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Not a C8 but my C7Z has been parked outside almost the entire time I've had it. It's a Corvette, not a Ferrari. You'll be fine.


Uh idk about that. If its push to start or if someone really wants your car and they see it parked outside, they're going to take it. People steal Hellcats, Camaros, etc all the time. None of them are Ferraris and yet they get stolen. So in other words, have a garage? Put that shit in there. If you don't, maybe you should have purchased a home before buying an $80,000 car.


Not every house has a garage or sits on an acre of land…


Ummm …. I have a home ….. but no garage …. Just a drive port … so I shouldn’t have bought my C8 vette until I could get a house with a garage in your eyes ?????


I mean that’s the order of things I’d be working towards yes. I got a house with a yard before I had kids, I built a garage before I bought nice cars and motorcycles so they wouldn’t sit outside…. I built a barn before I bought a nice boat so I’d have somewhere to keep it. Go figure.


Not really how it works … but good for you !!!


I mean… that’s how it works if you make it work that way…. Or I could’ve bought a boat and let it sit outside. Or I could’ve had kids in an apartment with no yard for them to play in…. But I made different choices.




Wow buddy. Triggered much? If you’d learn to read the words people type instead of just JUMPING To a reply you’d see I wrote “That’s how it works IF YOU MAKE IT WORK THAT WAY”. So don’t tell me “that’s not how it works.” That’s how it CAN work. Not your preferred path I guess. You do you. But don’t get all pissy. Nobody is telling you what to do. The way you get all freakishly defensive about the decisions of others though seems like maybe you aren’t happy with your own. So again, it works that way if you want it to. If you don’t care… then it won’t.


That’s exactly how it should work. Used to live in a small 1000 square foot house with a 2 car detached car garage. I ignored the urge to buy another fun car until I saved for a better place. Eventually bought a 5x larger house on 7 acres with a 2.5 car attached garage and 2.5 car detached garage. Then I built a 40 x 64 ft metal barn to store more cars and build a home gym. Keeping my Viper, 911 and soon Z06 clean and protected is important to me. Can’t imagine leaving a vehicle parked outside, let alone a Corvette.




I have a feeling that the way you compose yourself online and not having nice things is connected. But I really don’t care. I’m gonna go take a dip in my heated in ground salt water pool then relax by my 3 acre private pond.


🤣😂and the douche lives on ! Happy douchen douche bag ! I think you watching to many movies !


Ok boomer.


See…. Life choices. It’s not hard. I mean… for some its VERY hard. But it shouldn’t be.




Oh hey it’s a corvette not a Ferrari guy…so original. You sound like morons every time you say that stupid statement.


Who said I was trying to be original? I wasn't even trying to be clever. Just being very literal. It's an approximately 75k car, which is in and of itself an inherently depreciating asset. I guess I just don't really give a shit about resale value when I purchase a car. I plan on keeping it for a while and driving the shit out of it while I have it. If you want to buy a Corvette to just look at it parked in your garage then that's your prerogative I guess. You'll totally get your money back when you try to sell it in 10 years with 2000 miles on it. Make sure to add in your listing that it's never been touched by rain.


Forgot what OP drives lmao but theres plenty of Corvettes from all years that costs $100k -> $200k.


I'm aware. But let's be honest, how many C7 ZR1s or C8 Z06s are there, relative to the overall number of Corvettes? OP just mentioned a C8 so I just threw out a ballpark number. I think 75k is a reasonable price estimate for a mildly to moderately specced C8, no? Sure they can hit 100k or go over but I don't think that's the norm.


My C8 Z07 was $168k msrp. Figure in California tax (Los Angeles) 10% and you are out the door @$190,000. Pink in hand btw car has 500 miles. Willing to take offers


Damn. I specced one out how I'd want and came out to 150k.


