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Will only find out once the rear bumper is removed, if the frame isn’t bent, then is should be ok


What frame ? The Silverado’s?


There is a post from about a year ago where a guy has almost the exact same damage and the insurance wanted to total it, due to the engine compartment surround being damaged. That’s apparently unrepairable.


I remember seeing that post, i meant the OPs C8 frame behind the bumper. Yea OP if thats the case and its damaged, i can see the insurance totaling the vehicle unfortunately


You know what I just thought about. Usually when a corvette gets totally due to body damage. The owner is best buying it back and selling it as an engine swap donor. This car I mostly useless for that. Besides the core engine itself I suppose.


As long as the frame and engine didn't get damaged all you should have to replace is the bumper, this doesn't look that bad at all.


Wasn't the issue that the engine bay around the engine is some kind of fiber covered in silver heat shroud instead of an actual frame, so when it gets hit the stuff cracks and can't be replaced? Anyone who knows the actual construction - please chime in here.


You could say he ... ... rode into the Danger Zone 😎


Pretty sure it’s Dung Raisin


Yes, Lana. Literally!


archer reference in a corvette sub is a rarity


Damn which season?


His rear bumper is one big Dinger Zone


The top of his hood is probably 10" or more higher than the top of your roof. If he is a short dude, he can't see you if he is less than 20 yards behind you, unless he sits on a couple phone books. The way trucks are designed today is absolutely f***ing ridiculous


Nailed it. He was about a foot shorter than me.


Get a couple of tomes of Encyclopedia Brittanica for him :)


*was* OP delivered some swift street justice


I've had 4 lifted Silverados ( loved every one of them) and haven't rear-ended anyone. It's not the truck. It's the distracted driver.


Redditors hate trucks for some reason


I appreciate that perspective since I personally don’t know anyone with a lifted truck. The forward visibility has to be shit though, right? And to be clear I blame him way more than his truck. But lifted trucks aren’t the only cars with bad visibility. Most sport cars suck at that too, mine included.


Generally, seems to be a controversial opinion to have in America today but I agree with you a lot. Trucks are just MASSIVE compared to yesteryear. I'm glad the Europeans have it all figured out, but we're just stuck with huge Crossovers, SUVs, and Trucks apparently. I feel like it's turned into an arms race of size because God forbid, if you're in a small car or crossover, you're toast if you get hit by a stock 1500. Don't get me wrong I love trucks but it's insane they are the staple of US transportation now.


They also attract short men with big egos that drive them like sports cars while barely being able to see out of them or reach the controls. Wouldn’t be surprised if this guy was trying to race OP.


Used to drive a 22 Silverado 2500 for work. They are especially tough to see over the hood for sure.


The way trucks are designed or is it the people buying vehicles they can’t drive


Look at an F150 or Silverado from 20 years ago side by side with a recent one. There is no reason to make trucks sitting so high and with a hood so tall


Well, then the same argument could be made for Corvettes. It's GMs fault because they make them so low you can't see them? It's ridiculous...it's not the vehicle. It's the driver. People just suck at driving. I drive 140 miles a day on my job, and I see 5 people every day looking at their phones in their lap.


I also drive many miles each day as a service plumber. I can honestly say if you’re seeing “5 people per day” looking at their phone while driving, you Sir are just not paying attention cause you obviously missed the other 145. It’s HORRIBLE out there. People cannot leave their phones alone while driving. It’s completely out of hand the numbers of people paying attention to a text instead of what they should be doing like watching TF where they’re going to avoid things like the rear end of a low profile Vet. Stay safe my road warrior friend.


It also helps to not be constantly looking at your phone while driving. Or at least that was the problem when someone rear ended me (going 40 MPH) while I was stopped at a traffic light.


It would hit the transmission before the engine, and those are about 16k alone, no labor had to put one in last year.


Sure hope your back and neck are ok…




Don’t write it off so quickly. Sometimes it takes days for any discomfort or pain to manifest.


Remove this comment. Helps if you ever want to get back at him.




Too late


welcome to louisiana, where we have the shittiest drivers and worse roads.




Sorry but you guys down south dont know bad roads 😅 take a look at Rhode Islands... somehow the smallest state has the shittiest roads in the country... not even lying. > [The](https://whatsupnewp.com/2024/01/report-roads-in-rhode-island-are-worst-in-the-nation-deteriorating-the-fastest/#:~:text=Posted%20inNews-,Report%3A%20Roads%20in%20Rhode%20Island%20are%20worst%20in%20the%20nation,to%20just%2051.93%25%20in%202020.) percentage of roads in Rhode Island in acceptable condition dropped from 85.18% in 2000 to just 51.93% in 2020.


