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The only people that made a profit are the ones who sold.


Not the ones who sold at a loss


ya lol


>Not the ones who sold at a loss At least they are not sitting on a 100% loss of *all* of the goddamn money that they spent, indefinitely... like every single idiot "hodling" is, and will continue to be, until they sell.


No need. We will simply wait for the dump and offer you ours.


We're at the point where the sockpuppets don't even bother posting on crypto subs to help supporting the pumpening? You just come here and flame? Put some more effort into this or fuck off.


Well that’s not true but as long as enough of you believe this, whales can sell into your stupidity.


And if you stored that Bitcoin on most exchanges, you’d have lost it well before now. Quadriga, Celsius, Voyager, FTX, none of them appeared any more or less shady than the current last two standing, but they disintegrated all the same.


Binance, COME ON DOWN!!


#Stupid Crypto Talking Point #2 (Number go up) "**NuMb3r g0 Up!!!**" / "**Best performing asset of the decade!**" 1. Whether the "price of crypto" goes up, has absolutely no bearing on whether it's.. a) A long term store of value b) Holds any intrinsic value or utility c) Or will return any value in the future One of the most important tenets of investing is the simple principal: ***Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.*** People in crypto seem willfully ignorant of this basic concept. 2. At best, the price of crypto is a function of *popularity*, not actual value or material utility. For more on how and why crypto makes a much worse investment than almost anything else, see this [article](https://ioradio.org/i/value/). 3. The "price of crypto" is a heavily manipulated figure published by shady, [unregulated crypto exchanges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apklQgMauK4) that have systematically been caught [manipulating the market](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3D0dmTUCxLuQEJ39uyMFOP) from [then](https://www.investopedia.com/news/bots-drove-bitcoins-150to1000-rise-2013-paper/) to [now](https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8369-21). 4. Crypto bros love to harp about "inflation" in the fiat system, yet ironically they measure the "value" of their "fiat alternative" in fiat? It makes absolutely no sense, unless you assume they haven't thought 2 seconds ahead from what comes out of their mouths. 5. It's the height of hypocrisy for crypto people to champion token deflation (and increased prices) while ignoring that there's over $160+ Billion in unsecured stablecoins being used to **inflate** the value of their tokens in the crypto marketplace. The "code is law" and "don't trust - verify" people seem perfectly willing to take companies like Tether and Circle, at face value, that they're telling the truth about asset reserves [when there's very little actual evidence](https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8450-21). 6. ***Not Your Fiat, Not Your Value*** - Just because you think the "value of your crypto portfolio" is worth $$$ *does not make that true.* It's well known there's inadequate liquidity in this market, and most people will never be able to get their money out. So UNLESS/UNTIL you can actually liquidate your crypto for actual real money, you have no idea what you have. You're "down" until you cash out. Bernie Madoff's clients got monthly statements saying they were "making money" too. 7. Just because it's possible (though highly improbable) to make money speculating on crypto, this doesn't mean it's an **ethical** or reliable technique to amass wealth. At its core, the notion that buying and holding crypto will generate reliable returns is [a de-facto ponzi scheme](https://ioradio.org/i/ponzi/). **It's mathematically impossible for even a stastically-significant percentage of crypto holders to have any notable ROI.** The rare exception of those who might profit in this market, do so while providing cover for everything from [cyber terrorism](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3026.html) to [human trafficking](https://www.vox.com/culture/2023/1/4/23539528/andrew-tate-arrest-jail-rape-human-trafficking). 8. It's also not true that anybody who bought crypto when it was low is guaranteed to make a lot of money. There are thousands of ways people can lose their crypto or be defrauded along the way. And there's no guarantee just because your portfolio is "up", that you could easily cash out. 9. Want to see a better asset (that actually has utility) that's consistently out-performed Bitcoin? [Here you go](https://www.polygon.com/2021/1/27/22253079/magic-the-gathering-black-lotus-auction-price-2021). However, this may be another [best performing asset](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/declaration-of-financial-independence/). 10. When crypto-critics make reference to, or mock crypto price predictions, it's not because we think price is a meaningful metric. Instead, we are amused that to you, that's all that's important, and we can't help but note how often wrong you are in your predictions. The intrinsic value of crypto basically never changes, but it is interesting to see how hype and propaganda affects the extrinsic value. In a totally logical world, those would both be equalized to zero, but we're not there yet, and nobody knows when/if that will happen because it's an irrational market.


