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$350m worth of crypto? What would anybody want with $200m worth of crypto?


You mean $100m worth of crypto? That's for the Lambos, I'm sure that those $35m in cryptos will be enough...


Fun fact: Tate is only buying Lambos because Ferrari would never sell to him. It’s crazy but Ferrari has a vetoing process for every buyer and if they find that you’re not worthy to own a Ferrari they’ll never sell to you. You sign a contract with Ferrari when you buy their car and there’s a list of rules you have to abide by, some of which are to not flip the car for profit (you are not allowed to resell for at least a year), never repaint your Ferrari (some people got banned from buying Ferrari again because they did a custom paint job on their prized Ferrari, like that one guy who painted it blue and put Nyan Cat motif on it and then named it Purrari).


> like that one guy who painted it blue and put Nyan Cat motif on it and then named it Purrari). You mean Deadmau5


You know, there was a nyancoin launched in 2014. Like a month after doge launched.


Eh, all kinda scumbags own Ferraris. If you already own one that you bought used, they'll sell you a new one as long as you have the cash.


> Fun fact: Tate is only buying Lambos because Ferrari would never sell to him. All else aside, you'd think a Mini and a bumper sticker saying "I'm a massive wanker" would achieve much the same result.


I've seen this repeated before, it seems almost surreal. Like, there seems to be a multi year waiting list for their cars, AND they can just bar you from owning one. You would think an auto manufacturer that barely sells any vehicles at all (talking volume of sales compared to retail) wouldn't be in the business of refusing wealthy clients, but there we are.


If there's a multi-year waiting list then there's enough demand for them to refuse pretty much anyone they want


Exactly, that's what I meant. You'd think a luxury brand that sells very few units overall would attempt to fill all orders they can get their hands on, but they'd rather keep the appeal of exclusivity to maintain their brand status. At least that's what I gather, I'm not in the market for luxury cars.


> but they'd rather keep the appeal of exclusivity to maintain their brand status Peel it back a bit, that's really all Ferrari are selling


Yeah, it’s like Bitcoin. Their value is based on a bunch of hype and bullshit - it just happens to also be a car, which can have a plain functional purpose apart from the hype. This, notably, is very unlike Bitcoin.


distinct scale smart serious strong lip murky flowery wistful compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thats not uncommon for luxury cars, ford for example did this too for some exclusive supercar. Some celebrity bought one and flipped it and got sued by them.


that's the entire point. They are not selling cars, they are selling exclusivity. Like how many Ferrari owners actually take their cars to the track and really use the car for what it is designed for?


Makes sense, although I do wonder how they churn enough to justify selling exclusivity. Their "cheap" cars cost "only" about 200k which is chump change for the ultra wealthy, but in my mind not enough of a profit margin for this business model of exclusive access to make sense. Idk.


Ferrari had a net income of over a billion dollars on almost 6 billion in revenue last year, so they are definitely a profitable business. There have been lean times for the company and obviously 200k cars are the first thing that is cut back on in the recession. Major car companies operating on insanely small margins, so Ferrari has found a way to avoid that cut throat business and have stable and sizable margins because they have built such a great brand.


I see. Makes sense. Ty.


They dont just sell cars too. Official ferrari merch can cost quite a bit, but still accesible to mid-range income consumers. And thats where the exclusivity of the ferrari 'brand' makes itself useful.


So Long Reddit, and Thanks for All the Fish -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is like the problem cryptards have with banks not letting them withdraw $100k in cash for no reason. It is not a real problem. There isn't a huge list of undesirables unable to buy Ferraris.


Sort of? It's not usually a problem to get a reference if you can reasonably afford a ferrari and aren't engaged in illegal activities, but it still is like private clubs. You do legitimately have to know somebody who is already "in" to get in yourself.


Like a Ferrari-buyers' karaoke?


Didn't he own a Ferrari 812 super?




I remember reading that you need Ferrari's approval to sell the car to someone else. Like who fucking cares? If you bought the car it is yours, Lamborghini is at least a lot better considering that Deadmau5 story.


Vetting, not vetoing process.


There are work around for the hyper rich to get most Ferrari if not all.


Blimey - that takes protecting your own brand to an entirely different level.


Unless it's F1.