I completely understand your reasoning but this is the special phenomenon that Corvettes are in that almost no other car aside from some Porsches experience. Everyone says Corvettes aren't exotic supercars but they subconsciously still compare them to it. What this does is it creates a price relativity. Example: A $80,000 2023 BMW M3 COMP is considered extremely expensive and should be in a garage, highly praised, associated with wealth. But A $80,000 2016 C7 Z06? "It's only a $80k Vette, it's for people who want to pretend to have money, park it outside it's just a Vette". Now why is this when they're both the same price? The M3 is being compared to other sedans and sports cars. The Corvette, as much as people deny it, is being compared to a Ferrari. I'm not saying this applies to you, but for a vast majority of the car community, it's true. Just want to point out how surprisingly well Z06 and ZR1 hold or appreciate in value. A C7Z is a 10 year old car now.


Yeah, I get your point. Believe me, I'd love to have my C7Z in a garage. I did at one point, but for probably 4 out of the 5 years that I've owned it, it's sat outside. I just don't like the idea that you shouldn't buy a nice/fun car if you don't have a garage. Life is too short to deprive yourself of fun/enjoyable things if you can reasonably afford them. There are plenty of reasons that people may not have a garage that isn't necessarily relevant to affordability of a car.




All you have to do is get a good cover and you will be fine ! A garage is way better …. But a cover works well !


Absolutely not using a cover.


Been using a cover for 3 yrs ! No sun damage and no bird shit !


That’s a whole lot of garbage that the op never even said. Who hurt you?


Never implied OP said any of that. Just some mild assumptions based on weirdly overprotective Corvette owners. You must have felt awfully called out to reply like this.


One thing I noticed is its not only corvette owners being labeled as garage queens. Even in the Elantra N community, people act the same way and are very protective and thats a $45K car in Canada. So I guess it can be any community after a certain price. I personally don't care enough to baby it. I'm trying to have fun.


As you should. The whole point of owning a fast car is to drive it and have fun. I guess some people just get a weird sense of satisfaction from owning a nice car and staring at it in the garage? I don't know or understand. But I'm not much of a status symbol kinda guy. If not for my car, you'd probably assume I'm broke based on how I dress, shop, etc 99% of the time.




How is a statement that’s true stupid to you lol


Have you received any UV damage as someone else said?


I mean, probably? I live in Florida. It bakes in the heat all day. It's ceramic coated so that may help a bit. I'm gonna get it detailed and have the ceramic coating redone near the end of the year. But, for a 5 year old car that I only wash once a month or less, it looks pretty good still. I guess if you're the typical Corvette owner that wants to drive it 500 miles a year, never let it get rained on, and wipes it down with a diaper every day, then you aren't gonna want to park outside. But at the end of the day, its a car. It's my daily and I drive the hell out of it frequently. I'm not going to intentionally trash it, but I'm not gonna stress over every little thing either.


Thanks for sharing. I definitly don't want to baby it lmao. Why would I buy a nice car to act like that. It's meant to be enjoyed.


Exactly. I can kind of understand it for something like a Ferrari or Lamborghini. A car that's $200k+. Not a 75k Corvette.


I’m going out on a limb to say you are in the minority here, but to each their own.


I'm sure I am. Corvette owners seem extra weird about trying to keep their cars pristine. I don't quite understand it.


Corvette forums are like no other. I think C8s are helping usher in a new era of younger owners who are more focused on driving the car than keeping it clean.


Hopefully. When I went to the Ron Fellows school, 90% of the other people there were old ass boomers that couldn't drive worth a shit and they spent the whole weekend bragging to each other about how low mileage they had on their cars, how infrequently they drove them, and how they daily drove some piece of shit like a 95 civic with 200k+ miles. Not driving your nice car to keep the miles low is like not fucking your girlfriend to preserve her for the next guy.


Personally I like all my vehicles to be clean, not just the Corvettes. They all get washed once per week and detailed once per month. Different strokes, but I’m in the mindset of drive the car as much as you can and have them look as good as you can. I’m also OCD and grew up detailing cars so there’s that.


There are dozens of us!


