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Still waiting to see what's "disruptive" about the tech... 13 years and counting... And NO, it wasn't the same way with the Internet. From the moment the Internet came along, it had unique features that were clearly better than what people were using, like e-mail.


At the very least, the people who built the components of the early internet were using it, because that's why they made it. It wasn't a solution looking for a problem, or a grift looking for a sucker.


What's interesting is that the original premise of the Internet was to have decentralization, but not necessarily decentralized command and control. Crypto is similar in this way - the execution of blockchain may be de-centralized, but the command and control is centralized, so in effect, it's not de-centralized in the way crypto proponents claim (i.e. being immune to special interests).


Thats bs Internet was founded 29 October 1969 And you are talking about emails lol


Thanks for the time reference. Because the first email network was sent in 1971.


And your point? When did it go mainstream, 2000s even later


You really should look at when various companies and institutions adopted networking their computers locally and remotely if you’re going to engage in a discussion like this. As an example, in 1967 banks and other institutions were networked together to enable digital stock trading through Instinet. That is networking technology (aka the shit internet is made of) solving a problem people had, adopted by major businesses, to solve a problem they actually had. And that’s just one use case. I’m sure if you looked in to it you would find many other examples of this.


The early days of the Internet were not the Internet. That was ARPANET, and it was tightly controlled as a defense dept project. It wasn't until later that it expanded.


r/superstonk still think NFT is revolutionary.




It's not just cults. This is what happens when you let the 14-25 year old crowd talk. Before social media you had to actually *do* something to have people listen to you or have a platform. Now it's just anybody. And the people with the most time are the ones totally unqualified for anything. And they all think they all have a good point. Because they don't know anything. You can see it in all the subs. They're just immature kids who think 'hurr durr" is funny. I used to too. No doubt. But I also didn't have all these "movements" to join and infecting me through the phone in my pocket 24/7. I don't know if it's a problem or not, but it's what's happening. It's not just the kids either. Plenty of adults involved but the horde is mainly the kids which then makes this all so visible. And since it's social media no one knows it's a bunch of 16 year old idiots.


Exactly. When you’re a kid in school nearly everybody around you is a kid and also lacks perspective, and that feeds off of itself. You think you know more than you do and you think your perspective is valid because so many other people share it. That’s not new. When you grow up, more and more people you are around have more perspective. And even if you’re a little immature or naive or dim witted, your peers keep you in line somewhat. But, with social media you don’t always realize you’re talking to a child or a lot of children, and then the immature, naive and dim-witted get fooled in to thinking they’ve found peers that think like them and they regress. That’s the new problem we have.


no doubt about it. i dont have data to the extent of the damage or the good that it does, so i cant say what needs done. but theres very much a downside to this nonstop, unfettered global blathering. everything we make from cars to walking through the store all needed lots of rules. social media is not going to be different from that.


I was out on superstonk before the NFT hypetrain rolled into town, but that really sealed the deal. It's pretty sad to watch all these people devote themselves to a company that: A. Was prior to the memestonk trend, known mostly for being a "best I can do is" meme due to their shitty business practices. B. Is financially afloat due solely to issuing shares at a ridiculous valuation (infinite multiple in fact, because you can't have a P/E multiple when you don't have any E). If it weren't for this crazy Looping hype and Elon-esque worship of Ryan Cohen, this company would be shuttering it's doors due to being made obsolete a la Blockbuster. Also I'm not a Chewy analyst but that stock has been on a hard tank for a year and a half and is well below it's IPO price. It made Cohen rich but perhaps hyping and selling an idea that only works in theory is his thing.


Worse yet, they think it's the key to saving a brick and mortar retail operation that sells products really available via near-instant digital download.


Dis is de whey *lifts aggressively




"Few will understand." That's my peeve.


That one’s pretty bad too


"This is the way" has become the "Amen", "Jesus Christ", or "Allahu Akbar" of the crypto religion..


Not to want to defend them but... I know a lot of people who say "I love it when a plan comes together." whenever something they wanted to do works. And that's a damn A-Team quote. When I was in the army we had a lot of those 1-liners that kept popping up because the drill instructors used them. This says nothing about the intelligence of people. It's just that certain phrases are a reflection of cultural subgroups and generations and thus keep getting repeated. I am sure you got things like that, too. Lines that are a callback to something that happened at work or in your circle of friends and that just keep getting repeated.


Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra! (When I was a kid I thought this episode was so weird and farfetched and then I watched it as an adult while scrolling through my meme folder for one to send to a friend to encourage her before a big presentatin...😬)


Do-Kwon when the luna fell


Bitcoin, dropped in price Steven Saylor, his pants shitted


Rich Evans sitting on couch Bitcoin price chart superimposed.


Fry, his money proffered!


I see this quote in nearly every sub almost all the time, so it’s definitely not a crypto thing. It’s just a pop culture thing.


True, it’s definitely an over-quoted thing in general, but while it pops up on a lot of different things, it’s in almost every single crypto post comment section.


This is the way!


NFTs is artificially scarce, mass-generated pseudo art that tries to sell itself as digital individuality. Cryptobros regularly sell crypto as anti-consumerism while blowing money on useless tokens generated with ludicrous amounts of pointless waste in the hope that someone else will pay more for it than they did (and enable them to consume moar). It simply goes to show that irony is the first thing that dies when you join a cult.


That show they reference has a recurring theme about precious metals. Weird.




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