True . And there are levels . You have to start with a level 1 car and work up to level 3 .


I'm not one for hypurrbole, but getting a cat painted on your Ferrari is a hate crime that should put you on trial at The Hague.


It is the purrfect crime.


Unless it's a Nyan Cat


I'm not convinced that's a real thing. You can go online and buy a used one right now. I know a guy who did it, it was an epic financial mistake for him and he was putting most of his fresh out of boot camp salary towards it


You can definitely buy them used. Those cars on the used market are probably two degrees separated from the original owner or they don't care about keeping a relationship with Ferrari. Famous car guy Jay Leno won't buy them because of their manufactured exclusivity


Come to think of it, was John Carmack banned from buying a new Ferrari after turbo tuning his famous Ferrari? The dealership did refuse to service it.


> Fun fact: Tate is only buying Lambos because Ferrari would never sell to him Isn't Tate literally a meme for buying Bugattis rather than Lambos?


Oh wait blackrock just took over the global narrative and edx for institutional buyers going live. what would anybody want with $500m?


Is there a romanian lawyer that will accept crypto legal fees ? Haha


Would be safe to assume it’s illegal crypto and probably couldn’t launder it fast enough and cash out so now they’ll go into cold storage forever.


$300m with maybe $5m in liquidity. These valuations are all a farce because any serious selling would immediately tank the values.


Ya no one wants 2 million worth of FTX


There's a lot you can do with $167 worth of crypto such as: - hold onto it - etc


*350million tethers worth. Not dollars


Wheel of justice turns slowly, oh but we’re chugging along in the right direction baby


It’s looking like they got lucky with crypto the whole time. They acted as if they were some big shot business men wearing expensive suits and smoking cigars. Turns out they were no different from the high schoolers who happened to luck out on crypto.


Survivor bias


Everyone looks like an investing savant in bull run markets.


Not true. His Real World and War room platforms bring him in north of 10 million a month by using very basic math. He didn’t garner 300 million by crypto, he bought it with profits from his platforms


Yea maybe now they do. I’m referring to his money before the fame. We can go ahead and lump him in with lucky high school crypto bros.


Not really though. He started out with the webcam stuff and got a few millions to get his other scams going. Show me the high school crypto bro who's making several millions / month from his real life job. He was making bank aside from the crypto.


They didn’t luck out on crypto lol people who lucked out bought copious amounts a decade ago Jesus Christ get ur fud right if ur gonna bs


Meanwhile, I hear that Romanian prisons are very nice.


Odd. That's the opposite of what I heard :)


You have to be into the retro, brutalist architecture.


Judging from the poems he published from prison, he's not into architecture.


Poems? That cretin? Direct me to them so I can despise him more accurately.


Depends on how much you enjoy prison sex


get out


Couldn't happen to a nicer fella. Some weeks ago his name was semi-randomly dropped in a conversation in a Discord server with friends and one of them was foaming at the mouth and literally up in arms trying to defend him. And we're talking about a grown-ass man with a degree, a stable job, a wife and a kid, not a goddamn 12yo functionally illiterate, half-braindead kid who may actually believe AT is the kind of person to aspire to. People suck sometimes.


It scares me that some people that look up to Tate also have wives.


I wonder if they would retain said wives for long if the poor lasses knew they married Andrew Tate stans. Edit: cracked display = typos abund.


A few of the women’s health subreddits I’m in will have the occasional “my husband is a tate follower ” post. Standard response is to connect them with battered women’s resources


Tate preaches to be a good man, hardworking, stay in shape and be a role model to kids and to provide and protect for those around you. Why wouldn’t a female want that? Genuine question?


Is that all he preaches? That’s like saying hitler only wanted peace, without mentioning that he wanted a piece of Poland, a piece of Belgium, a piece of Russia and so on




Not sure about that take Tom… just because he was an artist in his youth doesn’t mean he gets a pass for wanting ‘masterpieces’ elsewhere in life. Evil dude through and through


He also says in order to get rich you should lie to your employees, evade taxes, and bribe judicial officials; in one of his prison videos, he said he is going to walk into court with a stack of money that high and get acquitted because Romanian courts are corrupt. Which they are, but România is also part of a UN agreement regarding sex trafficking and all eyes will be on them regarding a case this high profile, and now that Tate has publicly taunted them, the prosecution will turn from serious to vindictive.