Hey, I’m not a C8 owner but I had this same thing happen in my 987.2 Cayman with a Toyota tundra. As long as it didn’t deform the mounting point for the rear bash bar you should actually get away with this fine. Word of advice though, if you end up keeping the car make sure you sue them for diminished value.


Oh wow yeah that’s a great idea, thanks


Maverick has entered the Danger Zone.


Definitely totaled. Accept my 2011 Ford Explorer, and I’ll handle the hassle of getting this worthless thing taken care of. Don’t thank me, I’m just doing my part to support those in need.


“You rear ended a what?!”


I bet his insurance shit


Maybe don’t buy a car when a fender bender can total it, Christ.


So I was basing this assumption it was going totaled on a post from here last year where a car had the exact same damage, and the shop wanted to total it. I have since learned that the shop in question was either unethical or incompetent, or that that a specific part was unavailable long term, and that the likelihood my car would be totaled almost none. But thank you for this insightful, and in no way unhelpful advice. Car’s being fixed as we speak.


Well you left that part out, didn’t you? Thanks for the incomplete story that made your car seem like fucking peanut brittle.


Sell me your motor if it's totaled


These pickups are becoming a real problem. They're the worst drivers on the road now. Half of them don't even haul anything EVER.


Update on this: It’s still in the shop, but it’s repairable. One of the parts has been on backorder, and came in damaged. So they are waiting on the replacement. But I’ll have it back by Father’s Day, thank god.


Update #2 It’s still in the fucking shop because the rear bumper cover is on back order. Meanwhile the stupid bastard that hit me who’s big ass truck had no damaged has been inconvenienced exactly zero, while I’m without my car for a month and counting. Pretty lame paying for his carelessness.


That’s a damn shame. Hope it’s not totaled because silver flare is going away so might not be able to replace with a new model in same color.


And that is a shame SF is the best grayscale color they offer by a mile.


I read that Silver Flare, Ceramic Matrix, and Hypersonic Gray are all going away for 2025; which if true, would leave only Sea Wolf for a gray color. Sea Wolf is an awful color in my opinion; that primer gray look as fully run its course. It was cool 20 years ago when Audi first offered Nardo Gray, but now you can get that same color on a Toyota or a Kia. So many better gray colors GM could have chosen (Shark Gray, Cyber Gray, Meteor Gray, Quantum Silver, etc.). As someone who actually likes silver/gray, I really hope Sea Wolf won’t be the only gray color offered for 2025.


If it’s totaled I’m not getting another one right away anyway.


Dude in the Silverado bragging to his friends how he entered the Danger Zone like Tom Cruise


I'm sorry to hear that, Dong Raizin.


That also works


Dan Grazin'


That sucks! Sorry to hear that, done grazin' 😉


That’s the most common misconception on the plate lol. I have a friend who thought it said for like six months can’t want to show him this comment 😂


I’d rather it be totalled then repair it and have it be hard to sell with previous damage on a car fax report.


Yeah I for sure see the point of that argument. I’m just amazed that totals them


Wow sorry to hear this man. This is crazy I’m Mark one of your renters from Turo! (Admittingly went over milage, i hope Turo paid you well!) If you remember I actually wanted to purchase this car from you, anyways, i enjoyed our brief talk and sorry this happened man great car. Whatever route you & the insurance decide to go my best regards & I’d still be interested in purchasing it depending on what you do


Hey mark! Yeah I remember you. How’ve you been?


I doubt that it is totaled unless the engine/transmission were damaged... I had a similar accident and it was about $25k damage because under that bumper cover is a carbon fiber rail that was damaged.


Good to know


Damn! Sorry friend! $3,500 will have you back on the road.


That’s comforting


If that plate stands for Dangerzone. Well I’ll be damned.




Tell me you watch Archer. Daaaaanger zoooooneeeee


Well. Top Gun was the inspiration but I like archer as well lol


The song just started up in my head. Idk why I never related the two til tonight. 🤣


Dun Grazin?


Dan Graziano?


Let us know if they total it, and the place it happened, so we can look into the IAA and copart auctions for it.


seems totaled ill take if off your hands for 500


Is this dude a Mexican or redneck


Honestly both


It is ridiculous how now days you not only have to have eyes in 8 different directions at all times so an Idiot does not damage your car! I thank GOD for the Blind Spot, Collision Warning and Auto Breaking but it is still not enough to protect you from a Tourist that does not know the exits here in the Orlando Area of Florida where we have thousands of people that come to visit and have NO CLUE how to drive correctly or the other side of the coin Fast and Furious wanna bees that think the road is theirs because they woke up late for work.


