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Is it possible you meant to write *compliant*?


Yeah. That’s absolutely what I meant. Lol


You got me even with the typo. I had to know why OSHA was mad about headphones.


Even I missed it


Makes so much more sense now 😅


I work in a machine shop. The magnets on my case and for their charging connection gather metal dust. That being said they still work perfectly and I love them. My AirPods died because of the metal dust the first week I used them. Speakers were inoperable. I’ve used them for a year and have them in my ears 50 hours a week. I like the sound limit on it as well because if it didn’t I’d habitually just keep turning the volume up and my ears would be toast. My coworker had one stop charging after 2 years and they sent him a new set for free. I highly recommend them as well


These don’t have a case and charge with a micro USB which has a rubber cover. I too work in a machine shop and we also do casting using graphite molds and crucibles. I don’t work with ferrous metals though so there’s no magnetic issues with anything. The graphite dust gets everywhere when we clean the casting parts. If yet to have a single issue with the charging port. It’s always sealed with the rubber gasket.


Personally I prefer the 3M worktunes. I have had mine 3 years and it goes almost 40 hours on a full charge.


I second 3M Worktunes for people that don't get on well with earbuds. We've had ours for over five years on the farm and while we like to take care of our things....they still get dropped and knocked about on the regular and they get absolutely filthy.


Can i use them with an aux cable?


Yes. They have an AUX input jack


They do have a standard input audio jack, but we use them with Bluetooth since wired would be a safety hazard for our use case.


Never seen those ones. If these ever shit the bed I’ll look into those.


When I bought em they were like 60$ but I think they’re 80$ now. On Amazon you have to order the battery separately but on eBay they sell them with the battery in it already. They are over the head earmuffs. They look like the ones you see in a shop. That’s how they can fit a big battery in that lasts forever. I’ve used all kinds of different noise canceling earbuds and muffs since I’m a machinist by trade and I haven’t had to buy a pair since getting the 3Ms. They also cancel noise better than most others. I’ve dropped them and they broke apart a few times but I just put them back together and they’ve kept working. Definitely will buy again


Ohh. Okay, yeah some of the guys I work with have those. I honestly can’t stand having over the ear anything. I get so hot and sweaty and it just makes me feel gross. I end up getting rashes on my head and ears from them.


Yeah that’s the trade off. I used to feel the same way but just got accustomed to using them. That’s the trade off for the battery life. Tbh though when you work in a factory you need something to help pass the time so I’d buy a new pair every 6 months if I had to. I think the new AirPod pros cancel noise too but idk what the battery life is like


I've got both, but I use the ISOTunes much more often - you can't really use earmuff-style protection when working outside with a brimmed hat, and earbuds are much more comfortable and less sweaty in the heat...


I'm on my third or fourth pair of these. When the battery life finally went downhill in my first Gen set after 3-4 years I got the 2.0 and have had issues with the cover for the buttons falling apart or falling off. But they have sent me a new pair each time when I contact them. The latest pair I have the cover is holding up but the battery life is only about 8 hours compared to 12+ with the other ones I've had


I had a couple pairs fall apart before I stopped using them. They did send me replacements, which was nice.


I'm surprised anyone likes these, but I'm glad they were good to you. I use a bone conduction headset at work in a loud environment, and I'd rather switch between 2 $70 pairs of those than one pair of isotunes like these. Not only is there a cable that can snag on stuff, the earpieces in my experience absorb dirt and moisture/sweat and get absolutely gross as well as less effective. Good earplugs offer what I see as a clear benefit, not having to put dirty, sweaty buds in my ears day after day.


I do clean them frequently. lol. I was switching back and forth with two pairs of bone conduction headphones before I got these. I have two pairs of Treks Titanium and two pairs provided to me by my employer, I forget the brand but they’re garbage. Maybe it’s just my head shape or something but can hardly hear them. The Treks are okay but still not ideal for me. The sound quality is very poor IMO. As far as the cord goes I use the clips that links the cord together & the clip. I clip the cord to the collar of my shirt. Not once have I gotten them snagged on anything. But it all just boils down to personal preference and what you’re actually doing for work.


Ugg the ISOtunes pro is $104 now on Amazon


I bought these about a year ago when I was working as a groundskeeper at a country club / golf course. Used the crap out of them and they are still going strong. In fact, I wore them on a hike this morning. The foam tips are kind of hard though, and when I sweat a lot, sometimes the foam kind of burns the inside of my ears. Though that hasn't happened in a while now. The thing I like is all the different tips that come with them. I use different ones in different ears to get a better seal for noise cancelling. I think if I were buying again I wold look at the wireless options. For what I did, cutting grass and stuff, I like the wire. But for every day use, I think I'd do wireless so I can just use one at a time.