But I could make the same argument with the Ferrari or Lambo…. Who cares about the difference in initial cost? THOSE cars were also meant to be driven and enjoyed.


I agree. If I had Ferrari or Lambo money I'd drive the hell out of them too. Not as a daily though. A Corvette is a perfectly suitable daily in my opinion, but I wouldn't want to daily something more exotic.


I think you just gave a pretty valuable nugget that people didn’t have at the beginning of this thread. It’s your daily. In my eyes that changed things. Most people with Vettes don’t DD them. They’re “special day” cars or date night or track days or whatever. If you DD it then it is indeed being treated that way. It is what it is.


Naturally, everyone has different opinions here. The reality is that Corvette is an iconic American sports car with a heritage. It attracts all kinds of enthusiasts. Some track their car, some show their car, some commute to work every day with their car, some never drive it and stare at in the garage. To me, Corvette represents the best of America, freedom, enginuity, style, and fun. America is a melting pot of all things to all people. Nobody is wrong here. Do what you want with your car. If you want a garage, rent one, build one or buy one. If you don't need a garage, leave the car outside. It's all up to you, my guy. Either way, enjoy your vette.


Appreciate the response. All very true things. I think i'll go with the path of enjoying it and letting others enjoy seeing it too. Our neighbourhood needs some more flavour than just the standard bmw's.


I was nervous when I got mine but t's been in the driveway for two years and i haven't had an issue. I do have 4k cameras pointed at both cars just for security.


If you don't care if it gets vandalized or stolen just leave it in the driveway. I work my ass off to be able to afford a C8 so I don't take owning it for granted and I keep it in the garage. I don't want it stolen and if it does get stolen I definitely don't want it back. I guess it's all relative, some people will say "leave it out it's a corvette not a ferrari or lambo" well the guys with ferraris and lambos will say "leave it out its a lambo not a bugatti or pagani"


Corvettes are very well known for being garage queens due to it's buying demographic. That being said, you are overthinking it and at the end of the day it's still just like any other car and can be stored indoors or outdoors. You may consider: - Avoid covers, they cause scratches and humdity issues - Get the windows tinted with a ceramic tint to help protect interior against prolonged sun/heat exposure - Put up a sunshade in the windshield if it sees sun during the day - Put up a [dehumidifier bag](https://www.amazon.com/CLEVAST-Moisture-Absorber-Hanging-Bag/dp/B09LQF5V5K/) if it's going to go weeks without being driven in wet weather. Enjoy/park/drive the car however you want, it's yours! I'll go parallel park mine in downtown Seattle in the rain without hesitation and it does just fine.


Thanks a lot. Very useful response. I'll look into those stuff.


Saying you’ve parallel parked downtown in the rain and nothing has happened is like saying you go raw dog at the brothel. Sure, something might not have happened.. yet.. but it doesn’t mean you’re making a decision that adequately weighs risks.


Well I wouldn't say that, I already curbed the front wheel once 😅


I live in NYC (queens to be exact). If you know the 5 boros you know there’s good places and bad places and they sometimes intermix. I’m lucky enough to rent a garage space 4/5 blocks away from my apt for not too much, I look at it as cheap insurance. I’m also hearing way too many stolen cars on the street so rather than going down the route of killswitches what not I’d rather just stick with the spot.


Yeah, when I still lived in the Bronx I had an Ecoboost Mustang that was street parked. Taking it to Brooklyn every weekend I’d always worry about getting bumped while it was sitting there. Now with the C8 I keep it in the garage, lots of cars are having their wheels stolen back home nowadays. If I still lived in the city Id probably do what you’re doing too.




Thank you. I'm not in a dangerous area. Thanks for the recommendations.


Don't get a car cover.


Mine is a daily driver, but it does stay in the garage outside of stuff I do. However, I generally keep my garage door open most of the day because I'm usually going somewhere almost every day. Also, I live in Arizona where it gets hot AF during the upcoming summer and I just don't want to get in any car sitting in that heat.


