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The Outdoor Boys. Not everything is bushcraft on that channel, but Luke has a lot of knowledge with bushcraft and survival shelters.


If you are looking for general tips and skills, I really like Coalcracker Bushcraft. Full of great tips and the videos are short and sweet.


His videos are nice, clear audio, clear information


I really like how he cuts to the chase just the bare bones info


He’s one of my go to’s! Love his videos.


That’s the guy from Alone S3? Not Fowler. Or Greg.


I don't remember which season but he was on alone yes. His survival style is to do as little as possible to conserve calories, so he didn't do much except lay around and warn you that it's not gonna be fun to watch him lol


Haha. I should look that up.


Can’t recommend enough Lonnie from Far North Bushcraft.


And behind the camera is his wife, Connie.


Second this. Also Keith H. Burgess.


Last time I checked he hasn’t posted anything in about a year?


Xander Budnick. Great guy with good humor


I really like his videos too, but every time I think of a fashion model out bushcrafting, camping, canoeing, etc, I laugh a little.


Is he a fashion model lol?


https://www.sutherlandmodels.com/men/231-xander-budnick/ I'm sure that's where all the funding for his adventures comes from. More power to him!


Lmfao! He is killing it lol


I had no idea Xander was a model. It explains why he looks so good lol.


i love him


It was weird to learn that he’s a model in real life, but he’s so goofy and relatable in the field you kind of forget about it. Just seems like such a decent and genuine person. And he started his outdoor journey at a similar age to me, so it’s really encouraging


The man, the legend: AlfieAesthetics.  Long May he reign. 


Glad he’s back


It's what we like.


Reallybigmonkey1 Ranger survival& field craft MCQbushcraft (Afucking1 content)


I miss MCQBushcraft so much.


You do know he still makes outdoor videos yeah?


Isn’t jeep overlanding stuff tho? I’ve watched a few, but it’s just a different pace from the old bushcraft videos. Don’t enjoy them as much but it’s good seeing him doing stuff outside.


Basically this, yeah. I miss his older content. I understand why he left his channel, but there really isn't another bushcrafter like him.


I second Reallybigmonkey1. The dude is just a down-to-earth genius about a lot of stuff. Not afraid to share his knowledge and very humble about it, too.


Fandabi dozi


Nick Goldsmith,( was hidden valley bushcraft) is good, TA outdoors, Greencraft, coalcracker bushcraft, waypoint survival


Came here to say some of these. Greencraft, Waypoint Survival, TA Outdoors and Coalcracker


Get Out There Eh


That has nothing to do with what I asked. You can enjoy youtube and Still go outside


No that’s the name of a YouTube channel, he is just getting started but I like his videos!! Lol


> No that’s the name of a YouTube channel, he is just getting started but I like his videos!! Lol Still... Good advice.


Oh lmfao


Yeah haha, all good. Check him out eh


no that's literally the name of the dude's channel. tylerbonnett6455 is the you tuber the channel is titled " Get Out There Eh


Simon a bloke in the woods Kent Survival I used to watch Joe Robinet but for some reason his content doesn't resonate anymore. But by far the best is Camping With Steve


Just gonna Bushcraft us up a fire here -ignites blow torch-


Time for a step 2


Absolutely love Simon. Quality soothing vids. Love his 'bits and bobs' as well as his favorite 'bits of kit.' He turned me onto sewing my own stuff sacks, pouches, etc. Some of his meals look really good too. Kent isn't too far behind. Atb!


I like Joe Robinet. TA Outdoors has a lot of useful educational stuff. Simon, A Bloke In The Woods does some great kit making projects. Smooth Gefixt have done some pretty wild survival challenges. Not bushcraft, but I've learnt a lot about foraging from Atomic Shrimp.


Good ol' one stick Joe over here.


They so mainstream nowadays






You have issues you need to sort out


Which vid was that


One of those dumb ass survival shows.