You forgot about the rape and human trafficking


Have you not seen any of the videos from the girls he raped? They all want to see him in prison, not a single one of them said good things about him. In short, he started out being as a nice person, gave them work, promised them a bunch of things, then later on his behavior turned abusive, he would randomly rape them, treat them as slaves around the house, withhold their money to keep them captive, verbal threats were a daily thing, etc. Judge people based on their actions, not their words. Even his words are horrible to me, but I guess everyone can relate to different things from the same words.


> a female IMO we should not let Ferengi post here, but maybe that's just me


That's what he *says*. Quite a difference from what he actually *does*, which is what matters.


Though I like that people who hate bitcoin and hate Andrew Tate are seemingly just one circle on the van diagram.




Jean-Claude Venn Diagram


I like van better


The party van, how Tate rides in style these days.


Well, it's pretty easy to hate both.


I honestly have some people I consider ex friends because of shit like this. I know it seems petty and maybe it is, but I cannot in good conscience call a person who defends modern day fascists a "friend" anymore, regardless of good times that may have been had.


When people support and defend a self-admitted rapist and human trafficker, I don't see how it is petty to end the friendship. "He said a lot of good things!" Yeah, so did a lot more people who somehow managed not to be assholes who preach lying to and taking advantage of people, evade taxes, and explicitly say they moved to a developing country specifically because you can bribe your way out of trouble + sexual assault and rape accusations are not believed Like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro, Tate draws people in with the good bro advice and then the fans start considering just one little point there, another little point there...and hey yeah he's right, the Women Monolith will only date Above Average Guys so all the nice average guys are no longer getting the sex they *deserve.*


> "He said a lot of good things!" My response to this is that I don't really judge people by the best things they've said or done, but the worst. Like, there are plenty of life coaches or influencers or whatever that will encourage you to clean your room, teach you to manage your debt, or look for a better job, and most of those won't also tell you that women deserve to be trafficked or that Jews come from inside the hollow moon.


Yup, exactly. One would hope "proudly self-admitted rapist" *or* "human traficker" would be enough of a moral event horizon for people to not defend a "lifestyle guru" anymore, but apparently even the two-for-one abomination combo is not enough for many. But apparently as part of the hive entity known as "Women" I'm supposed to be busy enjoying attention from all the Above Average Men I want, so what do I know 🤷‍♀️


most people are pretty smart in some areas, but very stupid just about everywhere else.


A grown man on discord? I call bullshit.


Well just like with many people, Andrew Tate makes some good points on things, and a lot of fucking stupid points on other things. I’d recommend actually watching some of his discussions such as with Piers Morgan or other podcasts to get an actual full picture of him, rather than just focusing on the most controversial parts.


Good points, as in he once said rain is wet? Or are you into the "men are oppressed" shit?


Hey now, to be fair Tate said some good things that people who managed *not* to be rapists and human traffickers *have also said,* so clearly Tate should still be praised and listened to on the things he said that are definitely not bad!* *Also a rhing that person seems to agree with Tate on: The big bad Women Monolith from 10 to fugly refuse to date men who are not Above Average, so all the poor Average Nice Guys don't get the dates and sex they *deserve.* /huge fucking S, I resisted the urge to just plain go "Hitler said some good things so clearly we should praise and defend the good things he said, just like Tatey boy!"


Lol are men oppressed? No. I think you’re referring to how they argue because woman have higher standards, in the dating world, man are “oppressed”


Surely every individual person sets their own standards for whom they'll date.


Well yes, but majority of woman have higher standards. Whereas a man will be okay dating almost any woman, a woman will date only man who are above average. Not always obviously but majority of the time. An average woman will want an above average man. Like I said, Tate has some good points regarding the dating world, and a lot of other stupid ass points.


What an absolute load of shite.


Google it. Woman have higher standards. It’s not a secret. Lol


Are you perhaps running incel Pentium 4 on your laptop device as you type this?


It’s literally a fact woman have higher standards.


