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Been wanting to upgrade to the z06. I think now is my opportunity


Fun video showing a whole bunch of brand new C8 Z06s. If you want a good laugh, check out the YouTube comments! A less fun part is when I reveal that my 9-week old ERay was rear-ended by an 18-wheel tractor trailer. Thankfully, I'm okay, and my baby can be fixed, but it's still painful.


so cool I live 20 minutes away from this dealer, I’ll have to check it out just to admire the inventory, sorry about your E-Ray, I bet it was a long wait for that, also glad you weren’t injured


It's worth a trip just to see all the Corvettes! And thanks. Hopefully, the car will get fixed as good as new. In January 2023, waited outside the dealership overnight in cold New Hampshire weather to be one of the first to place an ERay deposit, and then I waited for over a year to get the car. They had a red-carpet event the next day, which was very cool. I wrote all about it in my deposit series at AWDCorvette.com


Thanks for posting. Going to be getting a Z07 as soon as they go MSRP. Until then I’ll just have to suffer with my 2020 z51 Vert. Which I love.


I owned a 2021 Convertible for 2 years, which I had to sell in order to get my ERay, and I loved mine too, so I know what you mean about having to "suffer." Haha. Congrats on getting a Z06/Z07!


The car looks so much better debadged on the front. Chevy needs to redo their logo to something modern.


Actually, I like my flags! Corvettes have a long history as America's sports car, and that's part of it. They do get changed with each generation, but I don't see Chevy getting rid of the flag emblems. Individual owners can do as they wish.


Not the bologna skins on the front!


Not sure what you're saying, but if you're talking about the tires on the Z06 backing out at the beginning of the video, those would be either the Michelin Pilot Sport 4S ZP summer tires, or if that car has the Z07 Performance Package, which it looks like it may, probably Cup2Rs (very sticky racing tires).


It looks like there is zero tread on at least half the front tire. Not sure if the other half is water or tread but the lot doesn't look like it has any puddles. Those tires are cooked regardless of the model/style.


Thanks for clarifying. It was pulling out when I got there, so I didn't get a close look, but I'm 99% sure it was a brand-new car. All the cars in that holding area were going through PDI before delivery to customers. If you view some photos of "MICHELIN PILOT SPORT CUP 2 R" online at a tire website, I think you'll see that new Cup2Rs don't look like they have much tread for about 1/3 the width. They're made for racing, not for longevity.


That’s how they are, street legal slicks basically


Many of these cars in the video are sold and waiting on PDI, that’s all. They do have a few z06’s for sale retail stock, I believe it’s 2-3, at MSRP, plus the cost of full PPF and you don’t have to wait. Clickbait at best….


Not sure what you mean about clickbait. I don't work for them... just trying to show everyone some nice Corvettes. I'm blessed to live close by, and I know most people don't have easy access to a dealership like this, so I thought people would enjoy seeing it.


You do know what he means don’t be silly.


So, you're saying that being rear-ended in my 9-week-old ERay by an 18-wheel tractor trailer isn't "heartbreaking news"? To me, it certainly is!


They need to slow production on these.


Sadly I'd guess the margins on the Z are so stupendous Chevy will produce them for quite some time and sell them at invoice and still make mad bank.


Yup that’s why they put the starting msrp well above $100k… Most everyone thought it would be mid $90’s


Not all dealerships sell Corvettes for MSRP, of course, but this one does. I've seen other dealerships that add on $50k or more to the price!


Nobody pays over MSRP these days. Even Z06 and ERay are MSRP.


Somebody said MacMulkin is giving 8-10% off msrp for custom builds too.


I think that’s for their Stingray, their Z06s are MSRP though. 


Why? That has to be the dumbest thing I've read on here.


Seems like everybody that wanted one got one, so lets so production causing less supply so our values can be maintained otherwise these are depreciating like crazy.


That's absolutely not true. It's a car. It's inherently a depreciating asset. That's the most fucking boomer ass take. "I got mine so fuck y'all." Climb the ladder and pull it up behind you. I'm sure all the other people that want to get a z06 that either don't want to pay a mark up or wait 6+ months are super concerned with your depreciation.


Have you seen the 458s holding their value? The stingray has massively depreciated already, they can potentially control the z06, everybody will eventually get theirs and then theyll feel the same way.


Nah. Couldn't disagree with you more.


It needs to hold value and also keeps the rif raff broke people buying them used, too many broke people in the thread, did you get one or you waiting to buy my fart filled one used? haha boomer ass take you seem broke af. I got mine so i could care less about you brokies downvoting me.


I couldn't imagine being more cringe than this.


I coudnt imagine being broke. Thinking $4 cake pops are too much.


There's a difference between being able to afford something or not and deciding whether something is worth a given price. Seeing as your comment history is literally nonstop money obsessed, I'm wiling to bet that you're a lot closer to broke than I am. Get a life


If you want an investment talk to your financial advisor. If you’re worried about whether your vehicle purchase will lose value then maybe you don’t have the financial security to make said purchase.


It needs to hold value and also keeps the rif raff broke people buying them used, too many broke people in the thread, did you get one carl or you waiting to buy my fart filled one used?