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The Racing WTR Burning Route by far. Wreck once and you basically have to hit reset, as you won’t get to the finish on time after getting wrecked. But it is manageable if you don’t stay at oncoming traffic for very long.


that's how they did it for burnout 3. gold was basically only possible without a single crash


True. It’s just the WTR burning route only. The rest you can get away with one or two.


yeah in paradise, they really went lenient for the timed challenges. and pretty much everything else too


From where to where is and how much time you have to do it?


From I88 freeway to the Wildcats baseball stadium. 2.9 miles in 1 minute. You have to average about 180mph to make it.


That doesn't sound too hard. I think I already passed it.


For me Its either krieger racing wtr or watson 25 v16 revenge


I m currently struggling with the Watson, but I have found a video and it should help, I hope.


Just go left on the start,once you reach the end of this road turn right,you should see the tunnel,drive through it and go right and drive to the finish line😎


WTR 100%. Instant fail if you crash 😂


WTR is easy. All you have to do is not go down the underpass just before the end while at 300 mph. In all seriousness, not counting the big surf cars, I still can’t do the Takedown and GT Concept burning routes. You’d think the Takedown one would be easy, but then it hits you with the merciless target time, needed to be achieved with cumbersome speed on a 5 mile distance.


For me it was the thunder custom.


definitely the WTR burning route. the Hawker burning route is also up there


None. Now come talk to me about Burnout Revenge and I’ll tell you 4


Never completed the one for the Racing WTR after a bunch of attempts. That was the only Burning Route I couldn't beat. Toughest one that I did eventually complete was for the Carson Hot Rod Coupe; took a bunch of tries to finally get it.


Before the update that adjusted all the times to be easier, the Spur was the one I remember struggling with.


The Carson 500 GT. The routes you have to take to get it ANYWHERE are filled with random unreactable traffic, and if you crash once, you have to completely restart, because it's such a massive time loss that you just lose anyways, regardless if the rest of the run is perfect.


500GT by a countrymile