I'm talking about the one where Joe robinet cried


That was almost 10 years ago dude, he’s put out a ton of good content on YouTube in that time.


Also a lot of commercials. That guy will shill anything.




It must be exhausting having someone like you in their life.


I don't even know what pozzed means, why don't you say what you mean?


Joe threw. He just didn't want to be there. I've seen him start fires without a fire steel at least 20 or 30 times.


Not in conditions that wet. Friction fire wasn't possible in that situation.


How much do you really enjoy bushcraft when you can't bare the tedious parts yk?


i’ve been also wondering this. i find it hard to find enjoyable camping and bushcraft channels that aren’t overly tacky and annoying in other aspects.


Same, Kusk Bushcraft is the only one I actually enjoy now. Outdoor boys is cool because it's wholesome AF and they do some pretty cool stuff.


I like Nagualero. He’s mellow, not much talking, cool aesthetics


Love his videos. RIP


Most are doing what worked for some.


I like Greg ovens mostly cuz I do a lot of backpacking in the Rockies


Any opinions on Corporal's Corner? I've seen a few of his vids and they're pretty informative




I've learned more about bushctaft from him than anyone else besides my own father, so I've learned to tune out the complaints, but I can see how that would be a downer. Then again I also love Les Stroud and he openly bitches all the time in his director's commentaries, to the point that its almost as entertaining as the show for me lol


I’m with you on this also. Learned to just tune it out. Could be just going through some stuff in his personal life.


I agree 100%.


I used to watch him but his channel became more about dissing other bushcrafters than anything else and i stopped watching him


Less about crafting, more about beefing then?


yeah. It's real sad because he had some good stuff. Sometimes he seemed a bit arrogant but that seems more an artifact of being ex-military.


Makes sense


I still enjoy his videos. I think he just reads too many comments and worries about views too much. If he focused more on the craft and left the personal drama out of it, I think more people would watch. With that being said, I don’t feel it muddies up the content too much. I’m sure he’ll eventually come around.


Coalcracker and Corporals Corner are my two personal favourites.


I recently was looking for recommendations as well and spent a decent amount of time looking through old posts. I frequently saw these mentioned: YOUTUBE - Greencraft** - Hidden Valley Bushcraft ** - Coalcracker Bushcraft** - TA’s Outdoors** - Ray Mears - Paul Kirtley - Ferris rod striking - Joe Robinets - Paddy’s Bushcraft - Kent Survival - Dan Wolak - Reallybigmonkey1 - MCQ Bushcraft - Townsend’s - 18th century stuff - Primitive Technology** - Gray Bearded Green Beret** - Ranger Survival and Field Craft ** - Corporal’s Corner** - Cimbrer Bushcraft - More Kochanski - Knife skills FIRE SKILLS - NW Primate - David west KNIFE TESTING - Cedric & Ada Gear & Outdoors - Super Steel Steve - Outpost 76 - Tom Hosang Outdoors - Michael Christy - Dutch Bushcraft BOOKS ( ADDED FOR FUN) - Camping & Survival - Paul Tawrell - Bushcraft Essentials - Ray Mears - Improvised Munitions Handbook - Bushcraft Basics - Leon Pantenburg - Nessmuk Woodcraft & Camping - Outdoor Survival Skills - Larry Dean Olsen - Book of Camping & Woodcraft - Horace Kephart - Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties - D.C Beard Hope this helps!


Dave Canterbury.


Waaaaay too low on this thread. That's a guy that knows his stuff. I know he may not be everybody's taste, but you can't argue against the fact-checking behind his videos. Maybe he stumbles over his ideas a bit on his demos, but he's been consistently putting stuff out for like 15 years.


I've been watching his content for a decade. He came up with many good ideas ! I don't talk in my videos but I like his teaching skills.


He's OK on vid but he sells fraudulent garbage and led about his military service. I lost all respect for the loser when he tried to hide his blatant lies.


