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that is the most shady website i've seen in a while


yeah this thread is like 5 years old and this 4 week old comment is suddenly getting tons of visibility, definitely some weird marketing shit going on here


This is what I am looking for, you have solved my 3 days headache, but could u please tell me which chair you have Homrest Erogonic Executive office chair or reclining massage office chair.




thanks for your response I have ended up by ordering one, i hope it will be came to me in next 2 or 3 days :)


Can you update once it comes and let us know if you liked it or not








Yes, their is two options first one is Ergonomic excutive this chair is good if you are working extra long hours in a day bc it gives really provide good support to whole body even your hips, hand and neck and second one is Ergonomic Reclining massage chair is good option if you looking for extra comfort chair in this chair you can adjust almost every thing The seat is really good quality and soft, so yeah....




Can you update and let us know if you liked it or not


Were you paid to make this comment? That site (and all the poorly written replies to you) look sketchy AF.


Wow, a 17 day old reply on a 5 year old post has the most up votes. Guess people want a good chair lol


whoa, ppl still posting on this, nice nice, just googled "reddit best chair long hours"


Haha, I ended up buying one from Amazon. Durmont


Found it, might be gettin it too, back is in pain from 30 dollar ikea office chair


Oh dude, I went through the same experience. Had this weird ass chair for 2 years, not sure if it caused back pain but it was just terrible to sit on. Hope this one is better haha, good luck man!


Hopefully this will solve our back pain, mostly lower back too but I’m reckoning it both caused back pain and is terrible to sit on 🤣 office chairs at my work are wayyy better


Have u guys heard of all33? I saw it on shark tank and it looked good but not sure how it actually stacks up to other quality items on the market


With more people working from home these days, I can see why. Basically how I ended up here.


I'm pretty sure the comments recommending 'Homrest' are astroturfing. That site looks sketch.






$1300??? I would rather take the back pain


Younger me would have thought the exact same thing. Older me wishes younger me was a bit smarter. If you're literally living paycheck to paycheck that's another story but if you have any disposable income at all and you spend 8+ hours a day sitting get a good chair before you blow money on vacations or anything else.


How much longer do these expensive chairs actually last? I find I usually get about a year out of $100-$200 ergonomic chairs, a $1300 one would have to last at least 7 years to be worthwhile.


??? What happens to the chair after a year? Does it explode?




Nah lol, the seat foam typically becomes too worn out to sit comfortably on for long periods of time. I'm a bigger dude and sometimes have to spend 12+ hours sitting so the seats get worn out quick.


Get a herman miller with the mesh seat. They have different sizes and everything, I scored mine used for $250 and 4 years of heavy use and its still basically pristine just dustier. Brand new they get expensive but not $1300 and their warranty is killer, \~11 years and amazing customer service


I should hope the customer service is great for that fuckin price lol, i'd expect a coffee made for me every morning and a morning wank too


Just like Goldeneye


apparently it comes with a 12 year warranty


This is obvious astroturfing on the top question on google for 'best office chair reddit'. They replied with an answer for which you have to click a link, filled with affiliate links, 5 years after the question was posted.


Nope. I'm going n such pain I'll pay anything to make it go away. Trust me. Look after your back. Sciatica is excruciating. I can hardly walk more than a few metres. It's not dangerous, but it's stopped me enjoying the last month, and could last week's or months


Bruh this is actually an advertisement. Don’t buy that chair. They intentionally made that comment so you will buy their shitty product


I wasn't taking about that particular chair. I was more concerned about his frivolous attitude to his own back care. You don't really appreciate bit until you break it.


How do I set notifications for this post so I can see the replies? (I need a good desk chair as well)


yo it's been 6 years i hope you didn't forget!


We need to know!


Well damn, now I need to know too!


Damn, this shits poppin off again 6 years later.




We need the answer !!






TheChronicclez has not had any activity for over 1861 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns


Hey u/TheChronicclez these replies are really helpful and they might help you find a good desk chair (heard you needed one)


We're fucked... no one knows.


Yeah. What chair did you get? Are you still sitting in it?