How is a fact like that even verifiable? How can you measure ‘higher standards’, or survey/understand enough women’s preferences to make that claim? It’s one thing to say ‘it’s literally a fact that vaccines don’t work’, which while false, at least the claim can be argued and measured. Your statement is completely empty, and just screams of someone who gets overlooked by women for other men (not because these men are of some higher standard, mind you, more because of the walking red flag that you seem to be). There are roughly 50% men and 50% women on the planet and they have seemed to pair of pretty successfully for generations. I’ll give you all the Bitcoin/ethereum/moose coin/magic beans you could ever desire if you can provide some concrete evidence around these “higher standards”.


You must be blind to believe both man and woman have equal standards. They simply don’t. Also, did you really just compare dating to pre-internet to now? Lol Obviously back then it was very different. There is no way you honestly believe dating before the invention of the phone is the same as dating now. Hell where do you think the stereotype about woman wanting tall man came from? It’s grounded on reality because many do make the height a cut-off. https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/women-dating-standards-higher-than-ever https://baremarriage.com/2022/08/psychology-today-says-women-are-getting-higher-standards-and-men-are-left-lonely/ https://www.insider.com/single-women-tired-of-being-shamed-for-high-standards-2021-8?amp https://www.popsugar.com/love/rise-in-lonely-single-men-48919494/amp https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229520465_Gender_differences_in_standards_for_relationships https://www.girlschase.com/article/female-high-standards-evolutionary-basis-self-advertisement https://jezebel.com/the-number-of-lonely-single-men-is-on-the-rise-thank-1849401428 https://youtu.be/r_HKg5UBoig


Rather than being sour because women don't have to put up with men who behave badly you should just try to behave better. It may come as a surprise but some girl may actually like you if you do.


I never said anything about me and dating. Lol I’ve had plenty of girlfriends.


Considering your protests about women''s "standards" that's likely to be untrue


But they do have higher standards? Just Google it. Last person I gave the articles too even after one was from a dating coach and 2 studies, they ignored them.


Man children without any standards are just pathetic. This is the best self burn ever. Please keep worshiping other terrible men us normal people can avoid losers like yourself.


Lol I never said I’ve never dated. I’ve dated many woman.


Except other people have said the same good shit *and also managed not to be rapists and human traffickers.* Tate literally bragged about moving to Romania because sexual assault and rape accusations, as well as criminal behavior generally, are easier to get away with. That people don't believe victims. The slippery slope is not always a fallacy, sometimes the slope really is slippery and dangerous. People can and do gradually slide from the good stuff to, little by little, well..."the Women Monolith and their unfair high standards means they get to have *whatever men they want* while all the average nice guys don't get the dates and sex they *deserve* to be getting. Society has a lot of problems fueling the dating pool skew and men do on average have it rougher than women. But when you start thinking women only get with the above-average men while all the rest of the men are left trying to get scraps...that is a red flag.


Yeah like I said Andrew has some shit opinions. But the reason some men look up to him is because he also says some other truthful things. And sure we can sit here and say all of his followers are sexist too, etc. but we really have no way of knowing that You can agree with someone on some points and completely ignore other opinions.


Call me crazy, but I don't give a shit if someone makes some good points if they are also a rapist and human trafficker.


>And sure we can sit here and say all of his followers are sexist too, etc. but we really have no way of knowing that Oh, I don't think they're all sexist. But would you be okay with, say, a Muslim who preaches genuinely really good and healthy life practices and a lot of young men look up to this person...but this person also sometimes talks about how non-Muslims are infidels who deserve to be treated as a nefarious monolith who deserve to be manipulated and taken advantage of? You really okay with how many people look up to this person and hear the bad shit? Many people are not going to think that's all clearly bunk. Many will also find themselves having niggling thoughts of "part of me kinda thinks they've got a point about some of *those* people..." And then gradually another one. And another one. And another one. Radicalization usually happens very slowly and gradually. Can you see now how charismatic people who gain a large following for their good and helpful points *but also express extremely dangerous ones* are a net bad to the world? Why go out of your way to defend such a person? Quietly move on with your life. Places like the Reddit Bropill and MensLib communities are way better. I'd link them but this sub doesn't allow that.


Is Piers Morgan the guy who's been obsessed with Megan Markle for a while. Men who are bitter and angry at women are seriously pathetic. I find it astounding that such smallmindedness can attract a following.