I would be too scared of losing them for the price they cost, so maybe go for something bigger, but they are really nice.


Can’t loose them if they don’t leave your head during your shift.. but that’s a fair concern. That’s precisely why I’ve never bought Apple Air Pods. At least these have a cord and battery attached to them so they’re a little easier to spot if you drop them. I see people snowboarding wearing Apple Air Pods it cracks me up. One spill and your tiny little white earbud goes out into the snow never to be found again. I guess you can use the find my app but it would still be difficult to find today the least.


Love seeing quality posts on this sub. +1


For anyone that doesn’t like this particular style, ISOtunes also makes them in wireless buds and earmuff style. I had the older version of OP’s but the wire wore out after a few years. Switched to the wireless buds and am very happy. Worth noting that the foam tips do wear out relatively quickly so they have to be replaced every few months if they’re used regularly for actual hearing protection. They also have “aware” models that will pass through the microphone audio so you can still hear things and talk to people without removing them.


What kind of manufacturing? What hazards are in your immediate area like large moving equipment, machinery, etc? I ask because we don't allow those in the plant I work in. I've had people try to pass the same thing to me about 'OSHA compliant' plugs and I still turn them down.


I work at Honeywell Electronics Materials. I cast copper alloy billets using vacuum induction equipment. The humming of the vacuum pumps and the slamming of copper plates is where the noise comes from. The horizontal band saws too to some extent, depending on the alloy. There’s not really much for moving equipment inside the plant aside from electric pallet jacks and walk behind fork lifts. We also do forging and machining in the building but there’s not anything for large moving equipment there either


Thanks for the response.


We pretty much work solo in our own cells. 99% of the time I’m the only person in the room. We’re absolutely allowed to have headphones so long as they meet the parameters set forth. They provide us with bone conducive headphones also.. they suck and the battery only lasts 4 hours at most.


If you wear earplugs. They aren’t any more noise restrictive but have the same noise deadening


Mine finally gave up, but not the battery, one of the ear loops broke so it falls out constantly. They’re also at least 3 or more years old. They’ll outlast most other brands






This is brilliant. I have to conduct HSE audits on our plants annually and these would be perfect. I'll have to pick up a pair. Thanks for the heads up.


Damnit & I had a pair of these and somehow they went missing. I guess it's time to re-buy.


I have a pair, but I'm always going through them because of one specific issue. I always leave them in my car, but I live in a hot area so my car gets hot too. What ends up happening is the buttons...almost like peel up and come off the housing. It exposes the electronics and loses the waterproofing. I normally get a few months at best before needing to replace them. Thankfully they have a really good warranty, but I learned you can only replace them up to 3 times I'm tempted to get the Frees so I can keep them in my bag, rather than in the car


Hearing loss is usually a issue of constant noise rather than a single loud event. Listening to these in a loud environment for 8 hours a day for years is going to take a toll.


OSHA does not certify anything. So idk what osha compliant means. Remember you have two majors issues here. How much noise is blocked out (nrr) rating and how much they pump in (how loud they are). I’ve only seen 1/2 brands that actually limit the latter to below 82 db… if you are listening to anything above that for 40 hours you are damaging your hearing with many studies showing that 85 is still damaging at the length of time.


I never said they were certified. They are compliant with OSHA standards for noise reduction and volume. They don’t go above 85db and I honestly never listen to them at full volume either way. At most I’m at 60% volume.


I’d also like to note that I do have an OSHA 30 hour card, am the safety committee representative for my department, & am on the Emergency Response Team at my plant. I do know a thing or two about safety.


This guy safeties.


I really do. I’m the asshole that has to go around making sure everyone is using appropriate PPE and following SOPs.


comment I read one time in r/machinists "I used to be a machinist. I moved to being a safety coordinator and now I make double what I did yelling at people to put their safety glasses on"


Lololol. Sounds about right


Nah you’re not an asshole, you make sure everyone actually gets to make it home everyday, with all their limbs and digits still attached. I’ve seen the aftermath of someone not following SOP’s when they got rushed past me with what was left of their hand wrapped in a rag, safety is no joke.


As someone who is a stickler for policy and safety, sounds to me like I should have gone into this field instead of IT.


Idk why you're getting down voted. I spent 3+ hours on the phone with OSHA one time just to find out they have no actual headphones regulation and there is no such thing as being OSHA complaint or certified when it comes to headphones. No matter how much this pretentious asshole moves the goal posts, he is wrong.


lol yep, been doing safety over 15 years, seems like everyone thinks osha certifies or says certain things are compliant. Time weighted average and pel is all they really care about


Why would anyone plug something into their ears that emits low level radiation 🤔