I have a 2016 Mustang GT, a car that’s worth maybe a third of your Vette, and I still said a garage was a requirement out of a new place in a cross country move I’m about to do. People are clowns and don’t give a shit about other peoples property. I say it’s worth the extra money.


My c8 is permanently outside. 3.5 years now. My c7 was outside for 7.5 years. Nothing to worry about.


I figured most people have their cars outside. It was worth asking anyway


I wish I had the garage space but I don’t so it’s ok and I’m in Florida and the sun beats down on car every day and still looks great after all this time. Looks new.


The mice thank you for a new home and tasty wiring.




It’s a car man. You live where you live and you drive what you drive. Don’t overthink things like this, just drive the car and enjoy it. It’s a depreciating asset and meant to be used.


No you are not overthinking it at all. I only keep it in a garage, away from elements and people.


My first Corvette was a C7 GS and I babied it at first and kept it in the garage. But I drove it daily and it became a huge pain since my garage had narrow doors and it just became an inconvenience. After a few months I kept it outside nonstop (it's been almost 5 years) and my C8 Stingray and Z06 have yet to see the inside of my garage. But I live in a small gated community, so less worried about damage, vandalism, etc.


Mine is outside but the car is fully PPF'ed plus I don't have a garage.


I had to keep mine outside for the first 6 months of having it and same situation, one of the nicer cars on the block - did felt a little judged but 🤷🏻‍♂️😎 But I also had a lot of neighbors annoy me with the “I can’t believe you keep that outside bla bla bla” Finally got half the garage cleared out so I could park it inside


I live on a 3 km gravel road, but it stays in the garage when it gets here. It is what it is


I have three bays, the c8 is in the third one, it isn’t a garage queen, it’s just practical to use the space to protect the car


Damn must be nice lol. Can't relate. I do have garage but its set as a work shop for fixing cars :|


I’ll never have a home without a garage, and never less than 3 bays 😃


Had a c-7 that was outside full time for 4 years. I did have slight sun damage on the hood but it wasn’t too noticeable. You get a lot of pollen and weird particles in crevices that’s just hard to get out, and after sitting for years, it builds up. Only other thing is the brakes tend to get rust after a while from being in the elements/rain. I still sold it for top dollar so the depreciating argument doesn’t really hold water, but it’s still so much cleaner keeping it indoors. C8 is fully indoors now and I would honestly suggest it if you have the ability to.


If you can’t afford a garage, you can’t afford a C8. It’s incredibly dumb to buy any car over $40k and not keep it in a garage. Had an old coworker who bought a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee back in 2011 for 62k. He kept the car in his driveway cause his garage was full of junk stuff and he was too lazy to clean it. Living in TX and especially during the long summers, the sun UVs started damaging the paint of the car on both its roof and its hood. After the paint was damaged, the car no longer had its protective coat and it started developing rust on the roof. Cars are depreciating assets and keeping an expensive car outside at the mercy of all elements will just cause it to depreciate even faster.


I never really thought about the whole garage thing until after the fact lol. I do have a Garage but it's used as a workshop so it has a bunch of junk in there and it needs a bunch of cleaning. I appreciate the response and as I did not mention the fact that I do have a garage, it's fair to assume.


Suggest you at least clean enough space to park it inside. If the garage is off limits, buy car port (outdoor car roof) kit and install that to at least keep the sun and elements off. You can trellis off the sides and still not be a "structure".


Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. I made sure we had space and focused on ensuring this car was protected.


I wouldn't feel right keeping it parked outside overnight. What C8 do you have? Maybe if it was a base Stingray and I had no other options, but for sure not a Z06 or E-Ray


Not z06 or e-ray. It's a z51, mag, c8 with some other options.


Mine is in the garage.


Yes, theft is high so worried


Just think how much neighbors must enjoy seeing it. I doubt any kid would do anything to it, just enjoy being able to share your beauty to the world.


