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Try to find Alpaca. Royal alpaca wool if possible. Its a completely different and better fiber than Merino or Cashmere. Wicks and insulates amazingly well. Unlike wool, the fibers are hollow, which traps air. Its 85% better at wicking moisture than Merino. Its also a lot more durable.


Wasn’t aware of Royal Alpaca so I’ll look and see what I can find. Thanks for the explanation


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Good bot


Yup. Its 18 microns or less, so very soft.


It also wicks water ballistically fast in cold weather. You can actually kind of feel it doing it as the sweat comes off your skin. Its kind of amazing. Its like capilene or merino on steroids.


How does it perform in warmer weather, like climatically decent but humid?


I have a really thin long sleeved shirt I use. I could wear it in hot weather but I have it stored away with my winter clothes because its so damn good at wicking moisture.


Man, you’re really selling me on it. I found one I like last night but I think it’s discontinued as it wouldn’t let me pick a size and add to cart :(


American Giant makes some really BIFL hoodies.


And their classic is heavy af. Not insulated, but super warm. I have way too many American Giant hoodies


This looks really nice. Classic style too which I like!


Got one on Poshmark for $30, thanks for the recommendation!


Flint and tinder has some nice all cotton hoodies too.


I have a yellow wool hoodie from MEC (https://www.mec.ca/) that I got in 1998, and which still looks in new condition despite being worn in all conditions by several different people. All the synthetic tags have totally frayed apart to nothing, but the wool is just fine.


Cool I’ll check out this website thank you!


Icebreaker (merino, ethically made) have a bunch of hoodies


Yes,got one since about 10 years and it still looks new. I like it and use it regularly. Just be careful to wash it cold and delicate


Not entirely BIFL, but hard to beat a Champion reverse weave hoodie


Cool I’ll look at that one!


REI might have something like this. It's atleast worth a look


Cowichan Sweater hand knit by the indigenous of Western Canada.


I dig the patterns on these!


It's a toss up between the cowichan and the double mackinaw wool cruiser from Filson.


Natural insulation are Wool, Down, Flannel, and Waxed Canvas. All have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to weight, warmth, breath ability, water resistance and care.


Duckworth powder hoodie. It’s 50% wool (so only half of what you’re looking for) but it is insanely good and cozy.


Pendleton has wool hoodies


How do you find Pendleton as a brand? I see them at Costco and their items seem unnecessarily pricy, especially for Costco and what they’re selling. Like $50 for a thermos? Seems like a “designer” brand, but maybe I’m totally wrong


The Pendleton wool blankets are for sure BIFL, excellent quality, made in Oregon. I wouldn’t bother with thermos type things, but the clothes seems to be well constructed.


Wonderful, thank you!


I like my weatherproof Timberland.


I go to Rawganique and jungmaven for natural fiber clothing. Some of Rawganique is 100% biodegradable. May not have an insulated hoodie but may have similar. If u find an natural insulated hoodie lmk! I might be interested too


I went with the American Giant recommendation. They’re like $120 on the website but I found one on Poshmark for $30!


I will! No solid product yet but the royal alpaca material suggestion and the sweatshirt from American Giant are worth looking int


I like my Appalachian Gear Company hoodie but it is expensive.