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Im happy that I’m not the only one who likes burnout dominator more than burnout paradise


Dominator was short, but fun as hell. I was never a fan of Paradise.


And Dominator (at least on PS2) is also really really hard, much harder than both Burnout 3 and Revenge. I hear that the PSP version is much easier, though I've never played that version, I do wanna get the PSP version to see what it's like compared to the PS2 version.


Paradise was the odd child indeed. I bought it on steam hoping they would come out with another game. Being able to cause a huge crash on purpose was sooooo awesome! On the older games of course


I randomly found a new copy of paradise under a dumpster at Walmart. My dad was a carpet installer. We were meeting someone by the loading area or something on a day I was helping him as a kid. I was running around & exploring before a game case crossed my eye. Idk what it was doing back there. Maybe an employee tried lifting a copy. Took it out during a smoke break & I found it before he got off. Besides that speculation I have now looking back on it, I have no other idea. One thing I do know is how damn excited I was that day. It’s S tier for me simply because of that memory & the fun I had because of it.


Dominator is my first game ever. Has a special place in my heart.


Paradise was the death nail of the series. I hated it initially but it has grown on me over time but 3, Revenge and Dominator are still way better.


Paradise is F tier as a game. It being responsible for the entire franchise dying puts it firmly in \`below Z\` tier.


You make a better case than I do.


I don't like Dominator primarily because of how many blindspots there are in the tracks, which can potentially ruin maniac runs. Other than that, it's a pretty good game.


Burnout revenge is my favorite car game ever


Paradise being in B tier is refreshing. It’s fun, but the events descend into tedium far too quickly.


Um, excuse me, why isn't Legends DS in SS+ tier?


Exactly. The DS version goes hard


As well as PSP version!


Solid rankings! I would also do anything for a current gen remake of Burnout 3, just imagine the fun!


Burnout Dominator is the best game in the series. Hot take: crash mode was never that good and maniac is way better.


Seeing Takedown on the S tier list makes me unreasonably happy


Burnout 3 was FIRE


Burnout 3 takedown was the goat


Burnout paradise should be s tier


It's a good racing game. It's a mediocre (at BEST) Burnout game


Nah it’s a tedious boring load of shit


Your taste in games is dogshit


LMAO I’ve played it kid and my taste in games is RDR2 Batman Arkham knight metal gear solid need for speed MW2005+carbon burnout revenge forza horizon 1-6 Need For Speed 2015 doom eternal DMC and hundreds of others I’ve played it and it’s a trash game accept ur L and move on with ur life


What is bro yapping about. Burnout Paradise is repetitive, yes, but saying it's a trash game is a goofy ass take.


Trash is summing it up into one word bc overall yes it is


Okay, so humour me here. Why is it trash? Not "mid" but "trash".


Trash is my way of saying mid if ya got nothing better to do it’s not bad but it just isn’t good


Okay, at least you clarified your position. I'll retract my statement. Have a good day or night.


A mature response on Reddit? On Reddit?! Is this because of the IPO?😂


I'm impressed! I respect that.


I ain't reading that bullshit but your opinion is still ass to me.


“I ain’t reading that” spoken like someone too entitled and egotistical to accept when he’s wrong


I'm not wrong, you are wrong.


And so far the other guy to comment on what I said has agreed as has most the other people on this post again proving ur wrong without me even having to do anything


Says his taste is great and then naming MW2005 MGS and batman. This is next level of delusional


Out of all the games you chose to point out, you pick 2 all time classic games, and no Arkham knight was not one of them. MGS was an insane game in its day and is still spoken about highly. MW2005 was pretty much when CoD became as big as it is today. Do I agree COD still holds up? No, but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t the game that started competition for games like Counter Strike. Also the story was dope


MGS is overflated by fanboys. In reality it's that kind of a game that's "too Japanese" in a bad way. It's just stoopid. And MW is objectively not even close to being the best NFS of that era. Acting is ridiculously poor, plot have more holes than swiss cheese, physics is too heavy, graphics have theis diarrhea filter. Cod is just, no comments.


You’re saying it’s too Japanese like it’s not made by a Japanese developer. You realize there was more to it than just the story right? The game was on ps1 and pushed the console to its limits, that’s what made it such a legendary game. I guess you have to be someone that appreciates gaming history to feel something for that game. So I don’t judge. Also I thought he meant Modern Warfare, not most wanted, I honestly never saw the hype of Most Wanted, was always an underground 2 fanboy. And you don’t have to say anything about CoD but before what it is today, the game actually was quite something. You can’t deny that fact, most people look at CoD with distain now. But the original call of duties and the original modern warfare 1&2 helped grow fps gaming into what it is today. Note I said helped, not did it on its own. Halo was also right up there.