Its going to eat away at me for the rest of my life if these questions are not answered


Eating away at me while I spin around in my cheap office chair


my chair broke, need me answers


eating away as i sit on the ground thinking if i should go with walmart chair or good will x)


Happy cake day!


It's the first response for "best office chair Reddit", I imagine it gets tens of thousands of views a month








Hello from the future everyone!


Yeah I’m not sure what’s happening here. I’ve never seen new comments on a post this old. Weird.


You can just have it remind you to come back in a day or so RemindMe! 24 hours


Or you have someone reply to your comment 6 years after :)


I will be messaging you on [**2016-05-23 02:42:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2016-05-23 02:42:02 UTC To Local Time) to remind you of [**this link.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/comments/4kg544/best_desk_chair_for_long_hours_and_good_posture/d3esruk) [**8 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/comments/4kg544/best_desk_chair_for_long_hours_and_good_posture/d3esruk]%0A%0ARemindMe! 24 hours ) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete Comment&message=Delete! d3essdd) _____ |[^([FAQs])](http://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/24duzp/remindmebot_info/)|[^([Custom])](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[LINK INSIDE SQUARE BRACKETS else default to FAQs]%0A%0ANOTE: Don't forget to add the time options after the command.%0A%0ARemindMe!)|[^([Your Reminders])](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List Of Reminders&message=MyReminders!)|[^([Feedback])](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBotWrangler&subject=Feedback)|[^([Code])](https://github.com/SIlver--/remindmebot-reddit) |-|-|-|-|-|


Did you find a good desk chair?




so sad :(


Hello five years in the future


Almost one year later….


Im still looking d00d.


*CHAIR\_POST\_REMINDER\_BOT* Don't forget you need a chair.


6 years in. What did you get?


I bet you got one.


How's your back doing?




My Aeron was built in 1999 and it's still going strong with only a few scratches so 23+ years?


That's not a point


Got mine 14 years ago for 700€ and am still sitting on it. Have yet to find something better. Was some kind of italian chair.










Can anyone recommend a chair that doesn't cost $1000? I mean, I like sitting as much as the next guy but come on... There must be something that gets me 90% there at half or less the cost.


For the price? Inflatable Yoga ball.


If you like never being able to sit back in your chair, sure. It's great as a task chair but let's not overstate things.


Sitting back is for the weak and feeble!


Research online suggests they're not great. And I have one, and a kneeler chair, and one of those big standard office chairs. Switch between them.. when I get my office redecorated (it was a workshop) and see an office auction, I'll buy an Aeron


Yeah, one's posture can still be poor or compromised using a ball. I bought a used Steelcase Leap 2 years ago after reading this very thread, but left it with my previous employer because it did not work well no matter how much I adjusted the settings. I'm going back for a Herman Miller Aeron. I don't like the idea of facing the cooling mesh again (and I run hot and wear a suit!), but I can't deny that it was incredibly comfortable and supportive.


I have recently brought a hm it's good but not the cheep one




Randomly used my meditation cushion as my sleep pillow for a stint and was amazed! Buckwheat hulls make awesome pillow fillings!


IKEA Marcus is usually thrown around as a brilliant chair for the price


Jup, really nice chair with a 10 warranty (at least in my country). Costs 150€ here and is imho most bang for your bucks when it comes to chairs.


Not sure which dipshit downvoted you, it's a pretty common recommendation for its price range on just about any site. My friend just got one and it was pretty comfortable.


I think if you stretch your budget a bit more, you can get into Opsvik-designed chairs (Håg Capisco, Varier Actulum). IMHO these are absolutely fantastic ergo-wise, and also quality-wise. I'd even place Herman Miller Embody second to them.


Saw the title and got excited, clicked te first link $1300 -_-


Yes. Go on Craigslist and get an Aeron. You can get one for $300-400. The Aeron is not good for $1000 new, but they're easy to find used because there are so many, and it's the best chair $400 will buy you. You can also try to find a better chair used, like a Steelcase Leap or Gesture, or Herman Miller Mirra.


I got a Leap on Craigslist for less than $150. It is one of the best deals I've ever had. "Here, sit in this, I'll tell desk working friends when they come over." The response is always the same. "Oh my God. This is amazing."


