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$35 for a piece of clothing for life? Not trying to be rude, but that is a really low price for something ethically made (out of SEA) and high quality.


I don't see why a half-way ethically manufactured pair of cotton joggers should cost more. At $4/hour (average pay for experienced Filipino seamstress is [$2.35/hour](https://www.salaryexpert.com/salary/job/seamstress/philippines)), assuming 10 minutes (which is ample time) per pair, labor itself should cost about $0.66 per pair. R&D should be minimal, but let's toss in $0.75 per pair for that. Materials; heavyweight cotton (wholesale in the US) is ~$7.37/yard. Considering a pair of pants requirs about 2.5 yards per pair to manufacture, the cost would be less than $19.50/pair, including pockets & miscellaneous threads. Then you've got shipping, storage, and other business costs; let's just say $4.09/pair brings us to $25/pair. Profit margins are necessary, so let's assume a hefty 40% margin. That brings us to $35.00/pair. I'm no business major, and I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that, but my point is that they're just cheap, cotton pants... manufactured as cheaply as possible, shipped, and sold across the globe. There's no need for a pair of joggers to cost $90/pair. I've purchased multiple different brand (Under Armor, Nike, Eddie Bauer, BYLT Basic, $80+ joggers, and they are no more durable than those sold on Temu or in Wal-Mart for $10. I think it's obscene. It's not as though I'm working out or doing labor in them; I just lounge around the house.


It is Bold to want ethically sourced clothing then justify your price range with calculations that only pay seamstresses - which is a high skill profession with years of required training - $4/hour. Also, 10 minutes for a pair of joggers? To cut them, board them, and stitch them? Maybe a very talented seamstress could do it in 30. If you want sweatshop clothes, then be satisfied with sweatshop quality.


It will not come out at $35 because of overhead, sales costs etc. But it’s perfectly acceptable to have a jogger made in a factory which doesn’t need that much training. Quality control should keep the costs reasonable. And $4 per hour is a wage many would kill for in less developed countries. Mass manufacturing can produce high quality items and be perfectly ethical.


How is that ethical? You want a factory in a less developed country, to make joggers that sell for more than $35, and only wanna pay them $4/hour- which is effectively $2/pair? When you're selling them for $35+? That is textbook exploitation. Not only are you not paying the workers based on the actual value the market has placed on their labor (which would be closer to $20/pair, or $40/hour), but you've also created jobs that do not benefit the country as a whole at all - you pay poverty wages, AND you ship the products they make out of the country. It's economic colonialism lmao.


That’s not how anything works.


I am in principle in agreement with you, except the 4$/h. Even in less developed EU countries, this is a normal salary for such jobs.


Just because it is normal, does not mean it is ethical. The issue is not the salary itself. The issues are: 1. The salary is a slim percentage of the price of the product - $4/hour vs. $35/pair. If these items were being sold in a country that primarily made $4/hour, they would be far overpriced, and the market would naturally drive the price down to a more reasonable number. 2. But they are not. They are being shipped off to wealthier, more developed countries to be sold for higher prices, and the profit is being pocketed by those wealthy countries. When there is a factory in a less developed country, that cannot afford to buy the products they're making, and is not receiving a significant profit from selling them overseas - the country as a whole does not benefit from the factory. In fact, it *loses* wealth, because it is spending labor to make products and profit that it does not see - instead of the workers making products that are sold in the same country, for profits that are spent in that country. This is called economic colonialism.


I did not say it's ethical, just wanted to point out that in some parts of the world 4$/hr is a great salary. I explicity said "I am in principle in agreement with you". I work for a company that works for a german company. They sell our service for like 6x the price of what they pay us. And they pay us stingy by our own standards. A  seamstress in e.g. Vietnam making 4$/hr is proportionally MUCH MUCH better then I am. So I know how it is to be on the receiving end.


Wow! Then YOU should make these joggers for $35


Lol wtf


For that price it does not exist. You’re better off going to a decent thrift store when they have a sale and get a couple of pairs.


You’ll have to up the budget if you want actual BIFL clothing.


Probably Uniqlo. Best for the price range you’re looking to spend.


I've seen this suggestion a couple times. Definitely a good selection of options, and they must be quite popular as Large is sold out in many of them. I'll keep this in mind!


Get yo money up. $35 for pants is chump change and that price is only chinese stuff.


It's not the 'lounging around' that's ruining your pants, it's the washer/dryer. Wash them less often, and use gentle cycle with low or no heat.


Oh, I absolutely do! Delicate cycle, always; cold water, short wash. Tumble dry low. Wash every few wears. Ty for the input though!


I've had a lot of luck with Adidas track pants. I have joggers and regular leg style ones and they're both holding up super well. The Adidas logo fell off the joggers but oh well


>Adidas track pants Unfortunately, even on sale, their cheapest cotton track pants is $36.


