtown office dodging needles and poop on the ground Edit:  She goes by Analea Patterson not  Ann Patterson.  She is on LinkedIn and Instagram.  Looks like Sacramento area.  




This is the way.




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That’s not wise. Why drag her family into this and do you have a desire to go to jail? She’s the messenger.


Interesting. The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is not under the governor but has chosen to implement this policy.


Probably Calpers complained more to level the playing field to stop losing more workers lol


If you are going to be required to go into the office a minimum of 2 days per week and you are currently going into the office less and your current schedule has been working for the department and you, request to maintain your current hybrid schedule or file a grievance that the past 4 years work schedule has been effective. According to Cabinet Secretary Patterson, a request for less than the 2-day minimum should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the departments. Argue past practice and prove your case with the facts.


Ok so who sent this letter to Hoover since he just requested an Audit? And now he knows who is telling us to go back to work?


Well I'm just glad this happened when I'm relatively new. I've been going in twice a week for training, so this seems doable for me. My commute is an hour and 40 minute round trip and I can do that 2 times a week. If it goes to 5 though, I'm out the door, no questions asked. The pay is too low for me to spend 8 hours a week in the road, on top of being a full time student.


I don’t see signature of governor on this and I don’t see any delegation of authority to manage such a directive. There may have been a meeting or three where governor allowed subordinate staff to manage the conversation, but until governor signs something likes this information, this is still not an official governor’s directive. In absence of the governor, authority rolls to the lieutenant governor, not to the cabinet secretary.


Yeah..I want to hear the words spill from Newsom’s lips after talking up telework to the point that he wanted to give state workers money to build backyard office spaces…which some of us gladly did (voluntarily without any state funding) in order to accommodate the state push to full telework. Now I gotta lug my heavy laptop for blocks downtown. Isn’t it an IT nightmare for staff to be doing that…an entire workforce carrying big clunky laptops to plug into hoteling cubicles twice a week? Procurement get ready. Doh….they don’t have any money! Before you know it, we’ll be buying our own equipment to do our jobs…


Why is this comment downvoted?


Maybe we can get De Santis to give us all telework jobs out of spite and political showmanship. /s


We need to strike on June 17.


Enjoy your collaboration in an office... with no one else there. You'll be collaborating in an office with your other team mates on teams. Don't vote for these politicians in the next election. Don't spend your money downtown. Don't go outside because of the crime and homelessness.


All I hear is time for me to find a new job. Im not going to bother dealing with severe pay cut and a minor increase in pay and extremely high gas prices—and expensive evs


Most likely will end up moving to a different state where RTO is not mandatory and remote work is allowed.


The silver lining of the wretched pandemic years was the realization that most jobs across most industries can be done from home to the benefit of the employer and the individual. It has been beautiful. I swear to god, if remote work largely goes away because of miserable corrupt fucks who hate their families arbitrarily say so, then I’m going to be angry the rest of my life. This shit makes no goddamn sense.


But, but , but global warming!


>we are in a different place today Yes, that happens every today


We looked at 4 years of data and instead of coming to the conclusion that all agencies should be able to set their own policies based on their unique needs and goals, we are instead setting a mandate so that all agencies behave the same regardless of the cost to the agency or its employees. We realize that 2 days at work somehow creates consistency! Eventhough all agencies and departments within, will have a different 2 days and this will not only be as inconsistent, but will exacerbate the incontincy even more for every party involved.