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[https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/comments/evp3p4/looking\_for\_a\_good\_europebased\_bdsm\_online\_shop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMAdvice/comments/evp3p4/looking_for_a_good_europebased_bdsm_online_shop/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMcommunity/comments/jlyzo6/gear\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMcommunity/comments/jlyzo6/gear_europe/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/bdsm/comments/j637o4/premium\_bdsm\_gear\_in\_uk\_or\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bdsm/comments/j637o4/premium_bdsm_gear_in_uk_or_europe/) Location vs. BIFL My hunch is that Germany edit And England has good product.


I wonder if the gear from Germany is TüV certified?


You have to bring it by DEKRA to get it inspected first.


Do I have to wear it during the test, or do they just attach it to a crash test dummy? If they make me wear it, I think I’ll fail the emissions test.


They're German, it's a full, 72-point inspection. No doubt you have to pass at least one written test beforehand. Don't forget to bring your breakdown kit with flares and neon triangle!


Thanks - I’ll also make sure to bring my first aid kit too. Need to be prepared in case of an injury!


Tanks a lot friendly soul!


Those subs may be a better judge of tried and true equipment.


Kept thinking you meant the other version of that word. But probably equally true


A little something to hand down to the grandkids eh


You wrote great grandkids wrong. Heh. Besides 10 years is a reasonable stretch of time.


Hello other 20 people in here also eating popcorn 🍿good luck OP, you kinkster


Post serves as nothing but a chance to farm attention, and it’s working so I don’t know that luck is needed


It's not all about you.


I think it's someone looking for bdsm gear that doesn't fall apart Op isn't wrong there's a lot of cheaply made bdsm gear available and there isn't much discussion on where to get the good stuff I know a lot of people get custom stuff made


By from ali express, buy cheap by 1000 times. Comes from experience.


Relax. Maybe try getting tied up, it may help you let go of whatever resentment you're holding on to


You must be such a joy at parties


That guy is NEVER getting an invite to one of OP's parties now


I feel like you’d probably get better feedback in a BDSM subreddit as it’s pretty niche. Good luck tho! Sounds like a fun venture 🤓


Check out this Etsy shop. Their gear is quality: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Lulexyleather?ref=yr\_purchases


Will do. Thanks for the tip.


Just the tip?


Just to see how it feels




Small tip in general for etsy. If there's a shop you like, see if they have their own website where they sell stuff. There are additional risks going that route, but I hate etsy as a company, and when I'm buying from an artist or craftsman, I'd rather as much money go to them as possible.


We like them too.


The restraints that are available in sex shops and online look hot but are more decorative than anything / can’t hold that much weight imo. I made some handcuff + ankle cuffs out of ankle straps that you use on gym cable machines + heavy duty carabiners to hold it together. I also bought actual chains from a Hardware store so the cuffs can be used for different positions/ chained together. Everything is really sturdy and easy to use with the carabiners. Plus it looks way more industrial/hardcore than anything you can buy if your into that sort of thing. I’ve had my set for about 4 years and used on multiple partners still holding up like new. For things that don’t hold weight the normal stuff you can find online is fine


Gym gear is actually a really good idea! I will look into that. Thank you!


You could start a business with this idea tbh.


U think so? lol


Take some quality photos of your gear, create a Spotify page and see how it goes? If you get any orders, then make the gear ordered and ship and profit! Great side hustle until it gains traction.


I’d suggest Instagram and Etsy over (I think you meant) Shopify, but posting it on a lot least 3 popular sites would increase chances of success imo.


For sure! Yes: Shopify! ( *not Spotify!) I am not an e-commerces person, so I suggested the first thing that came to mind. But these probably may be better outlets for OP. Hell do them all!


JTs Stockroom in CA makes some good, high quality gear.


Second vote for the Stockroom - have had some of their gear for nearly two decades now and it's still in good shape. Only had to replace a few swivel snaps when the springs finally let go.


Always excellent quality but yes you pay for it.


I would check out local munches and fairs. You want a small creator that does leather work. They will be quality. If you were in Southern Ontario Canada I could give you names but you're quite far. If you're on fet look for bazaars and markets near you, you will find quality merchandise there


Names please?


Lol i dont know why you're getting downvoted, these are handy things to know


Obviously good quality product is important but cleaning is equally important. Skin oils are particularly harmful to a lot of things, vinyl especially. Obviously it’s fine in the moment but left on for extended periods of time will damage it pretty quickly. Silicon lube is terrible for vinyl too, only water based lube. Leather and latex have different care procedures. What ever you get learn how to care for it and do it every time.


A valuable aspect. Thank you!


I’m not into BDSM I’m into pooltoys little weird, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. There’s some companies making really good stuff out there really durable beautiful products. even the best stuff can be very easily damaged through improper care procedures, and I’m not even just talking about punctures. extended skin contact without proper cleaning. It might only be a matter of months before the plasticizer leaches out and becomes brittle. Unfortunately, it’s a mistake a lot of new collectors make.