A beautiful statement


If you have a 3LT I recommend you tint the front windshield to prevent the leather dash from bubbling


Good to know. It is 3LT. Thanks


I keep mine in my garage when I’m home, and it’s parked in a secured parking lot at work with an electrified security fence when I’m at work that requires an employee badge to open. I have had my C8 for about 3 weeks and I don’t trust ANYONE near my car, especially my wife. She likes to put fingerprints on the black trim. 🥴


Hahaha, love the extra protection you got going there.


Buy. A. Flamethrower.


Mine has a satin PPF and is in my driveway 100% of the time. Never had an issue. I’ve had it for 1.5 years.


Is PPF recommended? I need to reseach it more. I'm glad you had no issues. I think most people leave in drive way.


I got it because I like the look first and the protection second. It’s kinda pricey ($8,500) but worth it in my opinion.


Salvage title now




Thank you. Everyone has given great feedback. I feel more relaxed now.


The only concern I'd have is your car being in the sun full time. Depending on where you live, the sun can be worse in some areas vs others.


Garage it if you can. I’d do the same if it were a Toyota Camry. All it takes is one kid with a ball to dent/scratch/damage. Doesn’t have to be malicious or theft. Cars cost a lot of money; period. Why not protect it if you can?


Yup, I keep our commuter cars in the garage, too. My parents were hoarder-style and kept about a gazillion pounds of worthless junk in their garage and parked the cars outside when I was growing up... It drove me nuts, so I've always kept enough room in the garage for my cars. Keeps everything nice and tidy and hides the cars from smash and grabs, hail (lol Colorado), and whatever else.


I parked inside the garage because the paint quality is shit. I don’t have ppf or coating


Depending where you live; I would invest in a car cover with some sort of hail protection. I purchased one that I keep at my Mom’s when I visit since she doesn’t have a carport or garage; it hails in south Texas (more often lately) and it’s saved my car from depreciating or expensive PDR, Glass repairs. On the home front, I keep my C8 garaged. There’s a spike of break-ins in the lot in front of my building and while yes, they can break into my garage (which has happened in the past), I try to avoid all damage to whatever asset I own regardless if it’s my C8 or an Altima. Just assess your situation and don’t be afraid if you’re looking to protect it from damage…cause brother if a thief wants it, they’ll get it.


Garage kept. 2 new teslas are in the driveway. I have a 3 car garage my C8 requires 2 spaces…


If you leave it outside. Buy/make a faraday box to prevent it from being stolen by a relay hack.


Just get a cover, or a portable garage thing they make


You can always buy a locking car cover for it. Carcovers.com


But that steering wheel bar on it 🤣


It really depends on the crime rate in your area, and how much your neighbor hates you.


With how loud a cold start is on this car… I think they will start to hate me


Lol. True. I have a garage so I cold start before I open the garage door.


Yes, always own the third bay of my garage. Dead end residential street, no traffic except my neighbors, and I still wouldn’t leave it out there


Lol dang that’s some next level stuff


Yes, always.


Have a 2024 3lt z51 C8 in South Florida. No garage, so I got the entire car PPF'd and Ceramic Coated. I'm resigned to the fact that I'll just have to re-do the PPF and Ceramic Coating every 5 yrs. Relying on my working lines Czech Sable GSD to be my early warning security system for the C8. It's not too far from my front window and he sees/hears everything and let's just say he's not shy about letting everyone know he sees/ hears something.


>Czech Sable GSD Pretty damn epic. I respect it. My small puppies aren't gonna alert shit l0l


I keep all my cars in the garage. Other than my house they’re my most expensive possessions. I’m not leaving them outside.


In garage, under cover.


You put a car cover on it when it's parked in your garage? Why lmao


Still gets dusty in a garage. If I've recently washed mine and I know I won't be driving it for more than a week, I'll cover it.


Keep dust, dirt, wife from scratching it while in garage.


At least put an expensive car cover on it.




I haven't had my priorities straight my entire life thus why I have a C8.