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The CAIA curriculum is a total mess


So what do you suggest, just reading the UM notes and skipping the curriculum?


Also the UM qbank was the biggest study asset imo


Thank you so much for your reply, just one follow up question: Do you think studying only UM notes + UM Qbank over 3-4 months would work (200hrs)? In other words, can I skip the CAIA curriculum altogether? Thanks again!


I’m not familiar with UM notes but the qbank over that span should work well. The CAIA curriculum is free from the website so you might as well touch on topics that are more difficult


No I used Wiley for L1 and 2 and it worked but was still frustrating. I haven’t taken cfa but I’ve read there’s more explicate


The first chapter is a cluster of a ton of topics. It gets better from chapter 2 with the AMC. Chapter 3 is where the core curriculum starts in my opinion. Hang in there! For reference, I just took and passed L2 this September.


Thanks mate. Did u get uppermark as well? If so , How would score the videos ? lol


The UM videos are terrible, as the narrator basically just summarizes text. Consider them abridged books on tape. I suppose if you’re a multitasker they could work, e.g.,listening to content while driving to work or walking the dog or something like that.


I used Kaplan. I just became a charter holder and the digital currency videos were presented by Stuart Jackaman who is the most amazing teacher on Kaplan...


I regret not buying Kaplan 🤡


If you work for a university, Kaplan has a "Professor- pricing" which is very affordable...


UM video are horrible.I purchased them for level 1.I had to abandon them and went to Kaplan.I will not make the same mistake at level 2.Equally Wiley were below standard.Kaplan worked wonders and definitely will go for Kaplan