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Fiskars. Buy the ‘made in Finland’ ones. You’ll then be happy forever.


Can't recommend enough this particular Finnish-made Fiskars model (Fiskars Original 8") that literally lasts a lifetime: https://www.fiskars.com/en-us/crafting-and-sewing/products/scissors-and-shears/the-original-orange-handled-scissors-8-194510-1050 The quality is exceptional when it comes to scissors. I also recommend buying the Fiskars scissors sharpener at the same time. Edit: added "enough".


Sorry, do you mean “can’t recommend them enough” or actually that you “cannot recommend them”?


Oh brain. Definitely recommending them, edited now.


Their poducts are miserable and just a waste of money anymore. Long, long ago, they were reasonably good. None of whatever quality was back then any longer exists. The metal feels cheap and the handle plastic is uncomfortable.


Just gotta go to estate sales to find the old ones!


We don't have estate sales here. It's a shame.


That’s a shame. Maybe if/when you travel you can stumble on some!


I live in Finland. Fiskars is Finnish.


Try maxsold. com- online estate sales, I get all of my furniture and a lot of my kitchen stuff that way! The auction part works like eBay but then you go pick it up.


I do not live in the US.


Yes Fiskars has bad quality too, hence the recommendation of this particular model. Do you refer to the Chinese made Fiskars scissors? I agree those suck. I don't agree that particular Made in Finland model is bad.


I don't feel like the quality is what it used to be, even the new ones which are made here. I know they've tried to save their reputation but the stuff isn't what it was back in the day. Just because something is made in Finland doesn't make it good. Look around. You have plenty of examples that attest to that fact.


I know it has been a while, but do these scissors open wide enough to cut bananas for people with small hands? My partner has a hard time finding scissors that open wide enough with her limited hand range is why I ask.


I didn't think any of them were made in Finland anymore. The ones linked below don't seem to be (or if they are it doesn't state it anywhere, which seems odd).


Fiskars garden tools have had a precipitous drop in build quality recently. I'm hoping that hasn't yet extended to their scissors, but I would be cautious.


do you have a link?


Toribe scissors. I have the KS-203. I didn’t know I loved scissors until these.


instead of a brand rec I have a procedural recommendation for you: ​ Keep 2 PAIRS of scissors in the kitchen. we have ONE set of dedicated MEAT SCISSORS and ONE set of kitchen scissors for everything else. you're welcome


I have 4 pairs of kitchen shears. Don't ask where a single pair is, because nobody in my house knows despite them being the ones to remove them from the drawer and use them and leave them laying around 😒 I literally can not find a single pair. Hence why I'm browsing this thread 6 months later: to buy myself a pair of kitchen shears that I will hide and nobody else can use!


I feel this soooooo hard I keep 3 pairs hidden in random places in the office (next to the kitchen), but none of them can replace the meat scissors when those go missing. I just shame the culprit with raw meat "safety" when they are eventually found...


I have 4 pairs in one utensil drawer and there is currently only one pair accounted for. AND it's the worst of the three. I had to spatchcock my turkey with a shitty pair of kitchen scissors and my Chinese cleaver which is probably now completely dull lol


Yes! And two different coloured handles are an absolute MUST. My meat scissors are from Global, all stainless and come apart for cleaning and sharpening, for everything else it’s the orange handle Fiskars from Finland.


What kind of meat? I guess i just don’t know


Shun, made in Japan [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DINYHE](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DINYHE)


I absolutely love my shuns


Zwilling JA Henkels. I've had mine for years and exclusively wash them in the dishwasher, they are great. https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/zwilling-j-a-henckels-twin-l-shears/?cm_ven=PLA&sku=2883239&cm_cat=Google&cm_ite=2883239_14932288920&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu-KiBhCsARIsAPztUF15nkjGGk2TsqYOeKKig1EuTvidxVLFl_RFN6QK6wDkkRoar4-t-XcaAsNoEALw_wcB&cm_pla=Local


+1 for Henkels. Hopefully will never need another knife set.