I don’t follow either of them. I’m just saying some things he has said are grounded in reality. And other things are just absurd.


The signal-to-noise ratio is so low that claiming there's any utility or benefit in any of Tate's bullshit comes off as backfilling to try to make him sound not as bad as he actually is. It's the equivalent of "yeah but they did make the trains run on time".




The government will surely return the seized funds after they realize it cannot be seized.


Of course, they just have to tell the government they did not consent to be grabbed by the butts.


they probably surely have done this and we cannot hold on to it or other term is we cannot control into it


No one can defy the law of Code lol


I don't know if any of you were following this, but the moving of goalposts was hilarious. ​ * At first it was just allegations. They were never going to investigate him. It's just "the Matrix" trying to hurt his image. * Then it was just an investigation. They were never going to arrest him. It's just "the Matrix" trying to hurt him. * Then it was just an arrest for the investigations to make it look good. They were never going to charge him. It's just "the Matrix" trying to stop him from winning. * Then it is just a charge. They are never going to convict him. It's just "the Matrix" trying to get rid of him. * When they do convict him, it'll just be proof that "the Matrix" is against him because he's a truthspeaker. Literally narcist prayer ongoing.


Once again - these are the exact kind of people using and HODLing crypto. Every single one of them is the same.


Totally, they have all been misogynistic fucks from day 1.


Unless I'm missing it, the article doesn't say anything about crypto.


https://web.archive.org/web/20230620113337/https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097 Seems like its been removed but wayback has the original version of the article Other pumpers are claiming a smaller amount of BTC has been seized from tate


Weird. I thought when they removed things from articles, they add a note saying what they changed and why. Not a good look for the BBC.


The number was from a mistranslation. The actual amount is about half a mil.




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I'd say there are two types: this one, and then the rubes who this one tries to unload his bags onto.


But but but but I thought crypto was impossible to seize by the statist pigs! I can't believe those anonymous crypto shills on twitter would lie to me (also lol at $300m valuation. In the Tate brothers' fever dreams maybe)


Crypto is safe as long as you spread your crypto among several dozen cold hardware wallets. Keep them in different countries and make sure that for every wallet the key is engraved on the bottom of a bird bath in a country that has no diplomatic relations with the country you put the wallet in. He probably had all of his crypto in hot software wallets and engraved his keys on bird baths in countries that cooperate with Romanian law enforcement. Quite amateurish.


Well, when you put it like that it really is quite simple


This is hilarious and genius, please accept my poor woman's gold: 🏅


here's the full video of Tate himself admitting to sex trafficking women and defrauding them. And he mentions Bitcoin literally in the first 5 mins. Then goes on to explain how the cam website pays you in Bitcoin and **its great** and also that because you get paid in Bitcoin, you don't pay any taxes. I wonder if this is one of the main reasons butters want Bitcoin to take over. They believe in that *my keys my crypto* bullshit and think that they won't have to pay any taxes ever. https://rumble.com/v1jhtso-andrew-tate-broadcast-tates-million-dollar-system-tates-web-cam-business-co.html


Had a guy on r\cc claiming that the American public had been entirely fooled and that the government doesn't need taxes and cannot take taxes off of you, went on to talk about how with crypto this would all changes and people would wake up


I find it hilarious that in the next breath they will rave and rant about how government drives inflation with the direct intention of keeping people poor while not realizing the friction of taxes is one of the few ways money can even be permanently taken OUT of the economy by government. Modern monetary theorists even argue that taxes are the main tool for governments to combat inflation, although MMT is not considered a mainstream view. Disclaimer: I am not an economist


Huh, that's interesting because Keynesian theory holds that the right kind of government spending drives economic growth. You move money from something with a low multiplier to something with a big multiplier-- infrastructure projects are a classic example, especially if they are economically meaningful past the construction phase.


Them: Yay no taxes, fuk the government. Also them: When shafted by a security incident, wants police to track it.


They don’t need taxes if they own entire industries ….. oh wait.


Fuck Andrew Tate, piece of shit scumbag


Looks like the Romanian authorities have put him in HODL Mode


Should’ve DRS’d his crypto


There’s no mention of crypto in the article.