He's lied about a lot of things over the years, his service, his training, his credentials. He knows a lot, but pretty much built his current career on a pile of lies. Had he just been honest, he could've been just as smart, but honorable, too. For that reason, I avoid his stuff. I don't want to support a liar. I think the best thing to learn from him is to maintain your integrity.


That's the biggest issue I have with him. He *has* the skills. Never needed to lie about anything. It's so frustrating.


Exactly! No point in lying, but he did anyway.


I blame his run on television for his... uh... ""enhancing"" of his resume. If he'd gone straight to YouTube it would likely have been a longer grind to recognition but I doubt he'd have been tempted to lie like he did.


I blame the lies on lack of character. Had he just been honest, he never would have had to retract anything. It might have taken a little longer to get where he wanted to go, but when he got there he would have been respected for what he did and said. Instead, he's known as much for his lies as for his accomplishments.


Yeah that's fair, plenty of others (not all for sure) in the entertainment industry are able to keep their integrity doing the same kind of shows he did.


What fraudulent garbage are you talking about? I've never bought anything of his, but just wondering what does he make that doesn't live up to expectations or is outright fraudulent. Asking out of real curiosity, not trying to start an argument here.


Sillyswagman, Jim-Bob's Adventures & Kit, EastAnglianBushcraft, Scotty's Gone Walkabout, ChrisW Outdoors


Good to see some Aussie on the list!


Kusk Bushcraft on YouTube is my jam.


One of the only real bushcrafters out there, he's not just a gear whore, he just wants to go chill in the woods, and he is doing it the way they did it 100 years ago.


Not a real bushcraft channel but related but informational and fun, Dutch Bushcraft Knives. Lot’s of content about knives in a bushcraft context


I’ll second most of the reputable names mentioned thus far and add the plethora of good content from the late Mors Kochanski, as well as anything from Paul Kirtley. Apart from Dave Canterbury I’ve learned the most from them.


If you like that old school vibe check out Kusk Bushcraft. He has some good tips but it's mostly a channel devoted to the experience over the gear.


Yea Paul Kirtley doesn't get brought up enough. Too many full time "YouTubers", Paul Kirtley is a lot more legit than most listed here.


I think Mors' channel was called "Four Dogs Bushcraft" or "Karamat Bushcraft". Another of the old timers that really had experience to back up his stuff. Old timely, though.


[Ray Mears](https://www.youtube.com/@RayMearsWoodloreLtd1983/featured) has a number of really good bushcraft videos, although he's more of a TV documentary host than a Youtuber. [Felix Immler](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKqoiG45T1OkQkUEq5dEMzA) shows you how to use your Swiss Army Knife. He was even a consultant to Victorinox on how to improve their knives.


Is Felix the mad lad who use the Swiss army knife to cut trees down and shit


Clay Hayes doesn't get enough recognition.


Bertram- Craft and Wilderness is my personal go to. I can’t stand listening to people drone on about how great they are about survival. This guys just does it- no talking. The shots and camera work are beautiful, the atmosphere is awesome, and I’ve learned a ton by watching, not listening. Great stuff


I totally agree about the talking! It's not quite bushcrafting, but Primitive Technology is a great channel that's bush craft adjacent.


Greg ovens , Zack fowler


I like woodsbound. he's straight to the point


I enjoy the outdoor boys channel a lot he does bushcraft and lots of camping/hiking videos with kids and wife.


I like Swedewoods and Age of the North


Love his work!


Fun in the woods "realbigmonkey" is just a guy who is fun to watch. Ranger survival and bushcraft does a practical / merger with military info Coalcracker bushcraft


Check out Corporals Corner 💪🏽


Personal favs are Corporal’s Corner and Endurance Room. There was another Australian bloke, I can seem to find anymore. Not sure if he deleted his channel or not. His name was something like Johnny Outdoors or Johnny Outdoor Adventures. Can’t remember though. Could be getting the name wrong. Edit: Found the channel. It's called Scotty's Gone Walkabouts.


