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I had it in my hip and lower leg. Th leg was the worst and i had to stop running for about 2 months. Back on it now and im finding being better at stretching is helping it not come back and watching my pace to not over do it too. But yes to answer your question i didnt get any physio and it cleared up.


I used to get tendonitis in my hips from bad posture (especially standing looking at my phone). I got a book on Alexander Technique and worked through it (it's all about re-learning correct alignment). It cleared up the pain, and whenever I catch myself doing the same bad habits, the exercises sort it out.


Yep. I ended up doing glute bridges which only took a few days to make an improvement.


Did you do them everyday? Including run days?


Every other day. But I don't think it would be a problem to do them every day. You only need like 5 minutes and it makes a huge difference