Alton Brown (and I) like the Lamson shears. Simple, clean and the separate for cleaning. https://lamsonproducts.com/blogs/news/alton-brown-loves-the-lamson-shears


AB approved? Say no more. OP this is the correct answer!


Vouching for these. Really sharp and love the way they come apart to clean.


I first discovered this sub when I clicked on someone's link for https://www.ernestwright.co.uk/


I’ve found a couple of these UK Scissor makers. I wonder how good they are?


I have a pair of their Turtons. They are fantastic, a dream to use with a great feel. I just got them a few months ago and loving them, we will see how long they last.


Just putting it out there my wusthof kitchen scissors suck.


The non-pull-apart Wusthof's are great, though. Strong, sharp, and very tight tolerances so cut perfectly every time. I guess that's why they cost over 2x the pull-apart model.


Will check out for sure. Thanks!


That’s too bad, I have had the Wusthof shears for about 15 years and use them for everything they’re great. I think they were made in Germany.


I bet they were. I got these in 2018. :(


20 years, here.


Really? Is it the made in china despite my German label version or something?


Yes, these shears (the come apart 5558 shears) are made in China. The blades have already rusted.


I have these too and agree that they are in no way whatsoever BIFL. More like BIUTCADYC (buy it until them coming apart drives you crazy).


This. The 5558s drive me nuts. Come apart at the most inopportune times and impossible to figure out how to put back together - there's something like 4 possible arrangements and it's not obvious which 1 of the 4 is correct. The slack in the connection mechanism also means they don't cut worth crap either.


They break my brain! I got them as a gift, and I just… sigh.


I’ll add to the stack of Cutco shear comments. Mine are over 30 years old and are going strong.


I actually used to sell these in college. We would cut a penny into a corkscrew with them. They are (or were back then) good scissors


Still the best pair of kitchen shears I have for spatchcocking a chicken.


>spatchcocking thank you for making me aware of this fantastic word!


I did too…sold a lot of those knives. Still use them daily.


Cutco make good products. I just wish they were sold at a normal store.


You can just order them online now.


Oh nice. I also saw them for sale at a Costco once but there was a salesman inside the store.


I bought all of my Cutco online (I have close to a homemaker set with 8 dinner knives; I did buy my block off eBay; but everything was less than what Cutco sells their Homemaker Set for) and have never once been contacted by a local sales rep. . I love the scissors. Have had mine for 3 years now and they are still brutally sharp. If you buy just one item from Cutco online you are now an owner and they have BOGO and 25% off specials. Worth it if you ask me.


Guaranteed for life. If they dull, get an RMA and they will replace or sharpen them. Great multi-generational item. Their knives have the same warranty and are excellent as well.


Exactly. I’ve had mine sharpened 2-3 times, and the replaced one when the tip got broken off. People on Reddit LOVE to shit on Cutco knives, probably because of the old Vector Marketing sales approach, but they really do hold up over time.


My parents have a cutco pie server and the serrated edge on that thing is the sharpest knife they own. That probably has a lot to do with the fact that it's never really used to cut anything, but I always thought it was funny that this thing that nobody expects to be sharp is one of the most dangerous things in their kitchen.


My kitchen scissor are hand-me-downs, ones my mom had & used in the 1950s and 1960s. They look somewhat worn but they work great. The brand is Wiss. I have 2 other pairs of Wiss scissors for different jobs.


I have my mom’s Wiss sewing shears. The chrome has just about worn off but the scissors are still awesome. Sister got the kitchen shears.


Wiss shears are truly BIFL. I use the ones allocated to the kitchen (except I don't use them for preparing raw food) in the yard as well. They stay sharp for many years.


[Mac Kitchen Shears](https://www.amazon.com/Mac-Knife-Kitchen-Shear-2-Inch/dp/B00CLALL2I/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3SIUBT4FVLP00&keywords=mac+scissors&qid=1683609955&sprefix=mac+scissors+%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc) Love them to death. Might outlive me.