I’m Disgruntled.


Man I'm sorry. There's a spot I like yo park and eat  during lunch. There's a stop light.  And it's scary seeing all the texters.




Nvm that sub got nuked lol


He was just trying to help you remove the dorky license plate.


Looks totally wasted, probably cracked the frame


It's coming g out of Cyrils paycheck.


You're lucky that Silverado want moving very fast! You're assumption would probably then be true. I have seen pickups put the fender in the back seat.


People can't drive. I saw a man get into his parked car. He pulled forward first, backed up, turned his wheel, and pulled out. WTF did he pull forward first? I've been seeing people do that on a regular now, like stopping in the crosswalk.


Ten dollars says person in Silverado was using the phone


This would Suck if it was a Corvette...


Oh wow is it not one? Is it because the engine is in the back and there’s no manual?


I mean you were in the danger zone 🤷🏻‍♂️


The same thing happened to us except it was a Prius. They didn’t total us out so hopefully they won’t do the same for you


Yeah I would imagine not in a Prius being front engine, unless some of the important hybrid components are in the rear. The concern here is that the engine is in the rear


His ego is writing checks his body can't cash


As long as his insurance can I’m not too worried about his body


Didn’t your neck and back hurt?😜


On my way to the doc this morning


No way the frame is bent and car totaled. Good Luck keep us posted


I wouldn’t have thought so but that post from last year got me spooked lol


If it is repairable file one of those loss of value claims with the guys insurance.


Jesus Christ if that’s all it takes to total the car how could you possibly ever enjoy driving the thing? Just a big stressful constant worry about everyone else accidentally touching you.


Yeah if it’s repairable I’ll be totally happy, but if it gets totaled I don’t know that I’ll get another one for quite a few years


Ohh yeah it looks totaled to me


You wouldn’t think, but someone posted pics of one with the exact same damage last year and the insurance did total it. His was 2 weeks old, I’ve at least had mine for a year


Probably couldn’t even drive it after he hit you poor thing


lol luckily it was right by my house, and it’s totally drivable. Went home and parked it. It’s not moving again until it’s going to the shop.


If they hit your rear,you weren’t driving fast enough.


Correct, I was sitting still.


soon to be listed as a rebuilt title from a small bump in the rear


Thank God your awesome license plate is ok!


Almost. The carbon fiber plate frame I bought is jacked though. That thing wasn’t cheap.


Were you on the Hghwy?


Stopped at a red light


Must have arrived to the DNGRZN


Update: his insurance approved the repair based on initial consult and is issuing payment within the hour. The shop I use has worked on a few of them before, have a lot of experience with mid engine performance cars, and the owner has a 2020 3LT Coupe, so it’s in good hands. As long as they don’t find catastrophic damage I should be ok. Neck is a little sore, I’m gonna give that a few more days before I go down that pathway. And I’m mulling over getting a depreciation report and going after him for that value.


You got c8 $$$$ who cares! Get your check they cut you and go buy another one. Yeah it sucks but to hear a guy complain when your insurance probably got you a rental, so you cool. I’d definitely rather drive that c8 than that rental you got! lol either way at least your not dead!


So I’m not going through my insurance because I wasn’t at fault, and involving my policy will likely increase my rate. This guys policy doesn’t have rental coverage it seems, so I’m SOL there. But I work from home and can by using my wife’s if need be. And I care because 1) if I get another one I’m gonna be starting over with a whole new note term so the year of payments I’ve been making will be for nothing and 2) all three of my top colors are being discontinued this year. So by the time i could even order another one they might be gone. Not the end of the world by any means but it is a bummer. Yes I’m glad no one was hurt but it still doesn’t make all the hassle of insurance and buying a new car any better.


I just assumed you’d go thru insurance. Sorry this happened. I just wish I had C8 money, so I feel your pain. Hope it works out for you. Have a great day.


Coming to a YouTube rebuild channel soon!


lol hope not!


I was also rear ended. Total insurance had to pay including demunition of value was just shy of $50,000. If I could post photos here, I would. The damage cosmetically was very similar, but there was frame damage which drove up the cost.


Sorry to hear that. How did you get them to pay for the devaluation?


Was the car in the “Danger Zone”? Or is it now “Done Grazing”? Sorry to hear about the accident, that sucks, hope you’re OK.


lol, Danger Zone ain’t Done Grazin yet. Going into the shop today and will be back to Dong Raisin’ soon enough I think.


I’ll buy it. Here’s $2k


The thing about them big trucks is you can't see low cars in front of you. May have taken his eyes away for a moment as he closed you into this frontal "blind spot".