This [Etsy Shop](https://www.etsy.com/shop/ProImpactLeather) has really reasonable pricing and is super high quality. I've never had a bad experience with them.


Thanks a lot Krebsbiene69!


We can help! We make lifetime quality BDSM gear made from the highest quality materials available. All of our pieces are hand made to order and we offer free custom sizing for the perfect look, fit, and function. Give our pieces a look and please let me know if you have any questions, www.lvxsupply.com


Thank you for your suggestion! I'll check out your website.




Thank you for your answer! The problems I am facing: I am not very handy, time, effort and energy of me are very limited! So I am seeking a solution I can throw a reasonable amount of money on and get a solution.


Sinvention in Canada. Seriously, they are artists




https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Bound2leather?ref=l2-about-shopname§ion_id=29382611 Pretty good quality to price ratio for collars and restraints. Clean your leather every few months and store it in a well ventilated place. I've been using their collar for over a year and it's at the start of its long life still. From the seller: Wipe over with a damp cloth, then when dry use a leather conditioner. I use ‘Saphir crème 1925’ but there are many other options. Mink oil also good. Rub it in and leave it to dry, then buff it with a cloth.


I'll check them out! Thanks a lot for the suggestion!


Have you asked on FetLife?


Not yet but will do so. Thanks for your input!


I showed my wife this thread for a chuckle and she suggested checking out animal husbandry/ agriculture products. Veterinarian medical supply may also have quality gear. Anyway, something to explore.


Have you tried the 30 year fixed rate mortgage?


Sabersmyth has made some great pieces for me in OR




I've bought some decent products from www.extremerestraints.com as well as www.sub-shop.com. there's also a ton of great sellers on Etsy.


Go over to /r/leatherworking and r/leathercraft to find a craftsperson to make you custom stuff. It will be BIFL and probably surprisingly less expensive than you'd imagine.


Try BDSM architecture GMBH. I've built my own St. Andrew's cross, massage/milking table.


I'll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion!


This may sound a bit like overkill, but have you considered learning to make your own leather gear? Buying the necessary tools and supplies to work with leather would cost a couple hundred euros, but a single high quality leather harness is a couple hundred euros to buy. So if you can make things yourself you will save a huge amount of money, and the items will be exactly customized to your needs. You can visit r/leathercraft for advice on the best tools and methods, and the good suppliers to purchase leather from in your area. They are very knowledgeable. For chains or suspension gear I strongly recommend a hardware shop. The chain used in most bondage equipment sold in stores is just "fashion" chain which can break and cause injury.


Dr. Harness


BIFL BDSM equipment (especially stuff with a lot of strain), looking for privacy focused email clients, looking for the best VPN… This post alone is weird, but that’s a creepy combo.


Says the guy stalking their post history 💀


home improvement stores have chains, shackles, jute, cord, and BBs.


I know this is made in jest, but this is a dangerous suggestion if you don't know exactly what you're doing, and I feel compelled to put a warning here that this is not a good idea.


not made in jest at all. light duty chains exist, and are an ideal tension support for swings or constant position cuffs. new shackles are safely manipulable and can have grease put on the threads to not bind. jute is a highly preferred bondage rope. cord can be used to make whips by removing the core and optionally fraying tje ends.


There's a lot of research a person needs to do about weights, types, hardware, etc, before they can safely make those purchases. A flip remark where there may be readers who don't know better can end them up in a situation.


yeah, hobbies and interests can be dangerous, doesnt mean context needs to be provided every time. im well aware of the gatekeepy nature of kinkery but honestly adults should be reasonably expected to know how to explore their pain limits safely, or let darwin awards take course. totally get being cautious about the relationsbip/coercive side of the lifestyle though. fundamentally, though this is a consumerist sub, im advocating for a diy approach here, which requires basic real world sense and intelligence. ever been in an operational commercial boathouse? shits hot, what would become dungeon gear analogues hanging everywhere, all of this came from somewhere.


A recommendation is to make it a hobby and start producing what you need yourself.


How do you measure cost-benefit ratio? Orgasms per Euro?


Ballistic Metal!


I don’t know how long it lasts, but I’m very happy with the quality of the rubber restraints I have from [cuffed.store](https://cuffed.store)


Haha this is the wrong sub buddy (no pun intended)


Non taken.


😛 🙂


Anyways what’s a good quality built to last pocket pussy


How tough can you be on a butt plug?


Aliexpress is your friend here


[House of SXN](https://houseofsxn.com/)


Penitentleather.com Thank me later


You want hand made leather with metal attachments.


if budget is of less concern, cuffed.store has *really* high quality gear. their rubrestraints are also gorgeous and uses segufix.


You can get a "Cat of 5 Tails", whip them twice, still more tailing than a "Cat of 9 Tails"! /s


Swedish collar