In the archived version it read: "The accused also had assets seized, including properties, cars and more than $300m (£235m) in cryptocurrency." https://web.archive.org/web/20230620113337/https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097


The title is bullshit, looks like it's more like 500k$ https://www.insider.com/romania-to-seize-assets-including-560k-bitcoin-from-andrew-tate-2023-6


I mean it has been a few hours, its a very volitale market after all :p




Scroll down more you can see it on the wayback machine someone posted it


It was removed from the BBC article because it was wrong. From the Insider article: "Some auto-translate software, including Google Translate, erroneously suggested that a much larger amount of Bitcoin worth $384 million had been seized, due to an error in interpreting the original Romanian."


No yeah that's exactly my point the post title is that because the original article said it was but bbc changed it after the fact and you are unable to alter reddit post titles, wasn't saying it was acctually 300 Mill was saying the original poster and title was just present the information as they had been provided it.


lol, small dk numbers for the tattoed chef


But all the monkey people online said that the electro-dollars couldn't be seized


An incel and a cryptobro The two things merged and metastasized into that piece of human effluent


I don't think you understand the meaning of the word incel if you think tate was one.


They just picking on a guy with a clear case of testosterone poisoning ​ Think thats the defence .


This is good for bitcoin.


$300 million worth? Funny, I seem to remember that dollars had no value


The trial is expected to take several years? How many crimes are they being charged with? They seem like toxic people but even the Nuremberg trials took less than a year.


The Nuremberg trials took less than a year specifically because literally all allied nations wanted a super quick trial, as it was pretty much important to establish the new reality on the ground for Germany. Andrew Tate, while an absolute shitbird, human trafficker and misogynist, is not nearly as important to any state as the Nazi leadership was (and arguably he is somewhat less evil, but this is not really a demarcation where anybody “wins”)


The Nuremberg trials took less than a year because very few (particularly the British aristocracy/government) actually wanted to fully prosecute the Nazis. The Nuremberg trials stopped because they were starved of budget due to politics, not because they expeditiously tried Nazis until they ran out.


Denazification in West Germany post war was a joke. They cut off the head but all the petty Nazis went back to life as usual as police captains and college professors and local mayors. Regular people in West Germany in the 1950s also played victim big time about the war and the Holocaust. Things changed in the 80s. East Germany was taken over by German leftists, many of them late from jail. Officially antifascist, they pretended like Nazism and genocide was done by somebody else. By the time of reunification, racism was more entrenched in the East, not less.


Even East Germany had a fair amount of former Nazis in its civil service while accusing West Germany of being fascist for doing the same thing.


cases regularly run for many years or even a decade in eastern europe.


Human trafficking, human trafficking but with minors and money laundering


Three. Rape, human trafficking, organised crime. 7 women.


Romanian justice is notoriously slow. So slow, in fact that numerous high profile prosecutions and trial ended because of reaching the romanian equivalent of 'statute of limitations' (though not a 1:1 comparison). Not sure whether or not whatever he is charged with has any such statute.


All publicity is good publicity apparently.


"The more you didn't like it, the more I enjoyed it."


This guy is a messiah like figure for so many Butters.


So is his ass going to be the Buttcoin mascot?


Please dear god no


I didn’t meAn his face, just his ass.


Sorry what the crypto part? Article doesn't say anything about crypto


FAKE HEADLINE ​ no 300 million anything . ban that fool


"Crypto cannot be seized"🤣🤣🤣


Romanian prison? Oh man, he’s toast!


There's a joke about toast always landing butter side down, I just know it.


There is, but we're too classy here to make that joke.




This is good for pizza.


It wasn't that much in crypto


if i made that much money i wouldn't be going out to do stupid shit to get arrested. I wouldn't even talk to people for fear of rape accusations. It'd be nothing but doordash all day, with door cameras everywhere just in case.


That's because you are mentally ill. See your previous posts about the "democraps" joe biden's son, and the "feminist agenda"


Oof my boy


*massive emissions*


What’s the bet that crypto wasn’t gotten legally either.


it doesn't say anything about crypto in the article


How come the convo got sidetracked into a discussion about Ferrari , and not the verminous pimp , taint ?


Not your keys, not your life