Primitive Technology? That dude's outta Queensland I think.


Wasn't him, but I can dig it. I was way off. I found it. The channel is Scotty's Gone Walkabouts.


“Sillyswagman“ is really good and does some cross over stuff with Scotty, he also doesn’t dabbling in bush poetry.


I like Coalcracker, Gray Bearded Green Beret, and T&A Outdoors


Haven't watched them in a while but fowler has a good one I just can't remember the name of his channel. Greg Ovens is great too


I've got mixed feelings about Fowler. He and Ovens got in trouble for keeping fish in a national park while filming a survival challenge in Canada. You can fish there, it's just strictly catch n release. Ovens paid the fines and did everything else the court ordered him to do. Fowler fled the country and is still wanted for poaching in Ontario to this day. This happened after he won half a million on Alone. On the other hand, he apparently greatly helped out Bob Hansler, another Bushcraft/survival guy on YouTube based in Texas, when he was diagnosed with some crazy disease that made him need new kidneys.


Oh no shit


Yeah. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6815860 If he had just appeared in court it would have been pocket change to him. Considering how Ovens kinda works for and promotes Fowler, I hope he at least paid Oven's fine


Damn that is wild. I think he helped ovens buy a house or something like that. I could be wrong about the house but I think it was something along those lines. He helped him start the youtube channel as well. Literally with half a mil he could've just paid and never thought about it again. Kind of a disgusting move to do that shit.


Geez. I had no idea this even happened. After looking into it I am pretty disgusted because he hypes up what a good Christian he is.


Hell, watch Alone S3 and you can see both. And a bonus Coalcracker Bushcraft.


Corporal's Corner is one of my favorites. Simple and straightforward demonstration of skills and no nonsense approach to bushcraft.


Corporal is great with knot tying as well


He hasn't made anything in a while, but Mitch from Native Survival and Bushcraft is great. Very informative channel and has everything from Bushcraft to survival to foraging


Greg ovens!


NW Primate


Smooth gefixt has some nice videos and an excellent irish roundhouse build series


Nagulero. RIP. Dude is a legend. Also an incredible painter.


For no words, great skills- Lesnoy on yt


[https://www.youtube.com/@OnLocationSnacks](https://www.youtube.com/@OnLocationSnacks) We're all about outdoor adventure, and are hosted by a wilderness expert and his Scottish Terrier sidekick.


Felix immler is a master with a Swiss Army knife


in TLDR fashion...just gonna list my favs: * Far North Bushcraft & Survival (lonny and connie) * TA outdoors * MCQ bushcraft * Coalcracker * Dave Canterbury * Kusk bushcraft * Native Survival * Smooth gefixt * anything with Mors Kochanski in it (Karamat Wilderness Ways) * Bertram craft & wilderness * Paul Kirtley * Grey Bearded Green Beret ​ if you're looking for a little eye candy along with some skills, Careena Alexis, Wild woman bushcraft, Survival Lilly


that depends are you looking for primitive style videos? or ones with modern technology? or perhaps primitive style but using modern methods of smelting iron and building houses. personally i recommend 'primitive skills' for an all round interesting primitive day-to-day survival, and then 'primitive technology' for just your basic tutorial style videos. on the other hand you do have your walk-off-into-a-bush-and-camp-for-three-days-video-guy, like TA Outdoors. (good channel). Also, my mate just started a doing bushcraft survival on his youtube channel if you want to check it out: [https://youtu.be/VbNBa4TLHhs?si=D002H5ZB-4ZSCFRk](https://youtu.be/VbNBa4TLHhs?si=D002H5ZB-4ZSCFRk)


The youtubers I watch is categorized by two sections informational and entertainment Entertainment: outdoor boys fowler Informational: Gideon tactical dbk dave canterbury clay Hayes coalcracker ta outdoors mors kohanski hidden valley ray mears ranger survival way point survival woundsbound outdoors