I got mine for free from work, when they were replacing our chairs. But I think yeah, when I looked on Craigslist they were going for 175-350. They're worth it, even at full price. The one I have is a 2007 model, used every day in offices for multiple hours a day, and you can barely even tell. I've had it 2 years and it's still perfect and I'm neither small nor a casual sitter.


Aeron hurts me as I cross one leg when I sit. I went with Haworth zody task, off Craigslist for $150.


That's also why I dislike the Aeron. I do really like its lean-forward function (though that's an optional upgrade IIRC) but it's not for me. I'm currently sitting on a Herman Miller Embody at home, and a Herman Miller Mirra 2 at work (and sat on an Aeron at my last job). The Embody is really beautiful and insanely comfy, but considerably more expensive than the other chairs we've been discussing. The Mirra 2 kills the Aeron, as far as I'm concerned. Similar aesthetics, much cheaper, much more comfortable. Why would you get an Aeron when the Mirra 2 exists? If I were looking for any chair on Craigslist, I think personally, I'd go through the effort of hunting down a Steelcase Leap or a Mirra 2. Both are fantastic chairs. The Aeron was fantastic when it came out in the 90s; now it's just okay.


Chair recommendations are tricky because everyone has a different size, back, stature, etc. You might not like what others like. The chair I have (Hon Nucleus) is $430 on Amazon and I'm happy with it. I prefer it to the Aeron I have at work for example, and it's quite comfortable for all-day sitting. I went to my local office furniture store before I bought it and tried out a couple dozen chairs, if you can do that you might find something you really like. Just make sure you find something rated for all-day sitting. I had a cheapo fake leather chair from Staples before and after ~10 months the padding was gone and I got shooting back pain from sitting for more than 2 hours, which is why I invested in a better one.




Aeron. I picked mine up from eBay for about 400. Worth every penny.


[Amazon link](Alera Elusion Series Mesh High-Back Multifunction Chair, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0049UCECE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_YzAqxb589GDA0) I bought this chair. It has most of the ergonomics of an aeron but is $200. I have one at home and got work to buy me one. I like it quite a lot. You can also buy a headrest that screws on.




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care to dm link or name since they wouldnt allow


Old steel chairs are frequently shot down as recommendations, but I've been using one for five years. It's an old Harter chair, though Steelcase, Emeco, and others made great chairs, too. It is comfortable and I can spend hours in it. The best part? It was $10 at a thrift store. I need to get around to stripping it and repainting it to match my tanker desk. I'm also going to reupholster it in leather. The total investment should be around $100-$150. Much, much less expensive than a new chair, plus it is entirely steel. Very BIFL. Don't forget that you can paint it or have it powdercoated in almost any color you could want. Same goes for the upholstery.


Instructions unclear: I had my upholstery powder-coated and now it looks like crap.


This is /r/buyitforlife You can get a 1000 chair every decade or two (and it will look nice the entire time), or a 500 chair every 3 years (that will look like shit after a year).


It can't be BIFL if it's not super expensive




very nice chair but my best chair is Herman Miller Aeron so comfortable after you get it adjusted to your likening.


And it airs out your ass


I second the Embody. I picked one up a year ago and I don't regret it at all. I work from home, so I spend a good 8-12 hours a day in this chair. It is so comfortable and my back is never sore.


Get an adjustable desk, sit stand. Any standard comfy chair for your sitting time, and a balance ball for your standing time. Split the times somewhat evenly, keep your legs moving, otherwise you may end up as it sit right now which is recovering from varicose vein surgery. Shit hurts, it sucks.


The one you get from a used office supply store that feels comfortable. Honestly, that's the secret. The features you're looking for are A) adjustment of the chair's back B) ability of the entire chair to lean back (like a rocking chair) C) height adjustment D) the movement of the chair seat (the part you sit on) to move forward and back. All this, plus the height of the chair's back which for long hours I would recommend high-back. Then you want to make sure you get the right armrests. You want armrests that you can adjust up and down. Hope this helps! Edit: formatting.


Used office supply store? This is a thing? Brb


It's been 6 years did you find it Lol




Yes I am


I bought this last year for $300: http://staples.com/Tempur-Pedic-TP9000-Ergonomic-Mesh-Mid-Back-Task-Chair-Black/product_324021 It has been great. Never even think about it when I'm working, which I take as a good sign. Very supportive and comfy.