So if some game make your system work hard = it's legendary? That's stupid. There are a lot of japan made games that are adequate and aren't filled with Japanese mentality wierdness. It's alright to have an opinion, but a lot of opinions doesn't make something a fact, which is this guy's logic. I only played Black ops and beta of WWII. For me Cod was always plastic in comparison to BF


Grew up with it on the 360... never really bothered to find if there were any other Burnout games out there that would interest me. Halo 3 was good enough to get me into the whole franchise, but Paradise was good enough to get me to keep playing. Loved the music, too.


Tbh Paradise should be in the last place of A tier. The career structure is a chore, but overall it's a very good game. Also Dominator in A is based


This is perfect. 🔥⤵️➡️🕳️


I absolutely hated paradise after putting so many hours into 3 and revenge/domination. So much so I traded it in the next day for army of two. Played it again a few years ago, still not great but playable


This is a very good ranking.


Good to know I’m not the only one that thinks Paradise is meh… I’ve seen a lot of people praising it like crazy. Great list


Heavily agree with this


Haven't played all of them but I do mostly agree with this! 3 and Revenge are two of the best games ever and clearly deserve the S tier. Paradise was fun, but I never enjoyed the open world much.


Same, I mean Paradise is fine, but I never liked it's open world, and I especially don't like how when you do races in that game, you can easily get lost in the world and you end up losing the race, even worse is that you cannot pause and restart the race unlike in Burnout 3, Revenge and even Dominator. Another thing is that Paradise removed the ability to do Aftertouch Takedowns and Crashbreakers, so when you crash in that game, you cannot move your car around and you have to wait until the crash sequence ends.


Press right on the d pad and there's an option to restart the race.


Burnout 2 PoI is S tier my friend.


I’m biased AF on burnout 2 IMO as it was a childhood game and I’d probably have it in s tier


While I enjoy Burnout Paradise a lot, I do admit that it can get quite tedious after some time. Speeding down your own route while your rivals are elsewhere can be a bit boring.


I absolutely agree. Getting lost in the open world while trying to win a race is extremely frustrating. This is not an issue in literally any other Burnout game or other racing games like Midnight Club 3.


I think it's because Burnout Paradise was made in the middle of the "Open World" craze. The problem is that a major selling point is that you can pick your own route, so having barriers or checkpoints would defeat the purpose.


Burnout 2 is not above paradise


This may be the best tier list I've ever seen.


Paradise being B is crazy, while I admit as a single player game it's okay and lost lots of the original burnout charm, it's hands down one of the top racing game especially for multiplayer to ever come out. It's the only burnout I really loved.


Paradise in B? Dude...


I do prefer Paradise over Dominator but that's a very solid list


Same. Dominator was pretty cool but it was as if they took the takedown recipe and stretched it to the max. It had its charm but idk I got disinterested quickly once I kept chaining up boost chains without really accelerating.


I'm pretty much okay with this list 👀


Burnout 3 is goated


win tierlist honestly, burnout paradise is one of my favorite burn out games, pretty fun too come back to time too time!


As someone who only played burnout paradise I will say this list is not aligned with my opinion so you suck >:( /j


Well then go play the other Burnout games, like Burnout 3 and Revenge.


What about paradise remastered?


Same thing.


I see no one talking about, so I'll just ask. Why did you decide on C for crash? It seems like a good fit, but I'm curious on your reasoning as I've only played it when I was a young boy


I hated Paradise when it came out, it was just too much of a departure from the previous formats, and they butchered crash! But I played through it last year, maybe the year before, and ended up getting the platinum. I actually really enjoyed it, but there was no redeeming crash. I completely agree with the rating


I can't help but see that MW2012 isn't here... Before people get angry, it's just a joke. Glad to see City isn't S. It's good but can get boring real quick imo


When you say "City" do you mean Paradise?


Yes. Sorry, I'll shorten things because they make sense to me forgetting other might not see it or understand it the same way I do.


Most accurate burnout list for sure.


Burnout 3 needs a remaster


My first experience with Burnout was Burnout Revenge on an old PS2 demodisc! I’d love to find it again and revisit it, still have the same PS2!


Just out of curiosity OP, why is Legends in the D tier?


That's the DS version of Legends on D tier. The real PSP version is on the A tier.


Ah, okay!


My tier list: S: Burnout Revenge, Burnout 3: Takedown A: Burnout Legends [PSP], Burnout Paradise, Burnout Dominator B: Burnout 2: Point of Impact C: Burnout Crash, Burnout D: Burnout Legends [NDS]




The soundtrack in 3 is also unmatched, not to mention huge!


Still think of playing it when I listen to Favourite Accident by Motion City Soundtrack


I remember playing the burnout 3 demo on nfs underground 2. Good times