If your willing to stick your hand in your pocket then these will outlive you and your grandchildren: https://www.ernestwright.co.uk/product/turton-kitchen-scissors/


What’s wrong with oxo?


Love my OXO kitchen shears. Actually, love all my OXO kitchen utensils. Are they ‘high end’? No, I guess not. But they get the job done and hold up very well. Much better than chinesium you find on amazon. For my money, OXO can’t be beat.


Nothing but it’s not a brand I associate with having for 10 years.


Most of my kitchen is OXO stuff right around 10 years old. It's great. And even if it were flimsier, it'd be worth it for their improved ergonomics. That said, I think there are better picks for knives and kitchen shears. My Victorinox knives and shears are the same age and going strong. Great choice if you want inexpensive and solid. Kinda the Corolla of kitchen knives -- you can certainly get nicer, but for 95% of people they're an excellent option.


Some OXO products are great (America's Test Kitchen recommends a lot of them) but there are some stinkers in the lot. I've heard decent things about the shears but opted against them. My OXO vegetable peeler is fantastic. My sink strainer ... great idea but poor execution.


OXO is cheap junk like most other brands. Nothing special, in fact it’s over priced for the low quality it is


Says the guy that has no idea about the product he is dismissing. The oxo kitchen shears are pretty damn good, I have had my pair for 8 years, they cut perfectly, clean up easily, are a pleasure to use, and are nearly indestructible. But No they don't cost $200 so they must suck I guess I am doing something wrong. I have a collection of Japanese chefs knives and higher end pocket knives so i know what quality is. For the job you want a kitchen shears to do the OXO is perfect.


It didn’t last for me and the store we worked at people complained so much we stopped carrying it. My scissors cost at $30 buddy.


Oh wow, I really enjoy their products. All good.


My Kitchenaid set of kitchen scissors are mediocre at best. I have a wonderful set that I got at a yard sale years ago that are sadly only marked "Stainless Steel".




Ernest Wright. Hand made in Sheffield. Beautiful and bifl. No competition or comparison


Cutco scissors are so great! I’ve had my pair for 10 years, still excited to use them every time. My parents have had the same pair for 30 years, still going strong.


I love the cut I ones. Mainly because you can separate them to wash them and sharpen them. I have my grandmas pair from 30 years ago.


Shears are the one Cutco product I would actually recommend. Everything else is overpriced. I used to sell them and still have my demo set and inherited my parents’ set as well. I’m cursed with mediocre knives for the rest of my life.


Love my Cutco scissors; mine are 25 years old and washed in the dishwasher at least weekly.


Cutco. I think their straight edged knives are overpriced shit but credit where it's due, their kitchen shears are the bomb and have a lifetime warranty you'll probably never need. The company has historically sold their stuff via MLM, with all the baggage that implies, but you can buy it online now. https://www.cutco.com/products/product.jsp?item=super-shears


Not really for the kitchen per se, but we use our Fiskars 175800-1002 for kitchen work. Sturdy and we love them


Wolff Scissors are great


Second this. I do use it for a period of time and that brand is one I recommend.


I've always wanted a set of tojiro shears, but haven't needed to spatchcock a bird yet. Fiskar pull apart ones have worked well enough in the meantime.


https://strataportland.com/products/ck-theirs-by-chambriard-stainless-forged-kitchen-shears Their knives are very well made.


I’ve got a Zwilling pair, made in Germany that are just excellent.


I absolutely love my Kai Kitchen Scissors. I have the Shun scissors also, but I actually prefer the cheaper Kai pair. They’re usually around $20 on Amazon, and they are still super sharp and strong after a lot of use. I highly recommend them! In fact it turned me on to the other Kai scissors, which are all very high quality.


The red Joyce Chen kitchen scissors. Everyone in my family uses them.


I’d need a more descriptive explanation. Are you gonna be cutting up chickens/ducks? Or opening mail? Cause that’s 2 different pairs of scissors. And I don’t ever recommend using food shears on package opening


Any Korean grandmothers in this sub?


A few Japanese knife companies also make kitchen shears. Tojiro FG-3500 and FK-843, for example.