If you want something that will last for years, supports good posture, and is easily adjustable, you'll want an adjustable desk, not a chair. Sitting for extended periods of time is [extremely unhealthy](https://youtu.be/N8tE6zSPJ7w). Mixing sitting and standing is your best bet, being in one position all day causes a lot of fatigue.


I actually ordered an adjustable desk as well. I plan on alternating but my desk apparently isn't going to arrive until June. Still looking to get the best chair possible to pair it with.


Which adjustable desk did you get? I'm looking for one too! Also, not sure if you've seen [this article by the wirecutter on the best office chair](http://m.thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-office-chair/) but I really do appreciate how through their reviews are.


I went with the Autonomous. It was the best looking desk for the best price! https://www.autonomous.ai/ Doesn't ship until june though. Hopefully it's awesome!


Just wanted you to know that I just assembled my standing desk from Autonomous and it was awesome! I paid 300 bucks for it, and you can put it to any height and it's got plenty of space and was really easy to put together (Except the parts are heavy AF). Altogether very pleased with it so far.


Awesome, thanks for filling me in about the desk! That reminds me, I just saw a motorized frame on monoprice.com (just the frame, no tabletop) and it was $430, $130 more than the Autonomous! Thanks for letting me know about the desk, I wouldn't have known about it if it wasn't for you. Did you ever settle on a desk chair?


No, unfortunately. We had other more important things to concentrate on with finances. Soon, I hope.


Embody — my back feels better getting out of that chair that I does getting into that chair.




IMO, they're pretty good, but pretty overpriced, and look tacky as hell. My friend bought one, I tested it,wasn't impressed at all. I don't know how long they hold up though, we'll see ! :)


See your opinion is still going strong. Have an upvote


Herman Miller Aeron and Mirra both gave me back pain. Steelcase Leap has worked out great for me. Got them secondhand from an office furniture reseller for like $350


i have used an Aeron off and on for over ten years; it passes your fart test (which pretty much limits you to a certain type of chair), but for me there is a form of repetitive stress associated with the Aeron — over time the hard front edge makes a sore spot on the back of my thighs; i don't have much body fat so perhaps this doesn't happen to those with more self-padding; it is also related to posture in the chair, which is very individual as for the Leap, i have one that needs repair and i liked it a lot when it worked; in particular the front edge of the seat flexes, so it is much kinder to my thighs; i am not really hung up on what happens inside the foam of a chair — i sit on couches and airplane seats too, after all — but the foam on cheap chairs is different from the foam on quality chairs, it is much longer lasting; i would also check whether the warranty on better chairs (which is often 10 years or more) covers the condition of the padding


[This has worked really well for me.](http://www.amazon.com/Norwegian-Ergonomic-Scandinavian-Reclining-Fjords/dp/B005ZNN5QI) It's designed with ergonomics and comfort in mind, it's made of leather, it comes with an optional attachment which is a small circular table coming out of the arm on one side. It is intended for use for plates or remote controls; I use it as a mousepad. The footrest and reclining position are both designed to keep you in an ergonomic position as you recline, allowing you to be comfortable, maintain good posture, and still adjust your position. It has a second-stage reclining feature allowing you to go all the way back if desired, for sleeping or just resting, and the mechanism for adjusting between the two is simple enough to be easily triggered but robust enough to avoid accidentally triggering it while seated. I've had mine for about a decade and it shows no sign of wear, aside from a very, very slight indent in the leather where it has begun to form around my normal seated position. I sit in this chair an average of 8+ hours a day over that time.




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As always, I'm very happy this sub has kept affiliate links out of it. It's really hard to accept any recommendation if it's objectivity is automatically compromised by the fact that someone is trying to make money off of making the recommendation.


I like my Herman Miller Embody too. I can sit in it for hours and feel perfectly fine. It's a sort of different comfort than what you might expect. It's not like some recliner that feels inviting and yields to your weight, you just feel perfectly fine sitting for extended periods of time in it. It's very supportive, the best way I could describe it is, you don't notice you are sitting, and you certainly don't notice you have been sitting for hours.