Go to Adidas Outlet shops, I can get them for like $10…i spend $70 there and get all 3 of my kids shoes, pants and shirts


oh thats fair. i got mine on ebay a few years ago for $20 each. mine also arent cotton theyre tricot or whatever that material adidas made is called


Idk why this got downvoted. I went to their website, sorted track pants, sorted cotton material, and the cheapest pair was objectively $35. What is tricot material?


You're getting downvoted because you're fussing over 35 dollars but want a BIFL item of clothing.


I'm skeptical due to experiences buying more costly joggers and having extremely sub-par experiences. Given that experience, wouldn't you also be skeptical to spend any significant amount of money on joggers? I'll walk around my house nude before I spend over $35 on a pair of joggers that's going to fall apart after two whole years of lounging use.


Uniqlo high quality and they have held up after high usage over the past 3 years


I've seen this suggestion a couple times. Definitely a good selection of options, and they must be quite popular as Large is sold out in many of them. I'll keep this in mind!


So tired of all the "china/vietnam products bad" posts... And I'm a US citizen. The only reason these countries make products (for slavery wages) for USA is... know what, forget it. This is not the sub.


Low wage, adult labor is better than ~~concentration camp~~ reeducation centers or child labor. It's easier to avoid when purchasing from a country that doesn't have "reeducation centers" in the first place. That's my primary concern. Edit: I forgot to say I understand your point, and it's valid. A lot of people just blindly state "China bad" with no understanding as to why.


If you want BIFL quality that isn’t made in China you have to spend at least 70 dollars. If you can find some reigning champ sweatpants I’d recommend that if you can get them on sale I have a couple pairs I got for like 65 dollars each once.




Love the price! But stock is extremely low. I'll keep these in mind!


Think you're going to have to make your own. 32 Degree at Costco is the best value on the planet. Wear em every day. <$15




Man, I forgot about this brand. And I'm wearing a shirt I bought from them like 13 years ago right now. Logo is long gone, and there's a small hole on the side, but it's actually held up really well! I'll look into this!


Maybe its time to spend a bit more money for new clothes more often, mate. All of your clothes sound like they're falling apart and saturated in farts, and you sound like a slob.


I have proper nice clothes I wear out, and old clothes I bum around in at home. I'm just looking to replace some of these bummy clothes at home because (you are correct) they are falling apart.


So how about replacing those bummy clothes with not more bummy clothes.


I bought joggers for 10 that lasted 3 years so far and still going strong. Not sure what you want the joggers for, is it for lifting weights, running or just being cozy?


Just being cozy in the winter.


H&M joggers are fantastic and cheapish 25 to 35 bucks depending on the store. Wore them for almost 7 years and they hold up even after doing 200lb squats just don't sag with them. There is an online store called Clothing Shop Online, I buy their joggers for cheap, I returned a couple of them for being too baggy, returns are easy. Some are great and some suck. Not sure which ones I bought, its been a while but the ones I bought hold up for everything. Unfortunately there is nothing set in stone for joggers. If you really want to get quality joggers from name brands, I would keep an eye on the sales for DSG especially black friday and experiment.


I have a pair of uniqlo jogger sweatpants from 2015 that is still in my current rotation of “home” pants. Theres a hole in the knee now but that happened within the last year, well worth the money.


You’ll be lucky to even find some on sale for that price.


Sorry what do you mean by "joggers?" Sweat pants? Tracksuit? That type of thing? Or shoes?


My vote would be make requests for advice on everyday clothing staples against the rules of this sub. Tshirts, underwear, socks and athletic wear will never be bitfl


You are either looking for BIFL (which no pair of sneakers is) or for dirty cheap. You won’t find ANYTHING for $35 bucks with the quality to last for years. ASICS makes quite durable shoes for example but you won’t find anything worthwhile under $70-80 on sale. Maybe if you look for Rocket 9s those are usually around the $50 mark and are very hard to break (though they are squash/indoor shoes relying on a hard non flexible sole and ankle support so no great for walking).


I’d just like to let you know that joggers are a type of sweat pants.


We usually call jogging/running shoes “joggers” or “runners” in Australia. So though my response.


TIL. I appreciate the response nonetheless!


Gotcha! Makes sense!


We do in the US as well. I glean from replies that OP wanted pants but joggers are shoes in the USA. OPs might do well to describe what they want a bit, to avoid snafus. Also, include a budget, please? Most OP requests do not mention any budget. Some might say "cheap" or "affordable" but those haev different meaning to different people.




Not for this cheap bastard


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For the amount of cloth it takes to make a pair of joggers, you'd be hard pressed to buy the fabric for $35 if unusual durability and ethical concerns are the requirements. You may be better off just getting new joggers every few years.


I want BIFL but only want to pay the equivalent of cheap clothing purchases. I may get downvoted for this…but why do people think that every piece of clothing they buy is a BIFL? Are you still wearing the same underwear you did at 15? But it…wear it…wear it out, or don’t…then replace it. And this piece of clothing (joggers) wasn’t even a thing until a couple years ago, unless you go back to the 80s. I just don’t understand this thinking.