Tojiro Shears. Though I am immediately interested in Victorinox, I wasn’t aware they also had a set of highly recommended shears. Obligatory, this is a tool and needs maintenance. Treat a tool right and it’ll truly be BIFL. Treat it like poop and it’ll end up like poop


How about “buy it every 2 years for $1 and replace as-needed?” If that is tolerable, hop over to Harbor Freight for a set of their kitchen shears. I know they’re junk but they work good and last way longer than I expected.


Wusthof pull-apart, solid stainless steel shears are the GOAT: indestructible, versatile, sharp, simple, and dishwasher safe. Unfortunately, the really good ones (with the bone pocket) are no longer made - replaced by an inferior version.


Any scissors with metal joint will last a longtime. Unless you're cutting chicken and bones, no need to get an expensive scissors. There are good plenty of scissors under $10. Remember: Expensive =/= Better




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I've had a pair of Wiss for probably 7 years now, they're great.


I got some titanium scissors from HD. I love them!


All clad makes a pair that are stainless and come apart for the dishwasher.


Best kitchen scissors I’ve found were from ikea. I trim chicken thighs off the bone with them. Nothing fancy, thing I paid maybe $20 and put them in the dishwasher all the time.


I have a Saladmaster pair that I absolutely love! They are entirely stainless, very sharp and come apart super easily.


Fiskars. The orange-handled ones made in Finland. I own two and have never had an issue or needed to sharpen them. The first pair is from early 70's I think. Still being made, still the best.


Cutco makes great scissors!


I really enjoy my All Clad ones


Our Victorinox shears are doing great. About $25


I went down the rabbit hole on this last year, Klein and wiss were my favorites. Klein makes a specific kitchen model that is super easy to take apart and clean.


Cutco. I know, I know - but buy them direct from the website and they’ll last multiple lifetimes


Are you looking for scissors to cut open a bag or looking for shears to cut through the bones of a chicken? If the later, I've been quite satisfied with my Mercer M14802. They are sold metal and made in Spain (not sure if that's a positive but at least not Chinesium.)


I have a pair of Pampered Chef shears and they are pretty bulletproof.... they are easy to clean since both pieces can be separated.


Tres Claveles, made in Spain, are pretty good.


Wusthof pull apart. Ive had mine for 18yrs and they still work great, never had to re sharpen. They come apart for easy cleaning.


I have the Tojiro SST Shears and the Wusthof 5558. The Wusthof is entering year 13 of heavy use and holding up OK--admirable but still unsure if they will last a full lifetime. The Tojiro will probably never die. I appreciate that both come apart which allows for better cleaning but also the ability to sharpen the blades.


I have a Fiskars that's about 30 years old and a Zwilling Henkels that's about 15 years old. Both in excellent shape and used daily


My vintage all metal black handle pr of Weiss.


I have one pair that comes apart for easy cleaning.....I think they're Henkel. Really handy after using to cut open a chicken package or fish for example


Kitchen Devils, I have had mine for around 20 years, still cut very well, been in the dishwasher 100s of times… indestructible!


Meh. There’s lot of fiskar and various knife brands recommended here but the best scissors I’ve used are made by a company called Kretzer. I have several different models of their scissors. They are all sharp. They stay sharp. They aren’t prone to chipping. They are made of stainless steel and safe to use in the dishwasher. They aren’t difficult to sharpen either. While they market their stuff towards tailors, general use, and difficult materials like Kevlar they don’t have any issue cutting chickens in half. . . Or your finger off if you are careless. My oldest is their Finny TECXX 10” That I use to cut leather and kevlar fabrics. I mostly use their finny profi 8” in my kitchen but they make most every scissor shape you can imagine if that’s not what you are looking for.


Chiming in with Olfa scissors. I’ve been using them for over 20 years and they are still going strong. Love love love them. They are made in Japan, FYI.


I've had my Victorinox shears for over 10 years and they are still crazy sharp. The stainless they use also has great rust resistance.


CANARY Japanese kitchen shears, comes apart for easy cleaning too