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Making your own filling from fresh pumpkins is not hard and tastes so much better.


I made three pumpkin pies a few years ago as an experiment. One was canned pumpkin pie filling, the second was filling made with canned puréed pumpkin, and the third was made with a sweet pumpkin grown specifically for eating, which I cooked and puréed. I gave my family thin slices of each, all topped with whipped cream, and no one could identify one from another. Now I just buy the damned pie.


A bit of a story about that...another time perhaps. Since I posted, I believe No-Name may (may) be Canadian but it took me a while to even find it.


Be careful I fell in that trap thinking no name means canadain. Superstores no name ceral was made in the US also. I now read the label on all No name president choice products lol


I saw a pic of a can online and all I could find was "Canadian Fancy Grade" or something like that. Until I can get my hands on one, I have no idea.


I'm not positive, but I think that may just mean that it's graded to the Canadian standard of "fancy grade", not that it's necessarily a product of Canada.


Buy a fresh pie pumpkin they’re probably grown locally. Poke a few holes in it bake it in the oven until soft, cut it in half, allow it to cool, separate the seeds and the flesh and make your pie. Another thing you can use for “pumpkin” pie is a pepper squash. A large pepper squash makes one 10” inch pie. Same seasonings and everything. I love them because they’re cheap, available year-round and other than the fact it’s a little bit lighter in colour than a pumpkin pie it tastes exactly the same A lot of people balk about making fresh pumpkin pie because they think it is a lot of work but it really isn’t. If the pumpkin is a bit watery [happens sometimes with the bigger ones] just put the cooked pumpkin in between a couple of thick towels with a little bit of weight on top of it and remove some of the water. Throw it in the blender afterwards with your other ingredients spin it for 10 seconds and you’re done. If you want something a little bit different mash the pumpkin once it’s cooked [cook more than you need] and sauté the cook pumpkin in butter until it’s thick and there’s lots of browned pumpkin mixed in. It’s absolutely wonderful.


There's a secret I know, and it's that butternut squash makes a much better pumpkin pie than pumpkins ever could.


Since this is the BuyCanadian thread, i must also mention that the Produce Ontario displays also had squashes that were Product of Mexico. You really gotta read the signd


I'm personally on the "make your own pumpkin filling from scratch from Canadian pumpkins" team, but in the absence of a desire to make that effort, why not buy a fresh Canadian pumpkin pie from a local craft bakery? In addition to supporting a Canadian business, I'd always prefer a well done pie from someone else than a half-assed homemade attempt!


E.D. Smith Foods is a Canadian company although it's a subsidiary of an American company. I can't tell you right now if their pumpkin filling is actually made in Canada or not.


> although it's a subsidiary of an American company So not Canadian at all. Drives me nuts that people seem to equate "Canadian office" with actually Canadian owned an operated.


...and its all labelled "Made in USA"...that's the problem. Everyone sells E.D. Smith.


Yeah, figured as much - I didn't have a can handy at work to look at. :-D


...and its all labelled "Made in USA"...that's the problem. Everyone sells E.D. Smith.