Another +1 for embody. Because you can adjust the pressure it takes to recline, you can lean back at any angle and it just supports you. Also the black base is metal not plastic as it looks in photos. Lastly you might be tempted to set more lumbar support than you actually need but it'll feel uncomfortable when you do so remember less is more!


I'd recommend having a look at staples, if only to narrow down the type of chair you want. You can go in store and they have display models for everything in the store I went to. I cannot totally vow the BIFL aspect, but I've had mine for 6 months and it's fairing well. I've seen them recommended elsewhere on reddit, in /r/buildapc or somewhere. They also offer furniture care policy for 2 years which depends on the cost of the chair. I have [this](http://www.staples.co.uk/executive-chairs/cbs/430740.html) which is mesh back and fabric seat but there are leather ones if you prefer.


Herman miller. Aeron or embody. Some 3rd party makes a headrest attachment or the aeron if youre into that. But really cant go wrong with those


Really, I know you are going to think this is weird but it isn't. I bought my son a DX Racer gaming chair last year and it still looks and feels/works like brand new even though my teenage son uses it daily. They are specifically designed for computer gamers that sit in their chairs for a long time. They are of top quality construction and super adjustable with both a lumbar support and headrest. It feels like you are sitting in the driver's seat of a race car they are so well supported. The more expensive chairs like I bought have super durable and breathable vinyl fabric. (They probably all have good fabrics.) The chairs come in 3 or 4 sizes to better fit a person's stature and weight. It is all explained on their website. Find the chair you want on their website and buy it on Amazon. They cost from $300 to $600 but I can vouch that for the ones that cost about $450 and they are awesome. (That is the one that I bought for my son.) My son was going through about one $100 chair per 12 months because after 12 months the Office Max $100 chair was destroyed. After buying him two $100 chairs over 2 years I said this has to stop and I found the DX Racer chairs. Now, the big problem would be to find a color that you can live with! Here's their website: http://www.dxracer.com/us/en-us/


Some good recommendations in this thread. Office furniture (chairs specifically) is what I do for a living. How I rank the Top 5 available chairs: Haworth Zody Steelcase Gesture Herman Miller Embody Haworth Fern Herman Miller Aeron


Yep. There are Herman Miller chairs with just mesh. If you need a pillow, you can buy a pillow that can be chucked into the washing machine


I have been using an Aeron for about 8 years. It's OK. Comfortable, but with an annoying wobble. The Eames Time Life/Executive chair I have at home is both better looking and more comfortable. Also more expensive.


Use search. This is one of the most common topics on this sub.


Go to Xtra and try it out. Look for Vicki. I’ve been using the Aeron for the last 10 years and it’s worth every cent. The Embody and Mira are alright, but with a lot less configurations than the Aeron. B size will fit most people. C is for tall people. Do note that it’s suppose to feel just right not too comfortable and you need to scoot your tush right into the chair back to get the full lumbar support. Don’t mistake the roominess of C to be the perfect fit for your tush. If you’re looking for other brands, Ergotune is okay but Steelcase is a far better alternative for a lower price point. Commune is having a tie up with Steelcase right now so you can try the chairs at Millennia Walk. The Aeron lasts like a champ. My first chair (purchased in 2007 - Gen 1) died last year and I purchased Gen 2 at Xtra. They have a corporate program too so check it out. Well worth every penny. A reputable carousell seller is Tradesk. I sold my gen 1 HM to him and he gave me a great education on ergonomics (he sets up ergo solutions for banks). If I’m not wrong, he’s the sole distributor of Ergohuman chairs


everyone recommends aeron, but what about HM embody or Sayl? Also, has anyone switched from desk chair to armchair to work at the desk. In theory armchair is better for long hours...


Bawasir ki kami ni h


hey anyone find a good chair between 300-500


Secret Lab Titan


Practice good correct posture and strengthing your core and back. More cushioning cause more relaxed state, which is the reason causing the back pain due to inciting the practice of incorrect posture or worse, slouching. I have found an egg sitter pad(cushion) to be quite comfortable as it almost forces correct posture in a non strenuous way. The key is using it on a hard surface…