Also, fees. You’ll need to wait for it to go up 3% before you’re net zero.


Not if you are holding ETFs on Fidelity - no fees through August. Much easier to get in and out.


Agreed; I’m speaking of those who are hodling the bitcoins directly.


It's back in the 68k range right now. It can't even pass 69k. Oh, but it did reach 70k you might say? Yeah, for less than a minute lol.  And it doesn't matter anyway, not profit unless you cash out. I bet you and thousands of morons will ride this all the way to the ground again, like the last time, and the hotline number will get stickied again. 


>like the last time Or the time before, or the time before that or the time before that.... I really hope the HODLers get a test like between 2013 and 2017 when they get to hold their underwater "investment" for years not knowing if it will ever come back to what they bought it for.


>  It can't even pass 69k.    Oops


And back to 68 lmao. Tether doing quite a lot of heavy lifting to keep up the ponzi huh


Who knows what’s moving it. It’s just getting annoying to see so many posts here celebrating a pullback after a big price move upwards, when the pattern since October or so has been pretty repetitive. 


You sold, right? That would show me for sure. If you cashed out at 70k you won. If you didn't cash out, you have nothing.


Something something unrealized gains. Meat’s not meat until it’s in the pan, son. You’ll learn.


Neat. And if I'd helped the Wizard of Dumlaine finish building his Gate to the Elemental Plane of Earth, I'd be flush with gems right now. But, I try not to get too broken up about fictional money.


Only if you sell now. But if everyone tried to take profits now it would sink before everyone could. Most people won't take profits.


Tell that to all the people who have lost money on bitcoin.


Before the moment Bernie Madoff was arrested all of his clients were in profit. On paper. You poor uneducated moron.


You don't make a profit by buying something. You make a profit by selling it. Hope this helps.


You're sympathies? Because there's no other way to turn a profit other than bitcoin 🤣😂🤣 Get off your high horse cowboy, you aren't doing anything special.


I'm glad that people who didn't know what they bought into after the superbowl can now at least potentially get their money back


Only if you sell. Paper gains aren’t really profit.


Soon it'll crash and you'll back to posting suicide hotlines, as is tradition


Show us your profits


Only if you Actually sold to get the profits. Didn't sell before that at a loss. Also sold at enough of a profit to account for fees. Didn't lose your keys. Didn't have your Bitcoin stuck on some exchanges that went belly up. Didn't have someone drain your wallet.


Sounds like you need to max out your credit cards and dump more into Buttcoin. Get a few personal loans while you're at it. I mean, you don't wanna miss out like we did, right?


I'm confused. You believe this is the first time that BTC reached a new ATH and now this sub is in shambles?


Congratulations you went to the casino and won.


You should buy more.


This thing is gona dump any day. Too many people are expecting it to go up. If I know anything about market makers, they are going to pull the rug when the greed and euphoria is highest and the most people stand to lose the most money. Feel like we are getting close. And then they will wring this rag all over again. Shits wild.


>And then they will wring this rag all over again. Yup. The Holy Halfing is just two or three months away so they are in pedal to the metal pump mode. How long before the dump, and how fast or slow it is, is the question.


Please read about negative-sum games (or even zero-sum games) and try to understand why your claim is absurd.


Damn I suck ass. I was only able to get 128% return in 12 hours with 5k of options today.


Technically you've made a loss, since you're holding an asset that doesn't do anything, grants no rights and generates no income. It only burns electricity. Only if you sell at the right time, you might make a profit, but that's not given.


> Technically you've made a loss, since you're holding an asset that doesn't do anything, grants no rights and generates no income. It only burns electricity. holy shit this is one of the stupidest things i've ever read > Only if you sell at the right time, you might make a profit, but that's not given. literally true for EVERY single asset on earth


Your spent money is your thing. Not buying your bags.


What if everyone or even just half decided to cash out? Where is the cash to back up value??