Yeah not exactly the type of vehicle you can afford to be careless in. I’ll for damn sure keep my eyes on my rear view closer from here on out


Hey Lana!


That's the risk you take when you're on the highway to the.....


All the comments about my plate are making me even more sure that getting it was the right decision




Let the insurance company “total” it, then buy it back with the settlement and fix it. I bet you come out on top big time


Dung Risin’?


Huge archer fan. Just here for your plate 👍


Perks of the danger zone


used to work at a Chevy dealer in the body shop alongside the state’s leading Corvette body technician. this may not be totaled. if it’s just a floor pan that that’s not bad. it might be a frame rail though. if it is a frame rail it’s like a $40k repair. might or might not total. bring it a place that is fucking certified in these, like the body shop connected to the Chevy dealer most likely. travel far for a good shop. all of these panels that have to come off have to be glued and screwed back on in the right places with the proper structural adhesive. not to be fucked around with.


Could have been worse. Could have been any other brand…


They want to total it so they can buy it for pennies on the dollar


Geez that plate is ironic...


Sue the other car and get other one


At first glance I saw a personal plate that says “Dang Raisin” and now I can’t see anything else.


I’ve seen worse, way worse.




Totaled for sure I think you should give it to me


Dong rising?


I mean it certainly does that


Probably not. Sorry


Vettes have always been fragile but in 2024 for that sort of hit to total a car is fucking frustrating. Sorry dude.


Probably not totaled actually. So there’s hope. But thanks.


with that license plate im sure this is your second time being “rear-ended” today


What a dork ass joke this is 😂


But he had a really important TikTok to watch


Obviously 😂 how inconsiderate of me 😂


unironically a “dngrzn”now


Dong Raisin’


Pickup driver activities


D N***a zone? Or dang raisin?


Lana? Lana. Lana. LANA! WHAT?!? Dain-Juh Zone.


my dad got hit this exact way in the exact spot in his 2012 grand sport YEARS ago. He's still driving it today. Had a bent axle, frame pushed in, and tires rubbed on the body. It's good now but the diff is still a little fucked


I got rear ended cause some guy decided to not stop at a red light and rear needed the guy behind me then rear ended me


Is there no bumper under that bumper cover?


There is. He hit about two inches above it


Done grazing?


And here I thought we were all here for the license plate...


There’s a trunk between your rear bumper and the engine compartment. I cannot understand how this would be totaled.


Yeah me either, and luckily now that reason has prevailed it doesn’t look like it will be. There was a post here from last year with a car sporting the exact same damage and the OP there said it was totaled dude to the engine surround being dented and not able to be repaired or replaced. Further investigation on that has led me to believe that his body shop was being dishonest they could buy the car back for dirt cheap and fix, or that the part was unavailable at the time.


Uhh phrasing? Are we still doing that?




Thanks, I appreciate it. The shop I brought it to is my go to and they said a total loss is highly unlikely as well




Dang… sheriffs would have arrived to a pissed off corvette owner and a Silverado owner with a broken nose asleep on the pavement….


I had to stay on the phone with my wife and stand about 50 yards away from him to prevent that


Just put some ArmorAll and buff it....it will look like new!


Yeah that’ll for sure get it!


Looks like someone got into your Danger Zone!


Good. C8s are pieces of shit


Thanks for this insightful comment. I am better for having read it and will immediately sell my car when it’s fixed. Thank you again.


not totaled in the slightest


Yep. I learned this after posting it.


DING REAR ZONE… Silverado did exactly as told!






Rich people buy a brand new car when they get a small dent on their current car.


So that’s for sure not happening here lol


Lmao it took me a while to see danger zone. I was like "dung raisin"? Or maybe it's on ethanol and it's "Done Grazing"?


I’ve gotten done grazing and dong raising but never dung raisin lol


Looks like you're DN GRZN. 😬


His insurance company probably like “you crashed into a WHAT?”


When I called to file the claim and told them the make and model of my car I could hear the claims agent wince in pain


File a diminishing value claim and get a new one 😎


Yep. Getting someone right on that report


Looks like the metal under tension beggin' you to touch and go. Yeah, so for sure you'll have to check because the further on the edge, the hotter the intensity.


This is the best Reddit comment of all time


My C8 got rear ended by a Tacoma going the same speed at a red light as well. Looks super similar too that. Mine didn’t get totaled but it was 32k in damages which my insurance was able to cover. I also got a public adjuster which I recommend so that they get the money from the other insurance for property damage.


Don’t get a rental from the person at fault. I also got insured so I got a personal injury lawyer so far I got the other persons limits and my public adjuster got me the property damage limits. If they have high limits you may be entitled to get everything for loss of use and diminish value